Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: July 7th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. It’s 65 heading for 89 – 70 in the house – and while I went all yesterday without the A/C I’ll probably have to turn it on today. Which figures. It’s July after all. The respite was nice. The laptop stayed cool enough I was even able to have background music while I was online.

    I got a late last night email from SolarEdge saying they’d sent “extensive recommendations” to Ozark Solar on July 8 (not quite 2 weeks after Ozark Solar contacted them) and to please work through my installer in the future. Ozark Solar also emailed, very early this morning, that they got the “extensive recommendations” yesterday (the 9th) and what they amounted to was to go to the site and do physical tests (not rely on the online testing) on the inverter then get back to them. So now he’s got to figure out when he can fit in a superfluous “visit” down here in Fayetteville before we can get back to the “inverter dead, send replacement” point. sigh.

    The word on Fineena is not good. Joker heard from a local friend (Tricia) yesterday. Tricia visited Fineena Sunday and Fineena didn’t recognize her. The tests are all horrible. Fineena is now in ICU. The doctors have asked the other local friend who has the MPOA for a DNR. That hadn’t been given as of yesterday when Joker talked w/ Tricia but Tricia’s not sure why not. Fineena was quite adamant about not being kept alive unconscious/in a vegetable state on machines. Anyway, I’m sending Healing Energy for Fineena to use however she wants to use it – whether to come back for a while or to ease on out.

    Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  2. Good bone-dry Wednesday morning, Moosekind! It’s already 86 F. here in Ashburned, it’s inching up toward 97 F., and we’re 4 inches under normal rainfall for the year. Drought, in other words,

    Well…yesterday I had bad news and good news. My poor neighbor down the hall died. He actually did have Parkinson’s, but I don’t know what the actual cause of death was. He was such a funny guy, we all loved him. The neighbor who told me about it said she hoped he was in heaven having a beer with our neighbor who died some years ago, a very funny Irishwoman who flirted with the guys in the bar, 70 years her junior, and got them to sing songs with her.

    The other bad news concerns Fineena, of course. I’ve been experiencing a heaviness of spirit the last few weeks, as Bfitz has, and it concerns her. Sent energy to her this morning, hoping she is not in pain. It would be pleasant to think that in the Otherwhere she now inhabits she’ll see the dogs she’s loved and lost.

    The good news is that my daughter is coming to my husband’s birthday party on July 28! His actual birthday is a month from now but it’s hard to book a venue around here. Haven’t seen her in two years! She’s unbelievably happy living in the much cooler Berkshires. Of course…she hasn’t experienced winter yet.

    The other good news is that my soon-to-be co-star said YES! He has all the qualities I require for the male actor in my play. We’re due to perform on August 17, so we’ll have to find a place to rehearse.

    The bimonthly coffee will begin at 10 a.m., so I’d better get ready. Then I’ll have to race to TJ’s for roses, strawberry jam, eggs, and a lemon. This afternoon I’ll bake the sponge cake but won’t put it together until tomorrow.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and blessed peace to those who need it.

  3. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 84 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 106. Yesterday evening we had a bunch of clouds gather over the mountains and the winds kicked up but no rain or cooling here in the valley.

    I just got a breaking news email that Nancy Pelosi wants Joe Biden to not run for re-election. Gak!! Normally, I trust her political chops but I am not sure she has thought through all of the ramifications. She lives in a Blue State bubble – the chances of a non-Biden last minute candidate winning in swing states is slim to none especially if the party bypasses the primary voters who voted for Biden. I am going to ignore the news today and do other things because I can’t deal with thinking about another tRump administration.

    See all y’all later!

  4. Good morning, 64 and sunny outdoors today, getting warmer indoors. How I wish I could wave a magic wand to secure the election for the Dems, make the ivy people go away and leave our tree alone, and somehow find someone at my doc’s office respond to the pharmacy so I can refill my meds. Looks to be another long day. Best wishes to all.

  5. Fineena passed about 2 pm eastern time. Her friends Marcia, Tricia, & Kevin were with her so she wasn’t alone. And if there IS an afterlife, she was met by her mom & a whole lot of Airedales.

