Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 77 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 99. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Good Sunday Meese. The situation for my goddaughter’s family in rural Waycross GA is still dire. Help them get the word out –
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Feeling better, I managed to eat some risotto for dinner and I’m eating normal breakfast. I don’t know what the problem was, just glad it’s gone. I didn’t get much done yesterday, so I’m skipping church so I can get my cooking done. I have 2 packages of mushrooms that have to be used today. Tea is steeping, watching the local news. Got to cook next week’s breakfast, and some spinach/mushroom/artichoke blend that I like to have on hand.
Glad to hear you are better!
The sharp pain was really alarming. And that I was up every hour or so. It would be good to know what the deal was, but for now I’m glad it’s gone.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} So glad you’re doing better. Moar Healing Energy, Moar {{{HUGS}}}
It’s 66 heading for 85 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 11.9 KWHs and the m-t-d is 342. We’ll pass the 346 goal today and might, maybe even meet the 357 goal by end of tomorrow. Maybe. It’s being a satisfactory month – middle of the pack as it were.
I haven’t heard from my brother & I’m more than concerned. Definitely prayers up for FL – & GA – to get some help soon.
Finished my Sunday housecleaning chores and eating breakfast. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Monday Meese. 58 here – going up to 75. Looking at the devastation from Helene, hard to fathom it. Prayers lifted for all affected.
Puerto Rico
Good Monday morning, Moosekind. The news everywhere is awful. It’s unbelievable what Helene has done. It’s unbelievable what Bibi is doing.
Can’t believe it’s September 30! I was supposed to have finished editing the trilogy by today: instead, by focusing on it yesterday, I managed to get halfway through the second book. Hope to be able to focus on it tomorrow.
One of the writers in my group is dying. She returned to her apartment down the hall on Saturday, after hiring a hospice care nurse. It’s congestive heart failure. I’m going to see her this morning to take her the copies of the anthology she paid for. I’m told she wants to give them to her friends. It’s ironic that as hard as she worked on our book, she was in the hospital the day of the Authors’ Festival, so didn’t get to share the good vibes.
This afternoon I have to focus on trying to learn my part. At the Cue writing meeting on Saturday, I realized that most of the stage instructions for me are wrong. This play is difficult to stage, which was why the Play Selection Committee rejected it in the first place. Our recommendations for plays were overridden by the two biggest egos in the Drama Club, so here we are. Enough about that.
Like Jan, I am upset that the election is so close. HOW CAN ANYONE VOTE FOR THAT HYENA? Talked to my daughter last night for our usual hour and a half, and she told me she plans to watch the debate tomorrow night between Tim Walz and J. D. Guyliner.
When we woke up, it was raining steadily in a most satisfactory manner. Yesterday it simply looked ugly all day but did not rain seriously. It’s supposed to rain on and off all day today, and tomorrow, and Wednesday. Fine with me!
Prayers for all who are suffering today. Glad to hear anotherdemocrat is feeling better! Those gastric upsets are awful. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Ha! “J. D. Guyliner”
Only one of the men in that debate will be authentic. I hope the other one is exposed as the faux hillbilly puppet of the techbros and a person willing to sacrifice his wife and son on the altar of white male christianist supremacy.
At work, though I may have been overconfident about my stomach. I got my walk done, only 7 minutes running but that’s not nothin’. It was comfortably cool, our highs are still in the mid-90s, which is just wrong.
aaaand I had to come home…..taking a covid test in case the gastric distress is that – but I have no other symptoms
It’s 65 heading for 85 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 12.85 KWHs and the m-t-d is 354.7 – we’ll definitely reach the 357 goal and may reach the 364 to give us a new mid-range goal for Sept next year.
My power was out for an hour this morning. Came on 10 minutes ago. I still haven’t heard from my brother and I’m getting worried. Scratch that. I was already worried. I’m getting very worried. I know it’s probably just a power outage issue. But I’m still very worried. Seriously prayers up for him & his family – and everybody’s family hit by Helene.
Need to get started on my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
My brother just checked in. They’re all fine. The power was out for 3 days and a lot of damage was done to the property. He’s more concerned about friends in the Carolinas than himself. So. That part’s good.
Glad about your brother—also happy about this month’s kilowatts!
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 77 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 100. Sunny skies are in the forecast. A bat flitted by me on its way to the hummingbird feeders when I went out on my deck this morning. I need to be more aware – I do not want to startle them, or me! The waning crescent was not visible when I went out and I missed the chance to see her when she would have risen above the mountains at about 5am. I did see her yesterday and she was gorgeous. New moon is Wednesday.
Today is the last day of September and I have some projects that need to be dated today so I best get back to work. I will leave you with this bit of good news:
Maybe the Republican Party’s plans to end Social Security and Medicare are finally coming home to roost.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 45 and partly cloudy in Bellingham today. I asked RonK to do something important today, but neither one of us can remember what we need to do. Oh well, apparently important is relative! So RonK is taking his camera to the Eagle feeding ground on the Nooksack River and I’m drinking another cup of tea while trying to win the last two solitaire games for this month. I do like to win all of them but looks like I may not succeed this month.
