Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 44 degrees in the Desert Southwest ???? with an expected daytime high of 73. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. Will now try to adjust to Daylight Savings Time. 38 and raining with flood warnings for the area (not for my neighborhood)
Puerto Rico
Major court battle continues in Puerto Rico:
The hearing continues against MVC and Proyecto Dignidad candidates for not collecting endorsements. It is argued that both groups violated the Electoral Code and the regulations of the State Election Commission
Puerto Rico’s health system, due to the indifference, mediocrity and complicity that the government has had for decades, has been hijacked by health insurers and their subsidiaries. During this process, an exodus of health professionals has been encouraged and, even more worrying, access to medical care for patients has been curtailed. I wonder… How many lives have been lost due to the profit motive of these private health companies?
You must have enjoyed the dramatic ending to the South Carolina v Tennessee semi-final game! Very clever (and bold!) to get the ball to the only person who had never hit a 3 pointer all year – so that she could shoot a 3! No one expected the 6’7″ center to get the ball beyond the arc and no one guarded her.
I am in basketball heaven Jan! Kamilla Cardoso was awesome
Good morning. Another chilly one, won’t be many more till fall. Got my tea steeping, apartment smells so good. Watching the news, MSNBC has our Senate nominee, Colin Allred, on for a long in-depth talk.
BMS posted
It’s 49 heading for 63 and sunny. Yesterday we generated 17.9 KWHs – best single day since last August – and the m-t-d at 114.5 isn’t on track but it gained some. It’s entirely possible to get back on track with today’s generation. We shall see.
Talked to my son. He’s pulled his back digging up the power line for when the inspector (finally) comes tomorrow to approve the work he’s been trying to get done for months. So he decided to not drive up to Benton County to the Gurdwara. Which is a different kind of pity because his Gurdwara family is very supportive of him and kind of gives him a boost going into a new week. He’s not sure if he’ll come over this afternoon but if not he will tomorrow after the inspector leaves since he’s got the whole day off.
I hate government time (as opposed to god’s/goddess’s natural “standard” time) – and the US gets an extra month of it compared to the rest of the world thanks to W. Anyway, I am definitely behind my time for getting online. So I’d best get to it. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good afternoon, 47 with wind and rain outside my windows today. RonK, our sons and Ava are at the Dune movie so my house is even quieter than usual today. I’m restless but staying off my legs seems to be helping so that’s what I’m doing. I have glanced at the news but thankfully solitaire and music is distracting me. Best wishes to all.
Monday Meese. 33 here in Kingston going up to 46, and cloudy.
Puerto Rico
There are a slew of stories about golfers in Puerto Rico at the PGA Open – almost nothing about the island itself or PR politics
Good morning. Only made it to 2 rounds of 5 minutes running. Chilly enough for long sleeves, remembering to savor this, because this summer will be brutal. Every day but one this month has been warmer than normal. This does not bode well for summer.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 48 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 75. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. Yesterday it was sunny all day and we got a hike in. We have another system moving in on Thursday that will bring rain and lower temperatures so we are not quite done with winter but you can sense that the worst is over. The wildflowers are blooming, the birds are cheeping fiercely and the desert critters are beginning to stir.
Another time change, another set of Senators “demanding” to lock the clocks into Daylight Saving Time. No, no, 1000 times no. We do not want to lock the clocks into DST, if you lock the clocks you need to lock them into Standard Time. First, Arizona will never agree to change their clocks to lock them into a time that is pleasing to Florida or Oklahoma. The law is written that we never have to change our clocks and don’t tread on us! If Congress repeals the DST law and a president signs it, there will be a mass rebellion – and we have keyboards and we will use them!!! In any event, DST is not saving energy as it was originally intended and there is no reason to disrupt the lives of people and upend commerce twice a year in service to an anachronism. I haz spoken.
