Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning. Had to mute the local news because I couldn’t bear listening to more information about the Nashville shooting. I’m eating breakfast & watching astronomy. Much easier to hear about the death of far away stars. Got my Bookchat written for this evening at the orange place, come by if you want and talk about book banning.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 48 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 79. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Yesterday I sat by the pool and soaked in some sun. This is the kind of weather that makes the 100 degree summer days bearable – cool mornings, warm days, abundant sunshine. I did not get to see the planetary conjunction because I was tired and couldn’t stay awake for them to clear the buildings to the west; I did see Venus, who was waiting for her pals to catch up.
The news is ghastly! Just when you think that Virginia’s Fleece Fascist could not get any worse, he repeals felon re-enfranchisement rights. Apparently in Virginia, the right to vote is given to citizens by the governor and each governor can repeal or reinstate that right. I am not sure what it takes to amend the constitution there but someone needs to start the process. Two other states have lifetime bans for felons: Iowa and Kentucky. I used to wonder how Iowa was in that group but after seeing how quickly they devolved from State That Voted For Barack Obama into what they are today, it is clear that the hatred of The Other was simmering just below the surface and the only thing that kept it from boiling over was the Pre-MAGA politeness that used to define Midwesterners. Now it is it on full display. I prefer living where the hostility is out in the open and you can see your enemies in broad daylight and have a better than even chance to vote them out every two years.
I have a busy day today that started with two thwarted projects that were on my to-do list. I have to see if I can get the next one done or if it is just going to be that kind of day. If so, I will just put them off until tomorrow.
See all y’all later!
It’s 36 heading for 64 today and sunny. Yesterday we generated 15.8 KWHs and the m-t-d reached 290. We’ll get over 300 today. Just as well since the forecast shows clouds and rain for the last 2 days of March. Still, 326 beats 2020, 339 beats last year. Depending on how much over 300 we get today, either one would be doable – IF we get enough sunshine.
I woke to a house at 58 degrees because I forgot to turn the furnace back on. I turn it off when I light the fire so it won’t come on until the fire’s going well enough to shut the woodstove door. Otherwise I get a house full of smoke. Considering it was 33 outside, 58’s not bad. Not comfortable but not bad. I’m so glad I insulated the walls and upgraded the windows when I paid off the mortgage over a decade back.
I haven’t checked on anybody yet but Aji didn’t post until after I logged off last night so I’d best get over there and start boosting stuff. I take some of it to Spoutible, too. Not tweets but patreon & blog posts (& DK stories when I remember – I’m not at DK very often). Anyway, Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 45 and sunny outside my window today. If I can I need to ignore the garden and tend to a long list of indoor chores today, laundry being at the top of the list.
Yesterday’s lunch plans changed to include both Emma and Ava and their dad. Unfortunately a kid at Ava’s school posed on snapchat with a very real looking fake gun, and the kids at school saw the post and alerted the adults. So after a scary time huddling under a table and texting with her parents waiting in the parking lot Ava ran to them and left school for the rest of the day. It’s good we were together to talk and give her needed support. It’s hard for kids to feel safe in this mean old world :(
Posted yesterday.
Thursday Meese. 28 going up to 44 here in Kingston.
Puerto Rico
Vieques – no water again. Shelly asks “When will we have water?”
Good morning. In the office, got my walk done. Glad I’m in the office today, it should be my best friend’s 57th birthday. Damn cancer. Anyway, the noise and business will be good for me today. The bookchat last night was ok. Not super busy but people liked it.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} I’m glad you’re in the office today, too. You’re right. The noise and business – busy-ness – will help. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
Caribbean Matters – posted
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 54 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 55. Cloudy this morning with a chance of rain and then the sun will poke through for what my weather widget calls “a mix of sun and clouds.” Yesterday, when it was 83 and sunny, we got a hike in – I am glad we took the time and did not put it off.
