Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 51 degrees in the Desert Southwest ???? with an expected daytime high of 82. Sunny skies, with high winds in the afternoon, are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 41 here in Kingston, going up to a rainy 61. Have a busy day today – Will be part of a panel at the People’s Chirch via zoom, and then have to head back over to the initiation ceremonies – today we hold a drumming/dance ceremony.
Just saw the passing announcement for one of my fav artists
Puerto Rico
Today at The People’s Church in East Harlem
Good luck with the Young Lords’ church service this morning!
Dear Goddess, hope those young boricuas succeed in restoring the native landscape! It’s sacrilege to cut down mature native trees and plant palm trees in orderly lines! Crud!
Good morning. I woke up early, got not only my tea made but next week’s breakfast also. Waiting till each cools off. I walked a mile with my old training group yesterday, they have a free thing for summer, so I’ll rearrange my Saturdays to join them. I do have to raise $500 for the Children’s Shelter, but I have till August, and the coach says he’ll help. Anyway, watching local news, eating breakfast. Will go to the gym this afternoon – that’s why I cooked this morning.
It’s 69 heading for 83 and sunny today. Yesterday we generated 19.9 KWHs and the m-t-d at 200 is still on track for better than last April.
I haven’t talked to Fineena since Thursday but I did call the hospital last night just before I went to bed and she’s been admitted. Room 7811. We shall see what we shall see. Also if anybody has some spare Healing Energy to send, Aji could use it. She’s not talking about it so I don’t know if it’s her or Wings or somebody else but something’s wrong with somebody. Meanwhile I’ve finished my Sunday cleaning chores and am creaking along as usual. Eating my oatmeal and about to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Morning, bfit! Glad to hear an update about Fineena. If I have any healing energy left over tomorrow morning, will send Aji some. There are several people I send to. It’s amazing how depleted I feel afterwards, but I have to do it early in the morning before other consciousnesses (is that a word?) start filtering in.
I would like to trade emails with parents of boys. There is a sort-of worry.
Sending out all the healing I have.
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! How calm and beautiful today seems in comparison with yesterday! I felt bad for the Cherry Blossom Parade people, including the unfortunate princesses with their bare shoulders and flimsy gowns. Fifty-mile-an-hour winds? Awful. Yesterday I did not set one rosy foot outdoors until evening, and even then it was only on the porch. I saw Her, looking almost half-full. On Friday evening She looked a quarter-full, misty around the edges, instead of hard and sharp and shining, as She did last night.
Yesterday I attended a meeting of the Drama Club. I was elected to the board by unanimous voice vote, how about that? All “ayes,” no “noes.” I’m filling in for someone who quit after six months, so my term will be a year and a half.
If only one were as rich as the rest of the world seems to think. Goddess knows I’d love to win a big lottery so I could fund all the causes I care about, including causes for Democrats. Donkeys, wolves, dogs, and elephants are also clamoring for attention. I wish I could. When I received my refund, I gave to Doctors Without Borders, the ACLU, PP, SPLC, and World Central Kitchen. They keep calling to thank me and wanting more. Uh…folks…
Awful things are happening in the Middle East. Is this the beginning of WWIII? It’s always MEN who start wars. Left to themselves, women would prefer to get on with the real business of life. Oh, that reminds me, I’m going to post my little, less-than-600 words story here. It’s called “The Goddess, Laughing.”
I see your post and will visit it later today!
I am only able to glimpse the moon in the blue sky during the day, she is not in a good spot to view at night. She is close to first quarter but not quite there, with a 47.3% illumination. I need some first quarter energy so I am hoping to find a place where I can see her in the dark sky.
Good morning. Yesterday I managed 1 12-minute run, walked the rest. walked for 40 minutes this morning, will try running again tomorrow. In the office, which doesn’t feel as cool as if should. Hoping it’s just me still warm from my walk, because it’s supposed to get up near 90 today.
