Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: August 6th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.



  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 96 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 106. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 57 here in Kingston going up to 84. Had a great day yesterday at my annual Women’s Gathering. Today is my husband’s initiation anniversary – so we will be having quite a few guests. Thankfully, no rain here today.

    Puerto Rico

    • Congratulations on your husband’s initiation, Sis! I had such a good time writing about your annual gathering in my story, “Chosen of the Orishas.” Just reread it a few weeks ago.

  3. Good morning. Had a really busy day yesterday, and the music diary was quite lively. Now, I’m watching the news — evacuations from wildfires near (not too near) Austin — and enjoying the smell of my steeping tea. Today: church, make breakfast for the week, and find a way to exercise.

  4. It’s 71 heading for 89/96 overcast and drizzling. I’m not sure how long it will last and whether or not we’ll get any sun today. Yesterday we didn’t get much. 7 KWHs. But the m-t-d at 78.8 is still on track for the most likely goal.

    Yesterday we had some excitement. The gusts tangled the powerlines again and we were out for a couple of hours. But the sparking/fireworks show before it went out had one of the neighbors call the fire department – those guys were in my backyard looking for danger while knocking on my front door to see if I was OK before I got off the phone with SWEPCO’s hazard report CSR. It must have done it multiple places on this line because this time my entire side of the street was out. And according to the fire guys, there were a lot of these all over the city. SWEPCO is lousy about maintaining their right of ways/keeping the trees trimmed back so they can’t be blown into the lines. We’ll see if reports by FFD get them to do something.

    Fineena can’t win for losing. Even the national franchise 2 Men & a Truck just showed up, made some excuse for not hauling the old furniture out (“the floor looks slippery” – for real?), and drove off without another word to her. She may be moving with what she herself can pack and load into the POD and that’s that. The slumlord will get to convince people to haul it off. Or wait until the house is demolished with the stuff inside (if they’ll do that) and it’ll be hauled off with the construction debris.

    Sales are abysmal for small business people I know of. The economy may be great for capitalists (and it is) but not for people in the bottom quartile. And it’s putting more people on my needs list – people who if sales were decent, not even great just decent, would be helping people on my needs list. sigh.

    I’m done with my Sunday housekeeping chores but my friend will be here any minute with coffee so it’ll probably be a while before I get over to xitter & Spoutible and Dees diary. But I’ll get there sometime this morning. Holding the Good Thoughts. {{{Meeses}}}

      • According to my son, they don’t really mean junk when they say junk. They mean something they can sell to a 2nd-hand vendor. They’re looking for stuff from people who think a 5-year-old car is a junker. They are totally not interested in something that is pretty much landfill fodder.

        But yes. Poor Fineena. They wasted a lot of her time and energy because they aren’t honest about what they do.

  5. It’s 71 heading for 89/96 overcast and drizzling. I’m not sure how long it will last and whether or not we’ll get any sun today. Yesterday we didn’t get much. 7 KWHs. But the m-t-d at 78.8 is still on track for the most likely goal.

    Yesterday we had some excitement. The gusts tangled the powerlines again and we were out for a couple of hours. But the sparking/fireworks show before it went out had one of the neighbors call the fire department – those guys were in my backyard looking for danger while knocking on my front door to see if I was OK before I got off the phone with SWEPCO’s hazard report CSR. It must have done it multiple places on this line because this time my entire side of the street was out. And according to the fire guys, there were a lot of these all over the city. SWEPCO is lousy about maintaining their right of ways/keeping the trees trimmed back so they can’t be blown into the lines. We’ll see if reports by FFD get them to do something.

    Fineena can’t win for losing. Even the national franchise 2 Men & a Truck just showed up, made some excuse for not hauling the old furniture out (“the floor looks slippery” – for real?), and drove off without another word to her. She may be moving with what she herself can pack and load into the POD and that’s that. The slumlord will get to convince people to haul it off. Or wait until the house is demolished with the stuff inside (if they’ll do that) and it’ll be hauled off with the construction debris.

    Sales are abysmal for small business people I know of. The economy may be great for capitalists (and it is) but not for people in the bottom quartile. And it’s putting more people on my needs list – people who if sales were decent, not even great just decent, would be helping people on my needs list. sigh.

    I’m done with my Sunday housekeeping chores but my friend will be here any minute with coffee so it’ll probably be a while before I get over to xitter & Spoutible and Dees diary. But I’ll get there sometime this morning. Holding the Good Thoughts. {{{Meeses}}}

  6. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! It’s 86 F. in Ashburned right now (9 inches under normal rainfall for the year), but they’re predicting tornadoes, hail, heavy rain, and Goddess-knows-what for the afternoon. Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh. Have heard it all before, while the weather remained bone-dry.

    Even my friend at the Erickson community in Springfield, VA saw the Sturgeon Moon! True, she woke up at a distinctly odd hour (4:30 a.m.), but at least she saw it. I never saw anything.

