Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: August 18th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. I’m generating again! The inverter came in yesterday afternoon and the installer got here with it around 11 am. It’s installed and working. It took another hour before the data reporting started up again. The data from the old inverter is still in memory but the daily data is starting over as of a couple of hours ago. We’re back in the electricity making business. LOL.

  2. Wednesday Meese. Enjoyed watching all the convention events via C-Span. Didn’t have to listen to any pundit chatter. It’s 53 degrees here in Kingston right now, which is weird weather for August (I’m not complaining – better than extreme heat)

    Puerto Rico

    Independentista reaction to roll call

    • DC Statehood, yes, Puerto Rico Statehood, no. We don’t need another red state. A lot of people think that that is what Puerto Ricans want and that is simply not true. If they need another state so that we have an even number, let’s go with Virgin Islands statehood.

    • C-Span is perfect for the way I want to view the convention. I switched over to MSNBC for about 2 minutes after the convention was gaveled out to see what they were saying and I was glad I did not have to listen to that all night. I don’t need anyone to tell me how I should feel. I did open up my BlueSky stream and the reactions there were great. It is nice to have a non-Twitter alternative with funny and insightful takes.

  3. Good morning. So glad I stayed up late and watched all the speeches last night. The Doug & Kamala love story…. And Michelle Obama demonstrating how to kill a man while remaining on the high road. And omg I miss Barack Obama. Today: more wfh, I worked every nanosecond yesterday, I wish the people who are against wfh could see how much I get done when I do.

  4. Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! The Weather Lady informed us that this morning’s low of 50 F. was the lowest August morning low since 2004. Next week we’ll be back in the 90s, however. In the meantime it’s a lovely morning, 61 F. now, going up to 76 F. later. It’s more like September than August.

    Wasn’t able to stay up late enough to listen to the Obamas, but did see Michelle walk out to the stage with her long braid hanging down her back.

    On the home front, Younger Son and Grandson were able to Get On a flight to IAD! They’ll be home today, thank Goddess. Also, I received my copy of the Market Street Writers Anthology, Unfolding. I have a story in it. Busy, busy day today and there’s a FREE tech help fair this afternoon! Whoopee, maybe I can get Facebook fixed on both laptops.

    Gotta run. Decided to skip gym today because I have a facial scheduled for 11 and then the tech fair starts at 1:30. At 6:45 p.m. I have to pick up my copy of the script for a play in which I am most unwillingly cast. I told the star of “Oklahoma” about it yesterday when he and his dog were walking on Great Oak Common. He said it was a waste of my talent. Well, I’ll do it for fair Kate, for whom I have great respect.

    Gotta run, need a shower before I go to the farmers’ market to see if they have any peaches. Wishing a lovely day to all at the Pond and I hope you were able to see the Moon last night, because I certainly couldn’t, despite searching for Her in a pretty clear night sky.

  5. It’s 66 heading for 85 and sunny at the moment. The partial day yesterday, with clouds midafternoon, generated 7 KWHs. The full month of August is perfectly capable of generating over 500 although it seldom does. With 2/3 the month gone I will delighted if we get over 200, glad to get 180, and happy that we’re back online at all.

    Social Security payday for me so I’ll be going to the credit union for cash later today, then doing the co-op for cleaning supplies I can’t get elsewhere and the grocery store because I don’t have as many frozen veggies as I thought I did. (Those are both on my way home from the credit union if I take the slightly longer northern route.) I meant to do Tractor Supply for the cat & wild bird supplies next week but it’s going to be hot again next week so I’ll do it tomorrow or Friday. Anyway, there are sleeping cats on all my chairs so I’m sitting most uncomfortably on a bar stool at my computer until a cat wakes up. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  6. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 75 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 97. Mostly sunny skies with a slight chance for rain, increasing into the evening. I saw the stars this morning over the mountains and saw moonlight in the wash but the moon did not drop enough into the western sky for me to see her until the sun was already up. I did have her for my morning walk which was wonderful!

