Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit. #MotleyMoose
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 68 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 91. Mostly sunny skies with a chance of rain in the afternoon.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Happy Mother’s Day Meese – to moms, grandmas, aunties, mentors. 52 going up to 67 here in Kingston.
Puerto Rico
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! It’s 54 F. right now on what promises to be a beautiful day in Ashburn. The high will be 75 F. All the severe storms we were supposed to get yesterday: nada. We had a couple of tiny showers in the morning, and ugly clouds the rest of the day. The weather forecasters’ continual wrong predictions would be funny if they weren’t getting paid $300,000 a year for them.
Don’t have to cook a proper (or even an improper) Sunday breakfast this morning, as we will go to the Sunday brunch down the hall at the 1912 restaurant. We’ll have to get somewhat dressed up, but thank Goddess, once the meal is over with we can totter happily back home and do whatever.
I’m getting worried about the coming default. I hope the stupid Trumpanzees know that their late or missing Social Security checks are entirely the fault of the Rethugs in the House. I know people whose entire income is Social Security. That’s what so tragic—everyone in Congress is a millionaire, some multimillionaires, with no idea at all of how ordinary people live. May Goddess punish them as they deserve.
Daughter called yesterday and we had an hour’s conversation about doctors, cancer, missing voices, and so on. So jolly!
Wishing a happy Mother’s Day to all at the Pond, including the mothers of cats and dogs. Enjoy!
Good morning. Got tea steeping, watching the news. Lots of rain yesterday, I got my exercise walking back & forth to the laundry room and running in place during the spin cycle. Anyway, today: church, make next week’s breakfast, maybe walk this afternoon since the Science Channel isn’t showing astronomy.
It’s 70 going to 84 and sunny at the moment. As with yesterday we’ve got clouds and maybe rain coming this afternoon. I’m hoping that it comes as late as it did yesterday. We generated 17 KWHs & I’ll happily take a loss of 5 over what’s possible instead of 10 or 15 over what’s possible any day of the week and yes, twice on Sunday. ???? The m-t-d is 206 and are at least temporarily back on track for 480.
Happy Mother’s Day to everybody – whatever species or combinations of species you “mother” – including plants.
Welp, I’ve finished my Sunday housecleaning chores so I guess I’d best get on my online ones. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Monday Meese. 41 going up to 78 here in Kingston NY.
I didn’t manage to stay awake last night to see the Leguizamo episode on Puerto Rico – will try to see it today.
Good morning. Did my walk, in the office. It’s muggy out, supposed to rain most days this week. Still won’t be enough to get us out of drought. Anyway……happy Monday.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 70 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 90. Sunny skies right now with a few clouds and a chance of rain later this afternoon. Yesterday’s “rain” was two drops on my windshield – we are hoping that today’s is a little more significant. Rain is very rare except during the monsoon season which starts in a month (June 15th) but it is always welcome after a long dry period especially by people with seasonal allergies who need the air cleansed.
I have an event to attend this afternoon and I spent the morning wrapping up communications with clients that need to get out before I shut down for the day. I am wondering how the debt limit is resolved and how close Republican “institutionalists” will allow McCarthy to get to a default. My guess is that they will actually discover that they have no control over him and that he will crash the economy and destroy everyone’s 401ks to save his Speakership. The only question is whether the MAGAts will remove him or that the “moderate” Republicans who know that the public is not buying McCarthy’s lie that he raised the debt limit and it is Biden’s fault will remove him. We shall see.
See all y’all later!
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s rather cloudy in Ashburn this morning but we have been promised sunny skies this afternoon and rain tomorrow. Harrumph! At present we have 57 F., going up to 70-odd.
Yesterday was so gorgeous I went for a walk, first past the community garden and the dog park, then in the other direction toward Fisherman’s Pond. Managed to take a gorgeous photo of the gazebo and steps leading down to the dock. Then Dearly and I dressed up and went to a rather peculiar buffet-style Mother’s Day offering at the restaurant down the hall. The male servers clearly hated wearing pink bow ties, but they looked cute anyway. The chicken with apple stuffing was good. If I were a plant-based eater, I couldn’t have eaten anything except the vegetables and fruit. Dining Services is going to have to get real and acknowledge that a plant-based diet is far better for people (and incidentally, cheaper) than the flesh of murdered land animals. However, I realize that one size does not fit all and some people probably need meat.
I felt pleased at getting Dearly out of our apartment three times last week! The morning coffee thing, lunch at the Mexican restaurant on Saturday, and then this Mother’s Day brunch. Some people were wondering whether he was still alive, since they don’t see him walking Monty now.
Have had a tummy upset since Saturday night, to the point where I was obliged to have porridge for breakfast and I’ll eat applesauce and toast for lunch. With regard to the daily Voice-o-Gram: it’s stronger this morning. It gets better every day. I still can’t sing, although I’m trying.
We watched “The Karate Kid” last night. I was hoping to pick up a few pointers, but the forms used by the people in the film weren’t very much like the ones we’re learning in class. Oh, well. We still have “Karate Kid 2” and “Karate Kid 3” to watch. I’d better start lifting weights to get some muscular strength.
That is (perhaps mercifully) all from me, folks! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
It’s 69 heading for 76 with some sunshine at the moment but a lot of clouds in the sky. Totally clouding up and maybe rain in the forecast. Hoping it will be later rather than sooner. Yesterday we generated 14.6 KHWs and the m-t-d is just over 220. We’re back/still on track for 480 but not by much.
