Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 48 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 70. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sorry I missed Saturday’s check in! Travel day – settled in now, looking for a place to watch the sunset over the Pacific Ocean!
Ooh, you’re on holiday! How delightful!
Sunday Meese. 25 here in Kingston, going up to 49. Spent all day yesterday at an initiation ceremony for a new priestess of the Orisha Shango – and go back today for the drumming celebration.
Puerto Rico
Congratulations, Denise! That’s impressive!
Good morning. Laundry is on, tea steeping — and they just showed a great interview with Brad Meltzer, his new book is about a Nazi attempt to kill Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. Guest preacher today at church will talk about environmental racism. Walked almost a mile & a half yesterday; maybe will get that last little bit today.
Good Sunday morning, Moose Peeps! The lying liars who write the weather forecasts for my phone said we’re having flurries. No, we’re not. Why do these people never, ever get it right? And why don’t they admit we’re in a drought? It’s February 12th and we’re already 3 inches under for the year in rainfall.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it’s gray in Nowheresville and 39 F. Not likely to get much higher. They forecasted rain, but with their track record I’ll believe it when I see it.
Finished my blog, which took all day to write and embed with music videos. I could listen to Roberta Flack and Peabo Bryson 24/7! Today I have laundry and more writing, this time for articles for the quarterly. It would be nice to catch up with my correspondence.
Our menu for Super Bowl Sunday is simple: guac and chips, cheese pizza, and fruit. This coming week will bring Valentine’s Day and Miss Pink Cheeks’ 14th birthday. I’m trying to hire her to help me with my spring cleaning. She wants a pair of very expensive sports shoes, but she needs to earn the money for them, IMHO.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and may your team win!
It’s 47 heading for 60 and sunny. At least at the moment. The widget says clouds will move in this afternoon. I hope late afternoon. Yesterday we generated 10.56 KWHs which brought the m-t-d to just under 60. Not good but gaining. And I’d like to keep gaining.
I still couldn’t spout at Spoutible as of last night. I haven’t checked yet today but will when I get a spare minute. If I’m still getting the same invalid confirmation code, I guess I’ll DM Chris because at the moment there’s no way for me to contact him via Spoutible. Heaven knows if he’ll see it. I’m sure he’s slammed right now. But at least, unlike my situation at DK, I can not only follow folks, I can ❤ and “echo” their spouts as well.
Due to an overturned litterbox and multiple hairballs this morning, I’m running a bit behind. It’s all done now though. So are my hands of course and they haven’t been in great shape the last few days anyway. My back’s not happy with me either but the Ibuprofen is starting to kick in.
Off to twitter & Dee’s diary. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
I am hoping that Spoutible announces another Q&A session and accepts questions from the Spouters. I want to know if there will ever be a non-cellphone verification available to people who only have landlines or who can’t give out their cellphone numbers. If they don’t, I won’t be able to create new Spouts or reply – just Echo and Like. I can wait, Twitter is still alive and Mastodon is gaining followers and content.
I tried to go to Spoutible. It claimed it never heard of me, although I preregistered the instant Chris announced it 6 months ago. It certainly heard of me when I sent two little $5 donations to BotSentinel, however!
I’m still on Twitter. It’s so easy and a lot of people I like are there—BrooklynDad, KenyanDad, Victoria, Anne Avery, Bfitz, Yaroslava Antipina, plus a large assortment of handsome young Ukrainian soldiers, all grinning despite their hardships. Mastodon seems like too much work. The thing about Twitter was that it was so easy.
Mastodon is working on the “too much work” thing but it is not quite there. They changed the sign up procedure and there are now useful tools to help identify which community (server instance) you should join as your home base. I think that is the most confusing thing, that you have to choose a web site as your home base rather than just Mastodon.org. The important thing to know is that all the home bases are linked together and you literally only care once. I am still not sure who pays for all the little home bases and what happens if the one I am on runs out of money or becomes a nazi hub – that is the last piece of information I would like to have.
Mastodon still sounds like too much work, Jan. And how on earth would I know which community I want to join? I want to be where my friends are.
