Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 62 degrees in the Desert Southwest ???? with an expected daytime high of 93. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
All the site updates and clean up went well, I am hoping they make things run a little quicker and we can get rid of the 508 error.
I did not run the core update. The update page said we were at version 6.2.5 and there was a button saying to “Update to Version 5.4.1”. Er, no, I don’t think that would be a good idea! When I get the new hosting set up, it will be on whatever the correct new version is.
I am thinking about switching the web site database location back to motleymoose.com from motleymoose.net to make it easier to migrate (I can have both sites running at the same time). Does anyone care? The two addresses are set up to resolve to the same location anyway. Since we don’t have a Facebook or Twitter presence any longer, it makes no real difference to the Internets.
Right now I am looking at mid-July to switch over. We should not be down for more than an hour and I will schedule it for a Saturday afternoon.
Thanks Jan. Whatever you decide is best is okay by me.
Whatever’s easiest for you is fine. You’re the one doing the work. If my bookmark on my toolbar stops taking me there I’m sure I can find it until my son fixes it for me. LOL.
Ha! It should not work any differently but at some point after we switch over, you would want to change it to the direct link (motleymoose.com) because it will require one less Internet “hop” and get you here more quickly.
Sunday Meese. Nice weather here in Kingston today. Will get a chance to do some gardening. Enjoying my WNBA watching – our home team, the NY Liberty sold out the house- and won!
Puerto Rico
I think the Liberty have a good chance of taking it all this year. The Las Vegas Aces are good but the Liberty looks unbeatable.
The WNBA is adding another team in 2025, the Golden State Valkyries, and Toronto will get a team in 2026 bringing the total to 14. They hope to get to 16 teams by 2028. They are looking at Philadelphia, Nashville, Denver, Portland and South Florida. I hope they stay out of Florida and Tennessee – those states are not very welcoming places for women and women of color.
Good morning. Super busy, productive day yesterday. Workout went well, there’s a hill I need to work on, but I will conquer it. Cooked all of next week’s food because this afternoon I’m volunteering at the shelter. That will get me $50 donated towards my goal. For now I’m enjoying smelling my steeping tea and watching the news.
It’s 72 already heading for 88 and sunny again. Yay! Yesterday we generated 21.78 KWHs and the m-t-d at 257.41, while still not on track for 450, gained ground. We’ll see if we can gain some more today.
I talked to Fineena last night. She’s got nothing new to report. She’s still dealing with pain and nausea. She still doesn’t know where she’s going Tuesday – IF she’s going anywhere Tuesday as that partly depends on what happens Monday/tomorrow. Her 2 friends in Charlotte are both going to be working on it, one with her doctors and one with the social work department.
Saw the moon late last night, early this morning. Not clearly or well but she was giving off enough light to put a streak of it across my bed through the gap in the curtains. Got my Sunday chores done. Going to make more chocolate pudding in a bit. After I’ve caught up with boosting everything that came in after I signed off last night. My son will be over this afternoon. I think I’ll ask him to bring me a rotisserie chicken from Sam’s Club along with the carrots, potatoes, & cabbage. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Monday Meese. Going to be 82 here today in Kingston- and tomorrow 89 and sunny. Yay!
Warm weather finally.
Puerto Rico
7 letters: Mienten (to tell lies)
“When will I hear doctors and their respective unions talk about colonialism as a sociostructural determinant of health in Puerto Rico?”
Mah gawd, Sis. Seems as if as soon as something goes right for PR, the (Rethug?) gummint tries to screw it up.
Anyway, glad it’s nice weather for up there and you were able to garden.
Good morning. Had a good walk/run. Worked on hills as there is one on the route I’m training on. One ramp in the garage is less steep than the hill, but I did it 3 times, the other is steeper so I just did it once. Had a good afternoon yesterday volunteering at the shelter — painting & putting together furniture. I earned $50 towards my fundraising goal. Hope I can stay awake, I had a terrible night’s sleep.
It’s 65 heading for 88 overcast and drizzly this morning. I hope it will clear off soon. Yesterday we generated 21.67 KWHs and the m-t-d at 278.8 is just barely back on track for 450. Be nice if we not only stayed on track but gained a little more ground. Especially since we’re looking at cloudy and maybe rain for the rest of the week.
I didn’t connect with Fineena last night, but really nothing could have changed and can’t until today. Hoping that between her friends, the social worker, and her doctors they work it out so she can stay in hospital.
I’ve got to go get milk. Which I’ll do as soon as the molasses spice walnut bread comes out of the oven. Meanwhile I’ll eat my oatmeal and get started on my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Monday morning from Brigadoon, Moosekind, although the mist does seem to be lifting a bit. It’s a cool 62 F. this gray morning, but it’s supposed to be nicer this afternoon.
