Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 50 degrees in the Desert Southwest ???? with an expected daytime high of 78. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good Sunday morning Meese. 48 here in Kingston going up to a rainy 77! sigh – I like the 77 but the rain will prevent me from gardening.
Sharing some bad news – Black Kos Editor Jusstice Putnam’s mom passed away – in case you didn’t see his posts:
Justice Putnam has had a lot to bear. I hope in time the good memories will take over and lessen some of the grief.
I saw that yesterday. Sending him Healing Energy.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Had a nice walk yesterday, and got my first donation for the Children’s Shelter. We’re getting some rain this morning, but nothing severe. Tea steeping, yummy tea and chocolate smell. Did anyone see the Correspondent’s Dinner last night?
I watched clips this morning
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind. A proper Sunday breakfast has been cooked and consumed. Right now in Ashburn it’s 59 F. on a cloudy, misty morning. Our high today is supposed to be 85 F. with sunshine. We did get a trace of rain yesterday, but if it doesn’t rain some more, we’re going to go into deficit again.
Last night the show received a standing ovation! True, there were a few glitches in the second act. At the end, before Curly begins to sing “Oklahoma!,” there’s supposed to be a little round of song that goes like this:
“They couldn’t pick a better time to start in lifez” (Aunt Eller)
“It ain’t too early and it ain’t too late” (Carnes the Farmer)
“A brand-new farmer with a brand-new wife” (Curly)
“Soon be livin’ in a brand-new state!” (Laurey)
Unfortunately, Aunt Eller sang instead:
“They couldn’t pick a better time to fall in love”
Which threw Carnes off completely! He sang:
“It ain’t too late and it ain’t too early!”
Fortunately, Curly, who seems like a professional (he isn’t) just sang what he was supposed to sing.
Darling Niece brought theatre-crazed Great-Nephew to see the show, although they had to leave Beloved Nephew at home. The poor guy was too zonked out on pain pills after his surgery to go anywhere. Niece had a terrible time (30 minutes) trying to find a place to park. They entered just after the first act began.
Enough about that. I have to visit a different grocery store this morning to see whether they have demerara sugar cubes. Also have other Sunday chores involving (ugh) laundry, so I’d better get on with them. Wishing a nice, peaceful Sunday to all at the Pond.
Congrats on your success! There are always glitches :)
Thanks, Sis!
Shows always have something go wrong. We always used to say “if the audience doesn’t know it’s a mistake, it’s not a mistake”. LOL. Mine were pretty hard to miss though. I never got through an entire 2-week run without blacking out the stage at the wrong time. Sigh. Have fun. {{{Diana}}}
Thanks, bfitz!
It’s 61 heading for 71, overcast, supposed to rain some more (we got another inch early this morning), the lights are on but so is the PV system. Yesterday we generated 10.69 KWHs and the m-t-d at 399.26 is still on track but lost a little more ground.
Fineena didn’t call and didn’t answer when I called her. I left a voicemail and expect to hear from her sometime today. Chores done and my son came by early w/ salts for my water filtration system so we visited a bit. He’ll be back later this afternoon with food from Sam’s Club. Meanwhile I’m really late getting started on my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good afternoon, 52 and raining outside my windows today. Slow day for me, recovering from a very nice birthday tea for our grandson yesterday. Hard to believe he is now 23 yrs old! I like the “tea” format for being togther…..all the food and drinks are on the table so there is no last minute cooking, people can chose what they want to eat with no fuss, and we can all just relax together in the dining room. The clean up after was easy and the nap after everyone left was needed!
We also had plumbers here this weekend as the tree roots filled the drain pipes again. They got the line cleared with out damaging the old pipes, and we have plans to better maintain and or/fix the problem. But for now we can flush again, happy days :) Best wishes to all.
Thank goodness for flushing!
Afternoon tea is also my favorite way to entertain, princesspat, for the exact reasons you mention. And it’s much less expensive to provide than other meals. Also, I tend to murder anyone who calls it “high tea” (a completely different meal), so fewer guests will be present.
Good morning. Stitches come out this afternoon, yay! Got my walk in — 1.36 mi and it is so muggy out, ugh. Anyway, happy Monday y’all.
Wishing you speedy healing!
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} Moar Healing Energy. Moar {{{HUGS}}}
Monday Meese. 61 going up to 72 and sunny here in Kingston.
Puerto Rico
YES! Dogs for Biden!
I had a “Dogs against Romney” bumpersticker on my car years ago. What is it about Republicans and dogs?
Good gorgeous Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s already 70 F. on a day that would like to break records by going up to 91 F. It’s so lovely to be warm and to have sunshine and blue skies again!
