Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 48 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 64. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sounds like very agreeable weather, Jan.
Sunday Meese. 26 here in Kingston, going up to 39.
I keep playing this
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Normal Sunday — tea steeping, watching the news & eating breakfast. I got in my 1.25 mile walk yesterday, 9th day in a row. And I cooked a bunch of vegetables to keep in the freezer to add to meals. Today: church, more cooking (I’ve got to think of something for lunch for the week) and another walk.
That’s good that you’re keeping to your walking schedule, another! My New Year’s resolution can be summed up this way: Walk more. Less chocolate.
We’ll see what happens.
ok, I think I’m making this, I’ll substitute toasted walnuts for the pricey pine nuts: Nutty Mushroom and Coriander Pilaf May make a double recipe, and add some vegetables, make it enough for next week, too.
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! It’s 30 F. and partly cloudy here in Ashboring. I was up before sunrise, so I stepped out into the screened porch and behold! I feasted my eyes on the Wolf Moon. She didn’t even look like a waning moon, although She’s just past the full.
Anyway, back here at the ranch, breakfast has been had, with great enjoyment. (Tomorrow we won’t get any breakfast because of a too-early doctor appointment.) The weatherfibbers have imagined a mixture of snow and rain at 11 p.m. and lasting into the small hours. Of course, this will not happen. We will remain bone-dry.
In other news, I finally wrote to my nephew, contacted my friend’s daughter re visiting her mother on MLK day in honor of her mother’s 101st birthday, and started—yes, started—organizing my physical folders. One day, I swear, it is going to be possible to sit down on the sofa in my office. It’s now covered with thousands of papers.
I also have to acknowledge, save, and print out numerous essays from my writers’ group. We may have two or three extra people this coming Thursday.
Well, tha…tha…thass all, folks! If I have a quiet moment, I’ll come back to click on Hakeem’s speech, which Dee has kindly provided. Wishing a good Sunday to all at the Pond!
The full Wolf Moon stayed very big here for several days – you could barely tell any of her was dark. I am glad you got to see her!
It’s 33 heading for 53 and sunny, mostly. The widget keeps says cloud cover but the last two days the sun’s come out shortly after lunchtime and given us 3 solid hours of what January has in prime production. Yesterday we generated 5.8 KWHs and the m-t-d (with this morning’s driblet) is just over 42 – right on track.
Holding of Good Thoughts, especially for an online friend in not-good health I cannot reach. And others, of course, but at least I can reach them and have an idea of what’s going on in their lives.
Finished the Sunday chores, back and hands still protesting, sitting down to breakfast and my online chores. And Dee’s diary, of course. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 48 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 66. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. We ended up in the 70s yesterday and may see them again later this week.
The Senate is now 51 D 48 R as cowardly Ben Sasse of Nebraska steps down to kowtow to Ron DeSantis after years of kowtowing to Donald Trump and his extremists. I think his brows were furrowed almost as much as Susan Collins were as he pretended that decency and honor had any place in Republican Party politics. May his tenure at University of Florida be extremely uncomfortable as he furrows his brow at the anti-education policies being forced on Florida universities by King Ron. Good riddance. I am certain that the incoming Republican governor of Nebraska will put a pile of human garbage in his seat but there will be no change in the reflexive R vote.
The next big fight in the House is the rules package. I am glad that the failure of the 14th round of voting made it impossible to force a vote on the rules package when the Speaker was finally selected and that people have had a chance to see the complete abdication of power that McQarthy had to subject the Speaker’s position to. Now that we have a sitting body, delaying the rules just means delaying handing subpoena power to Gym Jordan and the other crazies – I hope they take a few weeks. I don’t know if they will allow an amendment process but if they do, there is a good chance that some pieces that were promised to the insurrectionists are removed, there were a lot of Republicans who were ticked off at the hostage taking and are in no mood to codify the ransom into rules they have to abide by. I wouldn’t mind if they would take the independent Office of Congressional Ethics off the chopping block, for one thing. It is interesting that the actual organization of the House of Representatives is not covered by the Constitution including that there needs to be a sitting Speaker before members can be sworn in. It is simply a cudgel used to beat members into submission. I think that having no sworn members in the House of Representatives (and no constituent services) during a protracted Speaker’s race is a very bad idea and maybe that should be changed.