Good morning, meeses! Monday, Taxes Due Day …
It is 46 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 70. Sunny skies are in the forecast. This may be our last glimpse of daytime highs in the 70s as we start getting serious about Spring. The weather charts suggest that our best two months are April and October so I am enjoying every minute that I can be outside before things heat up.
I am trying to decide how much I want to read about TFG’s trial in Manhattan which starts today. I did read an article interviewing people who would be considered part of the jury pool there and it will be interesting to see how they keep out the MAGAs who will ratfk the proceedings. I think that the most likely outcome is a hung jury and then a decision by the Manhattan DA if he wants to try the case again. It may be impossible to find 12 people who want him either convicted or acquitted even in the supposed blue city of New York. I was shocked at the number of people who still consider tRump an astute businessman. Yikes! It probably shows just how low the bar is for business owners that fraud and theft are considered just part of doing business.
I have a deadline for a project delivery tomorrow. I am pleased that I did not set the delivery date for a Monday – it is nearly impossible to not have some sort of Monday crisis. In any event, I have a few appointments today including a long overdue haircut so I need to get some things done before I have to hit the road.
See all y’all later!
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s partly cloudy and partly sunny here in Ashburn. The current temp. is 64 F., on its way up to 80 F. I went for a short walk outside yesterday morning and discovered (1) it was still so windy it blew my hat off, and (2) the lilacs by the dog park are not yet in bloom. At home they would have been out by now. Sigh for memories of the heavenly sight and scent.
Awful news everywhere of course, can’t cope. Yesterday afternoon I went to the gym for the first time in months and did treadmill. All that unaccustomed exercise knocked me out last night, so I was completely unaware of the light show at 3 a.m. Dearly reported there was flash after flash—no rain, and no noise, but it kept him awake.
We’re supposed to have lots of stuff descending this evenin, but as usual I’ll believe it when I see it. I feel like going back to bed, or at least resting. We have rehearsal tonight.
That’s all from me, folks, hoping everyone at the Pond will have a good day.
Monday Meese. Will be headed back for more ceremony this afternoon. Thankfully no rain today.
Puerto Rico
Democrats will push for the U.S. House Agriculture Committee to vote as early as May on the proposal seeking to begin a transition process to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for Puerto Rico or, as an alternative, to grant the island an increase in Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) funds.
“The question is whether we achieve an improvement (for Puerto Rico) based on the language of the bill that will be introduced or whether we have to force a vote on a potential amendment,” said Puerto Rican Democrat Darren Soto, (Fla.), who is a member of the Agriculture Committee.
Members of the Democratic minority on the committee met Thursday and agreed to push for an amendment on nutrition assistance for Puerto Rico if the Republican majority does not include in the measure to reauthorize the Farm Bill the proposal to allow the Puerto Rican government to submit to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture a five-year plan for a potential transition from NAP to SNAP.
It’s 69 heading for 80 and sunny at the moment. Clouds are supposed to move in later this morning. I hope they wait until late this afternoon. The oak tree’s leafed out so we’re probably not getting any more 20+ days this month, even with sunshine all day. Yesterday we got 19.49 – the m-t-d is 219.5 and still on track. But I don’t know how much longer it’s going to be.
Fineena is still in hospital. She’s wandering a bit – thinks she’s been there a lot longer than she has, among other things – so not sure if she’s clear on why she’s still there or if it’s a “false memory” but she told Joker and me both that she thinks they said the cancer’s “come back” but this time in her stomach. Joker’s contacted the hospital social work department & they said they’d send somebody to “interview” Karen. I hope the person has the training to know when Karen’s wandering and when not – and the training to not assume an old woman is always wandering. (I hate the medical industry. So much of one’s care depends on pure luck.)
It’s warm enough to have the windows open most of the day. I’ve opened them already. We’re going to get a drop in temps later this week. But the vinca in the back yard are blooming and 2 irises in the front yard flower bed opened fully this morning. Not those in back nor any of the neighbors’ whose yards I can see but still. They’re beautiful and anybody walking or driving down the street can enjoy them too. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
This is so true!! “So much of one’s care depends on pure luck.”
