Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 45 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 57. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I see a few stars over the mountains but there are some scattered high clouds with them. We did not get the rain yesterday but it was more cloudy than sunny. It was, however, sunny enough to see the snow on the mountains which is a treat. I did not realize that the view from the Desert Southwest would include snow capped mountains!
I watched the first ballot for Speaker live on CSPAN so I could see the old and new representatives and watch McCarthy flame out. It was more delightful than I expected! I ran some errands and checked in later to watch the failed third ballot and the adjournment. I will probably “watch” the rest on Twitter.
I had two projects I wanted to get done yesterday and got one mostly done and need to finish it this morning. The other one requires remoting into a computer and I missed the window of opportunity to connect to the computer so I need to get that done now before they start work. My inbox is a bit of a mess so I am going to need to take a break from productive work and get it cleaned up. I lost track of a project because I tagged it in my Inbox but did not follow up on the tags!
See all y’alls later!
Good morning. Cold today — wore 2 shirts for my walk & pulled my hands inside the sleeves. But I did it, got in my 1.25 miles. One more wfh day, happy my astronomy show is on.
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind. It’s cloudy and 54 F. in Ashburn, going up to an outrageous 68 F. What is this, Flaw-ri-dah? Anyway, rain is expected at 1 p.m. Harrumph!
Yesterday I achieved nothing after my dentist visit. The news was not good. I need a root canal, but not just any root canal—it has to be done by an endodontist. As the temperature is plummeting into the 40s tomorrow, I suppose an endodontist is better than an outdo’dontist.
La Machine is still hissing and spitting in the hallway. If only it didn’t make such hideous noises! Here’s what I have on my plate today: get my hair done, create a new mailing list for my Writers’ Group, write down the salient points of the biography I read for the book club tomorrow, and finish my own writing for the January writers’ group meeting. Oh, and I still have to write to my nephew. I thought Friday would be a blessed “empty square on the calendar day,” but no, I have to consult with this endodontist.
Dearly is still hooked up to the oxygenator. I told him he should at least go to the courtyard and walk around the circle. He hasn’t been outside since we went to pick up his prescriptions the other day. I’m worried that lack of fresh air and sunlight is going to have a deleterious effect on his bod and spirits. I saw the waxing moon last night, which made me very happy. The moon will be full on Friday, and it’s the Wolf Moon. This makes me even happier, as the wolf happens to be my power animal.
We’re still happy with our little fake dog. He barketh not, neither does he require food and business outings. I plan to buy a little collar for it.
That’s enough from crazy old me. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. I plan to have a very entertaining afternoon watching the ballot counts in the House!
It’s 34 heading for 50 and sunny. I like sunny. Yesterday we generated 5.7 KWHs and the m-t-d is an almost-on-track 17.45 – it’s even possible, although not likely, we could catch up by end of day.
Obviously I’ve had a very late start today. My eyes are still bothering me so I’m not wearing my glasses. Which causes another kind of eye-strain problem but hopefully I won’t get a worse headache from it. My hands are still cold and causing difficulties typing. sigh. There are some folks I’m worried about, 1 I’m very seriously worried about, so any prayers or Good Thoughts would be appreciated. Off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 37 and light clouds, bice to see a bit of color in the sky. My gardening plans were disrupted with a long family phone call and the ongoing “R’s in disarray” saga on my tv screen but log placement thoughts were still on my mind. I have to tend to my desk and get some of Christmas put away today so I won’t be outdoors, but I have a new plan. I’m going to make 3 small paper logs and fuss with them until I like the way they look. Then I can do other things while still keeping my gardening thoughts occupied. It’s warmer and drier too :) Best wishes to all.
Thursday Meese. 42 going up to 49 here in Kingston. We’ve got okay weather – looks like so much of the nation doesn’t. Hope folks stay safe!
Puerto Rico
Thanks for the update on PR, Dee! Hope you are feeling better.
Good morning. Cold enough for a warm fleece & gloves for my walk. I did 1.3 miles! Looking forward to next week, when I’ll be off work & will walk after the morning astronomy shows. The GOP clown show is getting old, but given some of the rules they’ve asked for, electing a Speaker won’t help.