I got some things done over the weekend but my to-do stack is still very tall. This week I have to concentrate on completing accounting projects that are due by January 31st but which may require filings by January 15th. I have some errands to run this week so I need to budget my time carefully.
See all y’all later!
Good Monday Meese. 27 here in Kingston going up to 43.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. First day off, going to cook later today. Watching astronomy show & eating breakfast. The legislative session starts tomorrow, I hope they don’t manage to do all the damage some of them want to.
It’s 33 heading for 58 and sunny at the moment. Widget says clouds will move in shortly. I hope the widget’s wrong. Yesterday we generated 7.5KWHs! The light’s returning. The m-t-d is 49.4 – definitely on track. For now anyway.
Welp, I gotta admit I’m worried about my Social Security with the christofascists in control of the Budget. I’m even more worried about folks who depend on it and don’t have family, as I do. And still more worried about folks on Disability, especially SSI since SSI really could be considered “welfare” since the recipient didn’t personally put in the work & contributions to get it that folks on SSDI and retirement did. Holding the Good Thoughts that the Rs have overreached and overpromised on what they can do there. Among many other areas/issues.
Rocky sleep and my hands are cold and stiff. I suppose it doesn’t matter that I’m slow typing when I’m also slow thinking of what to type. LOL. Anyway, off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
There is 0 chance that Joe Biden will trade away Social Security or Medicare cuts to raise the debt ceiling or pass a budget resolution.
However, after seeing how the Republicans caved on the rules package, there is a pretty high chance that they will shut down the government at the end of September. I hope our side is already game planning options.
Good morning, 43 and mostly cloudy outside my window today. Sorry I’m be absent for a few days. I’ve been preoccupied with family concerns and simple forgot to check in. Alls basically well with family, but two of my children and one of the grandpuppies have had or are having surgeries so I always worry. Our daughter is recovering, Milo (grandpuppy) eyelid tumor is benign, and our son’s surgery to remove a presumably benign tumor on his neck is happening today.
We enjoyed some spontaneous family fun with our son and his new puppy on Saturday. It was big day for Elsa with meeting so many new people and smelling so many new smells! She and our son were here for dinner last night and as they left seeing her in his arms, brought tears. At the end Heidi left here in his arms too, and Elsa is a miniature version of our Heidi dog.
I’ve made enough progress with packing Christmas away to just let the rest be winter decorations for a while longer. I’ll start bringing spring bulbs to the porches soon but for now it’s still nice to see the lights on the porch trees.
Best wishes to all.
I am not ready to put away the holiday decorations yet. I may keep them up until the end of the month.
Yes! They’re very slow about putting away the holiday decorations inside and outside the clubhouses this year, and on the Great Oak lawn. The spindly bare trees are still lit up at night. I love it. The longer the decorations stay, the better.
Good afternoon, Moosekind! It’s still Monday. I thought I had a doctor appointment this morning—thank Goddess I didn’t, because Dearly’s doctor appointment took from 9 until 11, what with check-ins, waiting, vital statistics measurement, and subsequent lab work.
It’s 45 F. now in Ashboring, and it won’t get much higher. It’s sunny but very windy, so we’re glad to be home. OMG, Moosekind, when I looked at the summary the Kaiser doctor printed out, my heart sank. My Goddess, with all the things that are wrong with him, I don’t know why he’s walking, talking, and eating at all. Well, I will just have to make the best of the remaining time, and I’m doing that.
Today I’ll be reading essays to prepare for the Writers’ Group meeting on Thursday. Very tired right now, as I kept waking up to look at the clock. I managed to stay in bed until 5:30, however.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Now we’re exporting insurrections? This is not the country I was taught to love.
