Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Wednesday Meese. Holding Dearly in my prayers.
25 degrees here in Kingston, going up to 42.
Still under the weather, however have to drag myself to the puter and do some writing for deadline. No write – no pay :(
Puerto Rico
{{{Sis}}}! Thank you. He’s hoping he’ll be discharged today. He’s going mad with boredom and bad food. Hope you can crawl right back into bed after you write.
{{{Dee}}} moar Healing Energy & I hope you can get back to bed soon. Sleep is when the body heals. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning. Chilly but at least not freezing, and today it’ll get up to 70. There’s a West Wing marathon, so that’s what I’m doing in between calls. I also started listening to Rachel Maddow’s Ultra podcast. It is scarily like what’s happening now.
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind. It’s sunny and gorgeous today. The current temp. is 28 F., the high will be 40 F. Makes a nice change. The rest of the week will be 50s and 60s.
Just baked banana bran muffins with walnuts and gave some to the neighbors. That banana wasn’t going to make it one more day. I’ll be so glad when Dearly’s home. I couldn’t make coffee this morning because I don’t know how many beans he puts in the grinder. I must take lessons.
Now to sweep, mop, clean, and vacuum. I hate housework.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
P. S. I don’t mind laundry and cooking so much, or even making the bed. It’s the other stuff I hate.
{{{Dianna}}} More Healing Energy for Dearly & hope he gets home today. (I’m with you on the housework – cooking & laundry are OK & even the bed, but the rest. . .) moar {{{HUSG}}}
Thanks, bfitz!
Sending healing energy his way.
Thanks, another!
It’s 46 heading for 56 and sunny at the moment. Crossed fingers it lasts. Yesterday we generated 7.1 KWHs and the m-t-d is at 131.66 with 4 days left in December.
Rocky night, slept in, my hands are not being helpful, and I need to get at least started on my online day as my friend is coming over for coffee and should be here shortly. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good afternoon, 44 and mostly cloudy. My day and night got confused last night so when our son stopped by to get some lunch I was sleeping again. He waited while I showered and dressed so we enjoyed lunch at the bookstore cafe and life seems more normal again. All the rain along with high tides has brought flooding to low and shoreline areas but so far our house is warm and dry. I’ve got three new books to read now and just 2 more solitaire games to win so the rest of my day will be easy. Best wishes to all.
Thursday Meese. 33 degrees here in Kingston, going up to 48.
Puerto Rico
Dee, how are you feeling? Better, I hope.
A little bit – still can’t stay out of bed very long.
Oh, poor darling! Well, I hope you can take it easy until January 3, at least.
Good morning. Got in my mile, didn’t even need long sleeves. 65 degrees, highs the next few days will be in the 70s. Watched my boys at the Kennedy Center Honors last night, that was nice. In the office today, hoping people think we’re closed; or that they are too busy to call us, or something. Anyway, must consume some caffeine.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 46 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 55. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast. I saw the stars this morning but there were clouds between them and the mountaintops; I am anxious to find out if yesterday’s rain brought snow to the mountains.
I have a few “Republicans in Disarray” articles up in tabs that I will see if I have time to read. If they are going to get George Santos, it will have to be for mishandling money. Lying to the American people to get elected is not a crime and for some people it is the only way they can get elected. I was laughing at the Fox News clip that showed Tulsi grilling Santos and pointing out that he thinks his constituents are stupid. Ha! I wonder if she got her job by pretending to love Republicans just enough to become a fox in the Fox News chickenhouse and will go after Republican liars rather than fluff them up.
We need Jamie Raskin – I hope his recovery is quick and complete. Chemo is no walk in the park and -by the way – fk cancer.
Today at 10am MST the judicial hearing certifying the Arizona election recount will be held. The results of three races will be announced and a judge will rule on certification. Kari Lake still has an appeal of the gubernatorial race which we will wait to hear about (quickly, it is hoped). She was not sanctioned but only has to pay some chump change expenses in her frivolous lawsuits but I understand that Katie Hobbs’ campaign may appeal that decision. She needs to be sanctioned and it needs to sting – just being a losing loser is not enough.
It is the penultimate work day of 2022 and I have made some progress on my projects. I have looked at my hope-to-do list for accounting projects and have narrowed it down to two things that I need to do today and tomorrow. I need about 6 hours and as long as no crises arrive via my Inbox, I should be able to do that.
See all y’all later!
It was 57 at dawn, 63 now, and heading for 66. Today’s the warmest for a bit but we will have almost a week before we see even a below-freezing overnight. Unfortunately it’s cloudy. A few patches of blue here and there but mostly gray. Yesterday we generated 6.6 KWHs. The m-t-d is 138.26 – 160 is “possible” but very unlikely. I’m hoping for 150 but even that will depend on how much sunshine we get these last 3 days.