    I have a two-page list of chores. Think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, frankly. Had a long, delightful lunch with Darling Niece on Friday, during which we talked each other’s ears off. Not content with that, we then proceeded to Starbucks and talked each other’s remaining ears off. Still, we had a lot to catch up on.

    I should be learning my lines, but considering that I wrote the play, I don’t think it’ll be too difficult. I’m expecting Nora this afternoon to gather photos of my late sister into a slideshow, which we hope to show at the memorial dinner next month. I haven’t thought about music, because I don’t know what she liked. I still need to work on a blog about her.

    Have been horribly tired owing to bad nights, so have been less than productive. Tomorrow we’ll have the puppy for 10 days. I’m trying to find someone to puppy-sit for a few hours next Sunday, so we can attend Dearly’s birthday barbecue at Elder Son’s house.

    Have also been trying not to watch or listen to the news, which is still All Orange, All the Time.

    Meanwhile, our screened porch looks lovely. For once we can sit out there. It’s rare that we can do this, owing to plane noise, and weather that’s too hot, too cold, too windy, or something.

    Wishing a good Sunday to all at the Pond.

    • {{{Diana}}} I didn’t get to see the full moon either. For some reason it always seems to be cloudy here for at least 3 and frequently 5 days surrounding the full moon. sigh. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

  7. Monday Meese. Bad weather on the agenda for us today – thunderstorms and possible tornadoes.

    Puerto Rico

    “Vieques has gone without obstetrician-gynecologists for more than a month”

  8. Good morning. Had a terrible night’s sleep, but I did my mile — even managed a little running on each lap. Sitting at my desk, preparing for in-office day. Hoping that some day, we will have an overnight low below 80.

    • I think that is the most difficult part of this heat wave – it is never cool. Saturday morning, I felt a slightly cool breeze on my deck when I went out for my morning “Oh Hail The Mountains” visit. Yesterday, at the same time, there was not a hint of coolness and this morning at 6am when I started my walk, it was 82. Returning to overnight lows in the 70s will be a literal breath of fresh air.

  9. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 82 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 95. Mostly sunny skies right now but expected to cloud up as a possible monsoonal shower pops up after noon. The official heat dome temperatures have ended but it looks like they will be back next week. A week long respite would be most welcome.

    I am enjoying the sparring between tRump and the federal judge who has been assigned the coup case. She can throw him in jail if he won’t stop threatening witnesses and she should. The only way to make people believe that No One Is Above The Law is to make an example of career criminal Donald J. Trump and establish the boundaries of free speech as they pertain to criminal trials. She does not seem likely to back down – I hope that enough tRump SCROTUSes give her the power she needs to insure a fair trial and the safety of those involved.

    I have a lot of pending projects so I need to limit time reading news and visiting with online friends.

    See all y’all later!

  10. It’s 69 heading for 87, drizzly and dark. The PV system is on, but just barely. Yesterday we generated 14 KWHs which at least was better than the day before. The m-t-d is 92.8 – on track for one of the more likely goals but I don’t know how long it will stay on track looking at the 10-day forecast.

    Yesterday I had a lovely visit with my friend in the morning and my son in the evening and the A/C only cycled on twice (between 7:30 and 9:30 pm) so I’m calling it a good day. For me anyway. My son may come by tonight to fix my faucet but yesterday and today he’s involved with a family funeral (other side of the family, not my kin) so it may be later in the week before he can get time. Oh well. The bucket still works & family is more important. Nothing new, good or bad, with Fineena. Or anybody else that I know of. Well, except for the wildfires springing up all over the place in NM. Prayers up for a lot of folks. The smoke is playing hell with Aji’s respiratory issues. And nothing new with her means no sales and that’s bad. sigh.

    Made pudding this morning (so it will be cold by tonight for dessert) and even with tremors I managed to get it into the 4 serving cups without spilling it all over the place. So that’s good. Now off to xitter & Spoutible to do my boosting chores. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  11. Good morning, 67 and cloudy outside my window today. I was distracted with family phone calls and texts yesterday so forgot to check in here. We were noting Lisa and John’s 29th wedding anniversary, so lots of memories to share. Love that we can all stay connected via our various devices. I’ve got lots I should do today but energy and motivation are both lacking so I’ll see what happens. As always, my best wishes to all.

  12. Tuesday Meese. 67 going up to a lovely 79 here in Kingston.
    Puerto Rico

  13. Good morning. Got my walk in, just over a mile. Had to slow down and walk in the middle of the street in places, because of a bad combination of cracked pavement and streetlights being out. Maybe I’ll take a flashlight tomorrow. Getting ready for wfh day. Hoping for a slow news day.

  14. It was 66 when I got up, 69 now, and heading for 83 today. It was also overcast and drizzling with a truly nippy wind blowing. The sun’s trying to come out right now. We’ll see if it makes it. Yesterday we generated 16.6 KWHs which it right on the low end of the “good for August” range. Great for August is 20 and above. The m-t-d is 109.5 which is on track for my realistic goal.