This morning, for the first time since “Oklahoma!” went into rehearsal in mid-January, I felt like making muffins for breakfast. So that’s exactly what I did—made Banana-Walnut Bran Muffins and shared them with three neighbors. Two of them are single ladies, and one is a man whose wife is now living in the Memory Care unit.
Yesterday we went to our favorite breakfast place in the town where we used to live, but we didn’t enjoy it. Everything was a little “off.” We also dropped off soon-to-be-10 years old Karl’s birthday presents. The huge, obstreperous boxer, barely a year old, tried to knock me down and dance on my chest. DIL’s disembodied voice (she was away with Younger Son and Nora, but speaking through a device) advised me to leave the house. I hugged and kissed the birthday boy, who kindly permitted me to take a photo of him, and left.
M’Daughter and SIL have arrived in Lenox, MA! The interior designers did a lovely job on the house. She gave her Facebook friends a tour. The movers are supposed to arrive today. The cat and the two chihuahuas behaved very well during the five-day journey, but now seem to want to go home. Wonder when she’ll break the news to them.
This afternoon we’ll hear three more Congressional candidates, one of whom is my old friend Jennifer Boysko.
I’m still worried about Houston. I once read a dystopian novella by Russell Blake about a storm and subsequent loss of power in Mexico, and the resulting scenario was not pretty.
Enough of this chitchat! Time to wrap it up. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Ha! “The cat and the two chihuahuas behaved very well during the five-day journey, but now seem to want to go home. Wonder when she’ll break the news to them.”
The pets will likely get acclimated pretty quickly, our dog did – she was definitely glad to not be in a moving car after our three day trip. She was a sniffer and all the new smells were fun and interesting for her. Our biggest issue was the lack of grass – there is only one grassy place here and it is a short walk. I imagine that your daughter’s new house has a nice yard. How exciting for all of them!
Jan, yes, it’s exciting. Their new place backs on to woods and they’ve already been greeted by a groundhog. I expect we’ll be hearing about lots of new adventures.
I just wonder how Daughter is going to adjust to the culture shock after most of a lifetime in Texas. Her politics are like those of most denizens of Massachusetts (that’s one of the reasons they moved), but there are other factors.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 62 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 91. Sunny skies this morning with a few clouds appearing this afternoon into the evening. I finally was able to see the moon as she rose and was visible in the eastern sky last night. It was still light out but our skies are so clear and blue you can almost always see her in the daylight. I had been missing her because she sets before I get up and rises in the broad daylight. My favorite time to view is in the early morning when she is setting and visible from my office window, maybe next month’s moon will do that for me! I noticed this morning that the sunrise is moving north quite a bit, still over the mountains but definitely not straight on from the east.
A quick scan of the headlines shows polls and more polls. It is going to be a long election season if the “pulse” of the voters is taken 24/7 and reported breathlessly as if it were October. I am not going to say that the polls are “wrong”, they are counting something, but I don’t think they are very good at predicting elections this far out. One of the major candidates is in the middle of a criminal trial and under indictment in Georgia and federal courts in Florida and Washington DC. Even though the Georgia and federal trials will not take place until after the election, there is a huge body of evidence of TFG’s crimes. His minions are under indictment in Michigan, Arizona and Georgia and those cases will stay in the news.
My unseeded softball team, the Arizona Wildcats, emerged from the NCAA Regionals unbeaten and will play in the Super Regional against the 5 seed starting Friday in a best of three series. It is infinitely better than facing one of the 1 through 4 seeds and there is definitely hope. The team has a lot of freshmen and sophomores so the future is bright even it they don’t advance to the Women’s College World Series this year.
I have many things to do today starting with my morning walk which needs to happen before 7am.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 61 and partly cloudy. I have PT this morning and hope work in the garden this afternoon. If Bri is here to help get new dirt in the pots I can plant while seated, just can’t lift the heavy bags of soil. The plants in the garden are finally recovering from the winter damage but it will be nice to see some color along with all the green.
My sister is home now and it was a good visit. Just tiring to keep all the family meals and events coordinated. I was to tired to even get dressed yesterday but it was a good rest day so I’m grateful regardless. Best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. We’re getting some pretty warm sunny weather this week -88 today, it will be 90 tomorrow. Will be doing some garden planting.
Dangerous heat in Puerto Rico and VI:
Dee, they had to close the schools in India for a while. The temp. was 117 F.
Weekly MVP diary posted at Dkos
Will go check it out!
