Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: June 23rd

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 77 degrees in the Desert Southwest ???? with an expected daytime high of 96. Partly cloudy skies with a chance of afternoon thunderstorms. The monsoon season has arrived.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 72 here in Kingston going up to 91 with rain/thunderstorms predicted. We are still under a major heat advisory here.
    Puerto Rico

  3. Good morning. Slept in, watching the news while my tea steeps. Didn’t run yesterday, I think knowing that cyst on my leg is there is just messing with my mind. Walked the mile, which is still a good thing. May meet old college boyfriend for dinner this evening, or maybe tomorrow.

  4. It’s 84, heat index 90, at the moment heading for 96, heat index 103, and sunny also at the moment. Yesterday we generated 20.3 KWHs and the m-t-d at 380.8 is inching up on 520 for the month. To do better than last year we have to get above 522.

    Talked to Fineena last night. She’s still here and that’s the best I can say about the call. Nauseous, in pain, tired, not always coherent, but still swinging.

    Got my Sunday housecleaning chores done. The overnight low never got below 80 and I didn’t open up the house at all. Turned the A/C actually off while I vacuumed and opened the sunporch window as a kitty escape hatch when the vacuuming got to be too much for them. But once done even though I turned it back on (and closed the window of course) it hasn’t come on yet. I’m seriously betting it does long before 4:10 pm which is when it did yesterday. I’m out of cooked protein so I’ll have to do something about that this afternoon. But meanwhile I’d best be about my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  5. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! What day is this? What planet is this, Tattoine? It’s 90 F. right now, and we’re looking at 100 F. by evening. There will be imaginary thunderstorms beginning at 8 p.m. Lawks, when I had all those people standing in that hot sun, I should have made them do a rain spell. We are more than 2 and 1/2 inches under normal rainfall for the year, my friends.

    Did I tell you that the ritual on Thursday went off very well and lots of people thanked me? And that the three Episcopalians present looked gobsmacked? I told the some of the UUs about Samhain, which of course involves champagne, toasts, and other things, and they seemed interested. They hadn’t heard of it.

    Yesterday evening we had dinner with one of my fellow actors and his wife. A man in the Drama Club wants a risque play, so I wrote one: it’s a skit, really, 8 to 10 minutes long, intended to be presented as “reader theater.” (We do 10-minute plays at the end of Drama Club meetings.) I intended the female role for myself and I want this actor for the male role. He did, after all, play Will Parker in “Oklahoma!” Anyway, as there is a substantial fake “kiss” (during which the actor hides behind a hat). his wife has raised objections. The person in charge of assigning reader plays LOVES the play, by the way, but if Will Parker doesn’t get to play Nigel, I’ll put it on the “Dead” shelf.

    The Northern Virginia Progressives are gearing up for the fall Biden campaign on Wednesday. They even organized a “Bark for Biden” event, involving people’s sweet dogs. Then there’s a celebration for the LGBT community on Friday, and more going on besides.

    Have a wonderful Sunday! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

      • Thanks, Jan! I chose “awareness of the natural world” as the quality I want most to develop. I do try to notice colors, scents, sounds, and textures anyway, when I walk outside. It’s part of being a writer.

  6. Monday Meese. We have a one day break from the heat (YAY) Temp is only going up to 74. then back to heat tomorrow.

    Puerto Rico

    “This month a massive outage left over 350,000 customers in San Juan, P.R., without power, including my 96-year-old grandmother and 75-year-old mom. Amid a record-breaking heat wave, my mom struggled to keep my grandmother cool with a battery-operated fan. The frustration and fear in my mother’s voice as we spoke on the phone was palpable, and when the call ended, I found myself blinking back tears of rage.
    In 2020 the Puerto Rican government transferred management of the electric grid to a newly minted Canadian-American private company, Luma Energy. It promised to bring clean, reliable energy to Puerto Rico after the state-owned Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority filed for bankruptcy and Hurricane Maria knocked out the island’s ailing electric grid.
    So why is it that four years later, my mom is still cursing in the dark?
    Puerto Rico’s power crisis illustrates the consequences of putting essential services in the hands of a private entity. Reliable electricity is not just a convenience; it is essential for economic stability and public health. Yet residents are paying exorbitant rates for a service that repeatedly fails them. Enough is enough. Puerto Ricans deserve a power grid that works for them, not against them.”

    “The lawsuit that resulted in the disqualification of four at-large candidates to the Legislature of the Citizen Victory Movement (MVC) could be interpreted as the most recent attempt by the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) and the New Progressive Party (PNP) to consolidate the power they have exchanged since elections have been held in Puerto Rico, at a time when both collectivities – “majority” or “traditional” – are increasingly less favored by voters, agreed experts consulted by El Nuevo Día.
    They also warned that, although the June 10 Supreme Court decision helped the red and blue parties, it will not necessarily translate into more support in the November 5 elections, considering the generalized dissatisfaction with both parties and the tendency observed in past cycles to favor “emerging” collectives or independent candidates.
    “It is certainly in the PNP’s best interest that the Citizen Victory (candidates) not be on the ballot, because it gives them a little space (to get the legislative majority),” said statistician and electoral analyst Manuel Alvarez Rivera.
    “The Citizen Victory Movement had very good candidates for the Legislature and very good possibilities (in the elections). The removal of those candidates increases the PNP’s possibilities,” said attorney and political analyst Carlos Díaz Olivo.”

