Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning, 50 and cloudy, with rain in the night. The garden is dry so I’m hoping for more rain this afternoon. If not I’ll have to sort out the hoses and get a leaking faucet fixed. I’ve been working in the garden th last few days and am feeling less overwhelmed with tasks, but very tired from the work. It’s increasingly apparent I need to simplify my gardening expectations but I’m having trouble doing so.
I’m also struggling a bit with keeping up with the housework and laundry. Sue was here yesterday but we both got to tired so she is coming back today to finish her part. Now that the dental trauma is easing I hope I’ll find some more energy for the rest of my life.
I do have some arm chair traveling fun happening now as Lisa and her family are in Iceland and sharing photos. They had planned this trip pre covid, and when the world shut down they had to cancel. They were able to keep their deposits but this was the year to use or lose them. Ryan has read many books of Icelandic literature so he is loving being there. It’s fun to see them enjoying a new experience. Best wishes to all.
What fun! M’Daughter and her husband visited Iceland some years ago. I stopped there on the way to London in 1965. Although I never left the city of Reykjavik, I thoroughly enjoyed my brief visit there, sampling skyr and bits of shark on toast, admiring the carvings in the museum and wondering why all the women I saw were so pretty.
Bet your family is enjoying it too!
Good morning, meeses! Saturday ..
It is 52 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 81. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I am not surprised that Dr. Rochelle Walensky has stepped down from the CDC rather than be a right-wing punching bag. She helped right the ship that tRump’s incompetence (and incompetents!) were sinking and reset the standards and professionalism that the CDC needed to do the job of tracking and promoting the health of Americans. I fear that the next group of people tapped to be put in charge of important departments and agencies are going to be hesitant to be part of the toxic divided government that the Supreme Court’s gerrymanders and embrace of minority rule gave us.
I wanted to sleep in but the effort to adjust the temperature in the bedroom involves cooling it down at night and then being a little too cool in the morning. It is difficult to get back to sleep once awake so here I am. I do have a lot to do – the biggest is to get my stack cleared again from the weeks unexpected projects so that I can reset for next week.
See all y’all later!
The site may have been down for about 10 minutes around 8:30 EDT. I was backing up some data and it may have caused a blip in connection.
Everything should be back!
Good morning. Picked up my groceries, got my mile walk in. Now I’m eating breakfast, watching the end of the coronation coverage, then the news. Today: no plans at all.
Welp, I got up thinking it was Sunday and was half way through the vacuuming before I realized it’s Saturday. LOL. 74 heading for 85 and off-and-on cloudy. I’m hoping for more off than on. Yesterday we generated just under 10 KWHs which is at least more than I use in a day. The m-t-d is 77 which is at least on track for getting (slightly) more than we did last month.
I haven’t checked on anybody yet much less checked in with anybody (until now) or done any boosting. So I guess I’ll get to it. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Saturday morning, Meese! It’s barely morning still. What with watching the Coronation, serving up a nice breakfast, and then attending karate for seniors class, time got away. We’re not royalists—far from it—but knowing that we’re too old to travel and that we’ll never walk the streets of our beloved London again, I do like to see the scenes I know so well.
For breakfast we had chilled orange juice (not mimosas), scrambled eggs, Canadian bacon, warm croissants with strawberry jam, and the ugliest little apricot tarts you ever saw, which I made yesterday. They tasted better than they looked, thank Goddess.
As this is Saturday, it will be Vegetarian Night. We’ll have Lemon Pasta with toasted walnuts and asparagus. (Dearly does not like pine nuts, which is what the recipe calls for.) I figured out a way to reduce the prep time from 2 hours to 30 minutes. Aren’t I clever? The older I get, the lazier I get.
It’s a gorgeous day here, 57 F., sunny with blue skies. Too bad it’s so cold. One feels very disinclined to go out in it. I may do some treadmill later on.
Regret to tell you that I am the class dunce in karate. Can’t seem to tell my left from my right, very slow to catch onto the form—dear Goddess, the instructor must think I’m hopeless. But I’ve been hopelessly unathletic all my life. In my day, girls weren’t encouraged to take up sports. We were thought too dumb or something. However, I hope to watch “The Karate Kid” tonight on TV. I’ve never seen it. Perhaps I’ll learn something about form.
That’s enough from me today, except to say I had a marvelous time yesterday having coffee and then lunch with Darling Niece. Hadn’t seen her in AGES! We even found time to look at the flower market. All in all, a very pleasant day.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Ha! “Can’t seem to tell my left from my right.” This is an issue I have that has plagued me all my life. I have to be very deliberate when identifying something left or right or I will get it wrong. If you have it too, then it is clearly a sign of brilliance rather than a flaw!
Good morning, 51 and raining in my garden today. I’m grateful for the rain because I need to stay on task indoors today. My desk needs attention first, then the laundry, and then a nap!
I did watch some of the coronation, but decided sleep was more important so I didn’t last long. Best wishes to all.