I had a very pleasant if always too short visit with my friend yesterday. Nothing particularly new with her. That’s not good but at least it’s not bad either. Basket and Amelia are both in rest/recovery mode. I haven’t been to twitter to check on anybody since I logged off last night, so I don’t know about anybody else.
Hands are still a problem. It’s hard to keyboard. (Not made easier by the cat in my lap. LOL.) But it’s off to twitter & also Dee’s diary. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Thursday morning, Meese! It’s a sunny, bright day—our last for a while—with a current temp. of 36 F., going up to 51 F. Tropical! Saturday we are supposed to have showers. We’re still 2 and 1/2 inches under normal for the year, so let’s see what happens. Went out looking for the Moon last night, couldn’t see Her. Did see her waxing crescent the night before, though, so feel somewhat cheered.
Oxygen equipment was delivered at 9 p.m. last night, along with miles of tubing and four ominous-looking cylinders. I just took down the Christmas wreath and pasted up an ominous-looking notice on the front door: OXYGEN. No smoking! No fat or grease! No open flames! Duhh…does this mean I can never fry his Sunday egg again, nor make bananas flambe, nor saute the green beans in olive oil? Will have to go to the website and find out.
The Discharge Nurse called at 9 this morning. Dearly STILL doesn’t know when he can come home, though. I’m nervously carrying the phone with me everywhere I go so as not to miss a call or a text. Being without him is pretteh crappeh. On the plus side, I have done some housework.
Yesterday I had a mani and pedi, since he wasn’t coming home. The ham-handed nail person squawked at me every time I flinched at her rough handling of my poor old feet. Some women rant and rave about the “sheer bliss” of a pedicure. I find them painful and unpleasant. Because of this, I tend to put off scheduling them, which makes pedicures worse than ever.
The Discharge Nurse said Dearly would have to have oxygen in the car with him coming home, which precludes my going to get him—that is, if he’s even released today—and Elder Son’s going to get him.
Well, that’s all I can think of for this morning. (Quite enough, wouldn’t you say?) Cleaning up my Awful, I mean office, would be a good way to spend the afternoon. Healing energy to all who need it! May the sun shine for all of you at the Pond.
{{{Diana}}} According to google you need to keep any and all heat sources at least 5′ away from the O2 tank at all times. So as long as Dearly is not in the kitchen you should be able to cook normally. Sending moar Healing Energy to Dearly & you. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 42, cloudy, and very quiet after a night of wind and rain. Seems like I still need to sleep a lot so that’s what I’m doing. My legs are less painful with little to no activity but I’m getting restless. I want to keep some sewing projects going so I think I’ll dig into my piles of possibilities and see what I can do. Best wishes to all.
Friday Meese. 40 here in Kingston going up to 54. Weird weather for winter. Still horrified re what happened upstate in Buffalo.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Great weather here, it’ll be in the 70s this afternoon — I’ll get my mile in then. Still enjoying the West Wing marathon. Going to make my New Year’s dish today — a black eyed pea soup with cabbage & carrots. Have a good day, all!
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 52 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 54. It is raining now and it looks like we might not see the sun except for maybe a peek in late afternoon. I think there is a football bowl game (the Barstool Sports Arizona Bowl) in town so I am sure that will make people who planned to go very sad. No one will want to sit in the rain and gloom to watch two teams with no ties to the area. The weather forecast may change my plans as I was going to run some errands but I think I can put them off until tomorrow. Driving here is dangerous enough but when you add rain (which is a novelty to Tucson drivers) it raises the danger exponentially.
Democrat Kris Mayes is our new Attorney General – by 280 votes! They found some ballots in Pinal County that had either not been counted or had misread. Both candidates picked up some votes but MAGAt Hamedah picked up more as would be expected – Pinal County is where the Republican exurbs of Phoenix are. His pick ups, however, were not enough to overcome the 510 vote lead Mayes had. Of course he won’t concede as the other losing losers won’t either. They are suing to overturn the use of voting machines in Arizona elections because they can be hacked by space aliens or Venezuelans or maybe Italians, who knows? Good luck with that! In any event, we now have a backstop to Katie Hobbs for protecting the rule of law. I saw someone suggest that maybe Arizona will now be able to stop killing people – executions were ramped up by the outgoing AG to burnish his right-wing credentials for his failed run for US Senate. Barbaric.
One nice thing about this time of year is that the passing year retrospectives written by lazy “journalists” come out and it is very easy to skip over the news entries on my aggregation sites. The only national news I am following is the George Santos story and the Southwest Airlines story because I know some people who are impacted by the delays and other people who are planning late January trips using them. I hope they can right the ship quickly, get people home and reunited with their luggage and figure out how to move forward safely and responsibly.
