Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: October 20th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good afternoon, meeses!

    It is 91 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high around 95. Sunny skies.

    Another too busy day that is not finished but I thought I better check in before it becomes “evening.” My vote has been put in a batch and is ready to count. Woohoo!!

    See all y’all later!

  2. Good Thursday morning, Meese! It’s windy outside this morning and we woke up really late. Dearly is sacked out because he had such an awful night, but I’ve got to get our breakfast and coffee going. I have to hustle, because I have nails at 11.

    Started getting a fat lip during rehearsal last night. I wish I knew what it is that gives me the pink itchy tide on ears and throat, and fat lips. The dentist doesn’t know. The dermatologist doesn’t know. It’s either stress or something in the atmosphere, so if hasn’t disappeared by the time of the first hard frost or the end of this play, I’ll have to do a spell.

    But enough about that. I hear our candidate had a marvelous town hall last night!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  3. Good morning. Did my walk/run — 42 minutes, 21 of it running. 1.7 miles, .98 of it running. In the office, hope I last the day because my eyes snapped open at 4:05am. Ugh.

  4. Thursday Meese. 57 here in Kingston, going up to 54. Cancelled my subscription to the LA Times.

    Puerto Rico

    “On October 22, 2024, two weeks before Puerto Rico’s general election, BUDPR hosted a conversation with two leaders and candidates from the Citizens’ Victory Movement (MVC), the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) and their Alianza de País to discuss the electoral process in Puerto Rico. As allegations of fraud and voter suppression surfaced in the weeks before the election, Cristina Pérez and Gabriel Casal Nazario shared insights from the campaign, provided an insider’s view of the electoral process, and discussed how we can all support fair and inclusive democratic processes in Puerto Rico.”

    (racist/homophobic TV puppet head shown – ‘La Comay’ )

    • Hi, Sis! What did the LA Times do? You’re the second person who’s said she canceled her sub to the LA Times this morning.

      I hear the troglodytic Nate Silver is predicting Thing will win.

      • The LA Times is owned by a Trump Billionaire Pal and refused to endorse Kamala. The woman who runs the editorial page resigned in protest. I hope someone hires her.

      • p.s. I look forward to hearing about Nate Silver being wrong again. He is now known mostly for being wrong and for looking like a doodiehead for his claims that people are mean to him. Meh.

  5. It’s 65 heading for 88 – possibly/probably another record-breaking day today. Yesterday it clouded up a bit and we only got 8.68 KWHs. The m-t-d at 265 did beat the 264 goal so that’s nice. Next goal is 276 and while I doubt we’ll get there today, we should tomorrow before midday.

    I got my new glasses yesterday and I’m trying to get used to them. Not only are they a new Rx but I haven’t worn glasses at all for 6 months. My eyes and head are starting to member about looking through different parts to the glasses depending on what I’m trying to look at. LOL. While I was out I went by the Court House and voted. So mine’s banked for this election. I wish I thought we’d get rid of Womack but I know better. sigh.

    I’ve seen the moon every day this month, at least once. Right now it’s only once because She’s not rising until well after midnight and is still too high in the sky to see from my west-facing bedroom window when I get up. I have to go outside to see her. No problem. I put out food for neighborhood cats right after I’ve fed my own. Anyway, off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • I saw the moon just barely this morning at 3am – she was about to disappear out of my field of vision from the edge of my deck which faces east. It is so comforting to see her.

  6. Good morning, 45 and cloudy in Bellingham this morning. Busy day yesterday, but our house and garden are as ready for the weekend. Today I have flowers to arrange, food to prep, and some desk work to do. Thankfully Sue will be here to clean the house. Election angst is a constant worry so it’s good I have family work to distract me. Best wishes to all.

  7. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 77 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 91. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The weather guessers are saying we will be going back into the blast furnace over the weekend with highs possibly into the 100s then winter weather for a couple of days then back to fall weather.