So Muskmelon is going to change Twitter so that the “For You” column only shows people who have paid his BlueCheck fee. I never use it anyway because I have no idea how it is constituted. I may check it after April 15th and make a point of blocking/muting anyone stupid enough to pay for the BlueCheck and disgusting enough to put money in the pocket of a narcissistic ahole who wants to destroy America. I haz spoken!
I am curious to see how Republicans treat the Russian detention of a reporter from the propaganda arm of their political party. Their attacks on Brittany Griner as “not deserving” of any prisoner swaps because they did not like her were awful. I personally don’t like people who advance propaganda to support Rupert Murdoch’s destruction of America but I am not going to choose Russia’s side.
I have to get my day started, see all y’all later!
It’s 56 going to 68 and already house-lights-on clouded over. The rain is supposed to move in this afternoon so maybe, perhaps, it’ll clear off earlier tomorrow than originally forecast. I hope. Yesterday we generated 17.5 KWHs and reached 308 for the m-t-d. I’m not going to say that’s probably it for the month even with this cloud cover, but unless it clears off really early on Friday we’ll probably end up with 310 to 312.
Rocky sleep and a zoned-out day is what I’m apparently looking at. And difficulty typing. But nothing new there. Just irritating. Heading over to twitter, spoutible, & DK. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Thursday morning, Meese. It’s a cool 37 F. here, sunny and dry as a bone in Ashburn. We’re supposed to have 70-mile-an-hour winds on Saturday, enough to blow all the cherry blossoms off the trees. Pity. They’re at peak bloom now, such a lovely sight.
Yesterday I had to get ready to run to the grocery store and the barbershop. Had a much-needed haircut. After that I felt so fragile I had to rest.
I am SO sick of seeing DFG’s orange face and hearing about his l’il tantrums. I look away when his face comes on the TV. Is there no other news? That crappy World News Tonight determinedly ignores Kamala’s historic visit to the African continent, preferring to report the same Alec Baldwin–Wossname Murdagh the Murderer–tornadoes down South over and over again. David Muir should be ashamed of himself.
Tomorrow will be two weeks since my “procedure.” Still can’t talk. Still losing weight even though I’m eating everything that isn’t nailed down. Is this because my body is sending all my energy to repairing my vocal cords, or simply that my scales need a replacement battery? If I’m still in this parlous state come Monday, I will write another note and present it to the Medical Center demanding that someone look at my throat. It’s not sore, it’s just that I can’t speak.
In the meantime, back at the ranch, I have lots of work to do, so I’d better get to it. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
{{{Diana}}} Healing Energy for your voice. moar {{{HUGS}}}
THIS!! “I am SO sick of seeing DFG’s orange face and hearing about his l’il tantrums.”
I open my news aggregators and 90% of it is about tRump or mini-tRump DeSantis. It is sickening. I am glad that Twitter is useless, it saves me from thinking I should open it and scroll through the “news.”
Good morning, 50 and sunny outside my window today. I woke up in the night needing to ice my knees so no working in the garden for me today. I do see the oral surgeon this afternoon so I hope I can get tooth repair on the fast track now. And I sincerely hope this dentist will be worth the wait! RonK comes home today so my clean quiet kitchen will soon have the resident messy cook back in action :) I complain, but he is becoming a very good cook and he enjoys making tasty food so some cleanup is the price to pay. Best wishes to all.
Friday Meese. 25 here in Kingston going up to 51 with rain.
Sadly the Trump news will push the skimpy coverage here of MVP Harris’ trip out of the news
This was great to see.
Gods, it’ll be nice when he’s locked up and we don’t have to hear about him or see his ugly face.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Got my walk done. I’m trying to be as happy as everyone else about the indictment. I just don’t have any faith that anything will happen. Also — the Texas legislature is advancing bills dismantling democracy, and I’m sure they’re not the only ones. And yesterday was just really hard. I keep thinking I should get a piece of chocolate cheesecake – that was our birthday thing – but then I think that would make things worse. And the shootings, dismantling our rights, and everything else just make things worse & worse.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 43 in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 66. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast. The weekend weather will be perfect and after a slight drop in temperatures in the middle of next week, we seem on track to have more consistent (nearly perfect) April weather.
