Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: September 22nd

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 63 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 90. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Good Sunday/Mabon morning Meese. 55 going up to 75 here in Kingston.
    “Neither forgive, nor forget” Hurricane Maria anniversary

    Remembering the shoes

  3. Good morning. Got lots to do today: church, cooking, get ready for the work week and figure out the new cable/internet thing. For now, I’m enjoying smelling my tea as it steeps. Wow, yesterday Scott Westerfeld liked & even rt’d some of the things I said about his books. And — no triple digits in next week’s forecast! So, a pretty positive morning so far.

  4. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! Well, we did have thunderstorms, lightning, and heavy rain, starting from 6 p.m. last night and lasting until about 9 p.m. They even put a warning notice on the stupid TV, thereby depriving us of several minutes of the movie. (I watch a movie once in a blue moon.) Today it’s ugly-cloudy, which I wouldn’t mind if it presaged more rain, but apparently it does not.

    Yesterday was far too busy. I was exhausted after the Drama Club Meeting, which went on MUCH too long. To make matters worse, Ms. Prunie Bitchikins, Chair of the Drama Club board, started chastising me by text late at night. Gods, was I…seriously annoyed. Apparently she had her knickers in a twist because I showed up at 1:30 instead of 1. The meeting started at 2. I’m used to people arriving half an hour early for events, but when someone (in this case, the absent secretary) tells me to arrive at 1:30, I tend to believe her.

    Have the attendance report to fix, the meeting notes to type up, and lots of other things to do. Feel tired just thinking about it. Luckily, dinner will be a no-brainer, since I bought it all at Trader Joe’s yesterday.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and oh, don’t we wish the election were OVER!

  5. Happy Mabon to all. It’s 77 heating for 88, heat index 93, and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 13.8 KWHs and the m-t-d at 269 neither gained not lost ground yesterday. We’re looking at 70s all next week – actually 70 tomorrow so I’m probably going to light a fire & do my laundry indoors tomorrow afternoon/evening – with lows in the 50s. It’s also supposed to be cloudy & possibly rainy all next week so I rather doubt I’m going to get good generation. But if we don’t run the A/C after today I think we’ve already generated more than I’ll use this month. So that’s good.

    Aashirs nani send me some cortisone cream & spray via Walmart delivery – it got here right after I finished vacuuming – bless her. I’ve used the spray on my hands and the cream on my face. I think it’s helping already. While my hands still itch, they don’t itch as much. Anyway, Sunday chores done, I’ve just finished breakfast and taken the pred. I’ll get started on my boosting and do treadmill later. (Maybe. I don’t always do treadmill on days I vacuum.)

    Holding the Good/Healing Thoughts for everybody. & again, Happy Mabon. Blessed Be. {{{Meeses}}}

  6. Good afternoon, 55 and partly cloudy in Bellingham. We have Elsa for the weekend and Ryan and John have been here too, so a busy family time but that’s one of the reasons we are still living in this old house. So no complaints, just weary. In between family stuff I have been addressing the baskets of ironing I’ve stashed in my sewing room…..one more to go and then I’ll put everything away. Looking at last years Christmas linens all summer has been annoying! Best wishes to all.

  7. Good Monday Meese. A nippy 51 when I woke up this morning.
    Puerto Rico

    100% lies from Jenniffer

    Latinos for Kamala

  8. Good morning. Just walked, had a terrible night’s sleep & just didn’t feel up to running. Spent the entire afternoon yesterday hooking up my new internet/cable thing. Supposed to save me money, we’ll see. Anyway, in the office. How did it get to be the end of September already??

  9. It’s 67 heading for 74 overcast, may or may not rain. Yesterday we generated 10.58 KWHs and the m-t-d at 279.3 lost more ground. We’ve got 8 production days left in September so I think we’ll meet the “at least 300” goal. But not much more, considering the forecast.

    Today’s forecast is just enough warmer at the moment than it was yesterday that I may put off doing the laundry later in the week. Again, at the moment, Friday’s forecast is 71 – with several days of overnights in the 50s to cool the house down. I’ve got to do laundry this week and I’ve got to do it indoors so I’ll need to build a fire. I’ll keep an eye on the forecast – I can build a fire and have the windows open if I have to today. It always makes me nervous to wait until Friday to do the laundry.

    I’m still on the pred, will titrate off it by Friday. The cortisone spray is definitely helping. I am having to apply it multiple times a day but there’s very little itching and the red is what my son called “healing red and not inflammation red”. Not going to mix & grill my breakfast sausages until it’s completely healed though so I’m back to precooked turkey sausage for a couple of weeks.

    Meanwhile I’m letting my breakfast settle before I get on the treadmill and had best be about my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  10. Good gray gloomy Monday morning, Moosekind! Yes, it’s overcast and 65 F. outside, but after all, it is autumn. There are even rumors of rain today.

    Have to spend the morning memorizing the script for “The Elevator” and wondering what to wear for the Authors’ Festival. Some of my plans are going to be ruined if I can’t find a place to change into my “Weird Cousin Ingrid from Stockholm” outfit.

    This afternoon I need to go to Office Depot or somewhere that to find a trifold posterboard thing. My little display for my authors’ table will look very amateurish. Too bad, I’m writer, not an artist.

