Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: September 29th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Wednesday Meese. 57 here in Kingston, going up to a cloudy 66. My car battery died yesterday so had to take an Uber to go get blood work done. Sigh. Expensive short trip.

    Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico imports 85% of its food. Strikes at US docks could cause hunger in the island. The Jones Act monopoly imposes $1.5b yearly in additional costs for goods in PR. The inventory tax also causes shortages. That’s why Food Sovereignty is so urgent. Learn more:… pic.twitter.com/gXzCXlk3Dc— Power4PuertoRico (@Pwr4PuertoRico) October 1, 2024


    LGBTQ+ Puerto Rican history, activism and identity on display at Humboldt Park art galleryhttps://t.co/qkud7fk60u— Denise Oliver-Velez 💛 (@Deoliver47) October 2, 2024


    Unregulated Anti-Abortion Centers in Puerto Rico Deceive Vulnerable Patients Seeking Carehttps://t.co/hojpmAQ4me— Denise Oliver-Velez 💛 (@Deoliver47) October 2, 2024


  2. Good morning. I’m braving a normal breakfast, if all goes well I’ll exercise at lunch. The debate last night seems to have gone well. I’m waiting for the gifs of “you said you wouldn’t fact check”.

  3. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 72 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 97. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The weather widget says 72 but the thermometer on the deck says 86 – there is a hot breeze blowing in from the east. Last night it was difficult to fall asleep with the sounds of the wind and I think there will be a nap in my future.

    I did not watch the debate. A quick scan of the headlines suggests that a regular guy from the upper Midwest might not have matched up well with a glib liar who was invented by the techbros and who has no moral compass. I hope that the people saw who was genuine and who was a fictional character.

    I did watch the second games of the WNBA first round and was glad to see the New York Liberty take a 2-0 game advantage over the evil empire Las Vegas Aces. I hope they sweep them on Las Vegas’ home court! I was glad to see that the Minnesota Lynx came back and tied the Connecticut Sun and their series is 1-1 heading to Connecticut for two more games.

    I am working on getting unburied from my projects last month and starting back in on the project I had to set aside because of someone else’s timeline. I am making good progress but I should get back to it.

    See all y’all later!

  4. It was 46 when I got up, 50 now, heading for 84 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we started the month off well by generating 13 KWHs. Early days yet.

    Freddie isn’t eating much of the Iams but he is eating the kitten kibble. Cloud and Bobbie are still eating the Iams. So I think/hope everything’s OK with the cats.

    About a quarter of the folks on my needs list are artists & small businesses who haven’t been getting enough sales for over a year now. I was hoping this holiday season – when is when most of them get the bulk of their sales – was going to be better than last year but it doesn’t look like it. sigh. Anyway, off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  5. Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! This morning when I arose at 6:47 I went out to the porch and saw it was raining. Great Yemaya! Y’all probably think I’m nuts, but considering the gardeners here abandoned their plots in disgust well before summer’s end, I’m grateful for every tiny drop of rain we get. Why couldn’t this have happened in the summer? But one mustn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

    I’m still struggling with my part in the stupid play. The dry tech lady (what a peculiar term) is trying to help me, the playwright is trying to help me, so I shouldn’t be such a flaming b*tch.

    I need to work on Book 2 today or die in the attempt. Tried twice to see my friend in hospice care yesterday but was not able to. She was asleep. She needed her sleep because of all the visitors she’s had.

    Well, to work! Oh, BTW, my Witch friends on Facebark think Mr. Guyliner came off as a snake oil sales troglodyte. Lied with every breath he took. I still love Tim. Just ordered a shirt that says “Kamala 47.”

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  6. Good morning, 50 and partly cloudy outside my windows today. I watched as much of the debate as I could tolerate last night, but had to go sit in the garden for some fresh air before it ended. I just couldn’t listen to Vance’s spewing lies any longer. I’ll have more gardening distraction this afternoon when Bri is here to help me prune the Rugosa rose that has overtaken the veggi garden fence. Seems like most of what we do involve pruning, but that is the reality of maintaining of a mature garden. We haul truckloads of clippings away yet the garden looks untouched so I guess we’re meeting the challenge. Best wishes to all.

