Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: August 11th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 73 degrees in the Desert Southwest ???? with an expected daytime high of 99. Sunny skies in the morning and a chance for monsoon rain in the afternoon and evening.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

    • New web hosting update:
      I have the new web hosting set up and will migrate our words later today. The good news is that we can have both web sites running at the same time so that we will not be moose-less if there are problems with the data migration.

      I will leave a message hanging off this comment with a link when the new site is ready to log into. I am not sure yet if login passwords will migrate but I will leave information here on how to reset your password if they don’t.

      Thank you for your patience! The new web hosting boasts 100% uptime and 24/7 support: “We make sure your website is fast, secure & always up. Guaranteed.” Fingers crossed that we don’t end up going from the frying pan into the fire.

      • It appears that I bit off more than I can chew for a Sunday afternoon project. I will need to migrate the data in chunks (we have a lot) and I need to sit down and make a migration plan so that it is seamless.

        I will keep you posted but as of now, we are still on the motleymoose.net.

  2. Sunday Meese. 63 going up to 81 here in Kingston. Will spend the morning watching the Women’s basketball Olympics final, while keeping an eye on Black Music Sunday.

    Puerto Rico

    Ana Irma has dedicated her life to defending our rights and sustainable economic development based on hope and love for Puerto Rico. Here is the TV ad that came out today for our next Resident Commissioner in Washington


        • There were some players who needed to sit mid-way through the first half. I am glad they put so much confidence in Copper, she really brought it!

          A win is a win and we won it!

          • FYI Jan – we listen to vlogger Quita Loves Sports regularly – she does great basketball analysis. Her most recent post is about the WNBA and player pregnancy

          • Thanks for that! I do not like Becky Hammon for a multitude of reasons. It is sad that the Aces players are coming to her defense – it will only tarnish their own reputations.

  3. Good morning. Yesterday I made 2 week’s worth of lunch & dinner, today I have my tea steeping, so my apartment smells like a combination of cooked mushrooms/spinach and my tea. Very happy to have hot water again, though I need to do more paid surveys & things to have the money to pay for it. Austin had our Pride parade last night, excited to go to church to hear how our float was received. There are lots of inclusive churches here, but some are still surprised to see them. Anyway, happy Sunday everyone.

  4. It’s 69 going to 77 and raining – not hard but rain. Which we need. Natalia had something come up and was late getting over here but we still had a nice 3-hour visit. And she found me a couple of pairs of shoes in an upscale resale shop that are in considerably better shape than what I’ve been wearing. I was able to toss the pair the soles were half off of and might, maybe, toss the pair the soles are starting to come off of. (Instead of trying to superglue them.)

    Any day my hands are cold, even if only after I’ve washed them/gotten them wet, is a day I can turn on the oven. And yesterday was such a day. After Natalia left and I got caught up on the boosting I browned a couple of recipes worth of besan, went to Harps for eggs (also oatmeal & OJ while I was there), and baked 3 mini-loaves of molasses-spice bread. The house still smells nicely of that.

    Vacuuming/Sunday morning chores are done. Going to make chocolate puddling early afternoon and if my son is up to bringing & slicing up a pork loin into chops I’ll be grilling a month’s worth of protein late afternoon. Meanwhile, time to be about my boosting day. With a little black cat on my lap. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  5. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! How very agreeable it is not to have to rush off somewhere. Currently it’s 73 F. in Ashburn, with partly cloudy skies and dim sunlight. It’s more like a September morning than a day in August. The beastly heat has pretty much killed my poor petunias. The lavender, basil, and mint seem to be hanging in there, although the unfortunate parsley is hardly visible. Next year the mint will have a pot to itself.

    Had to do lots of errands yesterday, including going to Younger Son’s house to give Nora her half-dozen Nike socks, or whatever they are. She made the junior varsity team in volleyball! Younger Son and grandson are still enjoying themselves mightily in Japan. They may not be able to Get On this Saturday—perhaps not even until Monday. Tiger Mom told us she doesn’t mind, as Karl is still in elementary school. It wouldn’t hurt him to miss a day or two of that.

    Yesterday I was afflicted with something AWFUL, and of course my health care provider has no advice nurse, no urgent care on the weekends, not even email! I experienced terrible itching on my chest. I scratched so much I soon had a large pink mountain on my tum that makes me look preggers. I’ve had itching on the skin of my throat for ages, and sometimes on my earlobes so terribly I scratched them into big red hanging lanterns. I’ve applied every prescription I can think of and taken Allegra, so I’ll just have to ignore it. It’s always gone away by itself after a few days if I haven’t scratched it.

