Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: August 25th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. It’s 78 heading for 93, heat index 100 at least, and sunny at the moment. We only got 15.69 KWHs yesterday. The m-t-d is 117.6 – not much chance of making it to 180 this month but we shall see.

    Cats still not eating properly and Rennie still scaring the heck out of me with how little he’s eating. I did a quick run to Walmart this morning and grabbed a small bag (smaller – 7 lb) of the Sensitive System, cleared the whole of the Indoor Advantage out (saving for outside cats), cleaned their bowls, and started fresh. They ate at mostly their usual rate. Hope it’s not just “new bag syndrome” and they’ll keep on eating it.

    Today’s my brother’s 69th birthday. He’s that rarest of creatures – an Evangelical Christian who is NOT a Christian Zionist.

    Washer’s almost finished. I’ll probably need to get the laundry out before I get to my boosting. But I’m going to try. Holding the Good/Healing Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  2. Good morning, 56 and finally sunny. Real life has been very real lately so I haven’t been online per usual. All’s well with me, but various friends and family are coping with some serious health issues so I’ve been giving my support as best I can in addition caring for Elsa. Our son is home now so she is back to her busier life and my toy strewn house is nearly back in order. I’ve got a long list to address today, starting with laundry and the desk so I’d best get on it. Best wishes to all.

  3. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 91 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 97. Mostly sunny skies with a chance of rain. This morning it was cloudy and I got my walk in while it was still in the low 80s.

    My morning got eaten up by projects and now it is time to break for lunch.

    See all y’all later!

  4. Thursday Meese. cool temps here today – 65 going up to 76.
    Puerto Rico

  5. Good morning. Yesterday was completely exhausting — pulling files, cleaning up my desk, etc. More desk clean up today. And I managed 6 minutes running this morning! I have Online Engagement training tonight from either the party or the Harris campaign, should be fun.

  6. For some reason Moose doesn’t recognize my login this morning. Sigh.

    It’s 78 already heading for 95, heat index over 100, and sunny at the moment. Rain and cooling are supposed to move in overnight. I’m ready. Yesterday we generated 17 KWHs and the m-t-d is 134.68 – making 180 isn’t possible but making 150 should be easy. I hope.

    With the new food the rest of the cats are eating, and pretty much behaving, normally again – but not Rennie. He’s not eating, not playing in the morning, and his food is coming back up a couple of hours after he eats. He’s not in “emergency care” shape – I hope – so I’m getting him in tomorrow late afternoon (the 1st “regular” availability).

    Running late this morning. Just getting my breakfast & online. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • The website will still log you out and make you log in occasionally. It is part of an automated cleanup of the cookies. I had to re-login this morning as well.

      • I’m used to that. But even after I logged in, it made me also fill in the name & email before I could post. Oh well. At least it DID let me post.

        • If it asks you to enter your name and email before you can post a comment, you are not totally logged in. Click on My Moose from the top menu – if you get a Login screen, you are not logged in. If you get the Dashboard, you are.

      • Thank you. I do too. I love them all of course, in their own ways, but he’s my baby, my lap kitty. The others are more standoffish and don’t do laps.

  7. Good Thursday morning, Meese! It’s 82 F. right now in Ashburned, going up to 91 F. Showers are possible late tonight. Of course, that’s rubbish. Whatever is in the air is showing up as a red rash on my neck. I put the Dangerous Cream on it, and covered it with a thick layer of makeup.

    Had bad news about my poor uncle in Texas, the last survivor of a family of 10 children. He’s 93, and has just been through surgery for colon cancer. They didn’t get all the mass. And my poor friend with the pancreatic cancer might leave the hospital tomorrow with one-third of a pancreas and no spleen. I hate cancer, such an evil disease and sometimes just dropping out of the sky on unsuspecting people.

    Today I have the un-looked-for, completely surprising treat of going to see a show at the Kennedy Center. I’m sure it will be wonderful.

    In the meantime, I need to finish making Dearly’s lunch so I can get dressed after afterwards. Don’t want tomato juice squirting all over me!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  8. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is a pleasant 75 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 99. Mainly sunny skies are in the forecast with a very slight chance for rain. This morning, the pretty waning crescent was visible over the mountains surrounded by a few puffy clouds. She will be new on September 2nd at 6:55pm MST.

