Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 64 degrees in the Desert Southwest ???? with an expected daytime high of 99. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good morning. I ran up one hill yesterday, then it hit me on the way back in that there’s a much longer uphill at the end of my route. Ugh. Still, I’m proud I made it up that one. Currently enjoying the smell of my tea and blessing the inventor of air conditioning. I already cooked next week’s breakfast & lunch, so maybe I’ll go to the gym this afternoon.
Good morning Meese. Happy Pride Month and Black Music Month
It’s 68 heading for 87 and sunny at the moment. Hopefully it will stay that way. Yesterday we only got 7.6 KWHs so we’re starting the month way behind.
I talked to Fineena for a few minutes last night. Nothing new. She’s still in pain and nauseous, still having trouble getting the staff to bring the meds when they’re supposed to, still doesn’t know whether Medicaid was approved this time. Sigh. On the bright side, Basket will be here this afternoon and spend one more night before he heads for the Memphis airport in the morning to catch his flight home.
Sunday chores are done so it’s time to start my boosting chores. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good partly cloudy Sunday morning, Moosekind! We have 70 F. here in Ashburn at 9:44 a.m., on the way up to 84 F. and possible showers later today.
Yesterday evening I went next door to the theater, where they were showing “Are you there, God? It’s me, Margaret.” Absolutely LOVED it! I was so enraptured I came home, dialed up the book on my Kindle, and started reading it. What struck me was that it all seemed so real—like a real family that had real-life problems. I didn’t read the book when I was young. Some things got right by me until I was old: I speak as one who never read the “Anne of Green Gables” books until I was in my 50s. Fell in love with them right away, of course.
Lots to do today, including planning a Summer Solstice ritual and adding some more touches to “Risque Rendezvous,” a naughty skit I wrote. I know just the guy I want to play the role of Nigel. I am reserving the role of Fenella for myself.
As usual, the Washington Poop never has a good word to say about Democrats or Biden. I don’t even read it, I just glance at the headlines, utter a snort of disgust, and fling it aside. Now that they’ve killed off most of the fun stuff, the paper has lost weight visibly. Soon it will go 100 percent online. Who wants bad news all the time?
Dearly has gone to pick up some meds, I have some writing to do, and I’m looking forward to another day of trying to increase my steps. Why do I bother?
Tried to call Fineena last night after I came home from the movie, but couldn’t get her on the phone.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Good morning, 53 and cloudy in Bellingham today. Pouring rain was predicted but so looks like we’ll have showers instead. The family will be here for dinner tonight and the table is set in the dining room…..no more should we eat indoors or out as last minute decisions with my old legs are not a good plan for me now. And, I have discovered the seated area of my walker makes a great dining room cart :)
I have some simple greens and daisies in the flower vases so if I find some peonies to add to the mix it they will be more interesting, but if I don’t simple is ok. Best wishes to all.
Good morning. Had a very bad night’s sleep, did get my walk in and even tried to run up the hill behind my office. I think I’m going to leave work early today, no one is scheduled off, so it shouldn’t be too much trouble for people.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Cloud shadows are dimming the daylight so that it looks silvery, like that of an April day. However, we have a blue sky and wisps of white veils sailing across it. I love summer! Right now it’s 73 F. going up to 84 F. or thereabouts.
Busy day ahead: coffee with Darling Niece in Reston, followed by a dentist appointment for a cleaning. Then home for a very late lunch, probably Vegemite toast and tea.
Finished my essay on “Envy,” and even with Shakespeare’s sonnet No. 29 (“When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes/I all alone beweep my outcast state”) heading the rest of it, it still works out to exactly 600 words, including both footnotes. Essays are due Thursday from the writers.
Talked to Fineena last night for 40 minutes and together we moaned about the parlous state of the American medical system. That ghoulish resident who pops around twice a week telling her to hurry up and die sounds like a real…insert nasty word.
Speaking of nastiness, I am SO SICK of how the Orange One STILL dominates the news when he’s been out of office for three years. It’s nothing but Thing, Thing, Thing all day. We keep having to look at his ugly face and hear his whiny voice. Why doesn’t Fineena’s Resident go talk to him?