    We are supposed to enact the play I wrote on Saturday, rehearse on Wednesday, and I’d like a rehearsal on Friday. Don’t know whether I’ll get it. I am going to do that play or DIE in the attempt.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have a board meeting in the afternoon tomorrow and will be an evaluator for the auditions tomorrow evening. Have to sort out dozens of papers for these two events. Feeling very stressed out but hope to feel better soon.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond! Let’s dance the Kamala Walz!

  6. Good day, 60 and partly sunny in Bellingham today. I’ve had a busy phone day with friends and family so I’m later than usual starting my day. I’m worried about the medical reality my friend is facing, Finn is an old dog now and not well so his time with us is prolly limited, and Erica and Wil need to visit his Dad in upstate New York so they will go later this week. Real people with real concerns, and all I can do is listen and support as best I can. So on that note I send my best wishes to all.

  7. Good morning. In-office Monday. Blech. Got my walk done, didn’t run any — except at the end I turned back and ran up the ramp to the roof. Anyway, here I am. Sort of awake.

  8. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 73 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 95. Mainly sunny skies are in the forecast, chance of rain this afternoon and into the evening. We are looking at a string of days where the temperatures will be below 100. I’m ready. The humidity won’t improve until the monsoon ends but it is more bearable at 95 than at 105. My legs miss the 10% humidity!

    The Olympics have ended and those of us who worried about terrorist incidents related to the games can heave a sigh of relief. With so much anger in Europe over the “purity” of their races, an international gathering of people of color, people of mixed race and people of many different religions probably triggered a lot of them. I enjoyed the variety of sports, cheered for our athletes in team and individual sports (the ones I understood) and the two sports that I follow, womens basketball and womens soccer, came away with gold. The soccer team stunned everyone and the new coach, Emma Hayes, is brilliant.

    As you can see, we are still on the old moose hosting. It turns out that I have been working off the wrong notes to migrate WordPress and needed to abandon my migration attempts and start over. The good news is that we are not doing an in-place migration and I can work on my own pace to set up the new site. I should have time this week with a fairly light schedule to get it finished and will let you know when it is ready.

    See all y’all later!

    • In your own time. Bless you for doing it, taking care of the Moose Pond. {{{HUGS}}}

  9. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s a mere 71 F. on a beautiful, bright, low-humidity day. In fact, the whole week will be more like September than August. It makes a nice change.

    I am sitting here in agony, hoping that the dermatologist-nurse-practitioner can work me into her schedule. I’ve used every prescription she’s ever given me, as well as Benadryl gel, and nothing works. I’m waiting for a phone call to see if she work me into her schedule today. If not, I’ll try my regular doctor.

    Other than that, things are going okay. I really wanted to watch Kamala’s latest rally but did not know where to go online. Perhaps I’ll find out next time.

    Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day! A friend of mine is having surgery for pancreatic cancer today. I am praying hard for the success of the operation.

  10. It’s 68 and raining. The rain started in the wee hours and so gentle and soothing I slept until 7:30. We’re going back into summer – high of 86, heat index 93, today and for the next few days. But not until the much-needed soaking rain stops. Today will be the coolest day of the week so I’m planning a Walmart run (HVAC filters, kibble, stuff like that) as soon as the lunchtime crowd clears out.

    Yesterday my son came early. Very early as he had to work and couldn’t go to gurdwara. Since he was short on time he brought a rotisserie chicken. That’s fine. It’ll last me 2 weeks’ worth of dinners and we can do the month or so’s worth of grilled pork chops when he’s got time to cut up the pork loin for me. Bless him. That’s so very much cheaper than buying already cut up boneless pork loin chops. My hands get too shaky to do it. I’d hack up the loin, not cut it up. After about the first 4 or 5 slices anyway. sigh. It’s really not obvious, the tremors I mean, unless I’m trying to do something sustained like that. Or take photos. Even the stabilizer in the camera wasn’t able to keep my photos clear this morning. So irritating. Bobbie was resting with his catnip mouse between his paws. I tried at least 5 times, bracing my arms in different ways. But it’s not my arms. It’s my hands. Oh well. Another day maybe. Meanwhile, off to start my daily boosting. Holding the Good/Healing Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  11. Good morning, 60 and cloudy in Bellingham today. The garden is starting to look like fall, seems early this year. I’m still enjoying outdoor living on the patios but as soon as Bri returns I’m ready to put the rest of the garden to rest. RonK is picking blackberries this morning, another end of summer activity that seems early. Best wishes to all.

    • Ooh, blackberries! Blackberry jam, blackberry rolypoly, peach and blackberry crisp, blackberries layered with vanilla yogurt in a tulip glass and garnished with mint. I have blackberries with my waffles on Sunday. Yummy!

  12. Tuesday Meese. Nippy here in NY this morning, it’s 57. My Caribbean Matters series is shifting time/day slots at Dkos – will now post on Saturday mornings which I’m delighted about.
    Worrying about tropical storm Ernesto and it’s impact.

