Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 63 degrees in the Desert Southwest with an expected daytime high of 75. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 51 and raining going up to 52.
Puerto Rico
On a day like today, Luisa Capetillo Perone was born: trade unionist, feminist, Arecibean and Puerto Rican. Here are 5 of her phrases:
#R3 José Santana is 76 years old. He lives with his 85-year-old bedridden wife in San Germán. They made them move with the promise that they would rebuild their home, they demolished it and now they live in a rented house because the project was paralyzed and they do not respond to them.
Ooh…remember that James Bond movie that featured a jazz funeral in New Orleans, and a seer, and Baron Samedi? Gave me the chills.
Good morning. Cold front is on the way, it’s currently in the 70s but expected to plunge to the 50s this afternoon. Tomorrow morning, I’ll need warm clothes for my pre-work walk. Right now, I have my tea for next week steeping, watching the news — I have to hit “mute” every once in a while, because it’s just too much. This afternoon: cooking more mashed potatoes, pack up some applesauce to take to work; I have soup & scrambled eggs for tomorrow’s lunch. The antibiotics are helping with the pain, but it comes back every once in a while, so I’m sticking to the soft stuff.
Yikes! Hope you can keep the pain under control, another!
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} moar Healing Energy, moar {{{HUGS}}}
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind. It’s cloudy and 65 F. here in Ashburger. Wouldn’t mind the clouds if they produced rain, but they’re not going to. All they did was keep yrs truly from admiring Her Serene Highness last night when She was full. Thank Goddess I saw Her Friday night. (Of course, one mustn’t forget there are people with real problems.) I bet this is going to be the driest year since 1930.
Had a shock this morning. The woman who founded the Biography Book Club has died! No one told me. I saw her obituary in the WaPo when I was blearily reading the the Metro section. She lived right in this building. A few weeks ago Sarah asked me if she could come to the next meeting, November 17, even though she couldn’t focus on a book long enough to read it all the way through. That was because of all the meds she was taking. I said of course she could. Intelligent women enjoy civilized discourse and have singularly few chances to hear it.
I was going to send the group a message anyway, asking how they were getting along with their reading, but now I’ll need to add a respectful tribute to her. The Biography Book Club is one of the most fun things I’ve ever joined.
Didn’t get much work done yesterday, but I did get a walk in. I don’t want to go out (except to walk) because I need to rest in anticipation of next week.
The news is so horrible I can’t cope. Luckily, Dearly wants to watch nothing but British football, American football, and Formula 1, all of which happen today, so I won’t see or hear much news. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Sorry to hear about the death of your neighbor.
Thank you. It was rather a shock, as she died 8 days ago and no one told me.
{{{Diana}}} That is a shock about your neighbor. Something to commemorate her at the next meeting? You’ll think of something. You always do. Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}}
Yes, we’ll do something. I didn’t know Sarah well but what I did know, I liked. She would have been 80 on Monday, October 30!
It’s 42 heading for 44 overcast and about to start raining again. We generated 1.25 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 192.5 – not sure how much we’ll add today. If any. But the next 2 are supposed to be at least partly sunny so we should make it over 200 for the month. I think.
I’m really slow at putting pieces together sometimes and with Fineena I’ve been really really slow. Because she never came right out & said it, I only recently realized she’s got CFS. I don’t think it’s as severe as earicicle’s but she’s definitely got it. So now I know why she had to take early retirement. So many em-effing doctors don’t “believe” in CFS, refuse to diagnose it, and doubly refuse to recommend Disability/will sabotage applications for Disability. I knew she had something and couldn’t work even 7 years ago, but gormless me, I didn’t figure out what until now. I hate the U.S. medical industry.
Yes, the news is horrible. And I’m not happy with Joe Biden. Saying it’s Netanyahu’s choice is like saying it’s Hitler’s choice. How about saying “if you want another bomb, bomber, fighter plane, or iron shield from us you’ll stop bombing Gaza right now, then pull back & let humanitarian aid through.” Right now we’re part of the horribleness.
Sunday housekeeping chores done and oatmeal eaten. Now to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good afternoon, 46 and sunny in Bellingham. I seem to have a low grade something….sneezing, aching, can’t stay awake, etc. So I haven’t been doing anything interesting to report. I’ve got laundry going now so that’s my big news of the day. I did finish watching season 2 of The Wheel of Time series last night an it was fun be in the fantasy world again. The main women characters are powerful and can change the world with their “weaves”…..I’m day dreaming re doing the same! Some book readers are not happy with the tv series but I enjoy watching the story I read become visual on the screen. It’s an adaptation to a different medium and imho very well done. Time to change the laundry and clip a few hydrangaes for the house. It’s been cold at night but they are usually ok with light freeezing temps. As always, my best wishes to all.