  6. Good morning. In the office, nice to sit in my chair and it doesn’t hurt. Watching Le Tour on my kindle. Yesterday’s finish was quite exciting. Just a normal day in the office. Good thing about being here, I won’t hear about the hyenas attacking Biden till I get home tonight.

  7. Thursday Meese. Today is year 26 of my Yemaya priesthood. May she bless everyone who cherishes the earth.

  8. It was 66 at dawn, 70 now, heading for 93. At least the heat index is “only” getting to 97. Supposedly. The Ozark Solar guy is backed up with multiple installations but is trying to fit me in as soon as he can. There are on-site checks he has to do, things I absolutely cannot, before SolarEdge will admit that yes, the inverter is dead and they have to replace it. So. Day 16 without generation.

    I hope Karen knows about the outpourings of friendship and caring over at DK. At this point, with her mom and at least 5 and probably closer to 10 Airedales still having “old home week” it may not matter. But it might. She was very lonely these last few years – and so very much more so after her last dog Henry died. Anyway, they certainly comfort me.

    I can wait another hour to close up. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • bbfitz, your friendship and support for Finenna was important. May you find comfort with her passing.

      • Thank you. It’s definitely a comfort that she’s no longer in pain – most folks don’t know how long she lived that way, even before the cancer. She’s free now. And that’s a good thing.

  9. Good Thursday morning, Meese. It’s 80 F. right now at 10 a.m. but it was 66 F. when we woke up. Today will be a low-humidity day, but tomorrow will be rainy—or so They say. I’m sorry for the residents in Houston, where electricity won’t be restored until Monday. Meanwhile it’s gorgeous out. I love July.

    Right now on the porch it’s very shady and pleasant, so I’m going to go out there to finish looking at the essays. I’ve made the cake, just need to sandwich the layers with warmed strawberry jam. After the housekeeper leaves, I need to cut down the roses and fill little thingies with water, because my writers will each take home a single perfect red rose.

    Ashir’s Nani’s diary at dk has garnered 345 comments. Bfitz is being remembered fondly in the comments. I didn’t know Fineena when she was healthy, only when she was ill. She was such a wonderful person! Yet she had no luck at all. Well, I’ve captured some of the nice things people are saying about her and will keep them in my journal of Never-to-be-Forgotten People.

    Must rush—wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  10. Good morning, 60 and sunny in Bellingham today. I’ve found an organization to oversee the removal of the ivy from the fir tree we share with the city so a “do not touch this tree” sign will go on the tree tonight. If that doesn’t stop the middle of the night vandalism we will put up a camera, but I think/hope the public notice will be enough. Removing the ivy will be a slow process but done correctly the tree should be ok and safer for us to live under. I’m very relieved to finally have some help.

    My housekeeper will be here soon so I’ll be busy with her today. Tomorrow I start another round of PT, focusing on the arthritis in my spine. So life goes on, I just hope I can keep up! Best wishes to all.

  11. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 96 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 108. Sunny skies this morning and then high winds and a chance of storms later in the afternoon. I have been seeing the waxing crescent in the WSW sky in the evenings and it is beautiful to behold.

    Another too-busy day that started too early and doesn’t all a lot of time (thankfully) for news reading.

    See all y’all later!

  12. Good morning. Got my walk in, with a few little bursts of running. Watching Le Tour. The press conference yesterday seems to have gone well. Of course, that’s not stopping the pack of fools trying to drag Biden down. I don’t know what they’re thinking; none of them has said what would come next.

  13. Friday Meese. 95% humidity here, and flood warnings. :(
    Puerto Rico

    “They are letting our people die”: the serious crisis of Puerto Rico’s health system (which once transformed the lives of the island’s population)

  14. It’s 75 heading for 93/heat index 98 and overcast at the moment. Even the 10 minutes of rain we just got didn’t cool it back down any. The house is closed up and I’m just hoping that it’s cool enough in here that the A/C doesn’t come on until afternoon. It’s dark enough that if my PV system were working I’d be worrying that we wouldn’t generate enough electricity to cover the A/C today. I wish I still had that concern. sigh.