Wow, turns out that Republicans lie! Who knew? Exposing Katie Britt’s lies should be disqualifying but instead it is just another example of terrible Republicans from Alabama. I hope her SOTU response is used in Senate ads reminding people that we need to keep our Democratic Senators otherwise the Katie Britts there will be deciding their futures. Cheryl Rofer at LGM had a good article explaining where the Britts come from and how they use their “fundy baby voice” to virtue signal: “Worlds in Collision”. Worth a read, in my opinion.
I got a good nights sleep after a restless Saturday night so I woke up ready to carpe diem. I am determined to not get distracted and to focus on getting two essential things done and and make progress on one pretty important thing before I quit for the day.
See all y’all later!
It’s 44 heading for 68 and sunny. Yesterday we generated 17.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 131.7 is back on track for 400 (barely). Hopefully we’ll gain ground today to go against the next set of cloudy days.
My son didn’t come over yesterday so hopefully today. I didn’t get a full night’s sleep but I got more than the night before so that’s good. I’m still groggy though. The prisms in the east window are making rainbows on the west wall beside my computer and that’s lovely. Now off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! We’re lurching around like drunken sailors from staying up late two nights in a row (SNL cold open, then the Oscars), and the loathsome time change on top of it all. Did you know that Senator James Lankford, a Republican from OKLAHOMA, actually has one or two good ideas? He tried very hard to get Biden’s border security passed, and he totally wants standard time everywhere in the USA.
At the moment it’s 41 F., sunny and blue-skied, with the wind blowing fiercely. It blew more fiercely yesterday, but I think it’s supposed to die down by tomorrow. We are doing so well for rain that we’re 2 inches ahead of normal! Yay!
Yesterday Mah Boyz held a lovely birthday tea for me at Younger Son’s house. It was family only, just as I wished. Elder Son’s wife decorated with dark pink tulips (she used to be a florist) and “Vintage 1944” dangly bits, and Younger Son provided the sandwiches, fruit, and kid-type cookies and brownies. My favorite cake, carrot cake (so full of vitamins), was cut after everyone sang “Happy Birthday.” My birthday is actually tomorrow, but whoinell can manage a social occasion on a workday? I stood up to make a speech but only got as far as, “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears,” before I realized it was quite the wrong speech. “Is that Shakespeare?” asked Beloved Nephew uneasily. I broke off and instead thanked them for working so hard to make it a nice occasion.
I have some important tasks to complete as soon as I feel coherent, and then an appointment with the dermatologist this afternoon at 2:30. She’ll call me at 1:30 to say her other appointments have canceled so can I come early? Uh-huh. You bet.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and to everyone who agrees that last night’s collection of dresses at the Oscars was the UGLIEST seen since, uh, 1349 CE. The blonde “Good Morning America” presenter looked as if she’d stuck a wad of round white paper lace doilies on the front of her dress. Well, I have round white 8-inch paper lace doilies! What if I stick them on my dress next time I have dinner with someone? Lawks!
Sadly, Lankford is teaming up with Rubio to lock in Daylight Saving Time, not standard time:
Oh, crud, I must have misread it, then. Permanent DST would upset our Circadian rhythms. And how would you explain it to cows and roosters? They don’t give a damn about hooman preferences. Well, may Goddess render Lanky and Ruby harmless.
Good afternoon, 49 and raining in Bellingham. RonK and our son are doing a Costco errand so Elsa is keeping me company today. She really wants to lay on the bed beside me but is being a good dog and staying down while charming me with her sofy brown eyes :) Staying off my legs seems to be best for now but I’m very restless. And it’s so frustrating to know that when I am able to stand and walk more easily again I won’t be able to to even a small part of the list my mind has created! Oh well, slow progress is going to have to be good enough. Best wishes to all.
Good Tuesday Meese. 31 going up to 59 here in Kingston. Headed out to the doc this morning for a checkup. I want to thank bfitz for taking up the Vieques tweeting:
Shelley hasn’t been online – nor responded to DM – I’m calling a friend there to see if she knows her.
Puerto Rico
I made a “promisa” when you did. Thank you for checking on Shelly. I’ve been very worried about her but have no connections I could check with. {{{Dee}}}
Good morning. I slept in, going to work out this afternoon — no, really. News story about the eclipse, many school districts are….giving kids the day off? Why? Shouldn’t they have activities at school? A great opportunity for science stuff. Anyway, getting ready for work and watching astronomy.
