Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. My AIDS Ride diary is up at the orange place. Weather so gorgeous I feel a bit guilty. Got in a mile walking yesterday, and will today. Watching astronomy and eating breakfast.
Happy belated birthday! I hope you got a bunch of donations.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 48 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 57. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast.
Republicans are terrible people. Not much else to say! May their majority be brief.
I have early morning and late afternoon appointments and will take the time in between to recharge.
See all y’all later!
It’s 49 going to 70 and sunny. At least at the moment. Widget keeps saying clouds will move in. So far this month the widget’s been mostly wrong. Yesterday we generated 7.7 KWHs and the m-t-d at 64.4 is definitely on track.
Republicans are evil people. They don’t just get their jollies off the pain and suffering of “others”, they feed off the pain and suffering of “others”. They’ll happily take hits to their own health and wellbeing if it means the “others” suffer more. Which is what makes them so hard to defeat.
Sleep a little better. Hands about the same. Not painful, but stiff and hard to type. Among other things. Otherwise things are fine – with me at any rate. Off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! I’m late to check-in today because I had an early morning appointment with the foot doctor. To my surprise this doctor was male! Gawd. Anyway, I was able to walk through the buildings to the medical center and back again, because at 35 F. and windy, it’s too cold to walk outside. We’re having sunshine here in Ashbored, however.
Have a lunch date at noon with my friend Suzi next door. I do hope the food there doesn’t send us to the hospital.
Still to deal with email, making Dearly’s lunch (he’s gone off cheese, so it’s a bit difficult), and doing some laundry. After lunch I’ll deal with things related to the writers’ group. We’re getting too big, which is a cause for concern. From now on there will be a waiting list. Or, whoever wants to join can start their own group!
Must also call the computer guru because I have a list of issues with each laptop. Man, first-world problems, right?
We think we have a Democratic win in the Virginia Senate. Absentee ballots remain to be counted. This is good, ja! We need Dems in the Virginia Senate to fend off Doombkin’s plan for Virginians, which would certainly lead to Doomsday.
OK, that’s enough from me this morning. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and princesspat, glad to hear your son came through the surgery and will be fine.
Good morning, 44 and light clouds outside my window today. It’s nice to see a bit of blue in the sky. I got started with the salal pruning yesterday so when I go back to it today I should be able to just proceed. The plants I’m working with have grown tall and leggy and are all tangled together. A hard pruning is difficult for me to do, but I can see where new growth buds are forming so I’m going to separate the plants and shape each one and hope they will recover. Some gardening therapy will be good for me too!
Best wishes to all.
Thursday Meese. 32 going up to 39 with some snow then rain.
SCOTUS is dealing with Puerto Rico case.
Good morning. Had a great day yesterday: astronomy, breakfast tacos for lunch, watched a Marvel movie, got in my walk (1.5 mi) and raised some money for the AIDS Ride. Much cooler today, I’ll need long sleeves for my walk today. Even our less-good weather is still pretty great.
Caribbean Matters posted
Good Thursday morning, Meese! It’s ugly-cloudy and 43 F. here in Ashburn this morning, possibly going up to 54 F.
My January calendar is filling up, especially the weekend of January 20-22. With DIL in London, there are children to be picked up and delivered. Inflation has caused Younger Son to moonlight as a sushi chef Friday and Saturday nights, and 8-year-old Karl is too young to be left alone, so I’ll have to pick him up from Cub Scout meetings and sports. Interestingly, Younger Son himself dropped out of Cub Scouts and soccer at age 7 because he said he was “too busy.”
Today is my Writers’ Group at 1 p.m. Afterwards I’ll be totally exhausted. Dearly and I want to go to Target this morning, so we’ll have to hustle. Tomorrow I can’t have coffee before the endodontist does his thing. At least he’s young and handsome, which will make it all far more bearable.
I cooked breakfast for Dearly, as he loves fried potatoes and I had cold steamed potatoes left from the dish I made the other day.
OK, I need to get moving! Princesspat, I keep reading a sentence in your last post as “pruning the salad” instead of “pruning the salal.” LOL!
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
My garden is a “deer salad patch” Diana, so you are reading between the lines! Unfortunately they don’t eat salal so the plants have grown to a leggy old age. Not sure a good pruning will restore them, but I’ll soon know.
My weather today is about the same as Dee’s. Dark enough I slept til 8 – just as well considering how much I was awake with sinusitis overnight. Yesterday the clouds did move in and we only got 5.5 KWHs – and the PV system is barely on right now so today isn’t looking good for electricity generation – but the m-t-d at 69.9 is still on track with a little room to spare for a day like today.