If any one member can request a new speaker, that just means two years of clown shows. I suppose it would help to at least get the new members sworn in but do we really want the 24/7 impeachment show to replace the 24/7 speaker vote show?
Caribbean Matters
Good Thursday morning, Meese, and welcome to an ugly-cloudy day in Ashburn. It’s 52 F. right now, on its way to 61 F. We received exactly three drops of rain yesterday, not the deluge and thunder they were forecasting. This morning they were unblushingly back at it, proclaiming this to be our last warm day before it gets cold again.
Have back-to-back meetings this afternoon so must scurry around this morning getting ready. I’ll be tired tonight, owing to not getting a nap after lunch. Still have many writing tasks to complete and all too little time to do them.
Sorry I’ll miss the “Rethugs in Disarray” show, but I’m sure they’ll show the highlights on the evening news. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 43 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 64. Cloudy skies with a chance for rain. I think we are getting some of the rain that is barraging California but I am not sure.
I watched one of the Speaker ballots live and then followed the rest on Twitter and then caught up with Nicole Wallace. My favorite tweet, after the 6th failed vote was: “BREAKING NEWS. We now need two hands to count the number of times Kevin McCarthy has lost.” I guess today he has offered the concession that any one member of his caucus can request that the Speakership be vacated putting him in the position of having to cater to everyone in his caucus simultaneously which will be impossible. I suspect that he hopes that when push comes to shove, Democrats will bail his sorry ass out rather than go through this painful process again. At some point it could be important to have a functioning House of Representatives (I can’t think of one right now!) but I hope we don’t help Republicans govern – they created this mess by refusing to sanction their members in the last Congress, they need to live with it. I still hope that the face of Confederate State White Supremacists, KKK member Steve Scalise, becomes Speaker of the Republican House. Then there is no pretense about their being the party of insurrection and racism. I will probably watch the first ballot today on CSPAN.
I woke up with good intentions to make some progress on my end of year/beginning of year projects and got two things done but not the most important one. I am going to try to get that done after breakfast and my walk – I don’t want to delay that because if it is raining, I need to do my walk on the treadmill in the fitness center which is not as much fun.
See all y’all later!
It’s 33 heading for 50 and one more sunny day before the clouds move in again. Yesterday we generated 6.7 KWHs and the m-t-d at a hair over 24 is back on track. Early days. We shall see what we shall see.
I truly don’t know what to wish for as far as the House is concerned – other than that enough Rs get removed for one thing or another to hand the leadership back over to us. But that wouldn’t last as the replacements would (probably) also be Rs. Oh well. The real issue is what does the least damage, an R-run govt or a shut-down govt. And as bad as the Rs are, a shut-down govt is worse.
I checked in before breakfast this morning so I need to go fix that before I head for twitter. LOL. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
A cowardly Speaker McCarthy, from the looks of it, would not dare to even bring a debt ceiling increase to the floor so I think that a global financial meltdown is likely in September. The government is funded through October 1st so we will stay open that long, at least. The problem right now is that there are not enough of what has been called “institutionalists” in the House Republican caucus – there is no one who will say “well, let’s not shut down government, that will be bad for my constituents.” Those guys have mostly all been driven out and any who have a modicum of interest in keeping the government open know that they will be primaried out of office if they cross the Freedumb Caca and MAGAts. Even the people who “won” the Biden+ seats because enough idiots were upset by temporarily high gas prices, realize that they will lose their seats to Democrats in 2024 and will go along with the destroyers now to make life easier on themselves during their short time in office. I don’t see a way forward, I hope I am wrong.
I don’t see a way forward either. I wish I did.
Good morning, 47 and light clouds outside my window today. I focused on my desk work yesterday and made good progress so I’ll do more today. We had a sweet new puppy moment with our son last night. A new grand puppy, 8 weeks old, very calm and ready to explore her new life has joined the family pack :) She looks like Heidi’s puppy pictures so lots of love coming her way.
