Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 61 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 63. Cloudy skies and rain are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 36 going up to 42 here in Kingston.
This goes beyond “vandalism”
Definitely terrorism!
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Cool enough that I’ll probably wear a sweater to church, but tomorrow & the next few days I’ll barely need long sleeves. Got tea steeping — love how it makes my apartment smell. Yesterday I made a big bunch of vegetables to add to dinners. My Twitter timeline is full of pictures of U2 at the Kennedy Center honors, very happy.
Black Music Sunday – posted
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! It’s 38 F., on its way up to 44 F., and sunny. Yesterday we received exactly .33 of rain. I do not believe the snow forecasts. The high was 62 F. yesterday.
My sore ribs and arm are slowly recovering. I’m trying not to take too many pain pills and when I do, they’re aspirin. I’ve been resting a lot, to the detriment of getting any chores done. Last night I went next door to the theatre to watch “Love, Actually,” since the TV stations here seem determined not to show it. I enjoyed the laughter from the people who’d never seen it before. It’s one of my favorite movies, probably my favorite Christmas movie of all time. It was offered to us through the Diversity and Inclusion Committee here—that gave me an inner chuckle. I wore a mask through most of it, only taking it off when my ear started hurting. (My hearing aids hate that I wear a mask.) However, the rows around me were largely empty, as the film had already been shown at 1:30 p.m.
This week will be a very full week: thought I might pop in to see the presentation of the Staff Appreciation check at the Staff party tomorrow. All the buildings contribute to the hourly staff who do not get Christmas bonuses. My building was the second highest in contributions.
Here I am, rattling on about nothing! Tuesday they’re going to light the Christmas tree on the common. On Wednesday Dearly has another of those appalling doctor appointments 43.6 miles away, thank Goddess Kaiser provides Lyft rides. Thursday is my Writers’ Group, and Friday is another party, a White Elephant exchange.
Hope y’all haven’t sprained your eyeballs from rolling them so hard while you’re reading this. Now you understand what my friends and relatives endure when they read my annual Yule newsletter!
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
I very much enjoy your Yule newsletter style sharing! My life is very mundane as I plod along trying to get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed to close out the hectic cycle of the last 12 months. I hope to do more interesting and exciting things next year with the relocation behind me and finances organized and settled. We shall see!
Best wishes for quick healing.
Why, thank you, BlogGoddess! Here’s wishing you all the best in getting things in order so you can have next year to do exciting things. You could visit Sedona, for example. Phyllis McGinley set one of her romantic suspense novels there, Vermilion.
I have been to Sedona and it is beautiful! I have been vacationing in Arizona for 40 years and at one time I owned a timeshare in Scottsdale. I am hoping to revisit some of the vacationy spots I enjoyed over the years next year. After the road trip here from Wisconsin, I am waiting until my spirit heals before I get into a car for 4 hours. :)
It’s 41 heading for 49 and overcast. As it’s projected to be for the next 10 days. sigh. Yesterday we generated 7.1 KWHs which quite good for single day in December. The m-t-d is 16 which is not good at all.
Wretched night and very late start. I’ve finished my Sunday chores and am just sitting down to breakfast. But at least they’re done. I’d best get off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 57 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 64. The forecast says that we will see the sun again around noon – it was missing all day yesterday. The trees and plants are happy about the rain but most of us desert denizens are craving sunlight.
Washington journalists are having the vapors over TFG’s call to suspend the Constitution. Good lord, people, where have you been for 6 years? His candidacy, his presidency, and his post-presidency have been a living breathing celebration of the destruction of our Constitution. The violent insurrection he planned and implemented on January 6th was an armed suspension of the Constitution. Wake the hell up and start reporting on him as a dangerous man with a dangerous movement, not just another Republican running for president. The media created him and gave him power and helped him destroy lives and corrupt the rule of law and now they want to reign him in? Sheesh.
I hope that people in Georgia remember that the opinion polls are meaningless and to go to the election polls. We will need every vote to make the Senate Democratic and end the ugly trend of unqualified sportsballers from Southern states winning seats. We need serious people for the work ahead.
