Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 79 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 99. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. Had really bad storms here last night – thankfully none predicted for today.
Puerto Rico
Boricua community in Connecticut: valuable contributions that have gone unnoticed
El Nuevo Día offers a look at the Puerto Rican experience in the state and the efforts being made to give this population greater visibility (video is in English)
This story is infuriating
New York Times is embarrassingly out of touch. I guess an article about the restaurant workers making minimum wage who have lost their jobs and very likely their homes in the fire wouldn’t resonate with their subscribers. I am sorry for people who lost belongings and especially irreplaceable memorabilia but I am heartbroken for the people who lost love ones, their jobs and their homes.
Exactly, Jan. I long ago lost whatever tiny shred of respect I once had for the NYT.
BMS posted
Good morning. Got my tea steeping, watching the news. I hope the Pride parade went well last night. Today: church (in my “Y’all Means All” t-shirt), make breakfast for the week, and housework. It’s hot, that’s all the news I can absorb. 30-something days in a row over 100, 52 days in all; we are definitely going to bust through the 2011 record of 90 days over 100.
Can you emigrate to a cooler state?
It’s 73 climbing to 95/105 and overcast at the moment. Unpredicted rain a little before dawn dropped the temps enough I could open up while I did my Sunday Housecleaning chores. Yesterday we generated just over 11 KWHs and the m-t-d at 177.95 is not quite on track for 460. Lost ground we can – at this point – easily make up. IF we get the sunshine.
Fineena got another donation last night and she’s at $1385 to go. But heavens, if it weren’t for back luck that woman would have no luck at all. Not only did none of the promised labor show up but she was able to view “her” apartment yesterday and the advertised hardwood floors are now covered with newly-installed beige carpet. Beige carpet for a woman with an elderly dog. Which they knew about before they installed the carpet. The agent she’s been working with is almost as livid as she is. They wasted half of yesterday seeing if there were other units ready that she could have instead. No. Both have too many steps and one of them has a steep slope right out the back door. She’s supposed to see top management tomorrow to see what can be done. Having just put it in, like Friday, it’s seriously unlikely they’ll take it out again. Meanwhile she still has to move next week because the house she’s in is being bulldozed on the 21st.
And something weird has happened over at DK. I get into DK via my stream. Even though I’m banned diaries from all the folks & communities I follow still show up. Well, yesterday morning Joker’s diary for Fineena wasn’t in my stream. It’s still on DK. If I go into a diary that has a link to it under the community links, I get there just fine. But it’s not in my stream. Black Kos, which published at the same time, is still there. But not Joker’s diary. And then yesterday afternoon, the Street Prophets Helping Humpday diary for 8/9 – which had sort of featured Joker’s diary for Fineena (with a lot of others) also disappeared out of my stream. Other Wednesday diaries are there. The 8/2 HH diary is there. Just not that one. Wonder who has the power & ability to do that and has it in for Fineena.
Anyway, I need to close up the house and get to my boosting chores. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
That is very weird indeed about your stream on DK. I’m wary of what I say and do over there. I don’t want to be banned, not the least because I’m so technologically inept I wouldn’t know how to get into diaries and things.
Gods, poor Fineena! How I sympathize about the beige carpet. I HATE carpet! Those bozos should reduce her rent, because I’m sure the contract she signed was for hardwood floors. We signed a contract for a unit with outdoor access from the screened porch but didn’t get the door. They reduced the sale price by $18,000.
{{{Diana}}} Definitely weird. And the sort of thing that doesn’t happen by accident. And you definitely be careful. You can still read diaries if you’re banned but you can’t rrc. And that’s really frustrating/upsetting.
Fineena is hoping for 2 things since getting rid of the carpet is unlikely – to be “held harmless” in writing added to the lease for any damage Henry might do to it & lower rent.
I’m going to send good vibes for that!
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! Oh, my Goddess, it’s 11:25 a.m. and I’m already exhausted! I’ve taken the puppy out three times already, cooked a Proper Sunday Breakfast for Dearly, who is 93 today, and cleaned up the mess on the screened porch. Chase got into my rosemary plant, pulled it out of its soil, and scattered potting soil all over the porch.
Happy Birthday to Dearly! ????????????????????????????????????????
Happy Belated Birthday to Dearly!!
Thank you! He had to renew his driver’s license today, no problemo. However, he had to come home again to retrieve his passport from the safe because there’s some sort of weird new ID requirement. Oh, well.
Happy belated to Dearly!
Thank you, Sis!
