Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: July 21st

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Wednesday Meese. 72 here in Kingston only going up to 79.

    Am collecting material to write a diary – kind of a “Kamala Harris Fact Sheet” – to counteract the tidal wave of lies about her, her past, her policies, which is going to be unleashed. Please post any links you have.

    • I can’t wait to read it. I am astounded and delighted by the number of people who you would not expect to be excited about Kamala Harris, being all in on her presidency. Democrats are definitely “in array.”

  2. Elie Mystal on fire: Beware the People Who Claim “America Isn’t Ready for a Black Woman President”

    The Democratic Party is about to run a Black, South Asian woman against a white supremacist former president. It’s about to run a person whose parents were immigrants against a xenophobe who supports mass deportations. It’s about to run a woman who prosecuted sexual predators against a sexual predator who has been judged to be a rapist. And it’s about to run a fierce defender of reproductive rights against a person who proudly claims responsibility for overturning Roe v. Wade.

    Add it all up, and what you get is that the Democrats are about to run the walking embodiment of what America is against the avenging specter of what America was. […]

    The contrast between Vice President Kamala Harris and convicted felon Donald Trump could not be more clear, and that contrast should benefit Harris in every conceivable way. Harris is a person who wouldn’t be allowed to finish her sentences in Trump’s America, much less hold political and legal power. The distinction is now between a youthful, vibrant, and tolerant vision of the country, versus an aging, aggrieved, and absolutist version of America.

    This this this. We need to call out the New York Times at every step and not let them do to Kamala what they did to Hillary and then Joe.

    Even as Harris consolidates the entire Democratic Party around her and her campaign, there will be people telling her she can’t win because America won’t elect a woman of color.

    And those naysayers will always be given a platform in The New York Times and other media outlets claiming they’re simply reporting the facts. The Times won’t cover Harris fairly even for a day, just to see what it would feel like, and they’ve already started down the road of making her seem unelectable because of her race and gender. […]

    For the first of what will be many hit pieces over the next few months, they used other Black people to make their point. A tortured Monday headline blared: “Some Black Voters Say They Wonder if a Black Woman Can Win.” […] But the Times wouldn’t run a story that stated “Some Black Voters Say They Wonder How Many Active Klu Klux Klan Members Attended the Republican National Convention” — even though I promise you that more Black voters wonder about that than Harris’s electability.


    I am not afraid. I am not afraid of these people who will tell us to be afraid. I am not afraid of supporting a Black, South Asian, first-generation woman for president, and I’m certainly not afraid of supporting her because she’s a Black, South Asian daughter of immigrants. I reject the programming that’s designed to make me think a woman of color can’t win, and I embrace the fact that she can.

    I really don’t give a damn if other people won’t vote for Harris because of who she is, because those other people were never on my side to begin with. We were always going to have to defeat those other people if we were going to stop the re-installation of Trump. Don’t let them lie to you. Most of the people who aren’t going to vote for Harris weren’t going to vote for Joe Biden and wouldn’t have voted for whatever hypothetical white male liberal you’ve dreamed up in your head as more appealing than the accomplished woman of color standing right in your face.

    I don’t know, or care, if America is “ready” to have a Black woman president right now, because America has more than enough time to get itself ready.

    Read the whole thing, as they say.

  3. It’s 70 heading for 89 – heat index 94 – and sunny. Summer is coming back after that nice week of Fall weather. I’ll be closing up soon and will probably have to turn the A/C on this afternoon. If not today then definitely tomorrow. The overnights are still in the 60s for another few days – but the upper 60s.

    The Ozark Solar guy did show up and do the diagnostics on the inverter. He’s emailed me that he’s turned in the report and is waiting for it to be accepted and SolarEdge to ship the replacement. He said it would be 7 to 14 days (unless there’s an issue with SolarEdge accepting his report) and he’ll install it as soon as it comes in. I emailed him back thanking him for giving me the timeline and telling him to let me know if SolarEdge doesn’t get back to him in a few days. They didn’t pay any attention when the outage was reported by Ozark Solar. They paid attention when I contacted them. If they ignore him again, I’ll contact them again. But hopefully, if everything goes as it should, I’ll be back online by mid-August. I also got my electric bill yesterday. And was relieved. I’ve generated enough over what I’ve used during the second quarter that I have KWH credits – enough to cover the outage so far. And possibly this next cycle as well since we’ve had this lovely week of no A/C. We shall see what we shall see.