I am going in for dental work that will take me out of my routine so I need to get all my Monday things done now.
See all y’all later!
Dental work—yikes! Hope it’s not too painful.
Good morning. Warm enough for just long sleeves, it’ll be in the 70s this afternoon. I walked this morning, didn’t push since it’s been a few weeks. Made it to ¾ mi; it’s foggy so I stayed on the block my parking garage is on. Today: work in the office, maybe a 2nd walk this evening.
Monday Meese. 28 here in Kingston, going up to 46. Have my 6 month eye doc checkup today. Hope my glaucoma has remained under control.
Puerto Rico
Hoping for the best from your visit to the eye doctor! Please keep us apprised!
Thanks D. Saw three techs – won’t know results till Doc calls me today or tomorrow.
It’s 47 heading for 58 and overcast. Again. Yesterday we got 3.18 KWHs and the m-t-d is 19. At least there’s enough light my PV system is on – and my inside lights aren’t.
A foggy, groggy day. At least that’s what my head feels like. LOL. Body and brain are moving slowly. But we’re moving. There is that. Holding the Good Thoughts for folks with doctor & dental today. Holding Good Thoughts for everybody, whatever the issues. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Sunny but chilly today. I did laundry yesterday, so today I’m free to send out Christmas cards to all the people I forgot to send cards to. Anyway, it’s 36 F. now, going up to 51 F. I must get a good look at Herself tonight, because tomorrow it’s going to rain—or so they allege. She will be full on December 7th.
Lawks, another lunch and another dinner to go on the calendar for December! When will this social whirl end? (Don’t answer that!)
I have to contact someone re renting the screened porch or the patio for a Winter Solstice ritual. The Dining Services people have never heard of Winter Solstice. You’d think students would learn a minimal amount of astronomy in school, wouldn’t you? Troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, spring and autumn equinoxes, winter and summer solstices. All I can say is, I’m glad to be a Witch.
Every one of my writers has turned in an essay on this month’s topic, which was to write a vignette from real life. Three of the women, self included, wrote about feeding babies or giving birth to babies. I wrote a vignette about a baby squirrel that enjoyed her bottle so much she spread milk all over her tiny face and whiskers.
What else…yikes, it’s nearly 11! Dearly is still in his dressing-gown! I hope he’ll be dressed in time for lunch.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and a terrible day to anyone who believes the U. S. Constitution should be abolished.
Good morning, 26 and frosty outside my window today. We enjoyed Ava’s Christmas dance performance yesterday, followed by a nice family time relaxing by their Christmas tree and playing with the dogs. We did get our tree indoors and have the lights on but given the slow pace we seem to need this year the ornaments can wait their turn :)
I’m going to be in my sewing room today and if I can just stay focused I may finish something. Best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. 30 here in Kingston, going up to a rainy 50. I’ll be staying up late tonight – watching GA election results. I feel that Sen. Warnock will win reelection – even though I remain horrified that anyone would vote for Walker.
I have high hopes for Senator Warnock’s re-election as well. It would be difficult to believe that the surge in voting and enthusiasm are from MAGAts but I hope no one takes anything for granted (we were blindsided by the polls in 2016). I think that Walker is a perfect Black Republican candidate – a not very bright football player who has spent his entire life doing the bidding of the white people who controlled his career and his livelihood. He will vote the way TFG tells him to vote. Enough said.
Puerto Rico
Wow, that will be some film!
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday, the final election day of 2022 …
It is 52 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 64. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. The sun came out yesterday around noon time and it was wonderful. I saw the moonrise over the mountains yesterday late afternoon and this morning the nearly full moon just set in the western sky. She will be full at 9:08pm MST tomorrow night so tonight’s and tomorrow’s moonrises over the mountains should be spectacular. I got a really nice photo of her over the mountains which were bathed in alpenglow and I will see if I can post it from my phone. The alpenglow this time of year is stripey because the sun is setting so far south that it creates orange and shaded stripes on the mountains.
The only news that matters today is the Georgia runoff election. I hope that last minute voters don’t think that their votes aren’t needed – we need every vote.
