Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: October 13th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 66 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 97. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 43 and raining here in Kingston.

    Puerto Rico

  3. Good morning. Great workout yesterday, not a full mile because there were 2 hills I had to stop and walk. Today: church and cooking. Lots of cooking. For now, I’m relaxing enjoying the smell of my tea and watching the local news.

  4. It’s 73 heading for 86 and sunny. Yesterday we generated 11.35 KWHs and the m-t-d at 145.6 is still heading for something good.

    Got on the computer this morning to a black screen. After a hard reboot & still a black screen I tried plugging it in. And spent the next 45 minutes waiting for it to do updates. I guess it started to do updates on battery and ran it out of juice or something. Who knows. And I probably don’t have sound but it’s so late I’m not going to check now. (If I don’t have sound I have to shut it down, let it rest 10 minutes, then bring it back up again.) Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  5. Monday Meese. Had really bad thunderstorms last night which kept us awake. Thankfully they are now over.

    Puerto Rico

  6. Good morning. Just did a walk this morning, do so much cooking & housework yesterday, and planning a double workout tomorrow. Anyway, here I am in the office. The Europa Clipper is supposed to launch today, I hope all goes well.

  7. Good Monday moaning, Moosekind! What are we moaning about today? The wind, for it gusteth up to 14 miles per hour. It was 27 mph yesterday. All this is ushering in a cold front that will not, of course, bring us any much-needed rain. Right now it’s 61 F. under a clearing sky in Ashburned.

    Spent the weekend going hell for leather on the freelance job, turned it in this morning. I do hope I’ll get paid eventually.

    I feel queasy and uneasy. Have just realized I can’t participate in the last postcard-writing party here because of rehearsal. No one told me when I joined the Drama Club that it would take over my life. I can’t even go to tea with Dearly at Younger Son’s house because of a lousy Board meeting this afternoon.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I plan to go to the gym for the first time in days. My weight was up 4 ounces this morning, which was displeasing. There are numerous writing chores ahead of me, in addition to the ongoing chore of memorizing the script.

    Feeling gloomy. Will try not to listen to any news today. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

    • I am feeling gloomy from the news too. I don’t need to be told how awful another tRump presidency would be, I know all too well – but the news is filled with dread. All I can do is vote.

  8. It’s 51 heading for 73 and sunny. Yesterday we generated 11.29 KWHs and the m-t-d at 156.6 is still on track.

    A lot cooler this week. Definitely fires in the evenings at least through Friday. Had a nice visit with my son yesterday afternoon. He’s concerned about/has to have a talk with store owner about how payroll is to be managed now that all the other stores and the corporate office have been shut down. Since his was the only store making money, his is the only store left open. And that’s being interesting. All the old customers are calling him to see if he can do delivery (of course he can’t – it’s a grab-and-go with very limited selection on campus and only open during the long semesters). I can sort of understand why the owner decided on a clean sweep since it did allow him to close the corporate office as well but I still think it would have been a good thing to have left the original just off campus store open. Oh well. Not my decision.

    Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  9. Good morning, 51, rainy and windy in Bellingham today. Leaves are turning color falling so leaf raking season is officially here. We rake the leaves to the lawn and keep the sidewalks clear and then the yard service collects them. We used to mow and compost the leaves but that’s to much work for us to do now. Time for tea and solitaire and then to decide what to do with the rest of my day. As always. my best wishes to all.

  10. Good afternoon, meeses! Monday …

    It is 94 degrees and sunny in Tucson 🌵. I had appointments this morning and just got back and had lunch. Now I will play word games and maybe watch my Badger Women’s Hockey game from yesterday where they beat the UMD Bulldogs 7 to 3. They are ranked #1 in the country and have a nice mix of veterans and new players and are fun to watch.

    See all y’all later!

  11. Tuesday Meese. It’s only 35 degrees here this morning in Kingston – going up to 56. :(
    Trying to fight off the emotional gloomies and stay positive when faced with the fact that I live in a country filled with so many hateful people.

    Puerto Rico

    “Hope conquers fear. The San Juan Alliance visited the Jardines de San Ignacio Cooperative, where projects and proposals for the community were discussed”

    • Trying to fight off the emotional gloomies and stay positive when faced with the fact that I live in a country filled with so many hateful people.

      I hear ya, Sis. Eugene Robinson told us in this morning’s column in the WaPo to stop doomscrolling and get out and vote. Well, I will, on the day. Gubernator Dumbkin abolished the most convenient early voting sites, so I choose to vote on November 5th.

    • This is where I am at, also: “faced with the fact that I live in a country filled with so many hateful people.”

