Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 73 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 91. Sunny skies in the morning but a chance for afternoon thunderstorms.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. Lovely weather here in Kingston today.
Puerto Rico/Puerto Ricans
Good morning. So much housework yesterday: cooking, laundry, dishes…. The beans & greens dish is good. Now I’m enjoying the smell of my steeping tea and watching the news. May go to the gym this afternoon. The lovely cool weather of last weekend is long gone, back to our normal upper 90s. Well, at least that means I’m still wearing sandals.
Love Cannonball Adderley!
It’s 72 heading for 84 and off and on cloudy at the moment. Yesterday we genereated 13.8 KWHs and the m-t-d is 188.5 – still on track for 400, if barely.
Done my Sunday housecleaning chores. Dealing with a rash mostly on my face and partly on my right arm. Since I don’t weed the iris garden (which also has wanted daffodils, currently-blooming sedum, just-finished-blooming chives, and a few surprise lilies in it and heaven-knows-what unwanted plants) I can’t say what I’m reaching to but I obviously touched something I react to when I buried Rennie’s ashes. I definitely washed my hands afterwards but apparently I didn’t was my face in time. sigh. Anyway, about to close up the house and get to my boosting chores. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
“reacting” to, not “reaching” to. LOL.
Sorry to hear about the rash :( Sending speedy healing thoughts
Thank you. {{{Dee}}}
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! It’s a partly cloudy 70 F. at the moment, going up to 80-ish today. I’m making it a point to go outside to look at the moon, even she’s only three-quarters full, because I won’t get to see Her on Tuesday. Last night a neighbor from my hallway admired Her with me, so that was nice.
Rashes from outdoors are one of the penalties of growing old, one supposes. One thing I don’t get at the gym is touching anything that grows!
I’m doing pot roast in the slow cooker today because I really don’t feel up to much. Pretty soon I’ll have to make the Old English Pear Pie. Yum, yum. It’ll make too much for the two of us, but it’ll taste good.
Wishing all at the Pond a good day!
Monday Meese. Nice weather here in Kingston today. I’m prepping for the upcoming 7 year anniversary of Hurricane Maria which Puerto Rico still hasn’t recovered from
Puerto Rico
Good morning. I just walked this morning, figured I’ll run tomorrow and Wednesday. In the office, sigh. I figured a way to cut my cable/internet bill, of course it involves Spectrum sending me new equipment, which I spent last evening trying to figure out. Will try again today. But I have a new album from my other favorite band so at least there’s that.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind, and what have we but a real September day outside! The temperature is a cool 60 F. under overcast skies. The woods are full of tall, yellow-topped weeds (goldenrod?) and cricket song. In fact, a cricket scuttled under my bed this morning.
The pot roast and pear pie were yummy. I only make the pear pie once a season. Gotta watch those carbs.
Today is The Home’s 16th anniversary, so there’s supposed to be ice cream and music on Great Oak Common. Asked Dearly whether he wanted to go, and he said yes! That’s a turn-up for the book. Speaking of turn-ups for the book, the results of yesterday’s Formula 1 race surprised me so much my eyebrows shot up into my hair. They’re still there.
Nails at 11, how boring, but they have to be done. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 73 heading for 79 and overcast. No rain, just clouds. Yesterday we generate 14.23 KWHs and the m-t-d is 203.
Even after my son brought me some Benadryl the rash got worse. I’m just back from the walk-in clinic – haven’t called Blue Advantage yet to see if I can be reimbursed for that – they gave me a shot and a Rx for pred. Hopefully that will kick in soon. My right eye is swollen almost shut. Meanwhile, I’d best be about my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{HUGS}}}
Oh dear – that is simply horrid. I hope the shot helps – quickly
Thank you. It is. And I hope so too. {{{Dee}}}
Oh, dear GODDESS, bfitz! How awful! Thinking about you tonight and sending you healing vibes. Blessed be.
Good morning, 54 and light clouds outside my window today. Our family lunch was fun yesterday, so nice to be together outdoors with tasty food. it was just 10 of us and an easy menu but it’s still a lot of stuff to organize. Thankfully everyone helps so I’ll rest my old legs this morning, and start putting the party dishes away this afternoon. The next family event will happen in Oct when Ron’s brothers will be here for a long weekend. I’m a bit worried about how I’ll manage that but I’ve got a month to plan. Best wishes to all.
Good afternoon, meeses! Monday …
It is 84 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 90. We have partly cloudy skies. There was a wonderful rain storm yesterday evening and again overnight and a cool breeze greeted me on my morning walk. Last night we saw the fullish moon and I am hoping the clouds clear enough to see her tonight over the mountains to the ESE.
Another busy Monday made it impossible to check in on time and now I need to get off my computer and call it a day.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. It is back to hot & sticky. 30 minute walk with 18ish minutes running in the middle, .87mi. Getting ready for wfh, and I have to figure out the new cable/internet thing.
Tuesday Meese. Nice day today. Have to take our older dog to vet – she’s suffering from arthritis
Hmmm – had to go edit “awaiting moderation” to post
That does not make any sense – unless there is a filter that blocks sad news from posting!
Seriously, though, nothing has been changed or added since last week.
Hope the vet can help your dog. Arthritis is hard enough on humans but it’s worse for dogs. They can’t use mobility aids. Healing Energy.
Puerto Rico
Jenniffer and Trump are a danger for Puerto Rico . Don’t be fooled. On November 5th, neither JGo, nor Luma, nor Genera PR. Throw them out with your vote #PorPuertoRico
Apparently Nicky Jam has “withdrawn” his endorsement because of the misgendering. Stupid of him to endorse in the first place, I hope he pays a price for sucking up to white supremacists.