Hope you’ll feel better soon, princesspat!
Monday Meese. 46 and raining going up to 53.
Puerto Rico
Ohmygoshit’scold. 39 degrees and raining, when yesterday morning I was wearing capris & sandals. I did my walk — in hat, gloves & a warm fleece pullover. In the office, wearing my Book Fairy t-shirt. And I have a magic wand that I stuck bookish stickers to. Anyway, happy Monday.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! I gotta stop moaning about everything when on the other side of the world people are being starved in Yemen, bombed in Gaza and Ukraine, and beaten to death in Iran for showing some of the hair Allah gave them. May the patriarchs in all those countries be afflicted with the crusty curse of Oliver Cromwell. It’s always the innocent who suffer from hateful men.
Goobernator Dumbkin knows he can’t win without cheating, so guess what he did? He kicked 3,400 eligible voters off the registered voter rolls! Fortunately, Democratic U.S. senators Warner and Kaine got wind of it and sic’d Merrick Garland on to the state goobermint. Now they’re squirming and blaming the computer system. Rethuglicans are so loathsome. It’s not the Goobernator himself who’s up for reelection, but he wants a Rethug Virginia House of Delegates and Virginia Senate so he can ban abortion, among other things.
This will be the week the plays are performed. This afternoon at Drinking Time—oh, excuse me, the cocktail hour—another actor and I will be strolling through the View Bar, Windows restaurant, and the 1912 bar and restaurant. I’d really rather not go into the restaurants where people are trying to order dinner and the waiters are trying to take their orders. Luckily, we have to do this only from 4:30 to 5:30, and visit a different set of restaurants every day until Thursday, when the matinee is scheduled. I’ll be in full costume and makeup, carrying my heavy sign, “Change Babies, Not Climates.” My right arm will develop muscles.
The good part is that I won’t have time for dinner, so I’ll lose a few pounds.
“They” are predicting lots of snow this coming winter. I laughed hysterically when I read that, but will stock up on oatmeal, tea, coffee, cream, and so on anyway, just in case. Today Ashburn will be warm and cloudy and in the 70s; the rest of the week will be cold and cloudy with mid-50s for highs. My poor darling petunias will die, and so will Minty.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond! Posted a scary Samhain story, very short, as tomorrow is Samhain.
{{{Diana}}} I’ll read your story sometime today – definitely looking forward to it. My petunias survived the light freeze overnight. We’ll see if they survive the heavy freeze tonight & tomorrow night. Have fun with the play prep & performance. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you, angel!
It was 29 when I got up, 33 now, heading for 45 and sunny. I saw the moon for the first time in days this morning. Yesterday we generated 1.9 KWHs and the m-t-d is at 194 – we should get over 200 by sundown if it stays this clear and bright.
I got reminded this morning how cold my hands can get. But they’re still functioning and that’s all I can ask for this time of year/in this kind of weather. The neighborhood trees don’t seem to know what season it is. Some of them are still as green as summer. Some are completely bare. Less than half of them are yellow (or going straight to brown even though we’ve had some rain lately). None visible from my house have gone red but there are a few of those a couple of blocks over.
There’s too much evil in the world. Whether the patriarchal society created colonizer culture or vice versa (or they grew together, entwined like trees planted to close) is immaterial at this point. They are evil. I do not know if they can be stopped. They specialize in surviving at others’ expense. But I know that unless they are stopped genocide of peoples, cultures, and species will continue apace.
There are things to boost and stories to read and my monthly accountings to get done so I’d best be about doing them. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 37 and sunny outside my windows today. I was awake in the night so I’m slow to start my day. RonK is at the joint gym and I’m sipping coffee and watching the maple tree leaves drift down from the trees. The colors are very nice this year. Best wishes to all.
Good morning (just barely), meeses! Monday …
It was 50 degrees when I got up, 63 right now and the expected high will be 73. Sunny skies. I was surprised at how cold I thought 73 felt yesterday – my Wisconsin peeps will be laughing at me!
Busy early morning never slowed down and now there is no time for anything but a hi and bye.
See all y’all later!
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s 42 F. in Ashburn this morning, clear but cold. It’s supposed to go up to 55 F. later. We had a surprise trace of rain yesterday, just as yrs truly was preparing to step outside to walk to the View Bar. We’re supposed to go around to all the restaurants in turn, advertising our One-Act Play festival.