    If I understood Joker’s email correctly, the fundraiser for Fineena will post sometime this afternoon/evening (depending on time zone) but she didn’t say exactly when. The target is $5K (because Fineena can’t do any of the packing, loading, unloading herself) and there’s already one $500 match. There may be a 2nd $500 match if traffic & donations go well. It would be lovely if folks could stop by and RRC. I’ll put it out on xitter & Spoutible but of course I can’t RRC or participate in the diary. Fineena isn’t on Spoutible but there’s a sizeable LBGTQ+ community and the non-profit Fineena used to have to help vet issues was for those with AIDS. (And it wasn’t just with the bills. Her group walked dogs, got them to their vet & groomer visits, if necessary cleaned up after the dogs when the person with AIDS was not able to do these things so that they could still have their dogs while they were so ill. Only one of her clients is still here.)

    My son came over to fix the drippy faucet. It’s mostly fixed. There were 2 issues. The faucet itself is over 25 years old and the gaskets finally gave out. That’s the part that was causing a couple of gallons a day in drips. The other part is that the city’s water pressure fluctuates. When it’s up I’ll always get a pint or two of drips – unless I want to spend a grand to have a plumbing contractor put in a pressure regulator. Which I don’t. I’ve already got a bucket and I can always use the water for plants or flushing the toilets. We had another nice visit – 2 days in a row.

    I just took muffin bread out of the oven – walnut cherry vanilla – and the house smells good and the heat feels good. LOL. That won’t last much longer. But it will have dissipated by the time I need to close up the house. Meanwhile, I’d best get to my boosting chores. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  15. Good Tuesday morning, Meese! What day is this? What planet is this? It’s 74 F. in Ashburn, unpleasantly windy, but at the moment sunny. When we woke up this morning it was just plain ugly.

    Although They threatened us with tornadoes and severe thunderstorms for two days, said tornado never materialized. The severe thunderstorm did, however, with fascinating 60-mile-an-hour winds. We did get some really scary thunder, lightning until 11 p.m., and heavy downpours for, oh, I dunno, perhaps 10 minutes? It made a change. Oddly enough, it didn’t do as much damage as our last thunderstorm.

    I am looking after an active, gamboling Boxer puppy. He’ll be 4 months old August 15th, but is quite a size already and weighs 32 pounds. He’s a pretty good boy, slept sweetly in his dog bed by my side all night long, didn’t stir until I did. He indicated that he’d like to eat my best bedroom slippers, so I had to put them in my nightstand drawer for the night.

    His family are due to take off for Europe today, if possible. Miss Nora spent Sunday night and part of Monday with us. She was supposedly working on the slide show but we didn’t get very far. She’ll have to come over again before September 10th. Darling Niece is putting together a playlist of songs she thinks my late sister would have liked. Miss Nora is too attractive for her own good, I fear. I made her take off her too-revealing crop top and tiny denim cutoffs and wear one of my t-shirt dresses to dinner at the restaurant. It hung on her, of course, but at least she didn’t inflame the passions of the old fogies in the dining room while wearing it.

    I spent the entire weekend doing things for others, so this morning I want to write at least ONE PARAGRAPH of my short story. I can’t print out what my writers have submitted until the yellow cartridge is delivered—it’s to be hoped, sometime today. I have one of those printers that doesn’t work unless ALL cartridges are active. Ghastly old Office 365 or whatever it’s called, doesn’t let you know which color is low, so I finally consulted the Mac. It said yellow was low. Sigh. First-world problem.

    Begging Saint Anthony’s help this morning. I can’t remember what I did with my keys. I certainly had them this morning when I took Chase out to the courtyard. Even went out looking in the grass, looked in the clothes I was wearing at the time, but no dice. I am quite beside myself!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Isn’t it time Baby Boy took another nap?

  16. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 86 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 99. Mostly sunny now with a chance for rain this evening. We did not get the rain here yesterday but a few places in the valley and east of our mountains did. Some of the thunderheads were pretty impressive!

    Biden is going to designate 1 million acres of land near the Grand Canyon as a national monument. I know that you will be shocked that Arizona’s Republican legislators and ranchers oppose this! Another reminder that what Biden does, any random Republican president will undo – we simply cannot let them back in power.

    I am going to skip the news today. Sending energy to the good people of Ohio who need to vote in an election rigged to take away their power to make changes via referendum. A special election at an odd time that has permanent implications for democracy in their state – cooked up by the Republican Party which can’t win fair elections and has no interest in the “consent of the governed.” Fie on them.

    See all y’all later!

  17. Good morning, 65 and mostly cloudy in my garden today. I hope to be outside this afternoon, good motivation to get the desk work done so I can do something more fun. I just have a few pansies and violas to plant and then I will be ready to work with Bri (my new garden helper) tomorrow. The feeling of relief I have knowing I will have some garden assistance is telling, and I need to pay attention. Being older is a reality, like it or not! Best wishes to all.

  18. Wednesday Meese. 68 going up to 84 and sunny here in Kingston.
    Puerto Rico

    Yet another blackout

    #GringoGoHome protest in rejection of displacement and settlement colonialism in support of the compañera Katherine who faces criminal charges for defending her land in Vieques.


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