Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning, Meeses! Wednesday …
It is 91 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 102. Sunny skies are in the forecast. We are expecting to be encompassed by a heat dome for the next couple of days with temperatures of 106 degrees.
I can’t stay for more than a hi and bye – a too busy day has worn me out and I already need a nap.
See all y’all later!
Good afternoon, 53 and sunny in my garden today but I’m being lazy indoors. Oh well, tomorrow will be here soon enough. Listening to an music and reading around is keeping me occupied and resting my legs is keeping them happy so all’s well. Best wishes to all.
Thursday Meese. 70 and raining here in Kingston, going up to 81. Got some sleep yesterday after the almost all day/night trip into NYC.
Here’s the event in the news and on twitter
“Ahead of the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City this weekend, PIX11 News put a spotlight on The Young Lords party. Established in the 1970s, The Young Lords fought for equity through health care and education. Mariposa Maria Teresa Fernandez joined PIX11 to talk about the cultural impact of The Young Lords, honoring Denise Oliver-Velez at the Power for Puerto Rico event and how the movement left a mark on her. Fernandez also performed a poem.”
Puerto Rico
Well, yesterday was.. something. Got the leak fixed, they were actually really nice. Fixed an additional thing they didn’t have to. Just now I need to find more of those surveys & tasks to do, to pay off this bill. Sigh. But: this morning I ran up that stupid hill! I walked for 30 minutes, then decided to try the hill. Tomorrow I’ll walk/run before, and try it again.
Good anniversary of D-Day, Meese. “That great and awful morning, when the sky was filled with planes roaring and the English Channel was filled with ships and landing craft…” That must have been a sight for the ages. The huge bomb craters at Pointe du Hoc are filled with smooth green grass now—imagining what they would have looked like on that morning is truly sobering.
There were tornadoes in Maryland last night. Virginia seems to have escaped. When we woke up this morning the sky was filled with fat gray clouds, pregnant with rain, but now the ugly clouds have moved off and it’s just overcast. We’re gonna git it this afternoon, apparently. It’ll only be thunderstorms, however. I can truthfully state that 95 percent of the bad weather gleefully predicted never materializes, at least here in Ashburn.
How very, very agreeable it is not to have to rush off somewhere. I’m taking a break from editing the anthology so I can work on the Summer Solstice ritual. I’ve even managed to work out a way to get my Nimbus 2024 broom into it. I think it will last about 20 minutes, which is as long as 80-year-olds can stand. After that we’ll surge into the screened porch and celebrate with lemonade.
Breakfast has been had, Dearly is being conveyed by Lyft to his eye doctor 15 miles away, and I need to get to work.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Princesspat, I sent healing white light to your knees. Hope it helps!
It was 58 when I got up, 64 now, and heading for 88 with heat index of 90. And a lovely sunny day. Yesterday we generated 19.47 KWHs and the m-t-d at 64.4 is gaining on 400. It will unfortunately take a lot of days like yesterday (or better) to make up for the cloudy days we’ve already had this month, never mind any more.
I’m going to do laundry today. Will put it on once I’ve checked in everywhere. I’d have started it already except the grass is so wet. Talked to Fineena last night. While her oncologist insists she has to be at the hospital where he can run tests and do the cancer treatment the nurses at the hospital “aren’t sure” she’ll be staying. Nothing like giving a person fighting for her life a little security and stability while she’s fighting. But of course this is America with its for-profit medical industry. The land of the free to die without security or treatment if you aren’t rich (and male and white). Sigh.
Off to start my boosting day (and laundry). Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good afternoon, meeses! Thursday …
It is 98 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 106. Mostly sunny skies, clouding up in the late afternoon.
I had my check-in ready to go at 6am and then – poof! – my time evaporated. The moon was new at 5:28am this morning and I hope to grab some waxing energy to do a better job of time management.
I hope everyone has/had a nice day.
See all y’all later!
Friday Meese. It’s going to be raining all day – so that ended my gardening plans.
Puerto Rico
Great picture of you, Sis! I’ll look for Johanna’s book on Amazon.
It’s the best history of the Young Lords movement written to date. And very readable for non-academics
Bought the Kindle version yesterday!
You’re looking great!