The R’s are still in disarray and refusing to govern so I’m going to try to not worry and while waiting for whatever happens to finally happen. Got a feeling real worry will start then! Best wishes to all.
Yay, new grandpuppy!!!
Happy Three Kings Day Meese.
41 here in Kingston going up to 44 with rain. Hope the rain misses the parade in NYC today
Good morning. Walked 1.2 miles, it’s not as cold as yesterday, didn’t need gloves. Last work day till the 17th. I’m not doing anything next week, just not working. I should work on a resume, maybe go to the gym in the middle of the day and lift some weights. Hulu gave me a free month for my birthday, thinking they can trick me into re-subscribing and forgetting that $9 every month. Silly people.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 46 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 59. Mainly cloudy skies are in the forecast – we should see glimpses of the sun and, I hope, the fullish moon who will be waning as she rises over the mountains.
On the second anniversary of the tRump-led insurrection, his loyal footsoldiers, put into power by the Roberts Court’s refusal to preserve democratic elections in America, are now assaulting the Capitol again. I hope Democrats continue to hold out and refuse to vote for any Speaker who took part in the attempted coup either by actively supporting the insurrectionists or by refusing to certify Joe Biden’s election. If Republicans want to try to field a unity candidate, one who did not participate in the January 6th attacks and one who voted to authorize the January 6th Committee, I think we should work with them. The Speaker will be a Republican – they “won” the majority – but it does not have to be Kevin McCarthy or anyone in his inner circle. I haz spoken! As someone said yesterday, we are going to need Narcon for the Schadenfreude overdoses we are all having. I don’t want to minimize how awful a Republican-led House will be – or even suggest that people will remember their craptasticness and punish them for it when they go to the polls in 2024 – but right now it is fun to watch them suffer. If McCarthy does get the Speakership by giving in to enough of his caucus to win a ballot, may it be shortlived and painful to him.
Joe Biden is going to give Presidential medals to election workers in Georgia, people who resisted being part of the Republican-led coup attempt and others who protected democracy leading up to January 6th. I will watch that ceremony and thank the goddess that we had Nancy Pelosi in the Speakers chair on January 6th.
See all y’all later!
It’s 34 heading for 55 and while sunny at the moment, clouds are moving in. sigh. We generated 6.8 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d at 31 is on track – but it won’t be by end of day if the widget’s correct about the cloud cover.
There are some folks I’m very worried about and would appreciate Good Thoughts for. As to my own stuff, the money came in (and pretty much went out) yesterday and my hands are still stiff and cold. I need to gird my loins and at least get my glasses adjusted, if not see an eye doctor. But even if I’m masked, I don’t really want people that close to my face. I never liked it much and I like it less now.
Happy 3 Kings Day. My decorations will come down today and Yuletide will officially be over. Meanwhile, off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 47 and light clouds. Primroses and winter pansies are blooming in the garden shops now and I’m ready to bring spring to the porches. So the tree is going away today, and the rest of the Christmas decor will go pack to where it’s stored and the house will have a less cluttered look.
Looks like the R’s are still holding our Capitol hostage, and there’s no mention in my local newspapers. How can voters make informed choices when history and reality are being ignored? Oh well, life does go on regardless.
Best wishes to all.
Saturday Meese. 3o degrees here in Kingston going up to 44.
House Minority Leader Brother Hakeem Jeffries knocked it outta the park, with his ABC’s of Democracy:
(House Democrats will always put…)
American values over autocracy,
Benevolence over bigotry,
the Constitution over the cult,
Democracy over demagogues,
Economic opportunity over extremism,
Freedom over facism,
Governing over gaslighting,
Hopefulness over hatred,
Inclusion over isolation,
Justice over judicial overreach,
Knowledge over kangaroo courts,
Liberty over limitation,
Maturity over Mar-a-Lago,
Normalcy over negativity,
Opportunity over obstruction,
People over politics,
Quality of life issues over QAnon,
Reason over racism,
Substance over slander,
Triumph over tyranny,
Understanding over ugliness,
Voting rights over voter suppression,
Working families over the well-connected,
Xenial over xenophobia,
‘Yes, we can’ over ‘you can do it,’ and
Zealous representation over zero-sum confrontation.”