  7. Thursday Meese. 59 here in Kingston going up to 74.

    Puerto Rico held an important debate with the candidates for Gov. (ignored here of course)

    Debate sobre las elecciones para gobernador de Puerto Rico
    Puerto Rico gubernatorial election debate

    Was delighted to see comments supporting Dalmau:

    For the past 30 years I voted for the PNP, we are tired of the PNP and PPD continuing to say the same thing, promising the same thing, it’s over!! My Family and I will be voting for DALMAU, I have heard the same responses from the PNP and PPD for 30 years!! My Family and I want a change!! DALMAU 2024

    Dalmau is the best option. He is intelligent and surrounds himself with experts in each area that he serves for Puerto Rico, he has absolutely no baggage of corruption, he has proposals that always put the people as his top priority and he is well prepared to govern and hopefully he will also clean the house of the corrupt. Let’s vote for Dalmau for a better Puerto Rico!

    I am pnp but on this occasion I am going to give the vote to Dalmau

  8. Good morning. Walked this morning, I thought after 2 days of no exercise I’d ease back in. In the office, I think whatever it was has passed. Pleasant morning, but our highs are still in the mid 90s, which is just wrong. It’s October, I really should be wearing shoes.

    • {{{anotherdemocrat}}} I’m glad you’re feeling better. I hear ya about the temps. Ours will be ~90 today & the next few days, which is “recording breaking” for October. sigh. Moar Healing Energy. Moar {{{HUGS}}}

  9. Good Thursday moaning, Meese, what are we moaning about today? Not much in Northern Virginia. We’ve had some rain, the sun is coming out, and it’s 62 F. going up to 77 F., so alles ist gut.

    Very busy day today, what with trying to visit my friend at 9, haring off to Reston after that to do errands and meet Darling Niece and Future Director Great-Nephew for lunch at La Mad, then home for a nap and to memorize my part. It is so difficult, because my cues are lights and dialogue. I can’t always tell the difference between scene change lights and as for dialogue, I’m behind an elevator door, so it’s hard to hear.

    Making progress on the second book of the trilogy. Gotta run—will wear my orange “Kamala removes stubborn orange stains” t-shirt today. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  10. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 73 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 99. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Whatever was here blew through and left us with more comfortable temperatures. The metal railing on the porch was cool to the touch and when I breathed in the air it was refreshing. Hurrah! Normal October temperatures are for the high to top out at 85 degrees so that is not quite here but what I miss the most during the hot spells are the cool mornings.

    I am glad that the Jack Smith court documents are dropping before the election. People have a right to know the charges against tRump and why he is so desperate to win (or contest until his minions can stage a bloody coup) to stay out of prison. He won’t go to prison, of course, it would be impossible to protect him as is required by statutes, but it may just be the final blow to his fragile ego that sends him over the edge and finally breaks his hold on the Republican Party (the MAGA cult is lost forever).

    I have a few early morning projects to work on and will grab the energy from the newly waxing moon as I tie off September loose ends and develop a good project plan for October.

    See all y’all later!

  11. It’s 62 heading for 90 and sunny again. So far. Yesterday we generated 13.3 KWHs and the m-t-d at 26.5 is definitely on track for something good. Early days yet. We shall see what we shall see.

    I got my hair cut yesterday. I take extra masks with me “just in case” – just in case happened. The nice young man “couldn’t find any” in the back office. But he was fine with wearing the one I gave him. I told him when I paid & left that if he aired it out properly he could use it 2 or 3 more times when he had customers that requested masking. He didn’t say he would, but he did say it was a good idea to have a mask around “just in case”. Got groceries since there’s a grocery store next to the hair place. That, I hope, is/was my outing for the week.

    Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  12. Good morning. Once again just a walk, stomach was a little iffy; and I was already planning a double workout tomorrow. Anyway, I’m in the office, hoping today isn’t too crazy because there are going to be very few of us here.

  13. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 72 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 99. Mainly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    The hatred of The Other has created a bunch of demented people. The latest is a white male politician in Idaho screaming at a Native American woman running for a political office to “go back to where you came from!” Sheesh. Maybe she should tell him to go back to Lake Forest, Illinois and leave Idaho to the Idahoans.