    Puerto Rico

  13. Good morning. Back is stiff so I put off the workout till afternoon, will try to stretch through the day. Seems like every day, the other side finds a way to do something stupid while we’re bringing the joy. Anyway, happy Tuesday to everyone.

    • I have my fingers crossed that “joy” wins out for most people. The ads on TV are already so awful, muting does not help. :(

  14. It’s already 76 and heading for 91, head index 101, and overcast. I won’t be opening the house up again for several days. It’s “normal” August weather but I don’t have to like it. Widget says rain so I’ll do laundry tomorrow. And mix up & grill the batch of breakfast sausages that I meant to do tomorrow today instead. Still haven’t heard anything from SolarEdge. I’ve warned my installer that they’re going on blast at Xitter tomorrow if we don’t have a shipping date by the time I read my emails in the morning.

    Yesterday I did a big shopping via both Walmart & Amazon (because Walmart was out of most of what I needed for the cats) – something like $200 for the cats & another $100 for everything else. At least Walmart did have my HVAC filters. I’ll spend another $100 at Tractor Supply in a few weeks for cats and wild birds. Then I’ll be set for at least 3 months on critters. And I don’t have to do supplements again until next month.

    A little groggy. Don’t know why. But it’s slowing me down a bit. At least my hands aren’t cold and stiff. That slows me down a lot. LOL. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  15. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 73 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 97. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast with a very slight chance for rain in the afternoon and evening.

    The headlines say the both Melon, X and tRump were unmitigated disasters. Good. Let Republicans deal with having chosen to turn their party over to a felonious sociopath who only wants the presidency to monetize it. In 2025, they will be completely out of power as we take back the House,hold the Senate and the White House and pass Supreme Court reform. I wish a white knight would ride to the rescue of Twitter, buy it and restore it to its previous incarnation. I know some people can’t move off it but I can’t justify giving a single click to that platform. BlueSky is lively and filled with news and insights, I don’t need anything else.

    I had a busy morning and need to take my walk before it gets too hot (it is already too humid!) and then I have a morning errand to run. I am hoping to have some energy left this afternoon to do the dry run of the moose migration. I will report back on the status tomorrow. This morning it could not find the comment feed so I am anxious to get off this hosting.

    See all y’all later!

  16. Good Tuesday morning, Meese, and a seriously lovely day it is! Blue skies of pristine clarity? Yes. Deep shadows, scented air from a lovely shrub with tiny white flowers? Check. Low humidity and only 72 F. here in Ashburn? Yes indeed. It also happens to be Dearly’s 94th birthday. Trevor texted that they’re already celebrating in Japan! He and Karl are there now. Eric and family were supposed to come here for dinner, but he has to fly somewhere tomorrow for his company, so we’ll go to his house on Saturday instead.

    The dermatologist’s office phoned in a prescription for a much stronger cream at 5:07 p.m. yesterday, when the drugstore was closed. I saw the nurse-practitioner (no sense of humor at all) this morning, who declared that the redness and swelling on my stomach and the redness on my neck were due to allergies. “Allergic to WHAT?” I asked and began reciting a long list of no changes in food, detergent, soap, bla bla bla. She said as we age we get all sorts of allergies and no one knows why. The good news: my lungs are sound and all that wretched treadmilling must be doing some good, because the bp was 120/60. Well, that’s enough about my health. Have not heard from my friend. She said someone would contact me if she didn’t make it. Oh, dear.

    Well, exercise this afternoon, postcards for an hour tonight (Dearly won’t mind, he’ll be watching “Wheel” and “Jeopardy”), and tomorrow…rehearsal in the afternoon and more judging in the evening. The actors we expected to do well last night didn’t do so well, and the actors we thought would be rather weak did amazingly well. Curious.

    That’s enough from me! Even though I have a small case of the dismals (fancy looking 4 months preggers when one is playing the female lead in a romantic comedy), I realize that it’s a first-world problem. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond! A bientot!

    • Glad you’re having a lovely day, hope the itching is better, and a very Happy Birthday to your husband. ????????????????????????????????????

  17. I just got an email from the installer. The inverter shipped yesterday. The notice was in his email late last night. So now we wait some more for it to get here. But at least I don’t have to put them on blast.

  18. Good morning, 60 and cloudy outside my windows today. I have a lab appointment today and hope to visit with my friend after. She is in hospital again but hasn’t wanted visitors so we may just text as that’s easier.
    Like it or not I need to start filling donation boxes again. It’s easier for me to address my sewing room, but the rest of our house needs attention too. Trying to put the vacuum away tells me the coat closet would be a good place to start :) Best wishes to all.

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