Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good Wednesday morning, and a merry Beltane to all who celebrate it! It’s lovely here, thank Goddess. Our thermometer says 63 F. at this hour, and the weather person says the high will be 85 F. today. I think I’ll go see the lilacs again as soon as I’m ready. Today we have a matinee–hope it goes well.
Tonight there is the Birch Point party, most of which I will miss. Madame La Directrice wants me to have dinner and a few other people at the Deli after the show.
Last night’s “pickup rehearsal” was without costumes or makeup. After being off for a couple of days, some people forgot their lines. Hope they remember them this afternoon! After rehearsal, I was glad to see Curly and Laurey rehearsing “Let them say we’re in love” with the pianist. They had been distinctly off-key and I think Curly knew it.
Not much other news except that I hope I can stay awake today! I’ll miss my nap!
Wishing a good May Day to all at the Pond.
Good morning. I didn’t get to the gym yesterday but I have an appointment at noon today so I will get some exercise. More protests & arrests at UT yesterday, more planned for today. It is just so sad. Anyway, today: work, exercise, work.
It’s 67 heading for 86 and overcast. Got .6″ rain overnight and might get more today. Maybe. We wrapped up April with 443.5 KWHs which was our realistic target. So that’s good. May has mostly come in one side or the other of the 500 KWH line. To take 1st place we’ve got to reach 516. To beat last year we’ve got to reach 496. But 2020, 2021, & 2022 were all very cloudy years. 2020 & 2021 didn’t even reach 400. So 400’s the “at least” goal. We’re not getting off to a good start with the first week of May forecast to be cloudy. sigh. We shall see what we shall see.
Didn’t reach Fineena again last night. Hoping she’ll notice I called and call me sometime today. The plumber came out and took a look. The only thing he found was the sprayer nozzle screen wasn’t seated properly and it was the seal from seating properly. He fixed that. It kept doing the drip but less after he left but seems to have stopped now so maybe it just had to drip out the water that was in the nozzle itself. Maybe. I don’t the thing so if it gives more trouble I’ll ask him to take it out and cap the line. Meanwhile, time to be about my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 43 and sunny outside my window today. I saw my new doc yesterday and I think he is going to be just fine, big relief. He wrote a new referral for PT so now Keith can officially treat the arthritis in my spine. I know/hope the pain and weakness in my legs will eventually ease but it sure seems long and I’m weary from the pain. Oh well, I do have a few burgundy pansies to plant and I can do that sitting down.
My sister is here for a 2 week visit but she is house sitting for a friend so it will be easy for me. I will share my car with her so we’ll see each other often and she will be free to visit with her old friends as well. Best wishes to all
{{{princesspat}}} Healing Energy & have fun with your sister (and your pansies). Moar {{{HUGS}}}
New doc sounds like a good change – you need that PT. I hope you see relief sooner rather than later!
Princesspat, I will start sending you healing white light every day.
Hope you’ll feel better very soon!
Thursday Meese. 57 going up to 79 here.
Puerto Rico
Act 22
Good morning. Did my walk, just a walk since yesterday I did walk/run and weights. In the office. Have posted my fundraising links on the social media things I’m on. I think that’s quite an accomplishment for barely 7am.
CM posted:
Good Thursday morning, Meese! Another beautiful day has dawned in Ashburger. Right now it’s 68 F. I must throw on some clothes and get out for my morning dose of sunlight before it gets too much hotter. The UV today will be 7, and the high will perhaps reach 90 F.
The performances have been going well! Today is our last matinee, thank Goddess. Most of the audience is sleepy as those hours of the day are their naptime. Yesterday evening the cast member who plays Laurey kindly invited some of us to dinner. She wanted to use up her meal tickets as she and her hubby are going on a cruise next week.
Still need to write a note of thanks to Madame La Directrice, but thankfully, I don’t have to make notes during the show any more. I can just sit back and enjoy it. I’ve just emailed her to ask if I still need to take attendance.
Better get dressed and out before it gets too hot. Wishing a lovely day to all at the Pond!
It’s 71 heading for 75 and overcast. Widget says more rain this afternoon. Yesterday we generated 16.1 KWHs – not great but not as bad as I was afraid of. That puts the m-t-d barely on track to beat out last May. We shall see what we shall see.
I didn’t connect with Fineena last night but Joker did when she called about an hour earlier. Fineena was falling asleep even then so she probably was asleep when I called. Nothing new that I know of with anybody I know of. Except I got a haircut yesterday. Such an exciting life I lead. LOL. Anyway, off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 43 and a blue sky outside my window today. My house is quiet and my leg is not throbbing, a nice way to start my day. I’ve got the usual list of desk and laundry chores to do and than I’ll see what else happens.
Thanks to all for your kind thoughts, really appreciate your support.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 78 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 86. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
My Beltane greeting from yesterday is here: April Showers are Bringing May Flowers.
