Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 57 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 82. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Happy Easter for those who celebrate. 32 degrees here in Kingston NY, going up 57.
Puerto Rico/USVI
Response to FEMA funds being used to rebuild a mega-church:
“Vieques without a hospital and many, many unrepaired structures. Public funds should not be used for this. They have their people who give them their offering. Basically it is a robbery to the public coffers. This should be a medical center or a school for the village”
It’s shameful that public money would be requested to build a church! Vieques needs a hospital and a bunch of other things. I hope someone puts paid to this stupid idea.
How lovely! Thank you, Sis!
Good morning. Got a lot done yesterday, including making risotto with mushrooms & asparagus for today. Eating breakfast, watching the news. Got tea steeping, will put on a pretty dress later for church.
Black Music Sunday
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind, and happy Easter to all who celebrate it! When I was Episcopalian I used to love this particular point of the liturgical year. We in the Matin Choir learned some marvelous hymns for Easter Sunday. The Very Rev. Chas. A. Higgins, drifting by in his vestments, would beam and say, “He is risen,” to which anyone in his path would reply, “He is risen indeed.”
For myself, I’m much more comfortable with Goddess, who understands the connection of eggs, rabbits, baby chicks, and bright green grass with this particular spoke on the Wheel of the Year. (When I was Christian, I always used to wonder what on earth the aforementioned had to do with the death of Jesus Christ and why we felt impelled to acquire new clothes for Easter.)
Anyway, I have felt very poorly for the last several days. Feeling better now. I still croak like a frog but am making progress. By Tuesday I expect to be able to bark like a dog. Speaking of dogs, Bon-Bon, the little rescue dog across the hall, gave us an Easter sack full of chocolate goodies! As soon as I can bark properly I’ll thank her in person.
Younger Son has invited us to Easter dinner, which will be lovely. He rarely invites us over: understandably, perhaps, since he works two jobs and hauls the kids to sports all weekend. Little Karl broke a board with his bare hand and another board with his bare foot in Tae Kwon Do class. Proud Papa videoed it and sent it to us.
Have a VERY BUSY week coming up, ordering Shakespeare’s birthday cake and sitting pleasantly in the writers’ group meeting while my second-in-command, a delightful man who for some reason was allowed to become a Christian minister, conducts the meeting for me. I call on the Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Egyptian pantheons to return my missing voice to me! It’s a rather obnoxious voice when it’s normal, but ’tis my own.
That’s enough from me this bright, shiny, cold Easter morning. It’s 51 now, will get up to a whopping 55 F. today. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. It’s 57 heading for 72 and sunny so far today. Yesterday we generated 17.4 KWHs and ended the day with 119 for the m-t-d. So far, so good.
My friend brought over her stovetop espresso maker and we had Easter mochas and a nice visit. Under the vent with the Merv-12 filter. Things aren’t great with her but her own health is reasonably OK (her financial health would be a lot better if her husband’s Disability would ever get approved – or he’d stop spending money like he actually had some) and her sister’s are doing OK. The “3 girls” have always supported each other so at least that part’s good.
She just left so I’m just getting online. Bunch to do so I’d best get to it. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
good morning, 52 and raining out side my window today. Our Easter day will be quiet this year, but that’s ok. I’ll bake a carrot cake later this afternoon, and RonK will cook dinner this evening for us, our son, Elsa and my sister. I do have an Easter arrangement using tulips, andromeda, salal and pussy willow stems on the table, along with our old Easter bunny and some candy bowls so some traditions are present. As always, my best wishes to all.
Yes We Shall!
Monday Meese. 29 here in Kingston NY going up to 67.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Had a great walk/run — of my 9 running segments, 4 were 45 seconds and one was even 90! That’s a lot of running for me. Anyway, here I am in the office. Hoping for an uneventful week.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Off to a slow start but my breakfast porridge and coffee will get me going.
I think I’ve got a headache. I don’t see much hope for this country and I’m having a very hard time understanding how ONE ideologue judge in Texas can forbid an entire continent of women from having access to abortion pills. Next it’ll be Plan B, and then birth control pills. Chastity belts anyone?
Sunny but cool here in Ashburn. The rest of the week will be warm to hot.
Had a wonderful Easter dinner at Younger Son’s house yesterday. Almost everyone was there, was able to see three of the four local grandchildren. Miss Pink Cheeks has a gorgeous figure AND she qualified to take the entrance exam for TJ! We are now waiting for the results.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. All I want for Easter Monday is my VOICE!
I was encouraged to see an article with surveys showing that young people – and especially women – are choosing not to go to out of state colleges in regressive and repressive Republican states where their rights are denied and their health is put at risk. People need to vote with their wallets and refuse to support red state governments with their tuition and room and board dollars. Of course, red states don’t care about how women feel and probably don’t want uppity women in their states in any event; if we could get student athletes to care and make loud noises about not wanting to play football and basketball in states where democracy is being crushed and rights are being trampled, we might have a better chance of getting their attention.
Good point!
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 59 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 91 (will feel like 88). Sunny skies are in the forecast. It is a bit early for the 90s but it is just for a few days then we return to more normal temperatures. I am pretty sure we will not be able to avoid turning the air conditioning on.