If Twitter explodes, along with Elon Musk’s head, I’ll just get along without it. I got along without it for years. I seem to recall that before I had Twitter I wrote novels. ;)
I don’t give out my cell phone often. It’s my emergency phone – like car breakdowns and power outages – but I do have one. Instagram let me open an account with an email verification – then 3 days later froze my account, demanding an email verification AND a cell phone verification. When I didn’t give them that, they closed my account permanently, no appeal. So I’m sure I’d trust anybody else that let me open an account w/o a cellphone. According to Suzanne/Aashirs nani Spoutible is actually still in beta and Chris is doing his best to get it up to speed as fast as he can but didn’t want to miss the “window” of twitter’s implosion. He wanted to have it up and people on it while twitter’s still usable for a smoother transition. Holding the Good Thought.
Good day, 43 and cloudy outside my window today. My family phone line has been busy today, so I’ve slower than usual, but that’s ok because yesterday was busy. Our sons cooked a birthday dinner for the family and we just brought greek salad and flowers so it was easy and fun to be together. Elsa share all her toys and charmed everyone :) I’m staying news lite today and getting ready for a nap, so it’s a slow and sleepy Sunday for me. Best wishes to all.
Good morning. Not cold enough for the big fleece, I just wore 2 shirts instead. Slightly over a mile — but I threw in some running segments. We shall see how this goes. In the office, wearing my Valentine’s shirt, since I wfh tomorrow. I watched Wakanda Forever yesterday. Wow. (I know why they did it, but I do wish I’d been prepared for the major character death.) They did a good job of dealing with Chadwick Bozeman’s death, and the post-credits scene…. Again, wow. Glad I also watched Sing. A happy movie with so much good music.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 40 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 50. Rain expected in Tucson – we had rain here on the west coast yesterday, just in time for the drunks to drive home from Super Bowl parties and cause lots of wrecks. Thankfully, we were spending a quiet night in. I watched the game and the commercials. The game itself was more exciting than normal Super Bowls, the commercials were indecipherable – filled with celebrities I don’t know selling products I never heard of! The biggest gobsmacking moment was when the Fox Sports announcers described a celebrity stadium cam shot of Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch and declared it the most amazing gathering of genius ever. Holee sheet! Yes, a man who builds exploding cars and who blew 44 billion on a vanity website that he is turning into rubble and a man who runs a propaganda machine that promotes and props up authoritarian regimes and anti-democracy and is working to take down the U.S. government. Genius, indeed!
More “things” shot down by military jets, no new answers. Maybe it is alien reconnaissance seeking signs of intelligent life? Good luck with that!
Today we will drive to see some natural beauty on the coastline and maybe see some marine critters. We have a somewhat flexible day other than to check out the location of a company that is offering summer internships, the excuse for a road trip. :)
See all y’all later!
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! We received .94 of an inch of rain yesterday, which means we are now only 2 inches under normal rainfall for the year to date. The rain began exactly five hours after it was supposed to, continued through the evening, and a good bit of the night.
It’s 43 F. and a fair morning in Ashboring. I had to look up the weather because the little widget at the bottom left of my screen is showing 36 F. and “heavy mix.”
There’s one thing to be said for not doing exercise—I was able to get a heap of writing done this weekend. Need to get organized and start walking, though.
Yesterday I ate gluten-free chips from Trader Joe’s and guacamole, also from Trader Joe’s, and to my surprise my lower lip swelled up to monstrous proportions! I didn’t know what to do—held ice against it but that had no effect at all. I didn’t want to take a Benadryl so close to bedtime, so just went to bed. This morning I threw away the guac and gluten-free chips, took an Allegra, and now my lower lip, which was still fat when I woke up, is almost normal. I’ll be able to attend the UU dinner tonight after all.
Good news—one of the writers in my Writers’ Group was mentioned in John Kelly’s column in the WaPo this morning, talking about what makes him happy. I love it when my writers receive public recognition!
That’s all from me right now, folks, have a good day at the Pond.
It’s 42 heading for 65 today and “mostly” sunny. Widget says the clouds will move in late afternoon. Good. The later the better. Yesterday we generated 10.49 KWHs and the m-t-d is right at 70. Gaining. Not on track but gaining.