    As warm as it is, it’s funny to be thinking of firewood, but winter is coming. I got my last rick delivered yesterday as well. So I’m set. And the wood will be dry by the time I’m actually using it. Anyway. I had to get milk this morning so I’m a little behind my time. (As if I have an actual schedule.) So off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  4. Good morning, Moosekind! It’s grey and humid here in Ashburger, 77 F. degrees and humid to boot. The sky is cloudy enough to prevent me from seeing the Moon, but not cloudy enough to produce actual rain. Oh, well, first-world problem, I know.

    On the agenda today: the gym, of course, plus a postcard-writing party this afternoon and doing a very complicated sign-on to access a digital script we’re considering for the spring musical. Crud.

    Not much to say except that I feel as if I’ve lived through 100 years since Sunday afternoon! Do y’all feel like that?

    At any rate, here’s wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  5. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 79 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 102. Sunny skies now with the boilerplate chance for afternoon and evening rain. Yesterday there was no rain but there was a small shower in the early morning hours today.

    I started this, took a break for my walk, and now I need to start my day.

    See all y’all later!

  6. I liked Biden’s speech, though it also made me sad. I am excited about Harris, wondering who she’ll choose as VP. And to finally have a woman POTUS. Anyway, just a walk this morning — yesterday I ran for 15 minutes then did a tough weight workout. In the office.

    Question: should I get a Harris bumper sticker now or wait till there’s a VP choice?

    • Just “Harris” would look like it was from 2020 – I would wait for the ticket to be announced “Harris-Kelly”. :)

      • Oh, I still have my Fearless bumper sticker from the 2020 primary….

    • and another sticker question: where to put my F the Patriarchy sticker? No point in putting it on a water bottle, I always have insulaters on them. I don’t carry my laptop around. Maybe on my kindle? Can y’all think of somewhere better?

  7. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 79 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 104. There are light wispy clouds over the mountains right now but not enough to obscure the stars. The sun should burn them away. There is a fairly good chance for rain this afternoon. We had about a 10 minute rain yesterday here with more south of us.

    The tRump attacks on Harris seem old and weak as would be expected from an old and weak man from a party of old and weak ideas. I just read an article in the Milwaukee newspaper about how energized the Black voters are there. A couple of quotes:

    Sabrina Madison: “I see an opportunity for a Black woman to do what Black women have historically done, forever, in America. When we improve things for ourselves we, in essence, improve things for everyone else, too.”

    Angela Lang: “Seeing Harris at the top of the ticket is a testament of how Black women have been the backbone of the Democratic Party for so long, and have been
    consistent and voting and showing up and organizing their friends and families,
    around kitchens and dinner tables and churches.”

    I thought it was interesting how Tim Scott was trying to reach out to Black people in Milwaukee with divisive language instead of inclusive language, suggesting that Democrats do not reflect the values of hard working Black people who “pray like him.” I guess I don’t see how the Black vote sorts out by religion – maybe Tim thinks that Black Democrats are godless? The 2024 election will turn on young people who don’t see the color of someone’s skin and who don’t understand why the color of someone’s skin should be a barrier of any sort.

    I finally had an early morning of my own after a week of early morning appointments and projects. I wanted to sleep in but decided that I should get the messy pile of notes on my desk and my out of control Inbox sorted down before the day started.

    See all y’all later!

  8. Thursday Meese. Delighted to see more and more groups form to raise money for VP Harris, and to fight back against the lies about her.

    Caribbean Matters posted – re Puerto Rico

  9. It’s 69 heading for 91, heat index 95, and sunny at the moment. I got one more day without A/C yesterday but it was close. It was actually warm enough in the house at 9 pm for the A/C to have come on if I’d had it turned on. But while it was warmer – and more humid – that I’m really comfortably sleeping in, it was still cooler outside than inside so I opened up instead. I’m not even going to try for another day without A/C. I’ll turn it on when I close up the house in about an hour.

    Kamala Harris is in a tough situation as far as the Palestinian situation is concerned. She’s still the Veep and has to toe the Biden administration’s line. Even though that means meeting with a genocidal war criminal today. Nobody can really know if she’ll continue Bidan’s also war criminal genocidal supplying of arms to Israel until she’s in a position to do it. Or not. Those of us who don’t think she will just have to trust her. Those more involved – like Indigenous folks & Muslim Americans – may not think “trust me” is enough. Prayers in all directions.