    Holy moley! Obamas rocked it last night! I watched the gavel to gavel coverage again including the fun state roll calls – I love seeing Democratic faces from all over the country. I am not sure I would want to be the speakers tonight after last night’s speakers. Michelle Obama was on fire – and looked great. She might be easing off a tiny bit on the “don’t go low”, probably because the stakes are so high. We are lucky to have them to energize our Democratic tickets. Sorry, Joe, I cannot imagine that the crowd would be this excited about a second Biden term. It was time to pass the torch and the Obamas and the other non-octogenarians speaking on the stage last night underscore that.

    I am hoping that the reporting that tRump is stepping in to ratfk the Gaza peace deal because it would help Harris-Walz by taking a contentious issue off the table is just an idle rumor. That is exactly what Reagan did in 1980 to Carter during the Iran hostage crisis. If it is true, Joe Biden needs to shut off aid to Israel until he can get to the bottom of it. tRump killed the border deal to make America worse off going into the election, if he kills the peace deal – this time literally killing thousands of people – that needs to be shut down. The Republicans in the Senate need to call him out forcefully and put an end to it.

    I keep trying to get a project done and I keep having other things come up to take priority. I am going to make one last stab at finishing.

    See all y’all later!

  7. Good morning, 65 and sunny in Bellingham today. Thanks to my old legs I’ve been grounded the last few days so I’m grumpy this morning. The reality of what I can physically do vs what I want to be doing is hard sometimes. I have a few fall flowers waiting to plant and a good book to read so I’ll try to be outdoors more today. That usually improves my mood. Best wishes to all.

  8. Thursday Meese. 51 here in Kingston, going up to 76. Just finished watching yesterday’s DNC – I fell asleep early and missed a lot – glad there are videos.

    Puerto Rico

  9. Good morning. Stayed up late to watch Tim Walz. He is really good at this. So is Secretary Buttigieg. And the music was great — good to see Stevie Wonder still performing. Did my walk — just a walk, too tired to try running. Anyway, happy Friday Eve. Looking forward to tonight’s speeches.

    • I think everyone is looking forward to Kamala’s acceptance speech. So far they have only seen the campaign speeches which are different. This will give people a chance to see her and know her and understand who she is and what she stands for. I hope that the DNC plans better so that her speech is prime time and gets the most national eyeballs that it can. The Obama speeches drew 20 million viewers not counting people who watched over streaming video. That’s a lot of eyes!

  10. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 73 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 97. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast with a slight chance for afternoon and evening rain. There are wispy clouds in the starry sky this morning.

    I watched most of the convention with an early evening break to watch my WNBA team lose in Atlanta. :( I did set the convention to record so I can go back and see what I missed. I did not miss Hakeem Jeffries or Nancy Pelosi or Oprah Winfrey’s surprise visit and the Tim Walz speech. I think he will do just fine, not for the rural votes he may draw (I personally think they are forever lost to the cult) but because he seems like a genuinely nice guy who will help remind people that Democrats are the good guys and that they genuinely care about people and making their lives better. Kamala will not have to watch her back worrying that an ambitious Vice President is planning his or her presidency rather than helping to make her presidency successful.

    The whole convention I think is setting the right tone. They are not ignoring tRump but when they talk about him they do what one article suggested: “speeches and videos seek[ing] to shrink Donald Trump in order to rise above him, as Kamala Harris and her allies work to minimize him and disengage from him.” I was glad to see a lot of the speakers talking about Democrats not being the party of book banning – goddess help us that that is an actual issue in 2024 America! – and that it is not okay to teach that slavery was a jobs program. Thank you, Ron DeSantis, for the gifts, and for demonstrating what the 2025 project looks like when implemented! Colorado Governor Jared Polis was great in his 2025 Project presentation:

    Flipping through the oversized pages as he spoke, Polis said the book — produced by the Heritage Foundation and subtitled “The Conservative Promise” — provides a “roadmap to ban abortion in all 50 states,” using what the governor described as an obscure law from the 19th century. […] “Page 451 says the only legitimate family is a married mother and father, where the father works.” Polis then removed a page from the volume and folded it up. “You know what?” he said. “I’m going to take that one out. I’m going to put that in my pocket so I can share it with undecided voters so they better understand what’s at stake this election.”

    I never got the project done that I needed to get done yesterday – too many other projects ran long. So right now I need to put my nose to the grindstone and get it done.

