Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 45 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 64. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Merry Christmas, everyone! Stay warm!
Merry Christmas! I’m going right back to bed – still sick. :(
Puerto Rico
Oh, Sis, sorry you’re so ill. Stay in bed, sleep, heal. Wishing you a rapid recovery.
Merry Christmas & Healing Energy {{{Dee}}}
Good morning, another hard freeze last night. I don’t know how y’all who live where it does this for months on end do it. Watching Doctor Who while I eat breakfast. Church is having a breakfast thing before service, but that’s not for a while. Today: church, make next week’s breakfasts and more Doctor Who.
Good freezing Sunday morning, Moosekind. It’s 15 F., but sunny withal. I looked out of the bedroom window and could see through the gray leafless skeletons of trees that the creek in the woods is frozen solid. Hope the deer don’t decide to go ice skating. It may get up as high as 40 F. today.
Dearly is still in the hospital. He finally texted an hour ago to say he’d had a rotten night and was feeling sleepy. They gave him a nasty half-cold breakfast. I don’t know whether he can join us for Christmas dinner—I suspect not. Perhaps we can FaceTime with him.
I’ve already promised him a roast beef and Yorkshire pudding dinner on New Year’s Day because Trevor has chosen to serve ham today. He’s also doing a lamb curry for the people who don’t eat ham.
Had difficulty getting to sleep myself, which made me late getting up. Will do some household tasks, then read my journal entries about Christmases in days past.
Wishing a good holiday to all at the Pond.
{{{Diana}}} Healing Energy to Dearly & have a lovely time with your family. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you, bfitz!
It’s 21 and it supposed to get above freezing today. Air temps, not windchill. That’s not getting out of the teens. Yesterday we generated 7.48 KWHs – the best single day this month. So far anyway. If it stays as sunny as it is, today might match or top it. IF. We’re at 113.33 for the m-t-d with 7 production days to go.
I’ve gotten all my Sunday chores done and am eating breakfast. I’ll probably hear from my younger son today and possible see my older son. I may or may not – probably not – hear from anybody else in the family.
Off to twitter and Dee’s diary. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday, Christmas Day observed …
It is 45 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 70. Sunny skies are in the forecast. We have a front moving in tomorrow night that could bring rain and cooler temperatures later in the week but in the meantime: cool mornings, sunny days with highs in the 70s. December averages are high of 65, low of 41 so we are pretty much on average right now.
Let’s see, how could a christianist governor exemplify the Christmas spirit? I know! Send busloads of migrants to a strange city and dump them on the street in 13 degree weather! The blemish on Gregg Abbott’s soul can never be scrubbed out. What a garbage person.
Lots of criming coming to light in the January 6th Committee’s report. I am surprised at how many people testified and how many gave such damning testimony about the plans of TFG and his coup attempt. I hope Utah is proud to have re-elected an insurrectionist Senator knowing full well that he had a part in the coup plot. Another instance where lying to get elected or re-elected has no repercussions. Our political system is garbage when you can lie with impunity and then sit on the court or in the halls of Congress as a result of those lies.
Well, I ran a first pass through my taxes and I have a lot more prep work that I need to do. I thought I could just plug the numbers in and print the forms but I am going to have to spend more time getting the business accounting sorted out. Some of it I need to do in 2022 and some I can put off until January but I need to spend some quiet time with the books and make sure I understand it all. I was surprised to see that there are a lot of questions that have to be answered when you move to a new state – Wisconsin wants to make sure it is a permanent move, I guess to be sure I am not trying to get away without paying taxes while reaping the “benefits” of living in their state. Nope, it’s permanent and no, it is none of your business why I didn’t buy a house in Arizona. Sheesh. Anyway, back to it.
See all y’all later!
Monday Meese. 14 degrees here in Kingston NY, going up to 30 – very grateful we don’t live in Buffalo!
Puerto Rico
Dee, hope you’re feeling better!
Still sick – will try to get in to see doc sometime this week.
OMG, poor you! Sending love and healing energy to you!
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s 17 F. in freezing Ashbored, partly cloudy now but will turn quite cloudy later. High not likely to get much beyond the 30s.
Had a wonderful Christmas with the family, but it had an altogether different flavor with Grandpa missing. He’s still in the hospital and although I texted pictures to him madly all evening, I’ve heard nothing back since about 5 p.m. Christmas Day.
He may be coming home today. I can’t ring him because his phone seems permanently turned off. He hasn’t responded to texts. If I haven’t heard anything from him by 9 a.m. I will ring the hospital and ask to be connected to his room.