{{{Diana}}} We never know how much time we have until we don’t have it any longer. Making the best of it is a good thing to do. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
Sending all good thoughts to you both.
It is good that you have close-in family to help you manage the next phase. Sending light to guide your journey.
Thank you all for the good wishes. Glad to have them.
My thoughts are with you and Dearly.
Tuesday Meese. 34 here in Kingston, going up to 41.
This made me smile
YAY! Three cheers!
Puerto Rico
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 48 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 68. Cloudy with sunny breaks – it is cloudy now. There is a very slight chance of rain.
Well, I guess prosecuting tRump for removing classified documents from the White House is now off the table – what a waste of time and energy. Sheesh, what’s with our political class that they are so sloppy or so privileged that if you are powerful enough, rules don’t apply to them? I hope that Jack Smith has a case for the January 6th insurrection because they won’t be able to charge in the classified documents case without looking like hypocrites. Maybe Fani Willis has the goods on him for election fraud – that may be the only way to hold him accountable for his crimes.
I had a fractured day yesterday with errands than needed to be run, today I have more errands and tomorrow I have appointments in the morning and the afternoon. I kind of kicked everything down the road until January and so here I am! In any event, today is Microsoft Patch Tuesday so I need to prep for computer updates and restarts as well as finish my accounting projects.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Got in a walk yesterday afternoon — 10th day in a row, and I cooked a big lunch for the next couple of weeks. Going to keep the walking streak going, if it’s going to be sunny and 80 degrees, it would be a shame not to. The Lege gavels in today, just praying they do as little harm as possible. And maybe fund the project for rural broadband the State Library is proposing, it would do so much good for so many. For now, I’m watching astronomy and eating breakfast.
Good Tuesday morning, Meese. It’s another ugly-cloudy morning out here in the middle of nowhere, with a current temperature of 33 F., on its way up to 48 F. I won’t even bother giving the imaginary weather reports, they’re all so consistently false.
Read through most of the essays last night and was charmed! A couple of the guys are very funny and make heavy use of irony. Some of the poems written by the women are positively lyrical. The group gets better and better. It’s fun to lead a group like this one!
There’s a morning coffee at 10 next door, across from the Pub, after which I’ll go shopping at Trader Joe’s. I must spoil Dearly while I can. My calendar is filling up with lunches and dinners as well as medical appointments. I always ask him if he minds my going out, as long as I see to his dinner, and he kindly says no, he wants me to enjoy life.
We are currently researching portable oxygen systems, the thing he has now is so clumsy and heavy.
Must dash. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 45 and thinking about getting up to 65. Also sunny. Yesterday the threatened cloud cover wasn’t very thick and didn’t last long. We generated 7.3 KWHs and the m-t-d is 56.5 – very much on track.
AR Lege has opened. All we can do is pray – we don’t have enough Dems to even do damage control. Not that they aren’t going to try, but the Rs have a super majority AND all the executive office elected officials are Rs. As with just about everything else, like TX only smaller. Prayers needed for other, more personal stuff – friends ill or in financial difficulties, usually both. I can tell that they do any good but they can’t hurt so I’ll keep doing them.
Meanwhile, rocky sleep and cold hands notwithstanding, I’m off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 47 and partly sunny. I listened to real rain in the night but now I seem some blue sky along with the clouds so I’m going outside to prune some salal. I’ve finally got a plan for placing the logs in the area I’ve cleared so a bit of gardening will be good for my soul. My legs can just cope!
All went well with our son’s surgery yesterday so he’s not worrying about the pathology report and I’m trying to follow his lead. It was alarming to see an annoying bump an his neck grow to an egg size lump in a short time though. Feeling grateful he and Milo are resting and recovering together :) Best wishes to all.
{{{princesspat}}} Healing Energy to you and your family. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Wednesday Meese. 24 here in Kingston, going up to 35
Breaking: US Flights grounded
Sheesh! It sucks to depend on air travel these days.