I marched into the View Bar with Connie, my fellow actor, dressed in my Raging Granny t-shirt that Connie made for me and carrying my sign, which reads “Change babies, not climates.” A woman sitting with a friend in the corner suddenly screamed, “Get out of here! This shouldn’t be allowed! I don’t even want to look at you!” Connie politely explained that we are residents advertising a resident-written and acted play festival and that we have the permission of the manager to invite people to the play. I took the old b*tch to be a Trumpanzee, who would naturally despise any demonstrations and any mention of climate change. Even if she didn’t understand, she didn’t have to be so rude. But they never mind being rude.
We sat up in the viewing room after our play was on and watched the other two. The second play (very depressing) flubbed lines, and the third play definitely isn’t ready for prime time: the actors weren’t projecting (with two exceptions) and many of them looked at each other instead of the audience. Goddess help us.
Anyway, today I have to meet Tamara at 11 a.m. in the Great Oak living room next door. I have my black Witch hat, black cloak, and a black cauldron full of fortune cookies and the Witches’ song from the, er, Scottish tragedy. (Actors never want to say the name of the play, it’s bad luck.) “Double, double, toil and trouble/Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
What else…It’s 8:30! Need to eat, shower, and work on my Knitters’ Club article some more. Oh, last night, we had to go to Makeup at 6 p.m. and I did enjoy it! Wouldn’t mind having someone else put on my makeup every day. Yes, I am incurably frivolous.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and a blessed Samhain to all who celebrate it.
Good morning. The endodontist called yesterday after talking to my insurance company, and the cost to me would be $1600, just for their part. Payable immediately. So I canceled the appointment. They sent me info on a company that might finance it. I’ll look at it later, just don’t feel like it right now. Whf today, taking comfort in my astronomy show. Dressed to go for a walk on my morning break.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} ????????outraging and evil but unfortunately not surprising. Hoping the other company works out – that something works out – for you. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}
Happy All Hallows Evening &/or Samhain! It was 23 when I got up, 26 now, and heading for 45 again today. Yesterday we generated 7.48 KWHs and the m-t-d is at 201.93 – I wish I thought we would get up to 210 today. But I don’t. Still, I’m grateful we got over 200.
I doubt seriously I’ll get any Trick or Treaters tonight. I haven’t for several years. But I’ve got a couple of bucks in quarters stashed back to hand out if I do. I wish the kids in Gaza and the other war-torn lands – and supposedly peaceful but genocidal “domestically” lands – had only costumes and candy to worry about.
My hands are of course cold but so far so good. And so I’d best get about my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 37 and light clouds. The leaves are still drifting down, it’s a slow leaf drop this year. The lawn is covered but we have kept the sidewalks clear. I’m enjoying memories of past Halloweens and feeling grateful that we don’t have to do anything this year :) We may go out to dinner, or we may just stay home with the curtains drawn. Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday…
It is 72 degrees and sunny, high will be 75. It was 50 degrees when I got up. Today’s projects started early and ran long so I am going to ignore the news and go offline and enjoy the nice weather and the holiday.
Blessed Samhain to you all!!
Wednesday Meese. Went to the dentist yesterday morning for an 8AM appointment – needed to have a chip on my upper dentures smoothed out and bottom ones relined (which is all part of my contract) They tried to charge me 750.00 for what is covered.
Then the dentist (who is new there) forced my mouth open and split my lip when he hit it with the metal mold form they use. It started bleeding. I screamed. He forced my mouth wider and ripped both sides as he pushed the metal form into it. -saying “Your mouth is too tiny”
I was in shock.
The dental assistants stood there and watched him. They couldn’t look me in the eye.
I will never go there again and am writing a scathing review to post online.
Holey sheet!! What a terrible experience! I hope the scathing review loses them customers – they should not be in business if they hire and retain people like that. It is not like there is a dentist shortage.
{{{Dee}}} Healing Energy to you & Mt. St. Helens going off rage at that dentist. Make sure that scathing review goes to every platform you are on. Whether he thought he could get away with this because you’re Black or female or old or a combination thereof, people should be warned about going to him. moar Healing Energy, moar {{{HUGS}}}
Great Mother of All! What kind of awful dentist is this? He should be reported to whatever organization is the equivalent of the AMA. Wouldn’t hurt to inform your governor, too–just the threat of talking to the governor’s office saved my bacon with Vanguard.
Very sorry he did that to you. May Sekhmet the Blood Drinker punish that illegitimate offspring of a diseased camel, and may the evil djinn haunt his horrid dreams at night.
Puerto Rico