Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
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Good Wednesday Meese. Very distressed by the hate targeting Haitian Americans.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Slept in and will go to the gym at lunch — great thing about wfh day. Yesterday was all work. I really have to get on that new cable/internet thing.
Good glorious rainy Wednesday morning, Moosekind! Since 4 p.m. yesterday it has been raining on and off in a most satisfactory manner. We might receive a whole inch, when all is said and done.
Was sorry to miss the full moon last night, but greatly enjoyed reading Jan’s moon report. If I can’t actually see Her myself, the next best thing is reading a fellow Pagan’s observations and feelings about it. Thanks, Jan! They say September is the Blood Moon.
The movie yesterday was smashing! It was called “The Little Traitor,” about an 11-year-old Jewish boy in 1947 Palestine, living amid the terrible hatreds and tensions there. The boy made friends with a British soldier. It was very moving, so of course I cried at the end. (I always do.)
Today I’m looking forward to going BACK to the gym after four days of being too busy to go, and to getting some work done on the trilogy. Tonight we have granddaughter’s volleyball game. Connie Chung has a memoir out—I’m thinking of ordering it for Younger Son. He fell in love with her when he was seven years old after he first saw her on TV.
Hope our dear bfitz and princesspat are feeling better! I’m happy as a baby bear because it’s raining! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Aji’s people call it the Leaves Turning Moon. Like you, I seldom actually see the moon but I enjoy Jan’s descriptions and Aji’s photos (on her Patreon). {{{Diana}}}
It’s 63 heading for 87 and sunny at the moment. We’ll see how long that lasts. Yesterday we generated 9.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 218.5 lost more ground.
The poison ivy is still bad. And spreading. The pred does bring the swelling down but I still look like something out of a horror movie. I moved my eye doctor appointment out until next month. After 5 years 3 more weeks won’t matter. But I want to be off the pred and done with this poison ivy before the exam.
I’m trying a new food, a brand I’ve never tried before (Pure Balance Pro), and Freddie seems to like it. Bobbie and Cloud are fine with it eating the old stuff with some of the new mixed in but Freddie just won’t eat the old stuff. I guess he’s got a lighter version of whatever made his brother Rennie so sensitive to foods. Thanks to the goddesses it IS a lighter version. I really can’t afford, financially or emotionally, to lose any more cats this year.
Aashirs nani has moved to Allen TX, 20 minutes rather than 9 hours from her family, and is waiting for her farm to sell so she can settle her finances. And getting used to family dropping by almost daily. Aji’s health issues are kicking up again and there’s nothing she can do but ride it out. The stress of no sales in the last 3 weeks isn’t helping. Earicicle got a new treatment for her knees that seems to be working. And my sister & her husband will be passing through on Friday on their way to Denver to see my nephew and will stop for pizza dinner (provided by my son) in the evening. It will be very nice to see them.
Time to get to my boosting chores. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
She has a diary up about how hard it is to register to vote. So embarrassed for my state.
I’ll go read it when I get a moment. But considering who’s in charge right now, it’s not surprising.
Good morning. Did my walk/run but it’s back to feeling like a sauna. Middle 16 minutes was running & ¾ mi. I’m so looking forward to this election season being over.
I can’t tolerate the ads for much longer. I am hoping they slow down after early voting begins on October 9th. Most people here vote by mail.
Good Thursday morning, Meese. We received .60 of an inch of rain, so we’re still majorly in drought. Pooh. It’s ugly-cloudy this morning, but for us, that doesn’t mean rain: it’s just ugly.
Received a better night’s sleep, so I had the energy to mess with the laundry this morning. This afternoon there’s an actor’s workshop taught by the tall, impressive Kate, so I’m looking forward to that. The reason Dearly felt so poorly yesterday he couldn’t even eat is having both the ‘flu and the Covid jabs at the same time. Yikes!
I managed to get as far as Chapter 7 of Book 2 of the trilogy. I coulda cut down the entire trilogy to one book, or possibly two, by not describing every tiny grain of rice the characters encounter. Still, a job is a job.
I’m beginning to feel Thing angst myself. The Guardian suggested that it could all boil down to one state, Nebraska, because of something peculiar to do with the electoral college. The other night at the UU dinner a resident said she kept her villa in Puerto Vallarta when she moved here, and plans to retreat to it if DFG somehow manages to win. Apparently Defeated Former Guy wouldn’t let the House avert a government shutdown at the end of the month. HOW can the scumbucket have so much power when he’s not even IN the government?