    It sounds like the gender gap is finally reaching the economy with more women trusting Kamala Harris on the economy over tRump. Given that the economy (stupid) is still the top issue with most people, that is a good thing. Despite all the attention given to immigration, it is only a top issue for 40% of the country. Running on anti-immigrant hate might look good in the closed loop of MAGAt-brained people but may turn out to be a loser. I hope so!

    I found out that banking your vote early and dying is not a problem in most states but was a problem in Wisconsin. I was hoping out loud that Jimmy Carter could hang on long enough for his early vote to count and someone pointed out that in Georgia, a vote counts as long as it is cast by a living person. Arizona apparently is the same way. More incentive to get my vote in the mail as soon as I get the ballot next week in case some snowbird runs me over while I am crossing the street!

    I had an unproductive day yesterday and I am not even sure why – I thought I was getting things done! I think I need to concentrate on one thing at a time instead of trying to do too much at once.

    See all y’all later!

  14. Friday Meese. 53 here in Kingston, going up to a sunny 74. Glad to see Kamala get this endorsement from Springsteen

    Puerto Rico
    Blackout again ☹

  15. It’s 58 heading for 93 (possible record-breaker for this date) and sunny. Yesterday we generated 12.76 KWHs and the m-t-d at 39 is on track for something a lot better than we’re actually going to get. LOL.

    Cats seem to be OK. Which is good. I can’t seem to get rid of this rash – patches of it persisting on hands, arms, right leg, and a thankfully very little bit on my face. Sigh. That and my hands are cold are my “issues”. Otherwise I’m OK.

    Heading off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  16. Good Friday morning, Moosekind! Whereas yesterday was fine and warm, almost hot, today is overcast and they’ve turned the sprinklers on. It drenched our porch furniture, which luckily was cushionless. Right now in Ashburn the temp. is 67 F., going up to 77 F.

    Today I have nails at 3 and rehearsal at 8. Will spend most of the day studying the script. I am simply thunderstruck by Liz Cheney, who is exhibiting signs of being human. Adam Kinzinger is too. Perhaps one day we’ll get our country back before our beautiful Earth disappears.

    It’s time to get cleaned up to go to exercise, then home to study the script. If only it weren’t so difficult. I can recite whole passages from Keats’ odes, Swinburne’s poems, and Shakespeare’s sonnets, but those all make sense. This script requires me to recognize cue lights and perform motions while saying lines. I’ve never been well coordinated, which is one reason I did not engage in sports.

    That’s such a first-world problem. The awfulness of Helene is mind-boggling. Where will all those displaced people live? It’s like a war zone out there.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and the poor souls who lost everything because of Helene.

  17. Good morning, 51 and raining in Bellingham today. I’m watching the leaves turn color on my old maple trees, feeling grateful to see the season change once again. My sleep is disturbed with tRump angst again so I’m weary and absent minded. Today I will “fix” my iPad password so I can check in with the moose when reading there. Trying to keep passwords straight on my windows computers and apple devices is challenging me lately.

    Diana, the Rugosa rose is indeed full of rose hips and I am tempted to brew a tea and see how it tastes. Thanks for the nice photo Dee. Time to collect my self and try to do something more than laundry today. Best wishes to all.

  18. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 73 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 99. Sunny skies are in the forecast. There is a gentle cool breeze passing over the deck this morning.

    Thank goodness Biden worked the phones to get the dock strike ended. The resulting shortages and price hikes would have been an October surprise that would likely have freaked out voters who are starting to believe that the economy is getting better. It is going to be bad enough that Bibi’s wars will cause gas prices to spike.

    Election Day is one month from today. I will vote next week and send positive energy to my fellow Arizonans to reject fascism and vote as if our democracy hung in the balance – because it does.

    See all y’all later!

  19. Good morning. Trying to wake up and get going. I might end up doing my walk/run at the gym, because it is already too hot to exercise outside. But first: breakfast, laundry and cooking. And I should start working on my music diary for the 26th, close enough to Halloween for that to be the theme.

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