In other news, hello doodieheaded media! Republican electeds and white evangelicals are NOT abandoning TFG – they really have no problem supporting a person who wants to be a dictator as long as he delivers Supreme Court seats, tax cuts and deregulation. There is nothing he can do or say that will make any of them declare him unworthy of their votes. Our only hope to keep tRump from being the Republican nominee in 2024 is that he is in prison or convicted of a felony that disqualifies him from elected office.
My dental work (an implant) was relatively painless and was managed with ibuprofen – the hardest part was having to eat soft food for a day. I should have fewer restrictions today. One checkup in a couple of weeks and then we wait for a few months and my own dentist will finish the restoration. It will be nice to get that checked off the list.
See all y’all later!
Jan, love your description of the moonrises! Please post pix if you can!
Good morning. Tough day yesterday, we were very short-staffed. Even the supervisors had to dial in and take calls for most of the day. I had 2 people I’ve been trying to reach call back but I couldn’t return their calls because my phone never stopped ringing. So glad to be wfh today. Watching astronomy tv, eating breakfast. It looks like Bono’s conversation at the National Cathedral with Jon Meacham on youtube, so I’ll watch that later.
It’s 61 going to 65 and overcast enough I’ve got the lights on. The PV system is actually on but at the moment it’s not generating enough for the lights I have on, much less anything else. Yesterday we got 2.22 KWHs, the m-t-d is at 21.22 – and we’re not predicted to get sunshine until Friday. Maybe.
The water filtration guy is coming today to test the water and replace the carbon filter. It’s gonna be a tight month. At least he masks, if not an N-95. In fact, he wears disposable overclothes including over his shoes while he’s inside the house. I’ve tidied up as best I can – and of course a cat barfed in the middle of the floor as soon as I put up the broom and dustpan. sigh.
Off to twitter. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody’s health and wellbeing. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, Meese, and happy St. Nicholas Day! Dearly is sleeping in the bedroom at the moment, so I can’t yet retrieve my celebratory St. Nick’s socks from the chest of drawers. Weather: it was supposed to rain from 6 a.m. on (snort). Guess what, cloudy skies, 40 F., and nada!
A few weeks ago, Dearly wanted a soft-boiled egg with soldiers for breakfast. I opened the drawer where the egg cosies lived and—there they weren’t! I flew into a passion, as they used to say in the 19th century. Why in the die-diddley HAIL would my egg cosies disappear? They’re only used when I’m in a good mood in the morning, which only happens once in a blue moon.
Anyway, when my rage cooled I went looking for more egg cosies. Finally found them on Etsy and ordered a couple. They arrived yesterday and attached to the twine that bound the little box was a little round tag that read, “With love from Ukraine.”
Imagine, a lady in Ukraine knitted these in response to my Etsy order! I was so touched by the way she drew a little heart underneath the words. On the other side, the tag read, “Thank you.” I posted a picture of them on FB, but only my English friends on FB understood what they were and how they are used.
As a matter of fact, I made a soft-boiled egg with soldiers for Dearly’s breakfast this very morning, using one of the new cosies. Was this a mistake? He passed out soon afterwards. On second thought, no, I think that was owing to a sleepless night.
Lots of writing to do today—need to work on my Yule newsletter and a Winter Solstice ritual for the UUs. I have my favorite Yule CD of all time, “This Winter’s Night,” by MotherTongue. I can’t think what happened to my previous CD of it. Anyway, I also have to write an eye-catching draft email and send it to the head of the UUs to disseminate. We are going to have a wonderful time, I hope!
Jan, I saw the waxing moon last night as I traveled on the campus shuttle back to my building. Beautiful and silvery, She was. I hope I can see Her tomorrow.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Good morning, 35 and cloudy with mixed rain and snow earlier today. I finally remembered how to do what I was trying to do with my sewing project yesterday, but I remain surprised with all I’ve forgotten. Techniques that I didn’t even have to think about years ago are hard to retrieve now! Oh well, I found my way through the muddle so today I can just hem the circular tablecloths and tie a bow on them. Best wishes to all.