Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 72 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 100. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. Brrr – cold here in Kingston – 44!
Puerto Rico
Good morning. I’ve got my tea steeping, will pack up next week’s lunches later. Never made it to the gym yesterday, will try again today. Got tomorrow’s clothes and workout stuff set out — still capris & sandals. well, not for the workout. But our highs are in the mid-90s. Weather person joked that at least with this heat, no one attending the Austin City Limits fest is going to love the weather & decide to move here.
BMS posted
I didn’t know he was from Texas.
Good gorgeous autumn Sunday morning, squirrels! When we woke up it was 50 F. The high today will be 75 F.
Yesterday was very busy. Went to see my friend in hospice care, who is giving away her jewelry to her friends. She gave me a beautiful pentacle centered with a garnet, among other things. I immediately put it on and it brought me luck. I was going to reserve it to wear at the Winter Solstice ritual, but I like it so much I want to wear it every day.
Didn’t get to work on Book 2 of the trilogy yesterday, so I’m determined to do it today. Even BOUGHT tonight’s dinner so I won’t be distracted by cooking! Dearly will watch the Washington Commies, who have been doing surprisingly well lately.
I am drying the area rugs I washed yesterday on the screened porch again today. They take a long time to dry. Can’t put them in the dryer because of the rubber backing.
Time to get to work! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
Whoops, typed the wrong appellation! I’m still half asleep, sorry. All at the Moose Pond should know it’s a gorgeous day.
You regularly converse with squirrels? :)
They chatter a lot. :)
It’s 69 heading for 90 and sunny but cooling front moves in tonight. Tomorrow’s predicted to only reach 80. Yesterday we generated 12.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 63.7 is still headed for something good.
Because it will be 50 in the morning & wet grass, I’ll open all the windows in the afternoon, light a fire, and do laundry to hang indoors. It’s October and the highs are supposed to be in the 70s with fires every evening. Nope. Not this year.
The cats are still in the “ain’t great but I’ll eat it” situation. Between the 4 foods I’m putting out they’re getting enough. (Unless somebody’s not eating and Bobbie’s eating more than his share. Which is what I’m afraid of and why I try to keep an eye on Freddie and Cloud.) My son just called. He & his wife are going motorcycle riding with some friends so he may or may not be back in time for the usual Sunday visit. I told him to have fun.
Finished my Sunday cleaning chores. Back and hands aren’t happy. Oh well. It’s done for another week. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 49 and partly cloudy in Bellingham. Leaves are falling, the veggie garden is nearly done, and spider webs are everywhere……the season is changing. I’m sleepy but restless this morning so time for coffee and then to sort out my day. Best wishes to all.
Monday Meese. 59 here in Kingston, going up to 71. Amazing how many fools who live in the path of Hurricane Milton are going to vote for Rs who voted against relief funding.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Back to walk/run — up to .83 mi running, out of 1.4 all together. Tough anniversary today, holding a good thought for all my Jewish friends.
It’s 55 heading for 80 and sunny at the moment. We got some clouds yesterday and only generated 10.5 KWHs. The m-t-d is 74 – as long as we manage to generate in double digits, we’re on track for something good.
The house isn’t completely open yet – too chilly – but it will be when I light the fire this afternoon and do laundry. Which will quite nicely heat the house up in preparation for the predicted overnight of 40.
Far as I know all my folks are OK. Nobody’s let me know otherwise anyway. Heading off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Another beautiful but bone-dry day has dawned in Ashburn. The current temp is 66 F., going up to 72 F. or thereabouts.
Although I had a good night’s sleep, I still feel quite slow and stupid. Just drank another cup of coffee, so it’s to be hoped I can get going on my chores. Yesterday I finished editing Book 2 of the trilogy and started on Book 3. However, today I MUST get to the gym—yesterday’s regime of skipping gym and eating has done me in.
Also have to read and comment on my writers’ essays, some of which are quite funny. And, oh, yes, study my script. I don’t see how I can go “off book,” as there is so much to remember. If it were just lines, I could do that, but it’s cues, lights, and buzzers. Can’t wait for this wretched thing to be over.
What else…I do want to visit my friend in hospice today. Is she ever popular! Her bedroom is always filled with visitors. Hope my own going-out will be as graceful and well attended as hers. She is such a lovely woman.
As anotherdemocrat says,
Can’t believe DeathSantis is refusing federal aid for Florida. I’m suffering from angst, just like princesspat.
Th-th-that’s all from me today, folks! Wishing everyone at the Pond a good day and let’s hope no meese wander into your houses!
Good morning, 49 and cloudy in Bellingham today. I clipped three red dogwood stems to add to an end of the summer garden bouquet, helped Ron cook a salmon taco dinner and that was about it from me yesterday. My quiet life is quiet indeed! I cannot avoid my desk any longer so that’s where I’ll be as soon as I finish my solitaire games. Nice to have priorities :) Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 86 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 99. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. It was 72 degrees on my early morning walk which was delightful. Last night there was a pretty little waxing crescent in the SW sky.