The other side gave us this:
I really like Hakeem Jeffries and our entire Democratic caucus. It is heartbreaking that we lost the majority but the Republican lead is thin and they will need Democrats in order to pass anything other than show bills. We survived Unified Republican Government in 2017 and 2018, we can survive this. I hope our side has some good video of the antics of these fools so that we can defeat the ones who got elected in Biden districts and in illegally gerrymandered districts and take back the majority. Already one district (in South Carolina) was declared an unconstitutional racial gerrymander and has to be redrawn for the 2024 election. At least 3 other cases were on hold pending the election under the abused Purcell rule that says that voting cases can’t be decided too close to an election (the Republican Supreme Court has stretched that to be anything in an election year, which is ridiculous.) In any event, there will be some more Democratic districts and, we hope, enough anger at the Republican majority’s sh*tshow to give us back the House.
CSPAN Clip of Leader Jeffries
By the way, the protocol in the House is that the leaders of both the majority and the minority can speak as long as they want to. For the Republicans to try to shut down Leader Jeffries’ speech shows what garbage people they are.
Morning, meeses. Saturday …
It is 43 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 66. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I saw the full moon last night with a haze around her which eventually cleared off. This morning – stars over my mountains!
I went to bed after reading the tweets saying that McCarthy had finally traded away the last shreds of his dignity (and our future) to get the votes of the NeverKevins. After reading for a while, I checked the news and saw that they were fighting in the well of the House after the failed 14th ballot. JHC! In any event, it looked like they would finally find someone who could do basic math and I chose not to watch the results come in for the 15th ballot. Representatives were sworn in and they will start over again on Monday to try to find 218 votes to pass a rules package. Until then they can do no damage so I will enjoy a quiet weekend. After reading about what McCarthy gave to the literal insurrectionists to, as someone said, fluff up his Wikipedia page, I hope to hell that Biden has a plan to bypass the debt ceiling limit because this batch of bomb throwers are not going to be willing to pass the one we will need in September. Goddess help us.
Hurry up, Jack Smith! We need some indictments as a palate cleanser!
I am just going to scan the news and then put my nose back to the grindstone. I have been spending far too much time and energy monitoring the sh*t show in Washington DC.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, Meese? What day is this? What planet is this? Yesterday I couldn’t visit the Pond because of getting ready to visit the endodontist. I left an hour early for my visit because I wasn’t sure where the place was, nor was I sure where I could park. Found the place all right but to my dismay the “free parking” was in a garage. TV shows have convinced me that far too many women are murdered in parking garages, so I was nervous as hail. However, the garage was not very full, so I found a space with no cars on either side. I snapped a photo of where it was, as there was NO identifying info, such as “Space 223” or “2nd floor.”
The endodontist turned out to be a very handsome and delightful Korean-American guy, so I’m sure the surgery will go well. It’s next Friday. It’s also very expensive, so farewell to dreams of that red Lamborghini! Not going to happen.
Was so desperately tired after my bad Thursday night that I missed seeing Qevin become Speaker by a squeaker last night. Wonder whether he’ll last as long as Orange-Face Boehner and Vampire Ryan. Why do people vote for Rethugs who want to end Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act? Will they enjoy starving in the street? Why do so many people think that oldsters become more conservative as they age? I become more radical every day and Goddess knows, as far as age goes, I’m getting up there.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am cross because I couldn’t see the Wolf Moon in all Her glory last night. Clouds, as usual. It was probably the clouds of stupidity emanating from the Rethug side of the Capitol. At least I saw Her the night before. I feel even more strongly about the Wolf Moon than the other moons, because the Wolf is my power animal.
Listen to me, talking nonsense. I need coffee. It’s 39 ugh-ly degrees F. here in the middle of nowhere, going up to 49 F. OMG, as I was walking to pick up dinner last night, I saw that the poor little forsythia bushes thought spring was already here and were putting forth tentative little yellow flowers. Fooled again! Global warming sucks!
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. As Jan says, we survived Defeated Former Guy, so we can survive Qevin.