    See all y’all later!

  11. It was 59 when I got up this morning, 64 now, heading for 86, and sunny (at the moment). Last of the “lovely” days before we get back into the 90s. At least the overnights will be (relatively) low – we’ll get down to at least 70 each night/day. Yesterday we generated 18.4 KWHs and the m-t-d is 25.46 – we shall see if we manage 180 for the month. It’s so very good to be generating again!

    Kitty scare at Basket’s yesterday – Bentley slipped out (he never did that when he was an apartment cat but he’s discovered backyards now he’s a house cat and apparently likes them) and was gone most of the day. They’re going to have to get used to having an escape artist cat. And take precautions when opening doors they’ve never had to before.

    Going to Tractor Supply today. If I get out and back by 2 it’ll still be below 80. But first I need to get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  12. Good Thursday morning, Meese!

    I wanted to watch the speeches until late but was so tired I fell asleep. I did see most of Clinton’s speech, though.

    Today is another glorious day here in Ashburnikins! It’s 63 F., going up to 77 F. Did my exercise early this morning because I knew I wouldn’t have time later, then came home to coffee and breakfast. This afternoon there’s postcard writing from 1:30 to 3:30, then I have to rush home and change for dinner with the UUs at 5 p.m., then rush home and put on my bright orange “Kamala removes stubborn orange stains” tee-shirt for the Watch Party in the auditorium at 7:30. I’m not sure I’ll be awake to see her acceptance speech. Why do they put everything on SO LATE? Lawks!

    Wishing a good day filled with blessed sunshine to all at the Pond.

    • The convention is even on too late for me and I am 3 hours later than you! I try to wind down my brain after about 7:30 to go to bed by 8pm. It is difficult to go to sleep with the overamped visuals from the convention running through my head.

  13. Good morning. Did my slightly over a mile walk, despite it being 83 degrees with a heat index of 90 at 5:30 am. It is just insanely hot. But enough about me – let’s talk about that awesome convention and our fabulous team! Last night was so much fun, I am so proud to support Harris/Walz.

  14. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 73 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 100. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Chance for rain this afternoon and evening. A storm moved through yesterday evening dropping only about a thimbleful of rain but cooling things down quite a bit.

    I watched the full convention gavel to gavel and I do not regret any of the time spent doing so. To see the energy, the next generation of young Democrats – whip smart, and eloquent and determined – was awesome. To see the energy from our nominee! That speech needed to be made and there was no way that Joe Biden could have delivered it as forcefully as Kamala did. I am going to listen to it again after I finish my morning projects.

    Today, only Kamala. There will be plenty of time later to comment on the total meltdown of TFG after he watched the speech. Suffice it to say, hahahahahaha!

    See all y’all later!

  15. Good Friday Meese. It’s 59 degrees here in Kingston (weird weather continues)
    Have watched this takedown of Ann Coulter, By Elizabeth Booker Houston (lawyer and MPH) multiple times.

    I hope this gets shared widely

    Puerto Rico

  16. It was 60 when I got up this morning, 66 now, heading for 91 and sunny at the moment. It won’t be this cool again, day or night, for over a week. Yesterday clouds moved in during the afternoon and we only generated 12.88 KWHs. But with the A/C off that’s still over twice my average daily use. The m-t-d is 38.4 and not really on track for even 180. Possibly starting today but definitely by tomorrow we’ll be using the A/C again. We shall see what we shall see.

    I wish I could be as joyous as everyone else. I miss the joy. But I see too many signs in our attempts to woo unhappy Rs that yes we are going back, just not as quickly as we would w/ the Heritage Foundation’s poster boy. Yes, of course I support Harris-Walz. So would have, probably did, the elected delegates who weren’t allowed to speak because they’d have harshed the buzz and maybe chased off some Rs who aren’t going to vote for us anyway by bringing up genocide & the very racist, anti-Indigenous treatment Palestinians are living – and dying – through. In our pursuit of Rs we’ve even dropped banning the death penalty from our platform. So yes, I support our team. But I don’t have the joy.

    Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • Joe Biden won in 2020 by appealing to the former Republicans, the right-leaning Independents and a fair number of Republicans like Adam Kinzinger (and Liz Cheney) who hated what the Republican Party had become and did not want tRump back in the White House. Like it or not, they are now part of our coalition to keep him from winning in November. We need to embrace them and walk hand in hand towards that common cause. We have to put country over party just like they do until we get past this crisis. In 2028, we can be on opposite sides again (assuming that tRump does not file to run again) but in 2024, we need to welcome them and their help.

      I am not sure what you mean by ignoring the Palestinian cause. MVP Harris spoke to it – we did not need to hear from angry people who voted against Joe Biden in the primaries, it was enough to hear “present” in the roll call to know that they existed. The berners who were given the microphone in the 2016 DNC convention did harsh the buzz and it gave them a permission structure to vote for Jill Freaking Stein and write in Bernie Freaking Sanders or to stay home and hand the election to tRump. No one, no one, wants to risk that and I applaud the courage of the convention organizers for being willing to be vilified to focus on one goal – unity to elect Kamala Harris.

      Michelle Obama said this:

      As we embrace this renewed sense of hope, let us not forget the despair we have felt. Let us not forget what we are up against. Yes, Kamala and Tim are doing great now. We’re loving it. They’re packing arenas across the country. Folks are energized. We are feeling good. But, remember there are still so many people who are desperate for a different outcome, who are ready to question and criticize every move Kamala makes, who are eager to spread those lies, who don’t want to vote for a woman, who will continue to prioritize building their wealth over ensuring that everyone has enough.

      So no matter how good we feel tonight or tomorrow or the next day, this is going to be an uphill battle. So folks, we cannot be our own worst enemies. No. See, because the minute something goes wrong, the minute a lie takes hold, folks, we cannot start wringing our hands. We cannot get a Goldilocks complex about whether everything is just right. And we cannot indulge our anxieties about whether this country will elect someone like Kamala instead of doing everything we can to get someone like Kamala elected.

      No politician will ever be “just right” and the left-of-the-left, the single issue voters as well as the center-right will have to “settle” for what we have. There will be time later to advocate for changing policy. Right now we have one job – to vote enthusiastically and get everyone we know to vote enthusiastically for Kamala Harris. The joy will come in the early morning hours of November 6th.

  17. Good Friday morning, Moosekind! It’s another glorious, beautiful day in Ashburn, current temp. 64 F., rising to 83 F. Yesterday our morning low set a record—49 F.! Methinks we’ll have an early fall.

    Tired but happy this morning. I have a very full day again. After the postcarding party (this time we were writing to voters in our own Congressional District 10) yesterday, went to the UU dinner, then came home and changed to my orange Kamala shirt to watch the convention on the big screen in the auditorium. I couldn’t make it until the final speeches, had to come home to watch there.

    This afternoon there’s a funeral for the man in my hallway, which is followed by a social hour, then I have rehearsal from 7 to 9. Gods! Oh, well, it beats being six feet under, doesn’t it? SO happy that we might get a woman president during our lifetime! Yay!

    Also, Younger Son and Grandson did manage to Get On the flight to IAD on Wednesday, so that is super. Hubby, who sleeps poorly, is having a nap and I’ll have one too. I’m so tired! We 150-year-olds can’t stay up as late as younger people.

    Wishing a great Friday to all at the Pond!

  18. Good morning, 56 and raining in Bellingham today. I’m enjoying a quiet dark house moment with Elsa napping beside me. Emma took her to the beach yesterday so after a few hours of stick fetching and swimming she is a tired pup. As I watched the convention last night I could feel a layer of tRump angst lifting…..hard to imagine life without that feeling being part of everything but I’m cautiously hopeful.
    We’re celebrating Ava’s 17th birthday this weekend so I’m sewing some chili pepper themed napkins for her requested taco bar supper. I’ll go to Joes Garden today for a zinnia bouquet and we’ll make a large black bean and green chili salsa so it should be a tasty and fun family time together. Lots of birthday memories! Best wishes to all.

  19. Saturday Meese. 55 here in Kingston going up to 83. Am still on my convention watch high.
    I’m trying to adjust to the day change of my Caribbean Matters series – I’m used to having Saturday’s free.

    Puerto Rico

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