    I’ve got at least 3 surprise lilies in the iris bed. We’ve gotten the right mix of rain and heat to bring them out. They’re also called Naked Ladies because they don’t have leaves. Respiration is done through the flower stalks. It’s a nice bit of pink in a currently green landscape. By the time the heat starts turning things yellow they’ll be done anyway. But it’s nice for now. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Energy for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  10. Good Thursday morning, Meese! Had a 9:30 meeting this morning, Goddess help us, so had to rush off to that. It was kind of pathetic that this morning I didn’t wake up until 7:30—ordinarily it’s at least an hour or two earlier.

    Anyway, after the meeting I caught up on news, chat, and so forth with a woman I adore, so have only just arrived home to doctor my husband.

    It actually rained for 15 minutes yesterday! I was so surprised! Today it’s also ugly here in Ashburn, 81 F. going up to 86 F. with “showers expected.” We’ll see.

    Meanwhile, off with these uncomfortable clothes to change into something comfy and get going on all my chores.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and a MARVELOUS day to Madame Vice President Harris and our wonderful President!

  11. Good morning, 58 and cloudy outside my windows today. I’m enjoying a quiet moment with Erica while the rest of the family is still sleeping. Between the news and family coming and going it’s been a very busy few days. Best wishes to all.

  12. Friday Meese. 61 here in Kingston, going up to 84. Elated to see white women step up for Kamala.

    • White women were very disappointing in 2016, going for the serial sexual assaulter who wanted to take away their right to choose. I hope the women who voted for him in 2016 and, god forbid in 2020 even after he killed millions with his pandemic, do some deep soul searching. The ones who voted reflexively R because they always had are gettable – the ones who like the psychopath who wants to kill the disabled because they are “inconvenient” and literally turn women into breeding bitches are lost forever.

  13. Good morning. I ran for 14 minutes! Yay me. Oh, and I’m hosting the Saturday music diary tomorrow, wrote about my “learn to run” playlist — posts at 6pm central, please come by & talk about music with us. I got my Harris sticker yesterday. It’s pretty plain, just “Harris for Texas”, blue & white. It’ll do till she gets a running mate.

  14. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 77 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 100. There are a few clouds with the dawn light but they will clear off and we will settle into the days monsoon cycle. We had a crazy storm dropping down from the north that left a lot of rain and knocked out power in the foothills east of downtown. We had one flicker but that was it. It would be very difficult to be without power when the temperatures are so high. The storm cooled us off though, the temperature dropped from 107 to 77 in about 45 minutes. I can probably wait a while for my walk and get a few more things done before I get off my computer and watch the Olympics.

    I see that the Obamas endorsed Kamala. From what I read, they wanted to wait until they could also set up some sort of event. Barack Obama is a great campaigner and will be an asset to the campaign – it will be nice seeing him in the news again. I hope she doesn’t try to follow his path to the presidency or read too much about that campaign’s strategy, the America of 2008 was not as bitterly divided on race as it is now. The only thing that will dilute the baked in racism of 2024 is the youth vote – capture the new voters, reinvigorate the GenZ Biden voters, get out new GenX voters who are excited to have a young president who lived their lives. “Together, We Can Win This!”.

    By the way, I really like the new framing, calling Republicans “weird.” It wasn’t making a dent calling them Nazis and destroyers of democracy, too many people embrace that but not many think it is cool to be weird. They are weird – weird is “off center” and certainly not be to trusted with anything important.

    I need to make a few notes organizing the weekend’s work so that I can get off my computer to take my walk when the humidity drops below 50%, probably in another hour.

    See all y’all later!

  15. Good Friday morning, Moosekind! Another gray, ugly day here in Ashburned. No rain, ever. On the weather map used by the persons, it shows Leesburg and Ashburn as being in severe drought mode. Crud. It’s 71 now, going up to 86 F. When you step outside the air feels like soup.

    Feeling really chuffed by all the Kamala excitement, even here on campus! I’m carrying my canvas tote with “Kamala Harris: For the People” around and people are making admiring remarks. Can’t wait to get the new merch when it’s ready.