I didn’t fall yesterday but my ankles “turned” on me in the afternoon when I was taking out litterbox detritus. My body isn’t happy about that. Especially my left knee. But I’m managing. Nothing new from anybody. We shall see what the day brings. Meanwhile, I’m off to twitter then Spoutible. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Sorry about the ankle, bfitz! Hope some rest will see you right.
Good morning, 42 and mostly cloudy outside my window today. I have a hair appointment this morning and a reality check this afternoon. I’ve been ignoring my desk, my sewing room, all the house plants, and even the laundry. So like it or not I need to tend to a few details asap! Best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. Slept all day yesterday after I got home around 2PM from surgery at the hospital – had to be there at ungodly hour of 5:45 AM.
Puerto Rico
Hope you will recover quickly from the surgery, Dee! Do take it easy, won’t you?
Thank you! Will do
{{{Dee}}} Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
We got rain this morning, so my decision to sleep in and walk after work was a good one. Watching astronomy & eating breakfast. Happy Valentine’s Day — I hope humanity can find a way to love ourselves enough to not destroy this planet.
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! Valentine’s Day falls on Taco Tuesday this year. I have a picture of a huge Valentine wreath, composed almost entirely of tacos, in a heart-shaped pattern. What bliss!
Felt so rotten yesterday that Dearly administered a Covid test. Negative. Feel much better today, so we MUST go shopping for pillows. Today is the last day of the sale.
Texted madly yesterday afternoon with Cousin in Corpus Christi and this morning with Daughter in The Hills, Texas, and Darling Niece in Reston. She won’t be able to meet for lunch after all: her fridge died and Friday is the nearest day the new fridge can be delivered. Well, there’s always next week.
Now, off to make all the unpleasant phone calls I didn’t make yesterday. And I MUST finish the article!
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
{{{Diana}}} Aashirs nani/Suzanne suggests you try again to set up an account as Spoutible. Just do as if you were starting over, from the “new account” – and remember that the “name” you put in will be what shows up in your spouts. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks, bfitz, will try that soon.
It’s 53 heading for 60 and raining. The PV system was on for a driblet earlier but it’s back off now. Yesterday the clouds moved in fairly late, if not as late as I hoped. We generated 9.68 KWHs. The m-t-d is 79.76 – so more gain. That we’ll probably lose today.
I was going to wait until Thursday to bake muffin bread but I think I’ll do it today. Later today when I’ve cleared my twitter tasks and when the chill is really in my bones and having the oven on will warm things up. I’m going to be baking a pork loin roast Thursday anyway. For energy efficiency I should of course do them at the same time. For supplemental heat and cheering things up, this way is better.
I haven’t heard that anybody is doing any differently than they have been. Except that Amelia really likes her new ortho doctor. There’s pain relief and possibly even some healing in her future – and the doctor wrote up a temporary disabled parking pass then and there with an Rx she can take to MVD for a regular one. So that’s good. And today it’s one month since Bobby passed. Seems like yesterday and forever. Bless him.
I’m still unable to spout on Spoutible but as long as I can follow, be followed, like, and echo I’m not giving up. Meanwhile it’s twitter time. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}
Quick check in from my phone which won’t let me log in because the hotel internet is not secure.
Hitting the road soon, home in the early evening. 50ish now, 68 later – slight chance of rain here and some wind possible in AZ.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 39 and sunny outside my window today. Yesterday didn’t go as planned as I just couldn’t stay awake I did go to my hair appointment, but then a brief rest became a log nap and the day was soon over. I hope I can do more today because there’s a lot to do! Best wishes to all.
Wednesday Meese. 34 going up to 60 with rain here in Kingston. Weird weather for us.
Puerto Rico
Who would have thought that Red Lobster would fail in Puerto Rico?
Great news from Judiciary Democrats! I hope they continue moving nominations quickly to the Senate floor. We have to work overtime to dilute the MAGAt judges installed by TFG and the Federalist Society’s beyotch Mitch McChinless.