Good morning. Did my walk/run in the neighborhood, went to a hill I usually avoid and ran down it & back up. I wrote a diary at the orange place about the running and fundraising, think I’ll post it at lunch. Meanwhile, enjoying so much being at home. Quiet (other than my astronomy show) and no fluorescent lights. Getting a new door tomorrow, last phase of the reconstruction. I have to take all my pictures, articles on fitness, etc. off my current one.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 59 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 91. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Yesterday’s “sunny skies” turned into mostly cloudy and we had some high winds and a dust storm in the afternoon. We are in a Red Flag warning for wildfire danger in some parts of the state. After a very wet winter, we have had a pretty dry spring. I need to get my “wildfire evacuation kit” ready – I have put it off for two years because I had other things to do. I don’t want to kick myself for not being prepared if I have to load up the car with the things I can’t do without and head for the middle of the desert. Actually I don’t know where I would head! That should be part of the plan. In 2020, they had a wildfire in the Santa Catalina mountains, the Bighorn Fire, that lapped at the edges of the foothills. They never had to evacuate but they told people to be ready.
Why is it that so many men in power simply can’t resist creating abusive workplaces that target women? The FDIC chairman is the latest example. There was a reason that the #MeToo movement was so powerful, it resonated because it was so widespread. Now the early abusers are getting off and the current ones are laughing their asses off. Bastids.
I need to wrap up accounting projects so I can move completely to my new network and shut down the old one. I have to resist doing it now – it will be safer to wait until last month’ accounting is done in case something is missing that I need. I am pretty sure I dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s but I am only human.
See all y’all later!
It’s 73 heading for 84, heat index 88, and sunny at the moment. Rain’s supposed to move in this afternoon so I need to get my laundry out as soon as possible. Yesterday we generated 20.75 and the m-t-d at 299.5 is still on track for 450 and gained a little more ground.
The sunporch door didn’t quite latch when I came back from taking out litterbox detritus and ALL the cats got out. Even Bobbie, the cat who doesn’t go outside. He’s back in now, thank All That’s Holy. He’s the one I can’t catch and even when he lets me hold him for a minute won’t let me scruff him long enough to get him into the carrier. So he’s not up to date on his rabies shots. He came to the door several times but I was too anxious to get him in and moved too fast. The last time I quietly stood to the side, opened the door wide, and after looking around, he walked himself in. Whew! He’s fussing for the other cats right now. They may or may not be back in their usual 45 minutes to an hour and a half – sneaking out the sunporch/front door is unusual. Normal is bolting out the back door as I’m juggling the wet laundry. So they may come back sooner or they may stay out longer. Sigh.
I didn’t talk to Fineena again. Her voicemail box was full and she didn’t call me back. Hopefully she was asleep. Hopefully things got worked out yesterday and she’s not going back to the apartment today.
Washer’s almost finished. I’ll check over at Spoutible and bluesky for boosting but not start my Xitter day until after I’ve hung out the clothes. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese, sure and it’s a grand immortal day! We have 70 F. under blue skies, and it’s going up to 84 F. or thereabouts. Last night, returning home, I saw the three-quarter moon beaming down over Great Oak Common, so that made me happy.
My doctor appointment was canceled this morning, so that means I can go for an early walk before settling down to edit. Got the first essay edited and out yesterday.
Have been sleeping badly but this morning Dearly brought me EMT, so my day is already made. Last night while on my walk I caught up with an old friend and her little dog, so we went back to her place and chatted. She has a wonderful view from her screened porch.
That’s all from me at the moment. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Link to my diary: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/21/2241792/-So-I-ve-never-run-before-raising-money-for-SAFE-Austin-with-my-first-mile
Boosted on my 3 platforms. {{{HUGS}}}
Wednesday Meese. Another lovely hot sunny day here in Kingston. Am headed to the garden center this morning to get some new plants for the yard and front of the house.
Puerto Rico
Why do Puerto Rican politicians continue to support a law that actively displaces our people and has minimal economic impact? Will the donations be political?
Lucecita has an interesting political history:
“Lucecita was blacklisted from Puerto Rican television during the early 1970s for her refusal to whiten her appearance and for her support of revolutionary movements in Puerto Rico and Cuba (many Puerto Rican television stations were owned and staffed primarily by white cuban exiles). In response to the harsh criticism she drew due to her adoption of what was referred to by the Puerto Rican press as ‘the African look’, Lucecita released songs that rejected eurocentrism and celebrated the African heritage of Puerto Rico. She also transgressed gendered boundaries by performing in ‘masculine’ outfits, such as suits and tuxedos, which were traditionally never worn by women on stage. In addition to her outfits, Lucecita often used masculine adjectives in her songs and interviews, sometimes interchanging between masculine and feminine. The catholic church and homophobia were also targets of Lucecita, both of which she openly criticized throughout the 1970s.”
Good morning. I got a couple of donations yesterday, and I’m up to 46% of my goal! Going to the gym after they put in my new door. They have, of course, been doing a terrible job — people sharing pictures on the FB page. I asked if they’d just tell me the paint color & I’ll keep my current door. Anyway, astronomy and work. And the gym.