    There’s some discussion about letting me sit on a high, cushioned (backless) stool while I’m in the “elevator.” I can’t do that. For one thing, I’m the world’s clumsiest person—I’ll knock over the stool, trying to climb up it, and that will bring the elevator set crashing down, and the play will be ruined. So they will have to think of something else.

    The darling Drama Club secretary actually came around yesterday to apologize for the behavior of Ms. Prunie Bitchikins, even though the situation certainly wasn’t her fault. Prunie is a control freak, so we are deeply thankful that her term as Board Chair will end in January. Secretary said she had in fact told me to appear at 1:30, so what the hell was the fuss about? Oh, well, onward and upward.

    That’s enough from me, do not wish to bore anyone. Have too much to do today to think about politics, so will not do so. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  11. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 70 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 93. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I saw the moonglow this morning on the wash but the moon was not where I could see it.

    Got sidetracked and now it is 8am and the day has started.

    See all y’all later!

  12. Tuesday Meese. 55 here in Kingston, only going up to 69. Keeping my eyes on Hurricane Helene.

    Puerto Rico

  13. Good morning. I slept in and will go to the gym at lunch. Or deal with an ant invasion in my kitchen. I sprayed some botanical stuff and I’m eating breakfast and trying to wake up enough to deal with it and work. I got some Penzey’s spices yesterday, looking for recipes to use them — after I wake up and deal with the ants.

  14. Good gray gloomy, misty, Tuesday morning, Meese! Who cares if it’s ugly-chilly outside—this is, after all, late September. If we can just dent our 6-inch rainfall deficit, that will make me happy for weeks. I think. It’s 62 F. right now in Ash-no-longer-quite-so-burned, going up to a whopping 68 F.

    A lot of us screwed up at rehearsal last night. I really will have to study the script. But I still have to coordinate opening the elevator door with the dialogue the characters are saying, and when the elevator door is closed, I can’t hear it. (Aside: this is the dumbest play ever written, and actors are complaining about having to say the same thing over and over again.) Oh, well, enough of that.

    LOTS to do today—Dearly is going off to the bank, after which I will go to the barbershop and then Navy Fed. I have to make signs for our booths at the Authors’ Festival. Will be SO GLAD when this week is OVER!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  15. It’s 63 heading for 78 and overcast. Yesterday we generated 5.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 284.89 lost more ground. But I’m generating about what I’m using in a day so I’m not losing ground there. We’re still on track to get at least 300.

    Had a fire last night – 84 in the den with the windows open – and dried the laundry in front of it. Just finished putting everything, including the racks, away. The cats were funny. Alternating between lying in front of the fire to get warm then sitting in the windows to cool off again.

    Got oatmeal-raisin-walnut bread in the oven. It should be out soon. Finished breakfast and took my pred. When my food settles I’ll get on the treadmill. Only needed the cortisone spray twice yesterday and haven’t needed it so far this morning. Getting better. Meanwhile, off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  16. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 79 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 97. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I saw the moon light this morning but not the moon. We are having a hot spell but the mornings are still cool.

    I can’t read the news – it sickens me that this presidential race is so close and that a lot of people are going to vote for the pile of human garbage running against Kamala Harris. I walk by them every day, I am sure, and that makes me want to vomit.

    I have a stack of projects that need attention from being off my computer most of yesterday waiting for a maintenance visit, so I need to get back to it.

    See all y’all later!

  17. Good morning. Yesterday’s workout was thoroughly cleaning the kitchen, unloading and loading the dishwasher and just getting rid of whatever was attracting the ants. Today I have a free workout at a women’s kickboxing place so I’m definitely doing that.

  18. Good gray drippy Wednesday morning, Moosekind! We’re getting little bits of rain here and there, nothing major. It’s going to be like this all week. Right now it’s 65 F., working up to 73 F.

    With two writers out of action, my Blue Ridge Writers are scrambling to fill the gaps. I’ll have to make two trips tomorrow to the display hall because I have to help set up two tables—one for me as an author, and one for our group.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the playwright sent more script changes yesterday, which I’ll have to enter into the script I already have. Also, I need to brush up on basic Swedish phrases so I can be convincing as Weird Cousin Ingrid tomorrow.

    Do you know anyone who is (1) fully dressed, (2) coherent, and (3) able to make buying decisions at 9 in the morning? The only three people I know all reside on this blog. I live in an old people’s home and believe me, blogSistahs, some people aren’t dressed until noon!

    Probably will not make an appearance tomorrow, considering I have to interview the Diversity Committee at 3 p.m. and if I’m not dead, I’d love to go to the “George and Gracie” show in the evening. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  19. It’s 58 heading for 80 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 8.6 KWHs and the m-t-d’s at 293 – if we can do even that much again today we’ll be over 300 for the month with 4 more days to go.

    Rough night then slept in. Not sure why. Not the poison ivy. Or my usual sinusitis. But something. Something with the cats too. I got up to almost full food dishes this morning. Sigh. I pulled the “usual suspects” – the Purina varieties, opened a new bag of Iams. They all ate some of that, Freddie more than the others. Cloud went back and ate some of his Pure Balance. Bobbie went back and ate some Purina Sensitive Systems. These cats are driving me nuts.

    I’m definitely behind my time so I’d best get to my boosting. I’ll do the treadmill later when I reach a good stopping point. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

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