Got to have a little rest now, I’m already tired. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
The national Republicans are so nervous about Nebraska that they are pressuring their state government to call a special session to change the laws about their split electoral votes. In 2008, Barack Obama won what is essentially the “urban” electoral vote in Nebraska and McCain won the other 3. In 2020, Biden won the single electoral vote and tRump won the other 3. What they really want is for the Electoral College vote to be a tie so that it gets kicked to the House of Representatives where state delegations, which are a majority Republican, will declare trump the winner. It would be the ugliest of ugly outcomes, worse than 2000 when the Supreme Court ended the vote counting in Florida and declared popular vote loser George W. Bush the winner because he “won” Florida by 425 votes which was not allowed to include all votes. Our country was permanently damaged by that and would be irreparably damaged by a tie going to the popular vote loser again. I hope it does not come down to that. Everything I read suggests that Pennsylvania will be the key. If we win Pennsylvania, there is no path for tRump regardless of how Nebraska allocates their electoral votes.
And someone said if they try this 50 days before the election it could be construed as election interference.
I’m so nervous I’ve broken out into a rash that simply refuses to go away.
It’s 72 already, heading for 92 sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 11.6 KWHs so at least double digits and the m-t-d at 230.25 lost more ground.
The weather decided to give us summer again today through Saturday. Highs in the 90s, heat index near or at 100, overnights in the 70s. Next week we’re looking at highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s. Happy Autumn.
Well, my face is less swollen and only itchy around the jaw line. My hands are still red but at least not weeping. I can keep heat away from my face but not my hands. At least not if I’m going to cook and wash up. Cats are still being worrisome about eating. Their bowls were mostly full this morning of the mix of old and new. I dumped that outside for wandering critters and gave them new only. They’ve eaten at least enough to call it good. Please Bast and whatever other goddesses deal with cats let them like this food enough to eat it and stay healthy.
Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 81 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 91. Sunny skies are in the forecast. It was 68 degrees when I woke up and a pleasant 72 when I took my walk around 7:30am. The waning but fullish moon was over my left shoulder again this morning while I worked in my office.
I finished a quick scan of the headlines and there doesn’t appear to be anything new. The candidate for governor of North Carolina is under pressure to resign for something he did that is going to be revealed – as if his completely disgusting already-known persona is not enough! His name will be on the ballot regardless but if he resigns by midnight tonight, the Republican Party can still appoint a new candidate. My guess is that if he resigns after that, the Republican Party will just sue and their partisan state Supreme Court will allow whatever the party wants.
I spent all morning cleaning up and documenting crises. Now I am exhausted! I am going to get off my computer and re-watch my baseball team (Milwaukee Brewers) clinching a division title and punching their ticket to the postseason.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 53 and partly cloudy in Bellingham today. Bri was here yesterday and I think we have the last of the large dead branches cut out of the laurel hedge. It’s been a watch what grows and remove what doesn’t process but there’s lots of new growth now so recovery is underway. The next step is to use the pole pruner and thin the canopy so light can reach the new starts. We’ll mulch the base of the plants so they will have some protection this winter, then apply compost in the spring. This has been a big project so and I’m relieved it has gone so well.
PT is going well too. I can do more at the clinic and have an increased routine for home, all designed to increase strength and mobility and to ease the pain. I’m adjusting to doing more oversight and less of the hands on garden work, but with Bri’s help I’m ok with that. She is young, strong and careful and I’m grateful for her assistance.
Being outdoors makes me tired, but election angst eases when I’m working in the garden and fortunately I’ve got lots I can still do. Best wishes to all.
Friday Meese. 58 here, going up to 77. Today is going to be rough. We are putting Chica to sleep this afternoon.
Also sad as memories of Hurricane Maria come flooding back.
Puerto Rico
Lyrics – translated
{{{Dee}}} Know what you’re going through. Healing Energy. Chica will always be with you but that doesn’t help much when not here physically. Moar {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks Sis. We’re going to bury her on the farm – wrapped in her favorite quilt.
That’s what I did with my cats years ago when I could still dig a hole deep enough. I think they like the “anchor” – makes it easier for them to come visit. {{{Dee}}}
Sis, so sorry about Chica. It’s going to be very rough on you, but it will mean peace for her. Blessed be.
Yes. It’s cruel to keep her with us in pain.
Hugs for you and blessed rest for Chica.
Thanks Jan.
Good morning. Did my walk/run even though it feels like a sauna — 79 degrees & so humid…. Did 18 minutes running and made it to .85 mi. Wearing a skirt today because the Employee of the Quarter ceremony is this afternoon. I’ve got to think of something to say. And must read some other news story to get the disgusting Olivia Nuzzi story out of my mind.
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! It’s a gorgeous September day here, 65 F. already and going up to 85 F. Last night was cloudy so I couldn’t see the waning moon.
It’s a shame that “Nuzzi” rhymes with “floozy,” isn’t it?