The meeting to plan the Cast Party went off very well yesterday evening. We are planning some little tricks to play. Little do the others know that Natasha, red wig, Russian accent, and purple sweater and all, plans to show up. I will refuse to eat any of the food, which will be not at all of a nature that Natasha would want. BEANS? They’re gonna serve BEANS to old people? And barbecue. The barbecue will not look at all well on Natasha’s white skirt and brand-new purple and white shoes.
Had a lovely chat with our bfitz last night when I couldn’t get hold of Fineena.
Need to get going. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 62 heading for 68 and overcast. We got another 1.5″ rain between dusk and dawn. Widget says it’s going to clear off soon and get sunny today. I certainly hope so. Yesterday we generated 6.5 KWHs and the m-t-d at 405.6 is on track but out of cushion.
Yesterday was a strange day. Something came up at work and my son couldn’t go to gurdwara so he came over here early and refilled my water filtration salt tank & the bin I keep the cat litter in. (The bags of both salt and litter are 40 lbs.) A little later Fineena called. She still doesn’t know what’s going on but is not happy about talk of going to “rehab” since if they don’t fix the problem (her legs & why she can’t walk) all the rehab in the world isn’t going to make her any safer on her feet. Then the power went out for about an hour. Later my son came back over with a lovely rotisserie chicken from Sam’s Club which will feed me for a week and perhaps longer. After dinner Diana called just as I was cleaning up from making stock of the chicken carcasse. And then, just before I went to bed, basket & earicicle called. It was really great visiting with everyone but it did feel a little strange. I haven’t had so many personal phone calls in a single day since my birthday last October. LOL.
Lemon-walnut muffin bread in the oven and the house is starting to smell “most sentimental”. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good afternoon, meeses! Monday …
It is 77 in the damp and humid midwest. Sun finally came out so things dried up enough to take a walk. I am surrounded by leafed out trees and green grassed lawns (and people mowing them) but there are no mountains here.
I am going to ignore the news.
See all y’all later!
I’d feel lost without mountains!
Good Tuesday Meese. 56 here in Kingston going up to 66 and rain.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Stitches are out, so this afternoon I’m going to the gym & lift weights. Yay for that. There were more protests and arrests at UT yesterday. Sigh. All charges were dropped in the last round, why are they doing this? (All charges except the cameraman. I read yesterday that he’s facing assault charges. Because — while walking backwards filming, he ran into one of the officers.)
Oh, fer Gawd’s sake!
Glad you’re feeling sufficiently better to go to the gym!
I pulled on the ropes at the gym yesterday but it probably wasn’t a good idea. At least I’m getting out and walking more. I read that if you get sunlight before noon, you’ll sleep better at night. Yeah. Last night at 9 p.m. I was yawning my head off!
It’s 62 heading for 85 and sunny. Yesterday we generated 18.6 KWHs. The m-t-d is at 424 so it will definitely get over last April’s 425.9 and put April 2024 in 4th position for life of the system April generation. Not possible for it to get to 461 for 3rd though, much as it looked like it might earlier in the month. Still, 4th out of 10 is good.
My new faucet – more particularly the sprayer part of my new faucet is dripping when I run the tap. Either hot or cold. I called the plumber yesterday and he suggested “tightening” the sprayer nozzle. That worked until I did dishes an hour later. I guess I’ll have to call him again today.
I talked to Fineena for a few minutes last night. She’s sounding confused and depressed again. And still has no answers. Sigh. All I can do is listen and pass The Word. A little more personal than with my needs list folks but in the same ballpark. I’d best be about my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Glad you talked to her last night, bfitz. I left her a voicemail but she hasn’t called.
We have rehearsal tonight, matinees Wednesday and Thursday, and performances Friday and Saturday evening. Then it’s over and I can have a LIFE again!.
Right now it’s 73 F. in Ashburn, going up to 86 F. later. After a discouraging start, the sky is now blue, but They say there may be showers later. Uh-huh, uh-huh.
This morning I walked down to the dog park because after yesterday’s 91 F. high, I calculated that the lilacs would be in full bloom. They were! Was able to snap some nice photos, and of course I sniffed about a bit. Lilacs are so lovely and so ephemeral–“Like snow upon the desert’s dusty face/Lighting a little hour or two, then gone.”
I might have to go get some lunch for Dearly. Got nothing in the house. Wishing a a good day to all at the Pond.
Good afternoon, meeses!
It is 77 degrees and sunnyish in the middle of the country, looks like storms later. Nice breeze and good weather to walk in but damp, everything feels damp.
I decided to avoid all the news and will start reading again in late November.
Tomorrow is a travel day so I will check in again Thursday morning.
See all y’all later!
Wednesday Meese. 56 and foggy here in Kingston going up to 74.
Puerto Rico