    After a year of calling Fineena every night, whether I reached her or not, not having her to call feels strange. But I’ll get used to it. We always do. I just feels strange until we get used to the new patterns and routines. Meanwhile, there’s boosting to do. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • Sorry for your loss, bfitzinAR. Fineena did not get much time to enjoy her new home and living arrangements, did she? I hope she found peace in the end.

      • Thank you. & no, she didn’t. I’m afraid the end was peace for her. She was such a good person. It’s not right that she had all that stress and trouble. But it is what it is. Or was. She has peace and love now.

  15. Good Friday morning, Moosekind! I’m still tired after rushing around yesterday, so this morning’s MUCH cooler temperatures (it’s 73 F. at the moment) and on-and-off rain are very soothing. Our high today will be 80 F. Even the WaPo admitted we’re in moderate to severe drought. Stood on the porch before breakfast to listen to the rain falling—music to my poor old ears. More good news: my lavender is beginning to bloom.

    The Anthology Committee of my writers’ group asked me to channel Shakespeare for a blurb to go on the back of our book, but they didn’t like what I came up with. Now I have to channel his ghost again and come up with a shorter version. I lead a weird life, no question.

    On the other hand, yesterday evening I encountered the guy who’s going to act with me in the skit I wrote; we both assured his wife that we understand the difference between acting and real life.

    Lawks, it’s already 10 a.m. and I’m still in my dressing gown. Wishing a good da

  16. Good Friday morning, Moosekind! I’m still tired after rushing around yesterday, so this morning’s MUCH cooler temperatures (it’s 73 F. at the moment) and on-and-off rain are very soothing. Our high today will be 80 F. Even the WaPo admitted we’re in moderate to severe drought. Stood on the porch before breakfast to listen to the rain falling—music to my poor old ears. More good news: my lavender is beginning to bloom.

    The Anthology Committee of my writers’ group asked me to channel Shakespeare for a blurb to go on the back of our book, but they didn’t like what I came up with. Now I have to channel his ghost again and come up with a shorter version. I lead a weird life, no question.

    On the other hand, yesterday evening I encountered the guy who’s going to act with me in the skit I wrote; we both assured his wife that we understand the difference between acting and real life.

    Lawks, it’s already 10 a.m. and I’m still in my dressing gown. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  17. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 80 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 106. Mostly sunny skies with a chance for afternoon rain. We had a very blustery late afternoon and a monsoonal rain arrived in the evening and cooled us down. The temperature dropped from 110 to 89 in about 15 minutes and we got about 20 minutes of rain. This morning it was 78 degrees for my walk, the first time we have seen the 70s for quite a while.

    I will be ignoring the news again. I did not watch the Biden presser because seeing the jackals attack sets my teeth on edge. I will just concentrate on local politics (we have a primary here for state and local races on July 30) and plan to vote for Joe Biden in November. We are such a stupid political party, choosing Democrats in Disarray over cool and steady and giving Republicans an opening. USA Today, which I get as part of my local newspaper subscription, had an article on Americans preparing for the end times should tRump regain the presidency. I can’t really go anywhere: I can’t afford to move and I could never afford to have two homes, one here and one out of the country. I should have something figured out for my daughter, though, if Republicans plan to denaturalize any naturalized citizens who are not white. I wouldn’t put it past them.

    See all y’all later!

  18. Good morning, 60 and sunny outside my window. I start another round of PT today. It’s clear I need the walkers for support but I hope that with Keith’s help I can increase activity and gain more stamina. So PT this morning and watering the garden this afternoon…..all’s well in my small world. Best wishes to all.

  19. Saturday Meese. 75 here going up to 91 – humidity is 90%. Have about 20 people coming over for my anniversary this afternoon and I’m already exhausted from the heat. Power has blinked out twice this morning, however didn’t last long enough to activate the generator.

    I feel for the folks in Texas, still without.

    Puerto Rico

    • Happy priestess anniversary! I hope it is not as hot as the weather guys are predicting for your gathering today.

    • {{{Dee}}} Happy Anniversary! Hope it cools down a little but either way I hope you enjoy your celebration. ????????????????????

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