I should be on my treadmill then fixing breakfast but I have a cat sleeping on my lap, so I guess I’ll start my online/twitter day and come back to exercising and eating when he wakes up. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 52 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 64. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. We will get a few extra clouds from the west coast storms but we are not expecting any rain. Tomorrow we might get to 77!
Having a Republican majority in the House makes it easy to ignore the hair on fire headlines about “House Passes [regressive bulldung] Bill” and I can take quick passes through my news aggregator. These are all show votes that I am pretty sure will come back and bite them in the ass. The DCCC is taking notes on which Republicans in Biden districts and pro-choice swing districts are voting to make it more difficult for women to access reproductive health care. We will win those seats back.
My morning was busy with client work and accounting work and I only have time now to say hi and bye.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 52 and cloudy so it’s going to be twilight all day. It’s very dark in the morning and gets dark by late afternoon so daylight out door time is limited. I left a big mess of salal branches yesterday but RonK has nicely offered to clean up after me. I’ve finished most of the big pruning in the area I’m working in, so next is fine tuning the cuts, watching the buds to see what happens and making plans to replant the bare spots. Thanks to the deer my plant choices are limited but ferns are always a possibility. Native grasses may be an option as well but not if they contribute to the deer buffet! Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Friday the 13th …
It is 52 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 77. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The record today is 78 degrees and we could hit it. Next week winter returns with some days with overnight lows below freezing and daytime highs not over 50.
More news ignoring! Now that the Republicans are using their Congressional power to attack the Biden Administration, the media apparently feels that they must cover their attacks as if they have merit, plastering Republicans all over my TV screen. No, doodieheads, most of the investigations are intended to give woodies to their base, not to expose any real corruption. It is going to be a long two years.
I am making progress on my projects that have a hard deadline of 1/15. I should be able to finish today if I can avoid distractions (a big IF with the nice weather). I had a slight panic this morning when the Internet cut out – I was able to power cycle the modem and get it back but I really can’t do much without the Internet. I hope that doesn’t happen often.
See all y’all later!
Good Friday the 13th, Moosekind! It has rained overnight—O, praise Yemaya!—but now it seems to have stopped. We needed it, there hasn’t been any precip. since the New Year began. We’re having a winter that’s not a winter, with temps. in the 50s.
Off in two hours to get my tooth worked on. I’ll probably be a zombie the rest of the day. However, I may lose a bit more weight as I won’t be able to eat much. I can’t have any coffee until I arrive back at home.
Sis-in-law in Australia wants us to Zoom with her tonight at 7:30: only hope I feel up to it.
Yesterday’s writers’ group meeting was a great success! People were lively and engaged. I’m going to close the group to new members until there’s a vacancy. We just don’t have time in an hour and a half to do ourselves justice if we become any bigger. I was too freaked out by the events here at the ranch to write anything new, so I offered “Roses at Imbolc,” a story I wrote years ago. Some people said it had given them insight into a sphere of human activity thay’d known nothing about, so it’s possible some minds were changed. We agreed to limit future offerings to no more than 600 words.
The 13th is a lucky day in the Craft of the Wise. Hope everyone at the Pond enjoys good luck today and wins at least part of the Mega Million lottery!
Friday the 13th is very lucky! Has no one yet won the Mega Millions? Yikes! I will have to decide if I want to walk over to the grocery store to pick up a ticket. It seems foolish although I guess it does help fund state projects – some of which I may actually approve of now that the Democrats are in charge. :)
Wow it got cold overnight, 40 degrees now. Hey, yesterday it was merely “long sleeves” cold, this is sweats & warm slippers weather. Waiting on my walk till the afternoon, when it’ll get up to 60. For now, I’m watching astronomy & eating breakfast.
Friday Meese. 48 degrees here in Kingston going up to 51 – raining.
Did folks see this?
I’m glad Black Kos is coming back from vacation today
Puerto Rico
Dee, the murder of that young man by the LA police was on the local news last night. Gods, how sickening and how OUTRAGEOUS! As usual, the cops pretended he was a crim.
I’ve got to where I hate cops and would run a mile if I saw one.
It’s 27 and supposed to get up to 43. It was sunny when I woke up (the last time) but cloudy by the time I was dressed. It’s trying to be sunny again. I hope it makes it. Yesterday we generated a single KWH and the m-t-d at 71 is no longer on track. But it’s close enough we could be back on track by end of today. IF the sun comes out and stays out.
Late start and a groggy day so far. Oh well. I’ll manage. Eating breakfast and heading off to twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 57 and raining. I’m listening to a favorite Neil Young cd and pretending I’m at a sunny concert some where far away! My desk and the ever present laundry are waiting for me, but for now my mind is on vacation :) Best wishes to all.
Saturday Meese. 29 going up to 34 here in Kingston.
This is beautiful
The Embrace