I had the night from hell, so I’m off for a nap. I’m not fit to drive to the nail salon after so little sleep. The acting workshop yesterday was fabulous!
It’s encouraging that early voting turnout is high here in the state named after the nonexistent sex life of a 16th-century English monarch.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Heat index was 79 when I got up. No I didn’t open the house. The A/C kicked on yesterday about 5:45 pm and has cycled on & off ever since. I told my sister she was bringing summer back with her on the road trip from her home on the Gulf Coast through AR and on to CO. Because the temps will drop abruptly about the time they get to Denver. Anyway yesterday we generated 14.78 KWHs and the m-t-d at 245 at least didn’t lose more ground.
My face is less swollen and the rash on my face doesn’t seem as bad. The rash on my hands is as bad as ever and spreading up my arms – everything I try on them seems to make things worse. The cats are just nibbling this morning. I hope to heaven it’s the heat. They’re all sleeping now. Just ate so I could take the pred so will wait a little before getting on the treadmill. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Is there any idea about what is causing the rash?
Something that’s in the flower bed where I buried Rennie’s ashes. Probably poison ivy or poison oak. Since I’ve been unable to weed and keep up the yard properly all sorts of things I react to have taken hold. I just wasn’t paying enough attention to what I was digging up, too focused on why I was digging it. For ashes the hole is small enough I filled it with my hands. Which of course I washed as soon as I got inside. Obviously whatever it was got on my face and arms as well as my hands and I didn’t shower in time to get it off.
Yes – that makes sense. Praying you get some relief from it soon.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 75 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 90. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I did not see the moon this morning, I think she has moved out of my view, but I did see her last night. Still very full looking! On the full moon night a group of bats cavorted on our deck in the moonlight – it was very cool. They stuck around for a few hours, trying to get nectar out of our hummingbird feeders. I think they may be just passing through on their seasonal migration to Mexico.
I started this about an hour ago and in between then and now I lost power, ate breakfast and got ready to run some errands. I will check the news later, after I am sitting in my easy chair.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese. 60 here in Kingston going up to 76. Friends and spiritual family members are prepping for Mabon tomorrow
Thank you for the music! If I don’t “see” you tomorrow, have a blessed and joyful second harvest!
Lovely. Thank you. Blessed Be.
Will be addressing 7th Anniversary of Maria today in Caribbean Matters
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 64 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 82. Sunny skies are in the forecast. We will be getting hotter next week but I am going to enjoy the current cool weather while it lasts.
Young people are registering to vote in record numbers. I am fairly certain that is good news for Kamala Harris as there is not going to be much attractive about the Trump-Vance ticket to anyone under 25. NOW, we need to convince these young people to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. If we win the presidency but lose the Senate it makes governing a lot more difficult and the lack of progress will be a real bummer for new voters. In 2016, young voters came out in the Wisconsin primary to vote for Bernie Freaking Sanders and did not vote in a winnable state Supreme Court election that cemented a right-wing majority which made Wisconsin even more regressive than it had been. Register, vote Democratic for President, Senate and House of Representatives. We Can Do This!
I have an early morning phone meeting and then I am going to go get my COVID shot. With COVID running rampant in some parts of the country and the snowbirds arriving in a few weeks, I want to get immunized. I think I will be getting the new Novavax vaccine (it was listed on the pharmacy web site) which has been tested against the more recent variants JN.1, KP.2, and KP.3 but I guess I won’t know until I arrive at the pharmacy. The Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines also have a new booster this fall. I would prefer to stay with the known mRNA side effects and but I also would like to be immunized against the newest variants.
See all y’all later!
The heat index is already 78, we’re heading for 94 with a heat index close to 100, and lightly overcast at the moment. Yesterday we generated 9.9 KWHs and the m-t-d at 255 lost more ground.
Continuing the pred. I think my face and arms are better. The rash on my hands is staying about the same. I think I’ve developed a sensitivity to the mild but “lightly” scented dishwashing liquid I use. I’ll try to get by a store today or tomorrow and get somebody’s “free & clear” formula. Cats are eating but not enough by about a third. That’s altogether. I don’t know if that’s fairly equal among the cats or if one is eating normally and the other two have put themselves on half rations. I don’t think it’s any worse than that. I hope.
I had a lovely visit with my sister, brother-in-law, and son last night. My son provided the pizzas (the remains of which I’m having for breakfast and lunch today) and my sister brought a nice spinach salad w/ feta cheese. I’ll have the remains of that with lunch. Now that one of the ways for her to visit her son runs through AR I’m seeing my sister a lot more than I used to. As in about every 6 months instead of every 6 years or so. LOL.
As soon as my breakfast settles I’ll do some treadmill time but for now I’d best be about my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Glad to hear your face and arms are better!!!