  7. Good morning. Another day of just walking. Got the dermatologist appointment later today. Hope she doesn’t decide the cyst is too big for her to deal with. Cool that Big Mama Thornton is finally being inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame. Decades too late of course, but maybe people will look into her & the other black women pioneers of the genre.

  8. It’s 79 heat index 87 heading for 98 heat index 108 sunny (at the moment) and no breeze. Not a day to open up. Or be outside much. Yesterday we generated 20 KWHs and brought the m-t-d to 400. We’re on track for 520 and still gaining.

    Talked to Karen last night. No change and the medical industry sucks. (So does her only living relative who still hasn’t contacted her or in any way responded to Karen or Karen’s friends texting/emailing/voicemailing her about Karen’s condition and location.)

    My son brought me a pork loin then cut it into chops for me. I spent yesterday afternoon grilling (electric George Foreman/clamshell grill) 40 pork chops. And ate one for dinner. Most of them are now in the freezer. So I’ve got slightly over a month’s worth of cooked protein. Less if I eat some of them for lunch. More if I vary things with a rotisserie chicken or some takeout. We had a nice visit in the process.

    Time to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  9. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 75 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 99. It was raining a little when I got up but is sunny now. The forecast is calling for partly cloudy skies with a chance for rain this afternoon and evening. Last night we were tracking the rain and it never got here. On Saturday, the monsoon rains surprised a lot of people and sadly someone lost their life when they were washed away in a flash flood. Some of the downpours can be overwhelming and getting caught in one is scary. We are at a higher elevation than downtown and in a newer part of town where the underpasses were designed to not flood. In some of the areas near the interstate, they did not modify bridges to lift traffic and trains over the roadways but just dug down to go under the bridges. That is a recipe for disaster as those fill up pretty quickly. I think they are working on fixing the worst ones but there were a lot of years of bad engineering and it is going to be expensive and time consuming.

    I have a handful of projects today that need my attention. I got bogged down in one project that was more complicated than I planned for and then another project that was added to my “must do now” list unexpectedly.

    See all y’all later!

  10. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s a beautiful, if too windy day in Ashburned, where we are now 3 inches under normal rainfall for the year. I’d better start looking up rain spells.

    Sunset tonight will happen at 8:37 p.m. EDT, the same time it has set since the Solstice and every night since. Well, “solstice” is a Latin term meaning “the sun stands still.” On Friday the full moon took Her time about rising, and I couldn’t hang around outside forever. She was YELLOW! Huh? Thought the Strawberry Moon was supposed to be pink. Never mind.

    I have a horrible feeling that the male actor’s missus will not let him enact that short skit with me. Well (shrug) it shall be as Allah wills. In the meantime, I have plenty to keep me off the streets and out of the pool halls: editing the anthology all day and all tomorrow, gathering all my short stories into one volume, and beginning work on a monologue about Jefferson Davis’ wife. There’s an actress in the Drama Club who’s keen to do that one.

    The other night I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson and became so p.o.’d that I sat right down and wrote a 600-word essay from his eldest son’s point of view. Our writing assignment for July is “creative nonfiction.” I used to dote upon TJ, but not any more.

    That’s enough from me this morning—wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  11. Good morning, 54 and cloudy. Yesterday was Ava’s spring dance recital so it was a fun afternoon. One more year and then she is a graduating senior and her time at The Dance Studio is over. I was pleased to learn that using my walker was easy. Later our son and Elsa were here for Sunday supper and to watch season 2 of The House of The Dragon so it was a nice day, but for some reason a hard night so I’m slow this morning. Best wishes to all.

  12. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 77 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 99. Sunny skies are in the forecast with a chance for afternoon rain.

    Gosh, who could have predicted that treating women like chattel and turning their pregnancies into political footballs would result in bad outcomes for women and infants in Texas? The deaths of all of those women and children lie at the feet of Abbott and his MAGAt legislature. May karma catch up to them and “reward” them for their transgressions.

    Kamala was in Phoenix yesterday reminding people who put the people on the court that overturned Dobbs and wants to turn America into a hellscape for women. Abortion rights is going to be a big deal here; even though the 1864 ban was overturned, the remaining law has no exceptions for incest and rape and has a much too early cut off. Abortion will be on the ballot literally and also in state legislative races, Congressional races, Senate races and the presidential election.

    See all y’all later!