The tRump indictment will overshadow any other news – which is what he wants and what the lazy media wants. I am going to read a few of the articles just to get a handle on what the facts are and what people are saying. We can only hope that the salacious details of his personal liaisons and slimey business dealings (it sounds like it is more than just hush money) will ding him. He has been criming for his entire life and has never been indicted so maybe the Teflon will wear off and the “I can shoot a man in the middle of 5th Avenue and get away with it” braggadocio will become less potent. Indictment isn’t conviction and even conviction may not be incarceration – and won’t stop him from running – but it is something. My daughter asked if he could still be elected president if he was convicted of a felony and in prison (most likely as house arrest) and I said, yes, yes he could. And that is terrifying.
My baseball team lost the MLB opener doing the same thing that they did last year – failing to score runs when players would find a way to get on base. At least I have the Women’s Basketball Final Four to keep me entertained for a few days. I am rooting for Virginia Tech to beat the ghastly anti-LGBT Kim Mulkey and rooting for Iowa over South Carolina. I have watched both Iowa and SC play and Iowa plays basketball the way I have enjoyed it – lots of points scored, pure shooting, excellent passing, good swarming defense. The Maryland v South Carolina game last week was filled with fouls and befouled with overly physical play – you don’t have to knock down your opponent and draw literal blood on every play. In any event, there are three more basketball games left and then I will only have baseball so I will enjoy it while I can.
See all y’all later!
Our overnight low of 58 was just after midnight. It was 65 by the time I got up and it’s 67 now, heading for 77. The rain’s moved out and the clouds are starting to go as well. Yesterday we got just under 8.5 KWHs and the m-t-d is 316.6 so if it really does clear off we’ll do better than 2020 even though we won’t do better than last year.
Well, I’m happy tfg has been indicted but as rto said, get back to me when we have a conviction. At least there’s a possibility of a conviction. There wasn’t one with the impeachments. Should he actually end up in prison where he belongs, well, how good or bad a time he’ll have will depend on his MAGAt guards. If they treat him as their martyred cult leader he’ll have a fine time. If they treat him as any other rich and powerful person they’ve gotten into their power, he might not survive. But that’s all cake or calamity for another day. First we have to get a conviction.
Off to twitter and spoutible. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! It’s cold and ugly in Ashburn this Friday, 44 F. and cloudy. It may or may not rain.
Y’know, I’m trying to feel delighted by The News, and yes, of course it’s good, BUT—it’s been too long in coming. It would be the same if someone told me my book was a best seller. That would have meant something 40 years ago or even 30 years ago, but at my age, with the little time I have left, I really don’t give a rodent’s posterior.
What I can’t get over is that feeling of impending doom I experienced some months ago, a feeling that drove me to hire a Tarot reader, who told me I would have to be in high priestess mode until April. Well, April begins tomorrow, of course. Although a couple of nice things have happened, March has been overshadowed by my sister’s sad, lonely death.
I have some work to finish so I’d better get to it. The window washers are supposed to come today so we were washed, brushed, and breakfasted at an abnormally early hour (for us). They still haven’t arrived.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Kamala in Tanzania – posted
Good afternoon, 47 and raining so I’ve ha a quiet indoor morning. My appointment with the oral surgeon went well so I’m very relieved. He has a quiet calm demeanor and his was of working with blood thinner meds will be easier for me. Extraction day is on the 4th, and then three months of healing, and then he will discuss replacement options. The slow more thoughtful approach is best for me now so that’s a relief as well.
Time to get the ever present laundry underway, pay the last of this months bills, and to start preparing for my sister’s rescheduled visit. Best wishes to all.