Well, sigh. The Moose Pond just ate the rest of my post. There’s something weird about the Pond today. After the initial paragraph I wrote, I still had the edit function, so I was typing away merrily, and then everything vanished, never to return. Sniff.
Anyway, wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Very odd! I wonder if it was because I made an unexpected Sunday morning visit and created a break in the space time continuum! I needed to check on the Mastodon link I botched last week and commented on Dee’s comment.
Monday Meese. 62 here in Kingston going up to 84. Sadly the weather in Puerto Rico and the USVI is horrid
OMG, and I thought I had a rotten weekend!
Good morning. Got my 30 minutes done. It’s ten million degrees, even at 5:30am. In the office. Monday. I brought watermelon for my fruit, so at least there’s that.
It’s 71 heading for 80 and overcast. IF I close up at all it’ll be around noon. Yesterday we got a hair over 9 KWHs and the m-t-d at 187 is not on track for 460. sigh. I am happy with the cooler weather though.
Karen is probably at the apartment office trying to straighten out the mess about the beige carpet right now. She’s gotten a couple more small donations and is at $1310 to go. She’s going to have to pay for the POD, has already paid for the dumpster, whether or not she ever gets anybody to show up to fill them. Which she hasn’t so far. If she ends up with a team finally to do it all in one day instead of the 2 weeks she originally planned she may have to board Henry. Having an elderly dog with health issues run away because that many strangers scares him is definitely not on her bucket list. But boarding Henry isn’t in her budget either. sigh. But on a good day and not repeatedly Karen can lift 20 pounds. There’s no way she can do this without labor.
I’m more than a bit groggy and running a bit late because of it so I’d best get over to xitter and Spoutible and start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
We were lucky because when we did our final clearings on the house, we were already in the apartment (I made a point of having an overlap). So my dog could stay there while the house was upended. We did board her on the two moving days just because we did not want her hurt.
Wise. That was Fineena’s plan too. Thinking she’s hired people to do work and then them not do it or even show up has really messed things up royally.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 82 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 99. The day started with clouds but the sun is coming out now. It won’t last, as we are expecting rain at mid-day with the Monsoon Index at a 7.
I have a busy day today after spending most of the early morning connecting to computers at a client’s site. Now I have to document what I did and then figure out what I can reasonably expect to get done today.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 70 and sunny, with a high of 80 later today. I’ve got a long list of housekeeping and garden tending tasks to do today, but the temptation to stay put and read around the internets is strong so I’m not off to an early start. Best wishes to all.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s 87 F. at noon and becoming overcast. Thunderstorms are predicted for 3 p.m.
Elder Son and DIL kindly invited us to their house for the birthday barbecue. The food was good but I disgraced myself by having a choking episode. These episodes are coming too close together now, so I called the Medical Center this morning for an appointment. I have to be “seen” to obtain a referral for an endoscopy, and my regular doctor has a full schedule. Perhaps I can get appointment with another doctor this week. I’m not in imminent danger, mind you. I will just have to be careful what I eat.
When Elder Son and DIL found out what we had to pay for a puppy sitter for the 4 hours we were away, they nearly fainted. It was almost five times what they pay for someone to stay with their dog in the house and sleep there at night! Well, it was my birthday present to Dearly, because he loves his family more than anything. We were able to get a lot of good photos of Elder Son, DIL, and little Ethan.
Younger Son and family were supposed to take the ferry to France today. Hope they made it. Trevor doesn’t read French but our nephew Simon can’t drive the French way (like the way Americans drive), so I hope they’ll figure it out with the rental car.
The puppy sitter exhausted Chase so much by playing with him that he conked out early and did not ask to go out for 12 hours! Imagine that. However, he has to be watched every second he’s awake. This morning he killed the curly parsley that was growing cheekily in a pot on the porch. I can replace the rosemary, no problem, but it’s difficult to find curly parsley. We’re all supposed to want only Italian flat-leaf parsley. I won’t replace either until he goes home. (First-world problem.)
Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day, and oh, for once, Goddess, PLEASE let fineena have some good luck!
Tuesday Meese. 66 here in Kingston and raining, going up to 74. I admit to laughing loudly over some of the latest memes:
Puerto Rico
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Activists and environmental groups including the Sierra Club sued Puerto Rico’s government Monday over the planned location of dozens of renewable energy projects meant to ease the U.S. territory’s power woes.
The lawsuit claims the projects would be built on lands that are ecologically sensitive and of high agricultural value, a violation of local laws.