It’s 55 heading for 74 and sunny at the moment although clouds are predicted to move in later. I hope a LOT later. Yesterday we generated 17.3 KWHs and the m-t-d at 148.9 is on track for 400 with a bit of cushion.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANA! ????????????????????????????????????????
I had a nice visit with my son yesterday. Other than that stuff is pretty much same ol’ same ol’ – except I’m taking Cloud in for his “annual” in a few hours. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s 52 F. on a basically sunny day, the temps are going up to 71 F. this afternoon, and guess what—I’m eighty years old today! Seventy-nine was fine but eighty will be great-y.
Somehow, I never imagined getting to this age. Nor did I imagine I’d be leading a vigorous life participating in plays and leading a writers’ group. It’s really challenging, but I enjoy it.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, bfitz! I need to get cleaned up for the day and start running errands. Thank you, Goddess, for making it less windy, it was driving me berserk. I did not set one dainty pink foot outdoors all day yesterday, until I walked home from rehearsal at 9 p.m.
Wishing a great day to everyone at the Pond!
happy birthday!!
Thank you, another!
Happy 39th Birthday, Diana!
Ha! Thank you, Jan!
Sorry I missed your birthday Lady D Happy belated BIG 80!!!
Thank you, Sis!
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 64 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 73. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The stars were twinkling over the mountains this morning.
It is already 10:30am and I spent the morning on client crises so there is no time to check the news or to share more than a hi and bye.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Had a very bad night’s sleep so I’ll log off work early. Lots of interesting stuff going on. Love the Colorado congressional situation.
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! It’s cloudy and 44 F. outside in Ashburn, on its way up to 74 F. The temp. rose to 74 F yesterday, in fact, and with the reduced wind, it made for a very pleasant day.
People were nice all day long, even those who were complete strangers and had no idea the day was special. I had a simply marvelous day, culminating in an hour-long FaceTime talk with Darling Daughter. She implored me to get rid of as much stuff as possible before I pop my clogs. “Don’t leave it for the kids to deal with,” she said. She herself is dealing with downsizing from a huge house, plus the downsizing from her mother-in-law’s Independent Living apartment to Assisted Living, and feels overwhelmed.
Totally agree with her and will get rid of as much as I can, but am I not to enjoy the things that are precious to me while I’m still above ground? I have a statuette of Bastet, an Inuit sculpture, a small sculpture of Leda trying to fend off That Swan, and a small statuette of Diana with her hunting dog.
I can get rid of quite a lot, admittedly. I’ll update my writing of record to allocate the pictures and such jewelry as I possess. Since I moved here I am less and less interested in dressing up, and more and more interested in wearing jeans and t-shirts with sayings. Two t-shirts arrived yesterday. One says: “I came. I saw. I forgot what I came for,” and the other says “Laundry Schedule: Wash–40 minutes; Dry–60 minutes; Put away–7-10 business days.” I always look like an unmade bed, anyway.
Our building is having a morning coffee at 10 o’clock, so I’d better scurry! Wishing a good day to everyone who is happy that POTUS clinched the Democratic nomination.
It’s 64 heading for 77 and overcast at the moment. It’s supposed to clear off by early afternoon. I hope so. Yesterday we generated 16.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 165 is on track for 400 with a bit of cushion for cloudy days.
Yesterday Aji got a whole lot of good news with some expected bad news. The expected bad news was that the septic system leachfield would have to be completely redug. It was deliberately and much more expensively put in wrong in the first place. The good news is the original estimate was way over what it’s going to cost. The sale they did over the weekend will cover it completely. And the guys did the “test” dig yesterday and will be starting the actual replacement dig today – at least 2 months sooner than originally planned. (That’s a $1200 savings right there – they’ve been having to have the septic tank pumped out every 10 days at $200 per time.) Sometimes prayers are answered with “yes”.
Nothing new that I know of with anybody else. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}