So that’s my day for now. I have to do some more housework, then filing. Couldn’t sleep very well last night so I foresee a nap in my future.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
{{{Diana}}} I’m glad you had a wonderful Christmas with family. Sending Healing Energy for Dearly – and you. moar {{{HUGS}}}
I hope you hear from him soon! That would be a bit disconcerting.
Good morning. Froze again last night, and maybe tonight — I might uncover my plants today since I have to work tomorrow and it’ll be a light freeze, if at all. The Science Channel isn’t playing my astronomy show but HLN has a West Wing marathon starting at 8 am central. I really should go for a walk this afternoon.
It’s 38 heading for 40 – the windchill is actually above freezing – and sunny at the moment but clouds are moving in. Holding the Good Thought it doesn’t get very cloudy today but it probably will, considering we’re almost at our high already. We generated 6.9 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is at 120 with 6 days left in December. We shall see what we shall see.
Yesterday was quiet. But then, we had our celebration on the 16th. My younger son called and we talked for a bit. A few friends and I exchanged emails and DMs. The closest I came to a celebratory meal is I’m still finishing off the mulled wine. LOL.
The most desperate of folks were online asking for help yesterday. The ones who don’t have anybody to help but online folks. I expect the rest will be back today. And my hands are still stiff and having trouble keyboarding. Oh well. It’s slow but it gets done. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 54 and mostly cloudy. The rain has washed the snow and ice away, so now it just wet and soggy outside my window today. We had lots of Christmas fun so my ever present list is now retired until next year. After everyone left yesterday I collapsed into my chair, then went to bed and slept for about 10 hrs. So I should be rested and ready to deal with all the laundry waiting for me in the basement.
Diana, sending healing thoughts for you and Dearly. And as always, my best wishes to all.
Thank you princesspat! Glad your family celebration was fun and glad you had a good sleep!
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday that feels like who-the-heck-knows – maybe Monday? …
It is 50 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 75. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. There is a pretty waxing crescent in the western sky in the evenings. I am glad to be here this winter, tucked away in a corner of the country that is generally out of the way of winter storms. Tonight we will be heading into a 5 day period of rain and lower temperatures with the possibility of snow in the mountains but none expected in the valley.
It is emblematic of the disaster that is our politics that the controversy over Republican Rep-Elect George Santos lies is called “resume embellishment” – for crying out loud, he added a phony degree and phony jobs! – and that there is no discussion about booting him out of Congress and calling for a new special election. Instead, the Republican leadership, who could call for a vote to expel, was laughing over it, enjoying a big joke on the American people and particularly those in Santos’ district who will be represented by a lying sack of garbage. I hope karma has some payback for these guys.
Hahahahaha! Kari Lake, losing loser, says she should not have to pay sanctions for abusing the courts and making her opponent rack up huge lawyer fees because such a ruling would “discourage others from seeking truth about elections and further cast doubt on election integrity.” No, it will discourage people from filing false claims and discourage attorneys from risking their law licenses to prop up the Big Lie. It is time for the Big Lie to be buried and those who used it to attempt to destroy democracy to be sanctioned, disbarred and charged with fraud. I am glad that Katie Hobbs is going after Lake and not letting “bygones be bygones.”
Somehow this is the beginning of the work week! When I was younger and working in corporate America, I used to take the week off between Christmas and New Years and spend it resting and relaxing with family and friends. Once I started my own business, I wasn’t really able to take big chunks of time off especially around the end of the year and the beginning of the year because of accounting deadlines, my own and clients. This year is no different but it will be the last year as I finish downsizing and getting clients on self-managing systems for 2023. Yay!
See all y’all later!
Hope it all goes well, Jan! I used to like to take that week off too. I didn’t do much except think. However, I did enjoy it, as I enjoyed the light at this time of year.
Tuesday Meese. 24 here in Kingston going up to 34. Have a call in to my doc to see if I can be seen this week. Am going back to bed – rest is best
Puerto Rico
{{{Dee}}} Lots and lots of Healing Energy.
Good morning. One last freeze last night, I’ll uncover the plants today. Back to work, at least it’s wfh today & tomorrow. The Science Channel isn’t showing my astronomy show, deeply bummed. I’ll see how many are available on demand.
It was 15 at dawn, 21 now, and heading for 43. Once we get above freezing we’re not supposed to get below it again for at least 10 days. It’s sunny at the moment. Supposed to be “mostly” sunny today. But then it was supposed to be yesterday and got over it. We generated 4.5 KWHs and are at 124.5 for the m-t-d, with 5 days left in the month.