Thankee :)
Good morning. Made it running up the hill again — after 2 rounds of 6 minutes running. Felt like a million degrees out, but it’s only 73. Anyway, in the office. Just have to keep it together until 5.
Good lovely Friday morning, Moosekind! At least, it would be beautiful if it weren’t windy. Yesterday, despite being told we would be drenched and possibly even swept away during the evening commute owing to the severe thunderstorms, we received not a single drop of rain in Ashburned. Good thing I watered my plants.
Anyway, it’s 76 F. here, going up to 81 F. today. I wanted to go to a meeting about making baby supplies for needy infants, but it turns out we have to do errands. At 1 p.m. I have a memorial service for the dear man who always used to be in the gym, rowing or playing Solitaire on the bike as he exercised. Then tomorrow I will attend another memorial service for the husband of a woman who lives in my building.
Ran into a little snag while working on the Summer Solstice ritual. I want to incorporate a water blessing, which involves dipping my forefinger into a chalice of water, inscribing a pentagram on the forehead of the person standing next to me, and saying, “I, Diana, bless you, Morwenna. Thou art Goddess.” That’s fine as long as the recipient is a woman, but what about the men? I consulted Virginia Witches and Pagans on Facebook, who suggested “Thou art divine.” Gender neutral. Seems like a good solution.
I’m trying to figure out how to eat less but it’s uphill work. Problem is, if I simply eat fish and a green veg for dinner, no dessert, I end up starving! The other night at midnight I was still awake, I was so hungry. Finally got up and ate a biscuit. This does not help with the “If you’re trying to lose weight, eat all your carbs before 5 o’clock” dictum.
Dearly is urging me to get dressed NOW so we can go do our errands. Might as well, Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Dee, sorry about the rain that is keeping you from gardening.
It sounds like you have been doing the Mediterranean Diet (fish and greens). I am told I should do that for cholesterol control but the problem is that getting fresh vegetables means going to the store more often and I am lazy! I am also pretty sure that I need my carbs for mental health. :)
Heh! I LOVE grain! Porridge, good bread, the lot.
I shoulda mentioned that I’m walking from 2 to 4 miles a day and I’ve read that exercise makes you hungry.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 73 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 106. Partly cloudy skies expected with some clearing this afternoon.
I finally have a chance to check-in at a more normal time (it is 6am here) and peek at the news. Yesterday, creepy felon tRump was in Arizona complaining to Arizonans about his felony conviction. What a maroon!! Low information voters who may not even know about the hush money trial are now getting the news. Please proceed, doofus, please proceed.
It is disgusting to invite war criminal Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress; I hope some of our congresspeople choose to stay home. One positive headline: Steve Bannon will go to jail.
I have to put together notes for weekend work and make sure that I have everything I need from clients. I need to redo a large project that did not result in the anticipated outcome. This time I will make the changes incrementally so I can check that everything is working before I proceed to the next step. Live and learn.
See all y’all later!
At least if Bannon goes to jail they will FORCE him to take a shower and issue fresh clothes. Dunno about a shave, hairwash, and haircut.
It’s 72 heading for 90 but the humidity is low enough so no heat index. It’s a little overcast at the moment but it’s supposed to clear off and be sunny most of the day. I hope so. Yesterday we generated 19.2 KWHs and the m-t-d at 83.8 has now gained enough to be on track for over 400. We just hit the 40 MWH milestone for the life of the system!
It’s Basket’s birthday today. Happy Birthday, Basket. ????????????????????????????????
Talked to Fineena last night. She’s still at the hospital, thank heavens. Also still nauseous but they’re working on that. They’ve got her on IV antibiotics but we didn’t go into why because just then somebody showed up to take her for the MRI she was supposed to have had yesterday. At 9:10 PM eastern time.
Need to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning. Water is in the freezer ahead of leaving for my Saturday workout. Watching the coverage of the state visit with Biden and Macron. It’s nice to see coverage of something besides tfg.
Saturday Meese. A nice sunny day today, and rain tomorrow. Will relax and watch some women’s basketball games today.
Puerto Rico
Gift link
Total disaster. Mexico counts more than 57 million votes in a couple of days and the CEE #PuertoRico still does not know where the 420,000 votes from last Sunday fall. We are already anticipating the election theft that is coming.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 68 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 102. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. The moon is not visible to me with her current rising and setting location and time. I am watching for her to be visible in the dark skies after sunset by next week.