Yesterday I exceeded my limits of outdoor work and the dreaded back pain returned, but this morning I’m ok so I need to be more careful today. I had wanted to keep the patios going for outdoor meals through Thanksgiving but the changing weather and the reality of how much walking and carrying I can do now means a change of plans. So the extra tables and chairs are all in the garage, the summer umbrellas and cushions are put away, spiders are evicted from the furniture that stays outdoors, planters are cleaned up, etc. After I finished I lit the candles and rested, a nice moment for reflection and gratitude. Best wishes to all.
I always try to win the Gold Trophy on my solitaire games by completing every day’s Daily Challenge. Sometimes I am late and my trophies do not have jewels in them so I work real hard on the last day to get them all done and caught up. Good luck on getting yours done!!
Tuesday Meese. 55 going up to 73. Have to go and get my routine blood work done – then get some writing done.No way I can stay awake for a 9PM debate so will watch when I wake up early morning.
Puerto Rico
Defeated Former Guy is a four-letter word beginning with “M” and ending with “O.”
Apparently he hates Puerto Ricans as much as he hates women and disabled people.
Love this Walz and dog video that Ono posted this morning over at Dkos
Good morning. Covid test yesterday was negative, so this is just something I ate, or just a normal stomach bug. Eating graham crackers for breakfast, and some nuts for protein. Getting ready for wfh.
Those stomach bugs are the worst! Glad you’re trying regular food gradually.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} Stomach bugs are horrible. I’m glad you’re managing to get something down. Healing Energy & Moar {{{HUGS}}}
Linda’s weekly MVP roundup posted
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s still raining in a most satisfactory manner. Yesterday between showers I went for a walk, the same route I used to take Monty. Everything looked beautifully autumnal: the wet pavements, the colored leaves lying on the grass, the grey, drippy skies. It was chilly, too, compared with what it has been.
Going to get a Covid vacc in a little while, then go to the barbershop. I’m not sure how I’ll feel afterwards. Tonight is Hispanic Heritage Night at the restaurants, so I’m wondering whether I’ll feel well enough to eat a Chicken Enchilada and some flan. However, the people who have felt awful following vaccs have been people who had both the Covid and ‘flu vaccs. I’m not allowed to have the kind of ‘flu vacc they give here (grown in eggs).
I had to stay an extra hour at rehearsal last night because I am so slow and stupid. I just can’t seem to coordinate the lights with opening and closing the elevator door. Bummer. I’ll be SO GLAD if I can get through this thing! Dearly is starting to grumble that I’m never home.
I saw my friend who’s in hospice care yesterday. Hope to visit her again today. When it’s my time to go I hope I handle it with as much grace as she is showing.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 73 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 102. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I have to go back to my fall and winter schedule for walks as it is too dark to walk at 6am and for the next month or so, the sun will come up at the highest peak of the Santa Catalina mountains and it take an additional 20 minutes to clear the mountaintops. I will move my morning walk to 7am but it may soon be 7:30am. I am looking forward to when I can add an afternoon walk, I hope by the end of the month.
It is October 1; six days until I receive my ballot in the mail and can bank my vote for Kamala Harris, Ruben Gallego, and Kirsten Engel, the person who will replace the vile Juan Ciscomani in Pastor Johnson’s US House of Representatives. We are also hoping to flip the state Senate and state House of Representatives blue and we have some good candidates who are spending money on advertising. PLUS, we can vote on the removal of the state’s abortion ban and enshrine reproductive rights in the Arizona constitution, a ballot initiative that is currently polling 67% to 30% in favor.
Happy 100th Birthday, Jimmy Carter! I hope that you can stay on this earthly plane long enough to see Kamala Harris elected and inaugurated.
I finished my hot project and now I am documenting the status of all the projects I set aside to complete that.
See all y’all later!
It was 58 when I got up, 64 now, and heading for 80 today. We finished up September with 367.39 KWHs! We have a new mid-range meet-or-beat. The worst October’s done is 208 and the best is 309. My hopeful/realistic target is 260 or better. We shall see what we shall see. Having missed 8 solid weeks of peak production, my 3rd quarter generation was lower than even the original 2.5K system. “Normal” annual generation is around 4 MWHs. This year we’ll be doing good to reach 3.
There was kibble still in 2 of the dishes this morning. Back to worrying about the cats. Sigh. Maybe put out more of the other kibbles and less of the Iams. We shall see on this too.
Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Energy for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 60 and cloudy in Bellingham today. I go to the lab for a blood draw today and then have a phone consult with the coagulation clinic tomorrow. So this is the new system and I need to adjust to the change. PT is on hold while Keith has some knee work done so I’d best remember to do the home exercise part. Best wishes to all.