Yesterday I had a lovely call from my younger son. Lovely that he called. The topic of conversation was more concerning. His older son is ADHD, epileptic, and autistic. The first 2 are being fairly well controlled with medication but Drew purely does not know what or how to deal with the last. The boy’s 14 now and instead of becoming more autonomous as he’s gotten older, he’s getting less. His grades are dropping because he’s not doing his lessons and every rationale for doing them or explanation of consequences for not doing them is met with “I comprehend” and no change in behavior. Given a choice he’d never leave the house and what he spends most of his time doing is playing video games on his phone. And that is so very foreign to my son’s entire 49 years of life experience.
I got a call from my sister. She’s hanging in there. My nephew is doing well enough he can put in partial days working from home once he gets past the 3 really bad days immediately following the course of chemo. If everything goes as planned the next round of chemo will start in 10 days.
And my older son showed up after gurdwara with my carrots & cabbage as usual – AND blackberries, chocolate, and the ingredients for a steak dinner which he prepared for me (& cleaned up after) to celebrate Mother’s Day! He is such a good cook! He pan-broiled that steaks, basted it in its own juices, and it was better than most steaks I’ve had in restaurants or charcoal grilled. (Actually there were 2 steaks. The other is in the fridge & will make 2 dinners later this week. But I ate all 10 oz of one last night. Which I must have needed because usually that much meat & fat at one sitting would make me sick. LOL)
Anyway, it was a good day. Now we have another day. So I’d best get onto my boosting chores. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Gosh, bfitz, so sorry about your grandson! I hope he can be helped.
Your Mother’s Day sounds terrific! Good for Elder Son!
{{{Diana}}} I’m sure he can be – but it’s going to take a lot of adjustment on my son’s part to not judge his son based on his own life experiences.
Yes, it was indeed a lovely Mother’s Day. moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 70 and sunny outside my window today. Yesterday was a fun family day, cooking breakfast outdoors, gardening with our sons, then dinner, then home…..whew! Feeling weary but very grateful.
I have a lab appointment this morning, then more plants to plant this afternoon. Best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. 52 going up to 80 today here in Kingston. Had a flat tire yesterday – which I had no clue how to fix – called my doctor and switched to a tele-med visit which was great – will deal with the tire today.
Puerto Rico
I don’t remember being taught a single thing about Puerto Rico, Black people (except for George Washington Carver), or Natives. Southwest American schools were abysmal even in the 1950s.
Good morning. I actually slept in, watch says I only got up twice last night. Going to get my walk in later, or run in place inside. For now, watching astronomy & eating breakfast.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 68 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 88. Sunny skies now but rain expected this afternoon. We did get some rain last night – we saw the clouds forming over the mountains and the first rain creating a shortened rainbow to the south (the end did not go to the ground) but the rain waited until after dark. It cooled things down a bit but it is muggy so I did not bring any of it in this morning.
I am glad to see that MAGAt deadenders in Wisconsin are lining up to try to unseat Senator Tammy Baldwin. They don’t get that their ideology only works to gain power in tightly gerrymandered districts – embracing ignorance does not have a statewide constituency in Wisconsin. Our daunting Senate map for 2024 may once again benefit from bad Republican candidates.
Another nose to the grindstone day for me. When an urgent project inserts itself into my schedule, it really creates a backup. I have to look at my to-do list and choose 3 projects to concentrate on. I slept in and woke up with the sun so the day will being behind.
See all y’all later!
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s 63 F. and sorta sunny in Ashburn. After a high of 77 F., there will be showers somewhere. Here? You kidding?
Dearly is off to the Meds in Tysons Corner for Mohs surgery. He has his phone, a bunch of crossword puzzles, and a light lunch in a computer bag. He had a decent cooked breakfast to keep him going. I hate doctors’ offices and hospitals! They look like factories. And they’re so dark—horribly shadowy, with the doomed white faces of patients peering through the pools of gloom. Thank Goddess I canceled that appointment with the ENT tomorrow, she was useless anyway.
“Day by day,” they sang in the Broadway show. Day by day my voice is coming back. It’s still a bit hoarse but so much better than before I began taking the H.A. that I can’t believe it. I hope by Friday afternoon, when I have to lead the discussion in the Biography Book Club, it will be almost or entirely full strength.
Too disgusted to comment on the news. While Dearly is away, the Queen of Procrastination will continue to work on writing. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 65 going to 70, overcast enough I need the house lights on, not exactly raining but the air is sure wet. Yesterday we generated 13.1 KWHs and the m-t-d at 233.4 is just barely on track for 480, but it is still on track for 480.
I’m late online because the vet came this morning. I didn’t manage to catch Bobbie so he’ll go without a checkup this year but the other 4 are fine. At least for their ages. Charlie’s a bit creaky, showing signs of arthritis, and both Charlie and Cloud have mild gum inflammation that we’re getting an antibiotic for, but that’s it. Since only 4 cats and no vaccines this year, it came in under $250. So that’s all good.
Meanwhile, I’m seriously late getting started with my online chores so I’d best get to them. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 64 and mostly cloudy in my garden today. I napped the afternoon away yesterday so no planting happened. And after watering plants last night I’ve ordered new spray nozzles and an easier to manage hose. Water dripping down my arm and into my shoes makes me cranky! Best wishes to all.
Black Kos
I really like this new Congresswoman from TX
Good morning. Super productive workday yesterday, will shut down early today because I even worked overtime. And I’m taking a break this morning to walk. Listened to as little of the Giuliani story as possible yesterday because ick. This is why I watch astronomy in the mornings — start my day off happy.
And a dam’ good idea that is, too.