    It looks like the post-convention polls are hitting now and it is further unhinging tRump. I am going to avoid clicking on anything for a few days because some of it, from the headlines, sounds very disturbing. I wish Kamala had chosen someone other than CNN, the cable network that gave tRump a tongue bath in the first debate, for her interview. I guess Dana Bash is better than Jake Freaking Tapper but the whole network should be shunned for what they did to her during her 2019 primary run. It is probably impossible to find a place that isn’t tarnished by tRump puffery – I see that even MSNBC is putting tRump campaign people on and then acting shocked, I say, shocked that they lie! I dislike Ari Melber and his insisting that it is helpful somehow to hear what MAGAts are thinking is irritating. He is one of the reasons I don’t watch MSNBC any longer.

    I have a project that I am in the middle of that needs to get finished before I can do anything else so I better concentrate on it.

    See all y’all later!

  9. Friday Meese. Cool here in Kingston and raining.

    Puerto Rico

  10. Good morning. I ran for 8 minutes this morning, yay me! I see I was justified in not watching the CNN interview. I started listening to the disinformation training call last night, but it was mostly about downloading & using their app and I was just too tired to deal with that. I’m sure the app is fine, full of useful info but I do social media on my laptop. Anyway, hi — happy Friday!

  11. It’s 75 heading for 85 overcast and supposed to start raining in a few hours. Sort of stepping down to coolth. Mid 80 highs through Monday, then low 80s for highs. The lows are 60s starting tonight and dropping into the 50s later next week. Yesterday we generated 15.66 KWHs and nudged the m-t-d just over 150. With the rain/cloudiness predicted for today & tomorrow we’ll be lucky to reach 175 for August – and might not make it to 160. We shall see.

    Aji & Wings worked out something with somebody so she thinks they’ll be able to pay the taxes today. 🤞🤞 Still has the before-winter roof repair & the truck repair to deal with but while urgent they aren’t as urgent as those taxes. Everybody’s hoping this holiday season will be a good one for small businesses. Not just Aji & Wings, but all the people who’ve been hard up this year because last year’s holiday season way practically dead for sales.

    Taking Rennie to the vet this afternoon. His appointment’s actually at 5 but I need to leave by at least 4:30 to get across the freeway before the Friday afternoon on a holiday weekend traffic backs up to the University. My Black Kos Xitter roundup boosting as well as my last pass on the needs list will be late tonight. Possibly after 6. Sigh. But better to know what’s wrong with the one cat who’s still not eating (& is barfing about 4 hours after he does eat). Goddess! how I wish I could talk this over with the Peeps. I haven’t been this upset about being banned from DK since it happened.

    I’d best get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  12. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 91 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 100. Sunny skies are in the forecast. It was a perfect clear sky this morning and I saw my moon and all of my stars over the mountains.

    I cannot stay as I spent all morning on pre-Holiday Weekend tasks and am done with being on my computer.

    See all y’all later!

  13. Good morning, 60 and sunny in Bellingham today. Bri has been on vacation so it to have her back helping me with the garden yesterday. We’re making good progress restoring the laurel hedge that was so damaged by last winter’s freeze but she has to do the bulk of the work now. I just to light pruning while seated but that’s better than no garden time at all. We’ll finish cutting the dead branches out of the hedge next week and then mulch the new growth so it will have better protection for the coming winter. And then we’ll clean and mulch the rest of the planting beds and tbh I’ll be glad to put the garden to rest for a few months. I need to focus on getting all the family stuff I’ve got in storage sorted out and I want to restore some old family quilts. With all the garden work I haven’t had the energy to do much else.

    I’m staying basically aware of the election but am very grateful to have real life distractions from the angst I feel when I hear his voice or see his face. So on that note I’ll transplant 3 primroses and get on with my day! Best wishes to all.

  14. Good morning. Slept in and will go to the gym this afternoon, no really — I want to see if I can beat yesterday’s 8 minutes. I have some cooking to do as well. It’s not 100+ any more, but 90s and high humidity is no picnic, so I will stay inside as much as I can.

  15. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 73 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 97. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. We had a “surprise” monsoon rain event yesterday evening that had dramatic lightning and left the washes running. The “surprise” was that the local weather guessers did not expect much monsoon activity yesterday. When I looked at the radar, it had a huge red and yellow blob right on top of us and nowhere else in the area. I think sometimes the weather guessers think the only weather that matters is what is at the airport. :)

    I still read news from Wisconsin (the MLB club I follow is from there) and the front page had a photo of tRump and Tulsi Gabbard in La Crosse. I am not sure who puts together his campaign stops but no one in Wisconsin drawn to his rallies knows who Tulsi Gabbard is. Sometimes people being in-the-weeds politically are clueless about what ordinary people know and care about. Tulsi was brought on board to “own the libs” which she was never one of but who ran as a Democrat in Hawaii because Republicans don’t win elections there. I think for Democrats this year, it would take more than having Tulsi on the stage with another a pile of human excrement to dampen our enthusiasm. I also wonder how calling Kamala “dumb” helps Republicans win. I guess the party of schoolhouse taunts from bullies doesn’t really have any other script.

