Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 66 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 90. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 55 going up to 85 here in Kingston. Birthday party yesterday was great – tons of great Puerto Rican and soul food.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Got my tea steeping, watching the news. First heat advisory of the year, and the end of the week has 103-105 degree days. Sigh. May go to the gym this afternoon for my 30 minutes of walking. Before that, church and then my friend’s tea company is doing demonstration/tasting at a grocery store. And I’ve got to work on my Bookchat diary.
It’s 75 heading for 85 and sunny at the moment. Hopefully it will stay that way. Yesterday we generated 10.3 KWHs and the m-t-d at 155 is definitely not on track. We’ve got 2/3 the month left. We shall see what we shall see.
I’ve done my Sunday housecleaning chores, hands and back protesting as usual, and need to get on to my boosting chores. And Dee’s diary of course. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Monday Meese. 63 going up to 80 with rain here in Kingston. Air quality, moderate
Calling on vets/miitary and vet/military family members
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Got my walk/run done. It is ridiculously hot — 78 degrees even before the sun is up. Leaving work early, have to have the car worked on. Love putting things on the credit cart & paying that interest, but it needs doing.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Moo-oo, moo-oo! I feel like moo-ing softly this morning from sheer disappointment. Although I bought two bags of White Cheddar Popcorn to eat tomorrow, apparently there will be no occasion to eat it: we will not get to see Thing entering the courthouse, being taken up to the 13th floor, being fingerprinted, etc. No Perp Walk either. I’ve been followiing Bill Palmer on Twitter, who is explaining it all as we go along. Can’t bear to watch the media on TV, they interpret everything as “a win” for Thing, and keep mentioning how he’s “the front runner.” Faugh!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it’s 73 F. with the sun trying to break through the gray clouds. We’ve been promised rain. Yes, an 80 percent chance of rain. If it doesn’t happen I’m going to SCREAM. We’re almost 9 inches under normal for the year, so this alleged rain would at least put a dent in it.
So what does Dearly go and do? He scheduled a carpet cleaning this afternoon! It’s supposed to R-A-I-N, so he can’t sit on the screened porch to be out of their way while they’re here. I can’t do any of my writing. Two things I can do, however: I can work out at the gym, then go to the store to get half-and-half and whatnot.
The Summer Solstice ritual is coming together. Need to listen to Loreena McKennitt to see if “Standing Stones” and “Huron Beltane” will fit for the music. I’m trying to make the ritual participatory, so I won’t need to do a lot of speaking.
Will be attending the UU dinner at 5 this evening. Dearly will nuke a Hungry Man dinner in the micro. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 64 heading for 78 and already overcast after a sunny start to the day. sigh. The rain, it we get it at all, isn’t supposed to get here until after dark. Global warming/climate collapse. Sigh. Yesterday we generated 19 KWHs so the m-t-d at 177 is at least gaining a little. But it’s certainly not on track even for 500.
I’m happy it’s cool this morning as I had baking to do. (My next schedule baking won’t be so lucky.) And I’ve just taken the blueberry muffin bread out of the oven. It smells divine but I had to wait a bit before it’s cool enough to cut. That’s the one drawback of doing muffin bread (baking it in a single square cake pan) instead of muffin cups. I can’t just wait until it’s cool enough not to burn my mouth, I have to wait until it’s cool enough to cut. LOL.
Off to do my boosting chores. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 59 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 86. Sunny skies are in the forecast. That 59 ties a record low for the day – the average daytime high is 100.
A quick scan of the news shows that the news media has learned nothing about giving a publicity hound free publicity, good or bad. Not only is there an orange face on every story about the 2024 election but on every other story as TFG’s crimes become news. The only relevant headline is this: “If Trump gets back into power, he will never leave.” True. And we need to do everything we can to insure that he does not get voted back into power. Everything.
I was up early because I heard what sounded like upset animals outside and a dog barking. When I got to the patio, I could not see anything but the moon was quite lovely over the mountains and the cool wind felt nice. I tried to get back to sleep and couldn’t so I stayed up. I have a busy day today as I had a few setbacks on some projects over the weekend and need to find resolutions.
See all y’all later!
Tues Meese. 61 going up to 78 here in Kingston. Have doc appointments today, and glad the air has cleared up here
Puerto Rico
Good morning! Did my walk — was so wrapped up in my music that I blew past my street & ended up walking 1.5 mi. Watching astronomy. So very glad I’m wfh today; though it is absurdly hot & I hate what my electric bill will be.
It’s 64 heading for 81 and sunny at the moment. We managed to generate 12.6 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d at 190 is not on track. And will take multiple days of good generation to get there. We shall see if the weather grants us those sunny days to do the good generation. We got a little rain but it was in the “barely measurable” category.
The cats escaped this morning when I was taking a litter box out to be changed. The neighbor’s house is being reroofed (way overdue & is only happening because they got a community grant) and when the roofing materials truck drove up Charlie and Cloud headed for the back door but Freddie and Rennie headed for the back fence. I’m hoping they’ll come back when the truck leaves. (Roofing truck just pulled out as the recycling truck showed up so Freddie’s in now. Still waiting on Rennie.)
Sinusitis flare last night and sluggish/slow this morning. Obviously. I’d best get to my boosting for the day. I need to grill breakfast sausages today but want to get the first lot – everything from 6 pm last night – done before I do that. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese, sure and ’tis a grand immortal day! We have a Code Green—thanks, Yemaya—and although it’s 67 F. now, it’ll only get up to 80 F. We are rejoicing in blue skies, breeze, and sunlight.