I have no idea how people who have no family or outside help can navigate the health care system as they age. I am young enough (and healthy enough) to sort through the options and make choices but what happens when I can’t?
Please keep me posted on Fineena, bfitz! This does not sound good.
{{{Diana}}} I’ll do my best. And no, it doesn’t.
Good morning, 40 and cloudy in Bellingham today. We had a busy but very nice weekend with our sons. I bought RonK a small greenhouse kit from Costco and thank goodness our sons were willing and able to assemble it! It was nice to be with them, eat lunch together on the patios and watch them build the tiny green house.
I’m making progress with better mobility via walkers but it is an adjustment. Oh well, more movement with less pain is the goal and the clutter of canes and walkers is making that happen so I’d best accommodate. Best wishes to all.
{{{princesspat}}} Time with family is good. More movement with less pain is very good. Healing Energy & Moar {{{HUGS}}}
Tuesday Meese. 42 going up to 68 here in Kingston – and sunny! I have a busy day today – writing to do, and I’m teaching a class via zoom in Puerto Rico this afternoon, and then Black Kos.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Going to go to the gym later — I don’t have many applications to work on, so cutting out early shouldn’t be a problem. Meanwhile — astronomy (well, a NASA thing about the Ingenuity helicopter) and breakfast. Definitely sticking to local news, because otherwise it’s all tfg, all the time.
It’s 68 heading for 81 and light’s-on overcast. The PV system is on but that’s about it. Yesterday we generated 11.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 230.9 is losing ground. Looks like we’ll be losing more today. sigh.
Fineena didn’t call last night. If she doesn’t call me by tonight, I’ll try to call her. Hopefully she saw the hospital social worker yesterday and is going to get the home health help she needs after she leaves the hospital. But first the hospital needs to find out what’s going on with her.
My friend’s crazy-busy with end of semester and all that entails as well as early enrollment for summer sessions going on at the same time. I haven’t heard from anybody else so hoping they’re OK. Or at least things haven’t gotten worse. I’m a bit groggy this morning. Need to mix & grill my breakfast sausages later today as I just ate the last one from this batch. But first clear my boosting stuff. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 48 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 81. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
I made a quick scan of the news and it looks like the kind of headlines that suggest there is not so much “news” as “pending things that may or may not happen.” I hope they can find a way to get help to Ukraine – the plan to use frozen Russian assets to pay for munitions sounds hopeful but I have not read the details. If it was devised by House Republicans it is sure to have a poison pill in it.
I got a lot of errands run yesterday and should be able to hunker down today and get some productive work done.
See all y’all later!
Wednesday Meese. 41 here in Kingston, going up to 63 with rain.
Puerto Rico
The Insular Cases were a series of rulings issued in the 1900s, soon after the U.S. had acquired Puerto Rico and other territories, in which the court said people in those jurisdictions did not have all the constitutional rights of those living in the mainland.
Justice Henry Billings Brown referred to territories in a 1901 case as lands “inhabited by alien races” who might not abide by “Anglo-Saxon principles.” Five years earlier, Brown had authored the notorious Plessy v. Ferguson ruling, which endorsed racial segregation.
In a separate opinion in the 1901 case, Justice Edward Douglass White said the U.S. had the right to acquire “an unknown island, peopled with an uncivilized race,” without having to confer full constitutional protections. Several further rulings developed the theory that certain rights but not others applied to people in territories.
To date, the Supreme Court itself has not been receptive to pleas that it officially distance itself from the Insular Cases. Only two of the nine justices, conservative Neil Gorsuch and liberal Sonia Sotomayor, have expressed concerns about the precedents’ remaining on the books.
Good morning. Twelve minutes is really kicking my butt. I managed it 1.5 times this morning, it was just too much. And after my dermatologist procedure on Monday (removal of basal cell), they said I’m only supposed to walk until the stitches come out; so next week will be a rest week I guess. Anyway, getting ready for work. Sticking with local news because national news is all tfg, all the time.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} Healing Energy. Moar {{{HUGS}}}