    What a busy upcoming weekend! Daughter is driving down from the Berkshires and sharing her trip with me on Expedia, which I’ve just had to download on my phone. I have to spend this morning reading scripts. I’ll do my best to read “Crazy for You” and “Curtains” before the 1:30 meeting, but will gloss over “Cinderella.” Why would a bunch of 90-year-olds want to put on “Cinderella”? Our audience is in heaven’s waiting room, not looking forward to Santa Claus’ coming to town.

    So, no nap today, will be exhausted by the end of the day, chores and shopping tomorrow, when I’ll pick up the cake. I must sweep and mop the kitchen floor or die in the attempt.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

    • I hope Kamala’s presidential run puts the kibosh on Virginia being “in play.” It better not be! Lots of effort went into making it reliably blue, at least at the national level – it would be awful to lose that.

  16. It’s 70 heading for 88/heat index 95 and sunny. At least at the moment. Widget says rain will move in later and give us a cooler day tomorrow. But not cooler overnights.

    Nothing much new going on. Kamala Harris is getting lots of support, which is good. The folks on my needs list are not, which isn’t. I got some better sleep but not a lot of it. (As in about the same amount but in a lot fewer chunks.) Some day, when this PV system mess is fixed and I’m secure on my electric bill again, I have to force myself to set up an eye doctor appointment and get new glasses. My old Rx is so old it hurts to wear them so I’m not. Which means, among other things, that I’m not legal driving and it’s a lot harder to read because of small print. sigh. But I still can read. And I still can boost stuff on my laptop. So I’d best get to it. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  17. Good morning. On my way to early workout. I’m hosting the music diary at the orange place this evening, pop by at 6pm central — I wrote about my “learn to run” playlist, and asked about playlists people might have. I’m old enough to remember the much more labor-intensive art of making mixtapes.

  18. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 77 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 99. It is overcast now and raining but the morning forecast shows sunny skies breaking through with a chance of monsoon rains this afternoon and this evening. The high below 100 is welcome but the high humidity is not.

    Paul Waldman wrote an article entitled “Kamala Harris Has Brought the Joy”:

    Harris laughs easily, boisterously, and frequently. It’s one of the most appealing things about her personality, and something you don’t see often in politicians. And Trump? Not only does he almost never laugh himself, he is positively obsessed with the idea that other people may be laughing at him. Which makes Harris’s laughter all the more delicious. This is just one element of the emotional transformation Democrats have undergone since last weekend: After a Biden campaign that felt like a grim march toward doom, Kamala Harris is bringing some joy to the presidential race.

    I feel it!

    The latest bs is that JD Vance’s “cat lady” comment was sarcasm, not a deeply held belief which ties back completely to his misogynistic world view. Just like tRump is always “just kidding” after he says something cruel or frightening such as telling white christianists that they only have to vote one more time and then in 4 more years there will be no more voting? I hope people don’t let the press get away with the coming whitewash.

    In Arizona, the courts ordered Republicans to reword the voter summary they are allowed to place next to the pro-abortion amendment on the ballot to remove the words “unborn human baby” calling them partisan. Ya think? This is how a Republican legislature can ratfk the people’s referendum, a referendum that garnered over 800,000 signatures. I hope that the folks running in the legislature make sure that everyone knows that simply kicking the regressive Republican governor to the curb is not enough – we need to take back at least one of the houses of the legislature.

    I am going to catch up on personal accounting today and try to re-gain control of my Inbox. It is not enough to tag important emails as they come in, I need to organize them into projects and to-do lists.

    See all y’all later!

  19. It’s 70 heading for 87, heat index 91, and sunny at the moment but clouds & rain are supposed to be coming. Totally weird weather for July. But it’s definitely more comfortable and less energy intensive than normal weather for July.

    I’ve just noticed (I’ve got dyscalculia) that for the last few days I’ve been taking 10x my normal amount of vitamin D. I’d just gotten a new bottle and the extra zero hadn’t registered until today. Fortunately I’ve noticed before toxicity level was reached. I’ll dial way back tomorrow then work our a new regime going forward. Hoping this business of having to “wiggle” the charger plug when I plug it into the laptop to get it to actually start charging isn’t a bad sign. I don’t have another backup for a computer. Meanwhile I need to get to my boosting. I’ll close up the house after I’ve checked all 3 sites. Holding the Good/Healing Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  20. Good morning, 60 and partly cloudy in Bellingham. We’re celebrating Emma’s 22 birthday today so I’ve got flowers for a bouquet and a gf dessert and Caesar salad to make. Grateful the party is at our son’s house :) Best wishes to all.

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