Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: August 18th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 77 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 100. Sunny in the morning with a chance for thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 69 here in Kingston, NY going up to a rainy 75. Spent yesterday enjoying watching WNBA games (my home team, the NY Liberty won)

    Love this graphic:

    Puerto Rico

    “LA VAGA (The Lazy): Jenniffer González’s absence shows that she does not care about the needs of the people of Puerto Rico”

  3. Good morning. Got my tea steeping, love the smell. Yesterday, all I got done was laundry and dishes. Today I need to cook next week’s breakfast so I doubt I’ll make it to the gym. Glad the Project 2025 videos have come out, I hope regular people see them. Anyway, that’s my weekend. Hope y’all are having a good one.

  4. It’s 79 already and didn’t make it down to the predicted 73 overnight. I shut off the A/C and opened a few windows anyway while I was vacuuming. They’re closed again of course. The A/C’s turned on but hasn’t kicked on yet. I doubt it will make it to noon without though.

    Other than Basket’s at summer camp for the weekend, will be home this evening, I haven’t heard anything from anybody. I hope that’s good. Eating my oatmeal and about to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  5. Good Sunday afternoon, Moosekind! It was overcast and even a bit misty this morning when we woke up, but now there’s enough blue to patch a Dutchman’s trousers. We also have white clouds and weak sunlight. It’s 80 F. with just 6 F. to go before we reach the day’s high.

    It’s totally blissful to have a day when I don’t need to rush off and do anything—unlike yesterday. Leading Man and Intro Lady met me for an early rehearsal at the actual venue, then he went off to change into the hated jacket, tie, collared shirt and trousers. Fair Kate, this fall’s assistant director, had just delivered a presentation that included the admonition, “don’t pay too much attention to how the audience is reacting,” before we took our places on the stage, but during the nanosecond I did happen to glance at the audience, they were riveted. We did get some laughs, and video lady recorded the whole thing—but forgot to turn on the sound.

    It’s a huge relief to have it OVER. Now I can concentrate on the 1,023 other things I have to do the rest of August. I plan to wear a different Kamala shirt every day this week, starting tomorrow. Thursday night there’s a Watch Party in our theater here. Friday afternoon there’s a funeral, which will be sad. He lived in our hallway and was a very funny guy. I do miss him.

    This week I’ll have a lot going on, so I’m enjoying my restful Sunday. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

    • I wanted to ask your opinion about the apostrophe controversy, whether the possessive for Harris is Harris’ or Harris’s. One “scholar” says that it needs the apostrophe and s (“if you pronounce it you must see it” which is not how English works). The AP Style says it is a single apostrophe as in “Harris’ victory in November will demonstrate that joy can defeat despair.” Whenever I see an article that uses the added s, my brain always flags it as wrong and it will be irritating to see it that way.

      • The AP is correct. However, it’s getting to the point where anyone can do anything, including using a singular indefinite article with a plural noun0—as in, “she has a ways to go.” When I hear that, I always want to become an axe murderess.

  6. Good morning,64 and mostly cloudy in Bellingham today. Elsa has settled into a morning nap so the squeaky toys are resting too, but I’m going to hide the frog. It’s just me and Ron for Sunday supper so cooking will be simple. I got three pots ready for fall flowers yesterday so I’ll plant those later. But like it or not my main task is to rest my legs. Yesterday was busy and I got a painful reminder to respect my limits. Best wishes to all.

  7. Good morning. Did my walk — just a walk because it felt like walking in a steam room. In the office. Looking forward to the convention!

  8. Good Monday Meese. Looking forward to watching DNC – am not going to watch on the networks – will watch the DNC channel.

    Puerto Rico

    • If I do watch the DNC, it will be on CSPAN. I can’t stand the talking heads and the regular networks, broadcast and cable, will want to “balance” the coverage with hateful Republicans (redundant, I know) dissing our candidates and speakers and trying to harsh our buzz.