Yesterday, although we enjoyed the sight of the rain, it amounted to .9 inches, so The drought continues. We’re 9 inches under for the year to date. I don’t know what the poor old farmers are going to do.
Someone on another blog plans to watch the court proceedings. What court proceedings? Nothing will be televised, that Awful Woman Judge is going to let him skate, and we will be deprived of the sight of his humiliation. It would have been nice to see the Bloated Orange One humiliated as payback for all the nasty things he’s said about Mexicans, Muslims, Black people, the physically challenged, women, and so on.
Oh, well. I wanted to go out with the walking club but had such a terrible night that I just don’t have the mojo. There’s plenty of writing I need to do this morning: must finish work on the ritual (8 days away!), finish writing my assignment for next month’s writers’ meeting, and things like that.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch: the carpet steamers steamed gently yesterday, today we’ll probably put the porch to rights, and tomorrow I must somehow find a couple of flowerpots. (Do y’all remember a trendy Sixties dessert called Flower Pots, whereby you packed ice cream into clean, small flowerpots and then decorated the tops with real flowers? No? Good for you!)
Went to the UU dinner last night. The first thing L. said when she saw me was that work on the play is in abeyance. I didn’t tell her I’m silently thanking Goddess that because no producer or director is to be found, there won’t be a play this fall. I already have more than enough to do, and that’s not even including the blog about my late sister. Now B. has a bee in her bonnet about putting on a big demonstration about banned books. I don’t mind ordering a t-shirt bearing the legend “I’m with the banned” and showing a graphic of books, nor do I mind ordering some banned books to stick in a little library. There’s one by the park in Arlington. I have Grandma duty next Tuesday, so Ethan and I could walk down to the park and put the books in the little bookcase.
Well, that’s enough from me this morning! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and a very bad day to Those People. You know whom I mean.
Good morning, 65 and mostly cloudy outside my window today. Sunday’s party was fun, but really pushed my physical limits so yesterday was a deep resting day. I love having family here, and they all help as needed but I do wonder how much longer I can host such gatherings. The lower patio table was dubbed “the kids table” but now young adults are sitting there.
I’m watching tRump tv indictment coverage, and the amount of police protection and the number of cars in the motorcade is obscene. He continues to receive underserved deference. Time to turn the tv off and the music on. Best wishes to all.
You are right, princesspat, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.
Late check-in. I had a late running early morning project that bumped into a maintenance appointment. 84 and sunny, tomorrow is the last nice day before the monsoon season and the really hot weather hits.
I am staying away from the news – it is depressing that tRump is going to hog every news cycle for eternity.
Hope everyone had a good day!
Exactly. I don’t know whether I can talk Dearly into doing this, but after yesterday I’m going to try.
Wednesday Meese. 51 here in Kingston going up to 73 with rain – which is good because our reservoir is still below normal.
Puerto Rico/USVI
Good morning. Walked 1.5 mi, it is already 80 degrees — no I’m not exaggerating. Getting ready for wfh day, trying to savor it instead of dreading the in-office ones. Only 1 hour of astronomy today :(
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind. It is raining in an entirely satisfactory manner, so I’m wildly happy. Have to rush off to get a haircut—my stylist didn’t cut it last week after all. She said to wait until today. She’s the only stylist I’ve ever known who doesn’t want to cut my hair down to the scalp every chance she gets.
Yesterday was ruined because of my lack of sleep. Today will be better. Still have to write to my aunt in Corpus Christi and my sister-in-law in Oz, as well as my friend at Greenspring. I was so disgusted with David Muir and Dan Abrams last night that I wanted to projectile-barf. David said, all wide-eyed innocence, “But T@#$% is still the front-runner, so if he wins the presidency next year he can make all this go away!!” “Oh, absolutely,” Abrams, a lawyer who should know better, agreed.
Do these animals not know that in the unlikely event such a thing were to transpire, this country would be an autocracy, like Putie’s Russia, and no longer a democracy?
“What kind of government have you given us, sir?” A lady asked Benjamin Franklin as he and the others surged out of the conference room in 1776.
“A republic, if you can keep it,” Franklin said with a shrug. Uh-huh.
M’Daughter and her husband have embarked on a frenzy of spending. Apple stock is way high, apparently, so they’re cashing out. They just bought a condo and a house in Lenox, MA—anything to get out of Texas, which is going to run out of water and has already, of course, run out of common sense.
I’m happy for her but sad for me. I once entertained visions of her living so close by that she could run over and we’d go out to lunch, and then get manis and pedis or massages. Oh, well. First world problem, n’est-ce pas?
Got to split, it’s already late. Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day.
It’s 72 heading for 85 and sunny – which is very different from what I was in the middle of typing when the power went out 2 hours ago. It was seriously dark and a thunderstorm was raging. (We got .6″ rain.) Anyway, yesterday we generated 19 KWHs and the m-t-d at 208.9 wasn’t on track but was gaining. A little. We’ll see what today brings.
I’m slow today. Partly the usual – groggy due to sinusitis flare last night. Partly because last night I sliced the hell out of my right index finger when I dropped the orange juice can I’d just opened and the very sharp edge of the lid caught it. Fortunately I dropped it in the sink. So the wasted OJ concentrate and blood could just be washed away. I couldn’t get the bleeding to stop for 20 minutes. I called my son at the 10-minute mark and he reminded me both pressure and raising it above heart level. Once I got it above heart level, it started slowing down. But. . . right index finger. sigh.
I’ve a lot of catching up to do so I’d best get to it. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}