I think I can safely ignore the headlines – I wish I could more easily ignore the TV commercials that are literally 90% of all ads on the shows I watch. The only safe one is the Accuweather cable channel so that is my “resting” TV station. The tradeoff is that they have all the Shriner’s commercials and a lot of drug ads which are annoying.
I spent all morning working on an issue that could turn out to be a major drain on my productivity this week. I am going to take a break from it for a while and see if I can figure out a workaround or if I have to crank up a big project.
See all y’all later!
Tuesday Meese. It’s 42 (brr) here in Kingston this morning.
Puerto Rico
Bad Bunny’s new billboards
“These elections are about overcoming fear. If the Alliance wins, the world will not end, what will end is corruption.” @RiveraLassen in her final turn in the debate for the Resident Commissioner.
Good morning. Did my walk/run, middle 19 minutes was running, .89mi. It’s harder in the neighborhood because both the lighting & surface are uneven. Anyway, getting ready for wfh day. I hope someone answers the phone/calls me back/sends in the stupid new form that they waited till a month after school started to decide we have to get from parents. (do I sound a little annoyed?) Plan is to log off early this afternoon, but I frequently fail at that. Anyway, happy Tuesday y’all. Holding good thoughts for Florida.
Good beautiful autumn Tuesday, Meese! It’s 54 F. at the moment, going up to 71 F. later. Must get hair done, work on essays, and work on Book 3! My friend is back from her travels after two months in a campervan, so I assume she’ll be getting in touch any day now about how work on the trilogy is going, and here I am, just beginning to edit Book 3.
Rehearsal last night was annoying, but better. I wonder if I should announce floors in a different accent for every performance. The play is set in New York City. As of October 21, we have to start rehearsing every night. It bugs me rather that I am the least important character, the only one who doesn’t even rate a costume, the one who isn’t even seen until the final bows, and yet I have to be there all through the play. Oh, well, it does give me something to gritch about!
Haven’t seen the moon yet but I have seen Cesar, the delightful shuttle bus driver, who helped me look for the full moon one night when I couldn’t see it. I jumped on his bus and we went round the whole complex. We never saw it, but after he went home that night, he took a picture of it and showed me the next day. He’s such a sweetie.
Daughter is making her way back from Cape Cod, where she has been with Hubby and the dogs the last few days. She said the beaches are too short and too rocky. The weather was awful, too.
Yesterday I experienced hours of horror because I lost my phone. We had just made contingency plans when someone found it, took it to the Front Desk, and FD returned it while I was at rehearsal. The first thing I did was stick an address label on the back and reinforce it with scotch tape. I’m going to make the time to do a “Find my” on all my Apple devices.
Dearly taped “60 Minutes” for me, and I asked him to tape “The View,” which I don’t normally watch, because Kamala is on both of them.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It was 40 at dawn, 55 now, heading for 82, and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 12.6 KWHs and the m-t-d at 86.8 is still headed for something good for the month.
We’re warming daily through Saturday, then dropping again. Next week’s looking at highs in the 70s and I will probably have fires most if not all evenings. I had one yesterday – with all the window open – and did laundry. Raised the temps in the kitchen/den area to 84 even so. I closed up at bedtime though and it was still 72 in here when I got up this morning. I’ll open the windows when it gets to 65 outside. Baked molasses spice walnut raisin bread this morning. It’s cooling now and the house smells lovely.
My son came over this morning to drop off the produce he’d have brought me Sunday if he hadn’t been otherwise occupied. Crazy happenings for him. The local chain he works for had been losing profit for years and as of the last 2 quarters was actually losing money. All except his grab-and-go which is all that’s been keeping the chain from going in the red altogether. yesterday the owner closed all 7 full stores. He’ll all that’s left. And as long as he keeps doing as well as he has been, that grab-and-go will stay open. The owner will be paying him his full salary and bonuses even though the grab-and-go is closed during the summer. (It’s in a university building that has the cafeteria and “commons” for the 4 original dorms that surround it and is only open while the students are in residence.)
Worried about my brother & family. Maybe – after almost 50 years – it’s time for him to leave FL. And bring his sons and grandson with him. But that’s up to him/them of course. Anyway, off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 57 and rain will be here soon. I got my desk mess organized yesterday so now I can actually do the work. I stopped when frustration with the printer and 3rd party ID codes became to annoying so I hope I can cope better today. Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 95 degrees in Tucson with mostly sunny skies. I did get a walk in when it was still in the low 70s so that is good.
Quick check-in as I needed to spend time on an emergency project today. I got my mailer from the Democratic Party to help me sort through all the ballot initiatives. It was pretty easy; yes on 139 and no on all the others, vote against retaining the two Supreme Court justices who literally wanted us to return to frontier laws.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. I actually only woke up twice last night — maybe the exercise is finally helping me sleep. Anyway, getting ready for more wfh today, and I’ll go to the gym at lunch.