Ignoring the news while I traveled has served me very well. My brain is clear to focus on things I can actually change instead of things that I can only fret over. I shall continue that for a few days longer and get caught up on projects delayed by being out of town.
See all y’all later!
Friday Meese. 51 here – going up to 72 and I’m finally going to be able to get out into the garden to start doing cleanup.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Did my walk, just a walk but that’s better than nothing. Got my 2nd donation for the Children’s Shelter yesterday, yay. Little by little, same as the running. Anyway, here I am. Hope your Friday is good.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 57 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 88. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Typical spring day – cool mornings, warm days, abundant sunshine.
Arizona repealed their Civil War era abortion ban. The ban will be lifted 90 days after the legislative session ends so sometime in September meaning there will be a gap of at least 3 months when abortion will be completely illegal at all times in Arizona except to save the life of the pregnant woman. I hope people who are signing the petitions to have a vote on abortion rights being enshrined in the Arizona Constitution aren’t distracted by this. It is a good thing to have the ban lifted but it is tenuous plus it reinstates a 15 week ban that has no exceptions for rape and incest after 15 weeks. The people who voted against repealing the ban are still state legislators (and likely to be re-elected) and any new Republican governor would not hesitate to sign re-instating a similar ban. A right that is “granted” is no right at all, it needs to be in the Constitution so that the courts can’t ignore it and the next set of Republican misogynists who come into power can’t eliminate it by legislation. Let’s get it on the ballot and get out the vote to pass it in November.
Yesterday was a too-busy day and a lot of the things I needed to do after being away did not get done so I need to get back to it.
See all y’all later!
It’s 66 heading for 80, overcast all day & maybe rain this afternoon. We got 7.2 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d at 23.5 is not on track for even 400, much less 500. sigh.
I reached Fineena yesterday. It’s not good. She’s either not been told or doesn’t remember her Dx. She’s in a lot of pain, back and legs, and is dealing w/ bad nausea. She’s been moved to a “rehab” place but doesn’t know where she is and she doesn’t like where she is. She said her friend Marcia knows and she did give me her friend’s last name and phone number. Joker is going to try to call Marcia this afternoon. Good Energy for “best outcomes” would be appreciated.
Same ol’ same ol’ with everybody else as best I know. Time to be about my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Friday morning, Moosekind. We had a pretty nice morning, but at the moment the sky is clouding over. Right now it’s 70 F., and today’s high will be 75 F. That’s so unlike yesterday, when it was hot and beautiful!
The cast were so tired yesterday. Two back-to-back matinees are not a good idea, because the cast doesn’t have time to sleep in. They rallied, however, and we got through it—not without glitches in Scene 2, which has always been problematic.
Yesterday after dinner I put on my “Oklahoma!” t-shirt and walked around outside to advertise the show. Came on a group of four people, two of whom burst into song when they saw me, and two of whom said they might come Saturday night, when we’ll be selling tickets at the door. Also bumped into the cast member who plays Will Parker, although he wasn’t swinging his lasso. He was still in full makeup and costume, bandanna and all! He said he’d just had a very nice dinner. He had a cousin with him, but I don’t remember her name.
Time to get going on errands—wishing a nice Friday to all at the Pond!
Good morning, 43 and partly cloudy outside my windows today. I’ve got piles of laundry waiting for my attention but I’m lingering with coffee, music and solitaire. Best wishes to all.
Good morning. On my way to my workout group. Watching local news because at least they are covering the floods in Houston. And Opal Lee getting the Medal of Freedom. We just got heavy rain, I wonder what the drought report will say next week. Happy Saturday, y’all!
Saturday Meese. Nice weather here today, 52 going up to 68 – so I’ll get to spend some time outside.
Puerto Rico
Dee, I don’t open my account on Twitter any longer so I missed your direct message about the Motley Moose site issuing an error about “not enough resources.” I found the DM message in my email Inbox when I checked it for messages about the site hosting renewing.
That error is caused by one of the Share widgets that misbehaves at times. It is transient – as you noticed – it did not block you from posting and then it went away. I think I may have caused it when I ran a Share to social media on Sunday morning.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 59 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 88. Sunny skies are in the forecast. There was a pretty waning crescent in the dawn sky over the mountains this morning.
Missouri reproductive rights advocates gathered the signatures needed to put an abortion rights referendum on the ballot. The governor and attorney general had put every roadblock imaginable in front of them but they got to the finish line. The only question left is which election the governor will choose to have the ballot measure voted on: he can choose the primary or the general election. Either way has pitfalls – I hope that Missourians will come out and support the right for women to control their bodies regardless of how difficult it might be to get to the polls. They did it in blood-red Kansas, just next door, defying the conventional wisdom. Fingers crossed.
Busy day here as I try to solve a gnarly computer problem that presented itself yesterday. It is NOT how I want to spend my Saturday morning but I need to fix it while no one is using the client’s system so I can’t put it off.
See all y’all later!