Basket will be home from Australia today. Last I heard he’ll take the train from SFI to Sacramento and Amelia will pick him up at the depot. Everybody seems to be trucking along. Nothing really great going on but no disasters either. No disasters is good.
My hand are still cold and stiff. But then they will be until next summer. LOL. It mostly mucks up my typing/keyboarding and makes everything I do online slow and in serious need of rereading to correct the typos before hitting ‘post’. So. Off to twitter to do just that. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! What planet is this? What month is this?
Yesterday Beloved Nephew picked me up in front of the building at 3 o’clock and off we whirled to Reston Hospital. Great-nephew, the almost-13-year-old future Stephen Spielberg was in the back seat, having been eager for a little outing. When we arrived at the hospital, we had no trouble finding the car: it was parked in the handicapped portion, Dearly having obtained a sticker from the DMV quite some time ago. I leapt out and started the engine to see whether it would turn over; thankfully, it did. Nephew said since the car was a 2016 model, it would be unlikely not to start.
I thanked them, they whirled off, so I went up to see Dearly on the fifth floor. He looked terrible, I thought. I brought him a few home comforts. Hospital rooms are so bleak and gray, I can’t believe anyone is expected to recover in such surroundings. He is in pain from his knees, but the doctor gave him pain pills. He also has one of those oxygen things in his nose and is tethered to some sort of machine.
Anyway, he brightened up when I arrived and turned on the light. He said he wasn’t able to sleep much with nurses dancing in and out of the room all night long. He may be able to come home today, but apparently oxygen tanks will come home with him. Poor Dearly! I don’t think he will even be able to go down the hall to the Pub, if he has to drag that oxygen thing. Other than that, his life won’t change much: ever since Monty died, he hasn’t been out for walks. Between being unable to breathe and the pain in the knees, he hasn’t felt like it. Thank Goddess for Netflix, the UK channel, and sports, that’s all I can say. The SuperBore will be coming in February and then Formula 1 in March.
When I got into the car to drive back, I noticed the bottle of water that Dearly had brought for his drive there was frozen solid. Yikes! After he comes home, I really must learn to grind the beans and make the coffee properly. Tried again this morning and it was so weak I had to open a jar of instant I’d been saving for the food bank to make it taste like anything. Live and learn.
I must do some housework this morning. Went to sleep at 9:30 (I think), woke up at 6:30. I’m carrying my phone from room to room, hoping to have news as to when he’s coming home. Now that we’re dogless I don’t get out to see the Moon any more, but will try to do so tonight.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. It’s 34 F. and sunny at the moment, climbing toward a torrid 40 F. later.
{{{Diana}}} Sending more Healing Energy & Good Thoughts for Dearly. & you. moar {{{HUGS}}}
I hope he returns home soon! Hospitals are dangerous places to be.
Sending all good thoughts to you both.
Good morning, 51 and raining outside my window today. It’s very gray and wet but so far the high winds that were predicted are not happening so I’ve got no worries re the trees. I didn’t do much yesterday, but I’m nearly caught up with December’s solitaire games. And I did allow an update to Windows 11 on newer computer. Getting use to the new start menu took a little time but other than that it seems to be ok to use.
One of the accommodations I’ve made to my old knees and safety on the stairs is having a laptop computer on each floor of the house. The Dell, on the main floor, is the only computer new enough to install W 11, so now when I replace the older ones I’ll know how to use it.
Time for another cup of coffee and a bit of work at my desk. Best wishes to all.
I found Windows 11 to not be much of a change. You can also return the Taskbar to its old self by moving it to snug up against the left corner of the screen – having it centered is disconcerting, it looks like a program open instead of something anchored.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 59 degrees in Tucson with temperatures dropping to 46 by mid-afternoon. It is cloudy now and the radar shows heavy rain expected to arrive by 6am but mostly gone by early afternoon.
Arizona deadender Kari Lake was not sanctioned for her attempted ratfking of the election but was ordered to reimburse Gov-Elect Katie Hobbs for expenses. Her campaign filed an appeal of her failed challenge; I hope the courts are quick – the new governor will be sworn in on January 3rd. The results of the recount are in and the court will receive them tomorrow and certify them. Fingers crossed that the recount does not show any differences that will change the election day counts – Kris Mayes is winning by 510 votes and if that holds, she will be our next Attorney General. Having a Democratic attorney general will be a big huge deal.
I have an early appointment and need to get a few things done before I shut down.
See all y’all later!