I was laughing over the conservative pundits claiming that Harlan Crow can’t be a racist because he is pals with Clarence Thomas, a Black man. JHC! Clarence Thomas claims none of the Black experience and only noted his own race to proclaim a “high tech lynching” to cover up his sexual harassments while working at the EEOC prior to his elevation to the highest court in the land. He thinks white, rules white and wants to destroy every good government program that helps any human being, white or Black. He won’t be impeached (puh-lease!) and he won’t retire because there is nothing that makes him uncomfortable about his using his office to feather his and his wife’s nest. Roberts and Alito are doing the same thing and the only reason Gorsucks hasn’t is because he is such a nasty person no one wants to be around him even in faux friendship. Keggernaugh and Mrs. Jesse Barrett are laying low for now (Keggernaugh already got his payday when someone paid off his mortgage) but they will get in on the grift – it is a built-in feature of Republicanism.
The short window of time between when I get up and when my Central Daylight Time clients start work is making it a luxury to pause and read the news before I start my day. I am going to have to re-remember how I did it last year. It is entirely possible that I deferred client work to weekends and connected during the work week only for emergencies. In any event, I have spent too much time reading the news and it is already after 7:30 am CDT and the window is closed. I need to send out “I will work on your issue tomorrow” emails.
See all y’all later!
Uh-oh! I need to spend a long morning at my ‘puter as well,. Wurra the day, as they say in Ireland.
It’s 51 heading for 71 and sunny at the moment. The widget says clouds will be moving in soon. No rain – all that rain that was predicted last week has gone away – just the clouds. sigh. Yesterday we generated 16.8 KWHs and with the m-t-d at 136.7 we’re not just on track but gaining. Which is good because cloudy days tend to not generate enough to stay on track.
Being a sunny day, I’ve been up long enough to bake a batch of gingerbread muffin bread. It just came out of the oven and is on the cooling rack now. The house smells lovely. I will have some with my midmorning “coffee break”. We’re right at the temperature line where it’s too warm for fires to do the laundry in the evening and hang it on racks in the house but too chilly in the mornings to do laundry and hang it outside. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about the laundry. Except do it of course.
I spoze I’d best get over to twitter and Spoutible and start my boosting stuff for the day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 44 and cloudy outside my window today. Yesterday was a wind and rain shower day, ending with a beautiful rainbow over the bay. Our quiet dinner for four was a bit busier than planned because Elsa is now tall enough to reach table tops and she is quick! RonK moved the carrot cake to the table where I usually serve from and Elsa helped herself. She did leave some cake for us, and was very pleased with herself. How does one train an adorable and completely unrepentant puppy to not steal food? Looks like we’re going to have to find a way. Best wishes to all.
OMG, I’d have helped Elsa eat that carrot cake! It’s my favorite cake of all!
What a naughty girl!
Good morning. So glad I have these 2 wfh days. Slept late and I’ll take a long break later to get my walk in. Going to have dinner tonight with my college boyfriend, should be pretty weird. He sent me a letter a few weeks ago, apologizing for how things went and saying he’s coming to Austin and wants to get together. I wrote back that it was a million years ago, so we’re going to have dinner tonight. Like I said, should be plenty weird. For now, watching astronomy and eating breakfast. Maybe some extra caffeine.
Good Tuesday moaning, Meese. Sunny and 49 F. already in Ashburn, going to a whopping 77 F. The rest of the week it will be hot—upper 80s if you please. I’ll wear shorts.
Today I’m moaning about my voice, which is still on vacation. Used DuckDuckGo yesterday to find out about prolonged laryngitis. If it lasts more than three weeks it’s considered chronic. I think it’s moronic. Rang the quack’s office yesterday—no appointments available until July—had to settle for seeing a PA I’ve seen before who isn’t that great. That’s at the end of the month. It’s so awful, because last night I thought of a new song I could inflict on Dearly if I could only sing. It was “On Top of Old Smoky.”
The writers in my group have amazed and delighted me again with their offerings. Since I can’t speak, I’ll have to type up my critiques and staple them to the printouts. What a bore chore! Still, ’tis a first-world problem.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
It’s 54 going to 74 and sunny. At least at the moment. Yesterday we got some clouds midday but it cleared off again and we generated 13.6 KWHs. The m-t-d is 150 and that’s definitely on track.
Yesterday I got a call from my sister I haven’t talked to in almost 14 years. She was calling on behalf of another sister I talk to 3 or 4 times a year. So I knew it was bad news from the get go. My nephew in Denver has cancer. Metastasized. No prognosis yet. They’re doing an intensive course of chemo this week. The most hopeful thing at this point is it’s not in his pancreas or his brain. Prayers or whatever would be appreciated. (I got my sister’s current phone number and email and we caught up a bit. Like her stepson died of cancer 2 years ago and she and her husband have custody/are raising his now 3-year-old son whom she loves dearly.)
Heading over to twitter & spoutible. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Prayers winging toward your nephew now.
Thank you. {{{Diana}}}
Prayers lifted.
Thank you. {{{Dee}}}
Good morning, 43 and rain showers outside my window today. My old sewing friend is in town for a visit this week so we are meeting for lunch. My face is tired from eating, talking and trying to smile but it’s nice to see people again. Thanks to covid I’ve been a recluse! Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 81 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 91. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Quick check in – I was doing project work this morning that ran a little long and now I have to disengage and run some errands.
See all y’all later!