The groups requested that a judge prohibit various local government agencies from approving projects on such lands, noting that they should instead be built on roofs, parking lots, landfills in disuse and previously contaminated grounds.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 81 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 97. Mainly sunny skies and a chance for rain this afternoon. Last night we had some refreshing rain right after sunset and the dark orange-tinged clouds and alpenglow on the mountains was an awesome sight! There are still a few hot days on tap this week but it definitely feels like a corner has been turned.
I am going to stay away from the news until the latest tRump indictment news ages a bit. I went to bed thinking about the ways he could skate away from the indictment after someone raised the issue of Kemp pardoning him. Well, term limited (and therefore politically unaccountable) Kemp can’t pardon him, there is an “independent” pardon board (albeit appointed by Kemp and his Republican predecessors) and they can’t preemptively pardon him – he has to be convicted and possibly would have to serve at least 5 years of any prison term.
That is good news because some of the other 18 defendants will be convicted and don’t have the political pull that tRump has – it is hoped that that will serve as a cautionary tale to anyone who wants to assist him in new criming.
I have a project I hope to get out the door before noon and I need to get it mostly done before help desk starts from my CDT clients.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Got my walk done. It didn’t feel as awful this morning – the breeze was actually cooling rather than feeling like a blow dryer. And I actually ran a tiny bit – 2 choruses of one of the songs in my playlist. Wfh, so I’m watching astronomy. Happy about the indictments. Do wish the news could cover more than one story.
It’s 58 going to 80 and sunny. I’m not sure I’m even going to have to close up today. Yesterday we generated 15.2 KWHs and the m-t-d is 202. Not on track but at least didn’t lose any more ground.
Serious GOOD news on Fineena. The apartment management replaced the carpet yesterday with laminate and she still takes possession today. The labor guys showed up & worked so fast she had to tell them not to come today, come Wednesday as she needs to pack her collectibles and other fragile stuff (that she’s not about to trust to them until well protected by bubblewrap). And the goal is met! WooHoo! Aside from a few more very welcome and blessed small donations, somebody stepped up and sent the rest so it would be done by the deadline (today). :::heaving great sighs of relief::: (Diana, maybe your call on the goddesses did it for her. It all came together after you did.)
I was going to do laundry today but I think I’ll see if my yard guy can come instead. The bits of rain and cooler weather have started the grass growing again. It’s over ankle deep and with today’s coolth it’ll be wet until noon. Shorter grass on a warmer day sounds like a better plan for hanging out clothes.
Just finished eating breakfast and making chocolate pudding. I like that so much better than ice cream. LOL. Anyway, off to xitter & Spoutible to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese. Everything’s a mess, nationally, on islands, and in our personal lives.
Well, the imaginary showers materialized at 3:30, yesterday came down very hard, and then stopped. We didn’t accumulate much. This morning it is 80 F. and sunny, with more 4 o’clock showers expected. The high today will be 89 F.
Received crushing news from my dermatologist yesterday. Apparently the rectangular pillow that has appeared under my lower lip is not a buboe, a rash, or an infection. It cannot be made to disappear. Apparently, as one ages, one must accept one’s increasing ugliness. Sheet! The Aurignacians lived a dangerous life in a bitterly cold climate and died before they were 40 years old, so presumably they did not suffer from increasing ugliness, high blood pressure, and so on. Always a tradeoff! (Apologies for mentioning a first-world problem when there is so much bad news elsewhere.)
OTOH, I did just manage to see a doctor for a referral for an endoscopy. WHY do doctors ask you to explain stuff and then, not three minutes later, ASK THE SAME QUESTIONS? They just don’t listen!
Have to run to UPS to return the defective cyan cartridge and then to the barbershop. The puppy is four months old today and ENORMOUS. I feel so bad for him, stuck in an apartment with two boring elderly people who barely move. I may take him for a little walkies tonight after dinner if it’s not raining. BTW, today is Worldwide Apostrophe Day! I’m going to join the society.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Good morning, 72 and sunny, with a high of 80. My day got very busy yesterday because Bri was here to work in the garden. RonK and I both worked with her so we got a lot done and to my great relief she pruned the rugosa rose that was blocking sunlight in the veggie garden. I’ve been avoiding that task because it was hard so I’m very grateful. I worked on clearing an overgrown bed by the front porch. The salal was burned by a spring freeze earlier this year and birds have planted some aggressive plants so it’s a messy job, and the slope is really hard on knees. Bri helped me at the end but we both got to hot and tired to finish. I’ll need to keep my legs up this morning but that’s easier to do when it’s a well earned rest. Best wishes to all.