      I drive past houses and businesses with Trump signs and it saddens me that I have to share air with those people. I look at the people around me, mostly men with a certain look who drive pickup trucks, and realize that they despise me and want me to not be able to vote because I am a woman and who want my daughter to be rounded up and sent somewhere because she does not look like them. Even though I live in a Blue county and a Blue metropolitan area with a lot of diversity, the MAGAt cloud of hate is ever present. I will be glad when the election is over and we are victorious and can reclaim America for those who want personal security and bodily autonomy and the social safety net and Good Government.

  12. Good morning. Did my walk/run — .9 mi on a nice cool morning. Definitely going to do that mile really soon. Watching astronomy, getting ready to work.

  13. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 64 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 90. Sunny skies are in the forecast. We are expected to have a couple more days of 90s then we will have more typical October weather which is lows of 60s and highs of 80s. October is normally one of the most pleasant months to live in Tucson and we have been waiting mostly patiently for it to “begin.”

    I am going to be selective in my reading for the next 22 days so that I can focus mental energy on positive things like voter turnout and Democratic enthusiasm in the run-up to the election. It won’t be easy – I control what I click on but I can’t control the things blared at me from my TV and the ridiculous street signs. On one of my frequent drives, there are a series of tRump signs every block that are short and to the point like “Trump Lower Prices Kamala Higher Prices” or the even more ignorant “Trump Safety Kamala Crime.” We expected the “Trump Secure Borders Kamala Open Borders” as it has been the theme literally since tRump descended the escalator in New York in 2015 claiming that Mexican rapists were coming across the border to kill you. I still don’t understand the Hispanic men who obviously have no mirrors and think that somehow tRump’s mass deportation will pass them by because they are not dangerous. What part of “it’s how you look, stupid” don’t they get?

    I am still waiting for my ballot – apparently they are delivered to the post office in batches and even though it says “Mailed on October 9th” that does not mean they will be delivered by the 12th as one would expect. With the mail holiday, I hope to see the ballot today.

    I finished gathering hours for my September billings and now I know why I am exhausted – I had multiple projects going at once including one with a hard deadline plus two “emergency” projects. I think I finally have a good to-do list and a reasonable plan to start working on it. The baseball season is over for me, it is going to be two teams with billion dollar salaries in the World Series – I wish both could lose! Fortunately, I have college sports to fill the gap: volleyball, women’s hockey plus the women’s basketball season will start on November 4th.

    See all y’all later!

      • You should talk! Your “retirement” is hardly one of leisure!! :) But you are doing only things you want to do, so there is that.

        I think that I have about 6 more months of “doing projects that have to be done” and then I will down to only doing projects I want to do. It does not hurt to be adding to my retirement savings rather than living off it for about two years longer than I expected.

  14. Good glorious Tuesday morning, Meese! Right now it’s 49 F. in bone-dry Ashburn, going up to, let’s see, 60 F.

    Still trying to stay away from the news. Today will be another crazy day of trying to get everything done. My weight was even worse this morning, but that was the half-slice of carrot cake (my favorite) I had for dessert. Today I’ll behave better.

    Last night’s rehearsal was a disaster! The elevator door didn’t work smoothly in its tracks, there’s still no mike-on-a-stand, people forgot their lines, I stepped on someone’s lines, and the light cues didn’t always work. We have reached the awful stage where we have to rehearse every single night. I am going to write a one-act play that will be so much better than this that all will be amazed, not to mention stupefied.

    Well, that’s it from me. Need to rush to the gym before I get my hair done. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  15. It’s 46 heading for 69 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 11.67 KWHs and the m-t-d at 168.33 is still heading for something good.

    I’ve seen the moon every night for over a week! That hasn’t happened in over a year. Clouds did move in about the time She would have come through my bedroom window and covered my bed with moonlight, but I saw her on my last trip outside early in the evening. Got that eye doctor appointment today. At 1:30 so heaven only knows when I’ll be back. Odds are good I’ll be the only person in the building wearing a mask. Sigh.

    Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • I have been seeing the moon rise over the mountains the past week! She will be full on Thursday in the early morning and then will be new again on November 1st, perfect timing for the election. I like the feel of newly waxing moon energy for important projects and there is no more important project this year than electing Kamala Harris and Democratic Senators and House Members. I was reading an article suggesting that it is important for people in red states and blue states to vote in bunches so that when tRump loses, it is a popular vote landslide. Yes, the electoral college is how the president is selected but if we beat the Republicans by many millions, it will make it harder to claim that the election was stolen from them. The abortion referendums in red states should help bring out the voters – I hope they can be convinced to cast a vote for Kamala.

  16. Good morning, 54 and cloudy in Bellingham today. RonK just left with his camera but I’m slow to start my day. We are going to dinner with my friend who has been so sick to celebrate her 80th birthday tonight. I’m so grateful she is as well as she is and that we can share a birthday moment together. I’ll go to the flower shop soon for a few fresh flowers to add to what I’ve got growing and make her a birthday bouquet from (mostly)our garden. Best wishes to all.

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