Just heard the WaPo’s editor is resigning and that her place will be taken by someone from the WSJ! Will have to completely stop reading it. I did enjoy the Metro section this morning, though—it talked about how a gay Theban army defeated the Spartans in 300 and something B.C. Homosexual relationships did not carry the stigma in a pre-Christian society that they do now. It was quite accepted, although at a certain time in a man’s life he was expected to stop that and get married. Gotta have more cannon fodder, y’know, and the female bodies to provide it. Thank you, Goddess, that we do not live in ancient perfectly bloody Hellas.
That’s enough from me. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
P.S. A note to Sister Dee: Larry Hogan is evidently toast after what he said about the verdict.
WTH, WaPo! Turning into the Wall Street Journal? As if it is not bad enough that they can’t bother covering the misdeeds of Alito, now their editorial page will be filled with even more right-wing trash. Democracy does die in darkness and the WaPo shut off all the lights and is gleefully handing a shovel to a Rupert Murdoch trained puppet to help with the burial. I already cancelled the WaPo after something awful they did last fall and they gave me a free 6 month subscription to entice me back. When that expires, I’m done.
Understood! We will continue to get it, though, because Dearly likes to do the crossword.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 64 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 97. Sunny skies are in the forecast. There was a pretty waning crescent over my mountains this morning in the dawn light. She will be new on Thursday at 5:37am MST.
Mexico elected their first woman president, Claudia Sheinbaum. She is in the same party as the current president and, from what I read, is the more liberal of the two candidates. I hope that TFG says something rude and nasty about her so that people realize even more what a total garbage person he is.
That is all the news I will read, just headlines from the Moose’s news feed footer. I have a lot to do today, mostly organizational so that I can enter June with a clear head for what needs to be done and a plan. I had been working with a list of threes – the three most important things that are pending are on a special list I see on my note taker. That works okay but I also have hot projects that insert themselves. Last week I had a totally unnecessary hot project eat up all my project time and I need to get back on track.
See all y’all later!
It’s 73 heading for 78 and sunny at the moment. Clouds will be moving in soon but the rain probably won’t. Yesterday we generated 15.3 KWHs and lost a little more ground. The m-t-d at 23 is 11 short of what on-track for 510 would be.
Basket pulled out at 7:10 central. First stop the coffee shop and something for breakfast that has gluten in it. LOL. But he’s actually on the road by now. Memphis is 4-1/2 to 5 hours from here and his flight leaves at 3:30. It’s been really nice to have him here. I miss him already. Even the younger cats were getting used to him – at least enough to stop hiding under the bed. Cloud of course likes people and didn’t change his behavior one bit while he was here. Anyway, he should be safe home very late tonight.
I had a very short talk with Fineena yesterday. She called thinking I’d called her. I told her it was probably Diana. (Karen’s vision is such that she can tell somebody called but not who or when.) Basically nothing’s changed and everything’s still up in the air. She was going to try to call Diana but had to recharge her phone first.
Anyway, time to get started on my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 53 and partly cloudy outside my windows today. We enjoyed dinner last night…..tasty food and a nice family time together. I’m really tired this morning but so far my legs ok and given the busy day that’s progress. Best wishes to all.
Tuesday Meese. 59 going up to 86. Will be spending most of my day and evening in NYC at the awards event and going back and forth (3 hrs from here to Brooklyn in traffic) Have to be there by 5, and it is over at 8PM so I won’t get home till very late. I’m going to be exhausted tomorrow.
Puerto Rico
{{{Dee}}} You certainly deserve the award but that commute to get it sounds really rough. Definitely rest today before leaving – and tomorrow recovering. Moar {{{HUGS}}}
What bfitz said! Congratulations on the award!
Ooh, I’ve got to go read that this afternoon when I get home.
Good morning. Skipped walking this morning, it was already 80 degrees at 5:30 so I went back to sleep. Hope I can make myself log off early & go to the gym.
It’s 67 heading for 82/heat index 89 and overcast. Lights on/PV system off type overcast. Yesterday we only generated 4.16 KWHs and the m-t-d at 27 isn’t on track for 300 much less our 510 goal. And certainly doesn’t look like we’re going to get much if anything today.