Clarence Thomas is a corrupt and corrupted Supreme Court Justice – NOT breaking news, just a freaking sad thing for our country because he and his fellow right-wing justices now control the government with their veto power over legislation and the executive branch. Curse you, Bernie Sanders and your disgusting cult members who you convinced that both Democrats and Republicans are the same.
I have a list of 3 things I absolutely have to do this weekend and I need to get started on them before I run out of steam.
See all y’all later!
It’s 74 heading for 91, heat index close to 100, humid as all get out, and overcast. It’s supposed to rain shortly. We shall see if it does. Yesterday we generated 19.89 KWHs, the best for the month so far, and the m-t-d at 103.5 is solidly on track for over 400. But not even 450.
I talked to Karen last night. She was feeling really rotten and uncomfortable. Dealing with anxiety on multiple levels isn’t helping any. She needs to be at the hospital for tests and treatment but the hospital is overcrowded. So they’re trying to find a compromise – NOT back to Matthews – a residential medical facility close to the hospital and her various doctors. And the person she’s given very limited MPOA to is not only verbally abusive to Karen and the medical staff when they aren’t doing what she thinks they should be doing but is also apparently losing her marbles. Yesterday she insisted – not just to Karen but to the medical staff – that Karen didn’t have cancer she had gall bladder issues and if they’d just take out her gall bladder Karen could go home and quit wasting her time & money. Once Karen managed to get her friend to shut up & leave the palliative care nurse gave her some anti-anxiety meds. And they talked about the friend. Karen was glad to a certain extent that somebody could understand why Karen won’t authorize the friend to do more than see her medical records, be present at doctor visits, and help choose a residential facility. Because that’s part of the friend’s “problem” – Karen won’t give her full authority. And everybody else seems to think Karen should be grateful that somebody/anybody is willing to take on the burden. Well, Karen IS grateful for what she does. When she’s not abusing people and ranting about stuff she hasn’t a clue on. Sigh.
Hoping Basket’s birthday evening was fun. He had to work yesterday but he and Amelia are expanding the celebration to/through the weekend and planned a celebratory breakfast/brunch today.
Off to close up the house and start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good beautiful Saturday morning, Meese! Never made it to the gym yesterday and barely got a short walk in. Right now it’s 70 F. going up to 80 F. later.
Yesterday I attended a funeral and I have another one this morning. The deceased’s wife fainted during yesterday’s services, so two ambulances showed up (why two?) and took her off to the hospital. Apparently she will be OK.
Speaking of funerals, I feel very sad that astronaut Bill Anders died in a plane crash yesterday. He was 90 years old. He it was who took my favorite photograph of all time, “Earthrise.” I’ll wear my Earthrise t-shirt today when not attending the funeral or going out to dinner.
In other news, I LOST my right-ear hearing aid yesterday! Gods! I have an appointment at 5:30 p.m. at Costco on Monday to possibly be fitted for a “loaner” (horrible word). I certainly hope they can do it. Also, I’m very much afraid I’ll have to get new hearing aids. It’s been 4 years since I bought these. (Cue tiny violin.)
The perfectly bloody WaPo somehow managed to find two polls in rural Virginia that showed Thing and Biden neck and neck. Or perhaps it was that Thing was winning. The WaPo suggested that Virginia was “in play.”
Forget it! Arlington County, which is 3 miles across the river from DC, is dark, dark blue. Fairfax County is blue, blue. The Democratic dictum is: “If we carry Reston, we carry Fairfax County. If we carry Arlington County and Fairfax County, we carry the state.” This heavily Democratic area of Virginia is filled with pop-eyed, livid liberals who would never vote for a convicted felon who, moreover, succeeded in overturning Roe and is now coming after Griswold.
Sent healing white light to Princesspat, Dee, and Fineena this morning. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Good morning, 64 and sunny in my garden today. I’m resting my legs this morning and hope to plant a few violets and pansies in the pots on the front porch this afternoon. I’m making progress re keeping the plantings easier to maintain yet still interesting, but it’s not as easy as I thought it would be. Oh well, if I can adjust to my very real limits and find a way to still be creative my life will be happier. So that’s my plan.
Thanks for you healing thoughts Diana. As always, my best wishes to all.