I am still assessing what I need to do for my end of year accounting but I am closer than I was yesterday! I feel as though I should be able to finish today especially if I delay running my errands until tomorrow. I can still do banking transactions through tomorrow for 2022 and I just need to firm those up. I really should have started this sooner because there is so much that is new. Oh well, it won’t be the first time – and probably not the last time! – that procrastination, along with misplaced confidence in my ability to quickly assess what needs to be done, put me right up against deadlines.
See all y’all later!
It’s 43 heading for 59 and sunny at the moment. Clouds are expected to move in this afternoon. I hope late afternoon. Yesterday we generated 4.86 KWHs and brought the m-t-d to a hair over 143 – if we can just get 4 today and tomorrow, we’ll make it to 150 for December.
Nothing seems to be new under the sun. Including the end of year needs of folks living on the edge. Off to twitter to boost those I can. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Friday morning, Moosekind. It’s blue-skied and golden-eyed here in Ashburn, 40 F. now and going up to 60 F. Next Wednesday it will be sexty-sex degrees F. and we’ll all be wearing bikinis. Ridiculous!
My Dearly Beloved is home from the hospital! He arrived in quite dramatic fashion on a wheeled thingy, as if he were sitting up in bed. Two nice attendants delivered him to our flat. He is SO glad to be home! He opened his Christmas presents, had a decent dinner, and today had a breakfast befitting an Englishman: a soft-boiled egg with soldiers. And orange juice, and coffee with demerara sugar cubes (three, please), and half-and-half. I put the Ukrainian egg cosy on the egg to keep it warm while I was cutting the toast.
There is an oxygenator in the hallway—-we must remind ourselves that it’s there and not to trip over it—-and he has to wear that funny-looking thing in his nose. The pulse oximeter (I think that’s what you call it) showed his oxygen level was at 97 just now, so he decided we would turn the oxygenator off for a while. What a relief: it hisses and spits like an angry hamadryad. It’s quite unnerving, actually.
Anyway, needless to say I am very glad to have him home. We will spend New Year’s Eve as boringly as we always do—we just go to bed when we jolly well please. We know a new year will dawn whether we’re there to observe it or not. I’m trying to ignore the predictions for 2023, which are totally depressing.
Well, I’ve got lots to do. My life will change greatly. I’ll have to do the dishes now and perhaps make coffee, although he made the coffee this morning. He’s having a nap as he had a disturbed night.
That’s enough from the ranch at the moment. I’ll continue to follow the news on Twitter until it sinks into the sea.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
{{{Diana}}} So glad Dearly’s home, safe and relatively sound. Healing Energy to your household. moar {{{HUGS}}}
So glad to know Dearly is home and brewing coffee again. Oxygen tanks and all that comes with them are a bit of a hassle but hopefully the comfort and quality of life they bring will help both of you. Hugs
Twitter lost 56% of its value in the month since doodiehead bought it. Tesla lost about 30% of its value. Genius!
Hoping you and Dearly can settle comfortably into your new normal. We are here for you!
Thanks, Jan!
Good morning, 48 and raining outside my window today. I seem to be on a 24 hr sleep cycle once again…..sleep for about 4 hrs, read and or do something for another 4 hrs, and then sleep some more. The hours of sleep add up but my awake times are not meshing with others so I’m trying to get in sync.
Based on the smell I need to either take the tree out today, or scoop the water out of the stand. But ignoring it is another possibility so I’ll see what happens! Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday, the final day of the calendar year invented by a pope …
It is 45 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 61. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast. There is 100% chance of rain tomorrow but today should be dry. I saw my stars over the mountains this morning!
To the surprise of absolutely no one, tRump’s taxes show that he is a failed businessman whose only success has been in conning people into loaning him money and voting for him. The level of his indifference to the truth will do him no harm among his base but may finally make Republican mainstreamers weary enough of him to rally behind someone more suitable as a 2024 candidate. All Republicans are terrible people but not all of them want to destroy our democracy.
They found the guy who they think killed the four students in Idaho. That has to be a huge relief to the university and the town. I can’t wait to read the story of how they tracked him down and nabbed him. I am pretty sure I do not want to know the motive.
I have my end of year accounting projects open in windows and need to get back to them.
Stay safe over New Year’s Eve – see all y’all later!
Saturday Meese. 40 here in Kingston, going up to 50 with rain all day. I doubt I will bother to try to stay up to watch the New Year come in. Feeling a little better today – but will spend most of the day resting.
Puerto Rico
I’m glad you’re feeling better – but yeah, resting is a good idea. Healing Energy & {{{HUGS}}}