He was on Joy Reid’s show this afternoon, interesting conversation. He was actually making good points in favor of Harris. Which is weird for a guy who’d endorsed tfg, but yay I guess.
Good Tuesday morning, Meese. I love September, with its cool temperatures, gray skies, and woods full of cricket song. Earlier today I smelled Mr. Skunk when I stepped onto the porch, but he seems to have moved on. We’re expecting R-A-I-N today, wonder whether it will actually happen.
Last night’s rehearsal was a pain. Because the “elevator” is so small, I have to stand for the entire 40 minutes—which is really more than an hour because people don’t know their lines and have to repeat them—so I was exhausted by the time I came home. Couldn’t see the moon, of course, so I’m glad I saw her Sunday night.
Today we have errands in the morning, then home to lunch, and then to a movie next door, “The Little Traitor” about the British Mandate in Palestine after the war. Then at 5 p.m. I have the UU dinner. B. wants a Winter Solstice ritual and for me to conduct it, so I’ll have to think of something good. Gotta say the last thing I ever expected when I moved here six years ago is that I’d need my athame!
Need to get moving. High in the 70s today, rain supposedly beginning at 4 p.m., and I hope everyone who has been feeling poorly will start feeling better.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
I love September also! Here it (usually) means an end to the brutal summer heat and the beginning of cool morning lows and comfortable afternoon highs with abundant sunshine.
Jan, I enjoy your “Moon reports”! It’s nice to see a sister Pagan can see her even when I can’t!
It’s 68 heading for 85 and overcast again. Yesterday we generated 6.6 KWHs, which is at least covers usage since I didn’t run the A/C, and the m-t-d is 209 and no longer on track for 400.
The pred shot wore off overnight and my eyes are swollen again. Just took the oral pred and hope it kicks in soon. The rash on my face seems to have stopped spreading but the rash on my wrists are spreading. I think it’s the steam when I cook and hot water when I wash although I’m trying to cook as little as possible and “finish off” my hot water cleaning with a final tepid rinse. I hope the pred will stop the weeping on my face. I’ve got to go out to get catfood and yesterday while at the walk-in clinic I discovered that the fluid makes my mask stick to my face most uncomfortably and hurts when it’s pulled off.
Need to get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Dear Goddess, bfitz, I hope your condition is going to get better! What a wretched thing to happen!
Well, they gave me a 10-day supply of oral pred so I’m guessing they figure it’ll take that long to kick it. But I’m hoping for sooner. {{{Diana}}}
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 70 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 88. It just finished raining so there are a few clouds hanging around and it is extremely muggy. I don’t need to rush out to take my walk because it won’t be hot for a while – I will wait for the sun to dry the air a bit. Last night we saw the almost full moon rise over the mountains. She had a veil of clouds off and on until she cleared the mountains but once she rose completely, she was bright and bold. Tonight at 7:34pm MST she will be full. Moonrise is 6:25pm and it takes about 40 minutes to clear the mountain peaks so if the clouds are gone, we should see her clearly.
The orange pustule is blaming “Democratic rhetoric” for the assassination attempts instead of the gun culture he helped foster in rural Pennsylvania and, really, every damn part of Florida. Both the shooter in Pennsylvania and the attention seeker (who was never close to him) in Florida are registered Republicans. The only rhetoric that is inciting violence is the blood libel on the Haitian immigrants in Ohio and every other person of color in the United States. Goddess protect our leaders from those incited by hellsite owner Elon Musk. I hope the Secret Service arrests his ass.
I had four things on my must do list and I completed only one of them. I need to get some money moved into a CD before the Fed rate cuts are announced so that I can lock in a good rate.
See all y’all later!
For us fans
Thank you for that! We are getting close to having the field of 8 set for the playoffs. The Dream, the Mystics and the Sky are duking it out. I want the Dream to get in; I like their coach and their players and especially their ties to the Warnock Senate victory in 2020 and their kicking their racist owner to the curb.
Good morning, 55 and cloudy in Bellingham today. I have PT this morning, and hope to sew this afternoon. My old knees are still complaining from my weekend activity but are responding to rest so I’m feeling more grateful than frustrated. Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 66 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 86. Sunny skies are in the forecast. This morning the full moon is shining into my office window – she is not quite visible from where I am sitting as she is still very high in the sky. I knew she was there when I went out on my patio and saw the moonshine over the wash and open space behind our home. In a short while I will be able to glance over my left shoulder and see her in the WSW sky until she sets behind the buildings at about 6am. Last night we watched the moonrise over the mountains and the partial eclipse – a very small part of her upper left edge was covered by the shadow of the earth. She disappeared into the clouds off and on but I was able to fall asleep with the moon shining into my bedroom. It is always so comforting!
Kind of an amazing Associated Press headline: “Overseas threats hit the Ohio city where Trump and Vance lied about Haitians eating pets”. Could it be possible that even the media is fed up with having to use weasel words when “LIED” is clearly the applicable word? Maybe it is because JD Vance admitted on national TV that he made up the story to get people riled up about immigration. I hope there is a special place in the afterlife for people like him who put lives at risk to scare people into voting for them. Maybe a media that fulfills their obligation to be the Fourth Estate will help people learn the truth and reject the lies and the liars.
I had a chaotic morning yesterday and need to organize my plans for today. I think I have the crises tamped down but I won’t know for certain until people start working so I need to get organized now while it is still quiet.
See all y’all later!