    I have three days with no client interruptions and I need to take advantage of it. I have a lot of tweaky little things that have been stacking up that I need to address and I really need to get some scanning done.

    See all y’all later!

  16. Good Saturday Meese.

    Puerto Ricans pay 41% more for electricity than people on the mainland –- and continue to have blackouts. This is one of the travesties of colonialism.

  17. It’s 70 heading for 82 and sunny at the moment. We’re supposed to get rain this afternoon. We may or may not. We did yesterday but only during the 2 hours I was at the vet so I didn’t see it. Yesterday we generated 11.9 KWHs which brought the m-t-d to just over 160 – it’s possible but unlikely that we’ll reach the 175 on this last day of August.

    Rennie’s bad. Very bad. Liver disease in the final stages. He’s lost 25% of his body weight in the last few months, most of it in the last month would be my guess. He went from almost normal except for how little he was eating to very lethargic and not normal at all over the course of a few hours. The vet came in with tears in her eyes. She said we could go all out if I wanted to but even it I had thousands to spend it probably wouldn’t make any difference. I hung on to hope for a little bit, they gave Rennie some injections that might have let his liver recover a little and pain meds. Told me if he didn’t show “significant improvement” by Tuesday, well, the hard decision needed to be “considered”. I took him home (with more pain meds) and he did eat a little a few hours after that. I spent as much time as my bladder would stand in the rocking chair with him last night. But this morning, even after I got the pain meds in him, he’s not eating at all. He’s my baby. The only cat who ever chose me, came specifically to me – not just a safe home with plenty of food – winding around my ankles and waiting to be petted before he’d eat when he was still an outdoor cat. Slipping into the house a few times to check out the other cats, then just coming in and not going out again. (His brother Freddie came inside the next morning. Not for me but because Rennie was here.) But as I love him dearly, I will not keep him any longer, he’s in so much pain. As soon as the vet clinic opens I’ll call for the appointment. He’s on my lap right now.

    I guess I’ll start my boosting day while I wait for the clinic to open. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • Oh, bfitz, I’m so sorry! It’s so hard! I know how much sweet Rennie means to you.
      Will keep you both in my thoughts and hope the pain is not too great.
      Blessed be.

      • Thank you. It IS hard. He’s still sleeping on my lap. At least the pain meds are letting him sleep. I’ll stay put until he gets up himself or my bladder won’t wait. The appointment is for 2 this afternoon.

  18. Good Saturday morning, Meese. Remember Thursday I told you that predictions of rain were rubbish? I was wrong. (You’d be surprised how frequently that happens.) The good news is that the rain didn’t start until we had boarded the bus at the Kennedy Center to come back here. The lightning and thunder scared me so much I clutched my seatmate, who murmured comfortingly, “I’ll protect you, Diana.” I don’t like sudden loud noises. Anyway, we received an inch! How ’bout that? Now the rainfall deficit is less def.

    I enjoyed the journey there almost as much as I enjoyed the show. Haven’t been to DC since Before Covid. I always like seeing Memorial Bridge flinging itself, arch after graceful arch, over the swift-flowing Potomac. And I enjoyed seeing the majestic Lincoln Memorial (where 61 years ago that very day Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech) close to the river, and the Washington Monument with its circle of flags, standing proudly on its hill—yes, I really enjoyed it. Also, a friend I worked with 50 years ago at MITRE went on the trip so we sat together going there and back and talked our heads off.

    The show itself was fantastic! Now that I have more idea of what goes into a stage play, I appreciated the sets, the lighting, and the costumes much more than I would have otherwise. I love ABBA’s music, anyway.

    Yesterday was a mad dash—dressed up to be interviewed on the show on the in-house channel. The hostess interviewed me about the Author’s Festival. Later, Dearly Beloved and several of my writers kindly said I did just fine.

    Then a pedi in the afternoon, followed by rehearsal. Thank Goddess, we don’t need to rehearse again until next Friday, as Monday is the holiday.

    Today I am not going to allow myself to do anything fun, like laundry, grocery shopping, or going to the gym, until I’ve completed my writing and editing assignments.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

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