  13. Good morning. So yesterday I paid a specialist co-pay for her to tell me to come back today and she’ll remove the cyst. Sigh. But at least she’ll do it and I don’t have to go to a surgeon. She said no running for a week, but I can walk. Anyway — happy Tuesday everyone. Anyone thinking about the debate yet?

  14. It’s 83 and the heat index is already 90, heading for 95 heat index just over 100, and mostly sunny at the moment. Clouds and maybe rain this afternoon. Yesterday we generated 20.2 KWHs and the m-t-d at 420.97 is on track for over 520. If we can gain just a little bit more ground (rather than losing it with the coming afternoon clouds) we’ll be on track to beat last June and June of 2022.

    The twins (my black cats) escaped this morning as I was taking out a litterbox to change. Sigh. Freddie’s back inside but Rennie’s still out there. It’s been an hour now and I’m getting worried. Not that getting worried will do me any good.

    It’s hot & uncomfortable and I’ve been in and out enough to BE uncomfortable. But my core temp will down after I’ve been sitting at the computer for a bit. Time to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  15. Good Tuesday morning, Meese. Just read about a Moose encounter in the op-ed section of the WaPo. It was quite funny! Moose, whether singular or plural, are not to be messed with.

    Yet another lovely day is unfolding outside. Right now it’s 77 F., going up to 92 F., and we’re still dry as a bone. As I was walking back carrying dinner last night, I met a neighbor from the 5th floor who was extremely agitated about the dryness of the grass we can see from our woods-facing windows. She says the white patch of dryness has increased every year. She plans to make a fuss. I sympathize, but I have other things on my mind right now.

    This morning I have to email all my writers asking their permission to make editing changes. It’s mostly punctuation, thank Goddess. After that, I’ll have to actually use “track changes,” and send the writings to the group member who’s doing the desktop publishing.

    I’m supposed to rehearse for the role of Professor Plum in “Clue,” but I have yet to receive a script. I’ll have to email some of the others who are in it, and ask whether they’ve received one. Back at the ranch, my printer refuses to do any work at all unless she’s fed a black cartridge, so I frantically contacted the supply place in Chicago: I hope to receive it tomorrow.

    That’s enough from me! Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day. BTW, we’re keeping the TV mostly off during the day because We Can’t Bear It. You know what I mean.

  16. Good morning, 53 and sunny outside my windows, nice to see some blue sky. I have a hair appointment this morning and a visit with a friend and her grandkids this afternoon. I know I’ll come home needing a nap but it will be fun to visit while the kids play in a splash pool. My grandkids are all older and working now but I have fond memories of my Grammie Camp years. Best wishes to all.

    • Oh, princesspat,so do I have fond memories of “grammie camp” years! Every once in a while, my iPhone shows pictures of the grandkids when they were little, splashing in the pool, and then enjoying a popsicle at the kid-sized umbrella table.

      We’re thankful for the memories, aren’t we!

  17. Wednesday Meese.

    Wrote about this amazing documentary for Black Kos yesterday

    Here’s the trailer

    It’s 69 here in Kingston, going up to 92.

    Puerto Rico

    • I am hoping to get a chance to watch the “Power of the Dream” video on Prime today. I have to admit that the Atlanta Dream is not one of my favorite teams to watch – the place they play has terrible lighting and there are shadows on the corners of the court making it difficult to follow the action. I think they share a venue with the NBA Atlanta Hawks minor league team and some random local amateur sports clubs. Disrespectful to the women’s team, in my mind, but not shocking in Georgia. The Phoenix Mercury plays on the same court that the NBA Phoenix Suns play. Arizona has a lot of problems but sports equity is not one of them.

  18. It’s 76 heat index 85 heading for 92 heat index 98 overcast and drizzling. Lights are on, PV system isn’t. Not great on a day when the A/C kicked on at 6:15 am. Yesterday we generated 17.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 438.27 is still on track to reach 520 – but may not be by end of today if the clouds don’t leave with the rain.

    I had a totally wretched night. Sinusitis. Couldn’t get to sleep until after 1, woke a few hours later choking on phlegm, dosed off & on – mostly off – until it started getting light. Meanwhile the winds kicked up & my power’s flickering. I’ll try to do my boosting but if I disappear you’ll know why. Holding the Good Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • Oh, bfitz, sorry about your awful night! It ruins a person’s day. Saw disquieting news about Fayetteville getting lots of rain. Hope it moves off and that you feel better! {{{Hugs}}}

    • The rain came – wind dropped & so did the temps. It’s 67 RN & I’ve got the house open. ???? (Until the rain stops & the temps go up again anyway.)

  19. Good morning. Leg hurts, but I’ll get used to it. Had a restless night — if you’re having a procedure involving stitches, check your tylenol supply before the procedure. Now that I’ve had breakfast & painkiller, my day is looking up. Thanks for the good thoughts, I appreciate them!

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