Basket’s home, Amelia picked him up around 10 pm pacific time. It was so nice to have him here, even for only a few days. I talked to Fineena last night. Nothing new other than she was more nauseous than usual and her usual is pretty bad. And that some of her friends have been at the apartment trying to get her stuff organized and packed. She sees her oncologist today. My son and his wife rode his new & very large motorcycle to IN (in only 2 days) to spend some time with his dad. Sort of early Father’s Day as he’s planning to be home by then.
Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s a lovely day, already 77 F., but we’re supposed to get clouds this afternoon. Our rainfall to date is very slightly under normal.
Our Internet was down when we woke up this morning but thank Goddess, it’s working now. I have so much to do!
Did some research last night and was very pleased to find the summer solstice ritual coming together in my head as I sat in bed drinking my early morning tea. Bearing in mind the attendees are UUs, not Wiccans or Pagans, I’ve thought of a very simple ritual:
Cast the circle (I’m thinking about invoking Gaia)
Explain what summer solstice means and why we’re celebrating it
Use the Nimbus 2024 broom to sweep away the negative energies surrounding ourselves
Once cleansed, a guided meditation led by me, on the quality we want to develop until the next summer solstice: do we want to have more respect? More kindness? More awareness of Nature? More generosity? More optimism?
After that, sing a solstice song (will have to work on this)
Then close the circle and go celebrate with lemonade. Dinner is at 6, so people will want to disperse.
Had a wonderful time catching up with Darling Niece yesterday at the Starbucks where I used to live. I’ll miss her TERRIBLY when she departs for the West Coast. Meanwhile, Daughter, SIL, and the two little dogs are having huge fun exploring their new surroundings in Massachusetts. They visited the Wharton mansion the other day. That must be where Edith Wharton lived at one time. I never read any of her books, but I ought to investigate them.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Wednesday Meese. Sleepy. Got back from NYC at 11PM – way past my bedtime.
Puerto Rico
Message from Juan Dalmau about the Puerto Rican Parade in New York this Sunday. “Wherever you find a Puerto Rican man and a Puerto Rican woman, there you find Puerto Rico.”
Good morning. Didn’t make it to the gym yesterday, waiting to hear from the plumber after a bathroom leak. Still waiting. Getting ready for wfh, will have to keep an eye for incoming calls while I make calls.
It’s 67 heading for 83, supposedly no heat index, and overcast at the moment. The lights are on but so is the PV system and it is supposed to clear off in a few hours. I hope so. In a month where the day length and angle of the sun means it’s entirely possible to generate 25 KHWs in a day, yesterday we got our highest so far of 17.7 – which is what we need to average daily to reach our “beat last June” goal. The m-t-d at 44 is on track to reach 300. Sigh.
Basket got home safe and sound but needs to rest up a lot to recover from his “vacation”. Fineena called with some good news. The oncologist has gotten approval to start her on a trial treatment for her cancer & that means she’s moving/moved out of Matthews and back to the hospital (where it’s cleaner, the food’s better, & the nursing staff doesn’t try to gaslight her about what meds she’s supposed to be taking). So she’s very happy, even though still in pain and nauseous, about both. But especially the treatment. Fineena’s a fighter. She knows as well as anybody that this may be the fight she loses, but even so she wants to go down fighting and not just lie there and die. No matter how convenient it is for the doctor.
Time to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Bfitz, so happy to hear the encouraging news about Fineena!
Good gray Wednesday morning, Moosekind! It’s overcast today and 74 F. right now. It’s very humid as well. Rain is supposedly starting at 2 p.m.
Need to go to the gym this morning, read through some material about Summer Solstice, make a couple of phone calls. This afternoon I want to attend a Songbirds concert next door. I need to get more music into my life, even though I can’t sing any more.
After the concert I’m having a short meeting with B., who is helping me plan the Solstice ritual. She’s rather artistic and very good with her hands. If I buy the flowers and the wire, perhaps she can show me how to make wreaths of flowers. She and I both should wear them. Still wondering whether to invoke Gaia, who is an Earth Goddess, instead of Lugh of the Long Hand. There are very few male deities I like, and anyway, Lugh has Lughnasadh. Wonder if I can invoke Juno?
Also have essays to read and mark up–not for errors, but for good descriptions and so on. The Writing Group meets next week. Must find my recipe for Lavender Shortbread because that’s what we’ll be nibbling before we begin the meeting.
Off I go, but not before wishing everyone at the Pond a good day!