  9. It’s 72 heading for 88, heat index only supposed to get to 91, and sunny after the storm. And was it ever a storm! Right after I’d closed everything on my computer but the music (the piece I was listening to hadn’t finished) a totally not on my weather widget storm blew through, knocked out the power for over an hour, dumped a small amount of rain very fast & hard, and dropped the temps 20 degrees in that hour the power was out. Apparently it did more damage that took a while to show up though. Just as I was getting ready to turn out the lights they went out again. I got up, lit an emergency candle, played a few hands of solitaire to see if the power’d be back up soon, then called it in. It came on then went off again several times before coming on for good after midnight. (Accompanied by much less windy rumbly thunder and softer but steady rain.) And then I couldn’t get to sleep. I think I may have gotten 3 hours of sleep. Yes, I’m groggy. And late getting started on my boosting day. So I’d best get to it. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  10. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 79 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 102. Mainly sunny skies with a very slight chance for rain later today.

    I am only going to read happy positive Kamala and “Dems In Array” news today. I did chuckle – okay, laughed out loud – that a Republican seeking an Arizona House seat may not be eligible because he was trying to pretend that owning a home in Arizona and living there in the winter (and being a snow bird) meant he was an Arizona resident. Turns out he voted in North Carolina in both 2021 and 2022 and only sold his house there in February of this year. He won his Republican primary (beating the incumbent!) and will be on the ballot (he can’t be removed by law). If he wins against the Democrat, he will likely be disqualified and the Democrat on the ballot will be seated. We are only one seat short of at least a tie in the legislature so this would be a huge unforced error by Republicans. Hahahaha, as they say.

    I woke up very late and had two things I needed to do. I was not able to take my walk at 6am before it heats up so I will have to take it now and hope I can breathe through the humidity.

    See all y’all later!

  11. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s partly cloudy and 76 F. here. We did not receive a single drop of rain although rain, hail, and floods were reported in other parts of the area. We’re supposed to have a full blue Supermoon tonight. The Natives who were here before we came and stole their land called it the Sturgeon Moon.

    Saw Fair Kate, the Assistant Director, in the gym early this morning and she complimented me on the play, both the writing and the acting. I was really pleased, because if SHE thought it was good, it must be good. She has an acting and directing resume about a mile long. When I told her I wondered whether the play would get me banned from the Drama Club for life, she said it was “just spicy enough.”

    Excited about the convention! Have to be at the all-cast meeting tonight, and one of the directors, whose ego is the size of New York City, will talk and talk and talk. It’s to be hoped I can get away in time to see SOME of the convention. Have a meeting with the dermatologist NP this afternoon. Younger Son and Grandson are stuck in Japan! The typhoon messed up everything, so they can’t get on. They’re going to keep trying. OMG. It’s insane for Space Availables to take vacations at this time of year. That’s why Dearly and I always went in mid-September or later.

    Practically everyone here at the Old People’s Home smiles and asks where I got whatever Kamala shirt I’m wearing. Today I’ll wear the black “Kamala Harris: For the People” that I bought 4 years ago.

    That’s quite enough from me, wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

    • The full moon will be at 11:15am Mountain Standard Time so we made a point to watch for her last night as “almost full” and will watch for her again tonight as “just barely not full.” She is over the mountains to the east and rose up through the layer of clouds that seem to cling to the mountaintops during monsoon season and then filled the night with her light when she cleared them. The moons here are spectacular.

      I left you a question about the apostrophe controversy in a comment off of your Sunday check-in. I am interested in your opinion as you are the arbiter of all things written.

  12. Good morning, 64 and partly sunny in my garden today. Elsa and Ron are going for a walk and she is ready to go…..lots of young dog energy. I’m restless but need to be careful re standing and walking so I think I’ll do a sewing while siting project today. I have finally found a news source I can tolerate listening to, The Daily Beans hosted by Allison Gill. Best wishes to all.

  13. Tuesday Meese. It gonna be a cool day here in Kingston – temp only going up to 70. I’m sleepy after staying up way past my bedtime to watch convention day one – but it was worth it.

    Puerto Rico

    “Selective blackouts began tonight due to a generation deficit of @Genera_PR
    Palo Seco Power Plant shut down (except for the backup unit), as well as the main units of the Aguirre Power Plant. More than 100,000 customers (homes/businesses) without electricity at this time. #PuertoRico”

  14. Good morning. Stayed up late to watch the convention, it was great. I hope both State Sen. McMorrow and Rep. Jasmine Crockett run for higher office. And seeing Hillary Clinton speak, I was both proud and angry at what we could have had.Must remember to log off early this afternoon and go to the gym.

    • Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow was hilarious! They chose the perfect person for the “dramatic recitation” of key parts of the 2025 Project.

      Rep. Jasmine Crockett is perfect where she is, being a thorn in the MAGAt Movement’s side. Next year she should be given some plum committee assignments when we take back the House – maybe chair of a new committee called “Not Taking Any Crap from MAGAts”. Her story about her first meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris was beautiful; that is why Kamala is the right person to be leading our party and our country forward.

  15. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 77 degrees in 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 102. Sunny skies in the forecast, with the obligatory monsoon season “10% chance of rain” which is just a placeholder in case a storm pops up, which it often does! Last night the Supermoon was not very super here as she was mostly just “a lot of light behind the clouds” as she came up over the mountains. Later, she rose above the clouds and was beautiful but the horizon view that gives her the Supermoon look was not available. This morning she was shining into my office from the WSW and now, with dawn starting, she has a ribbon of thin pink clouds over her.

    I watched the convention from start to finish and was glad I did. I tried to watch it on MSNBC but I quickly realized that they would cut to their studio people when things bored them. I also remembered how much I despised Ari Melber with his smirky face and his pained look whenever it was obvious that the women around him were 1000% smarter than he was. Also, I won’t watch any show that has the potential for me to see Chris Hayes. I still hold him personally responsible for pumping up the berner movement into the convention that year that ratfked the 2016 election by tamping down turnout. Third party plus Bernie write-ins gave the Wisconsin election to tRump.

    The C-SPAN feed was perfect – I got to see all the electeds who were part of the DNC work behind the scenes, I got to see every speaker, the future of our party, the brilliant Jamie Raskin, the irreverent Jasmine Crockett, the courageous and inspirational Steve Kerr, and even the painfully boring Chris Coons. When Kamala made her unexpected appearance in the middle of the speeches, the thrill in the United Center was palpable – she has the kind of rock star vibe that Barack Obama had. Joe Biden’s speech was too long (and I feel sad that his daughter seems so ticked off) but it is clear that the torch needed to pass and I applaud Biden for realizing that before it was too late. He could have his “look at all the great stuff I did” speech surrounded by people who loved him and were grateful for what he had accomplished instead of in his concession speech to tRump when he realized that his stubbornness had set it up for Republicans to undo every shred of his legacy. I will not likely watch the gavel to gavel coverage again but I will tune in to watch the Tim Walz and Kamala Harris acceptance speeches.

    Yesterday I got up late, got only a few things done and then took some time off to enjoy a silly movie with my daughter. So today I pay the piper by having quite a few things I need to get done before people start work this morning. I wish I could put off my walk – the timing does not allow me to start any big projects without being interrupted – but if I wait until 8am like I can in the Fall, Winter and Spring, it will be stifling.

    See all y’all later!

  16. It was 64 when I got up this morning & 66 now heading for 84 and barely any heat index, maybe 86. I actually saw the moon! She woke me up shining in on me around 4 and was still very visible in the wsw sky when I got up a couple of hours later. She was gone by the time I headed out to Braum’s to get milk but it was a joy to see her at all. I haven’t for over 2 weeks. I’m lucky if I can see her 4 nights/days out of the month, we’re so cloudy here.

    I haven’t heard anything from anybody so I guess they’re all OK. Today is Momma’s birthday. She’d be 94 if she were still with us. Over 35 years and I miss her still. But I know she loves me and is proud of me wherever she is and that’ll have to do. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  17. Good Tuesday morning, Meese! This morning at 61 F. was the coldest since 2004. Even now it’s only 66 F. We’ll get up to 76 F. today.

    LOVED what I was able to see of the convention last night! Got to run to the gym now, having lunch with Darling Niece in Reston at noon.

    Cloudy this morning! Couldn’t see Her last night, of course, but if that’s the worst thing that ever happens in my little world, I am fortunate indeed. Look at all the people who have real problems!

    Gotta run—wishing a good day and happy vibes to all at the Pond!

  18. Good morning, 65 and sunny in Bellingham today. I watched the convention last night and could not stop crying. I’ll watch again tonight and prolly cry some more, but seeing and hearing all the strong Dem voices gives me hope. Best wishes to all.

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