    I can’t bear to look at the headlines or the polls. That Kamala is not up by double digits in every poll is unfathomable. The American people have managed to put the tRump years – including the pandemic, the collapse of the economy, the bloody coup – into the memory hole and seem poised to either elect tRump or make it so close that it will be litigated all the way to the Supreme Court where the outcome will be decided by the most corrupt court in a generation. Goddess help us.

    I should probably be glad that I am ridiculously busy as there is less time to worry. Today I hope find time to get to a new ice cream store that is opening: “Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream.” Apparently it is well known in certain parts of the country as the best ice cream ever. I am ready! First I have to finish up a couple of projects and make some notes on what is left to do on others.

    See all y’all later!

    • I don’t mail anything in an unattended mailbox outside after hours. I always go inside the post office and use those mail bins. It sucks to have to do that but there are too many jerks in this world. A mailbox is, by design, open and there is nothing to stop someone from putting all sorts of things in there that would wreck the mail. I hope that the people who mailed ballots that got ruined are tapped into the Ballot Return site and watch the news. Maricopa County is pretty Democratic so those are probably votes for our candidates. :(

  8. Friday Meese. 38 degrees here in Kingston, going up to only 63.

    I hope women will wake up and vote Dump out. Thought I’d share this:

    Puerto Rico

  9. Good morning. Just a walk this morning, planning a double workout tomorrow. Need to tweak my music diary for tomorrow — y’all are coming, right? 6pm central time, at the orange place. Excited for today’s Harris rally in Houston. It’s going to be huge. Beyonce will be there, and some other big names. tfg is coming to Austin, his rally will be at a private air hanger, I bet less than 1,000 people show up.

    • The news accounts suggest that Ted Cruz could possibly lose to Colin Allred. That would be magnificent!!

  10. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 66 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 93. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The moon is still visible in the early morning eastern sky but she is only at 38% illumination this morning.

    Oh, keerist! The berners are claiming that unless Kamala full-on embraces Bernie Sanders’ rhetoric, she is doomed. Fk them with a rusty anvil, we owe them nothing – they gave us the current 6-3 right-wing Supreme Court majority which led directly to the repeal of Roe v Wade and the protection of Donald J Trump from any and all actions while president even fomenting a bloody coup to stay in power. The only way – literally the only way – that Joe Biden won in 2020 was by convincing Republicans to vote for him in purple states. If there is any scent that Kamala will govern leftier than Joe Biden when it comes to the economy, they will fill in the oval for Thing and his Billionaire Pal’s Puppet. Goddess save us from the purists.

    I need to update my notes for a full weekend of work. Nothing I worked on this week went as planned and I am behind again. At least tomorrow and Sunday I can work at my own pace.

    See all y’all later!

  11. It’s 72 already but only going to 83 – mostly sunny but cloudy enough I didn’t see the moon this morning. Yesterday we generated 9.44 KWHs and the m-t-d at 274.6 is less than 2 from reaching the next/closest goal. There’s a gap between the 275 in ’17 and the 308.6 we did in ’15 but anywhere in between is still fantastic and with 7 days of production left getting to 309 is very possible.

    Still getting used to my glasses. But I am getting used to them so that’s good. Thinking of Fineena – 4th Wednesday was her ‘payday’ and I always called to remind her. Things like take. But no pain & with her dogs. . . it’s better for her.

    Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • Someone told me that the departed aren’t really gone, they’re in the next room. It’s just that there’s no signal there.

      I think of Fineena all the time. Every day I put my tea mug on the beagle coaster she sent me.

      • Sort of what a friend said to me at Momma’s memorial. They’ve just gone to a place Ma Bell doesn’t have service.

  12. Good Friday morning, Moosekind. Guess who just had a cup of tea and some aspirin. Yup, headache already. The author is giving me grief because I didn’t format the books and add chapter headings. Lawks, I have never done a TOC in my whole life! I’m not a desktop publisher, I’m an editor and writer. Anyway, the friend who got me the job is very displeased by the author’s heavy-handedness and is prepared to step in if there are any further remarks.

    Sigh. Well, we’re having another gorgeous day with no rain (7 inches under for the year, mind you). When I go for walks I make a point of noticing colors and scents and the slow leaf-dance of the breeze blowing leaves off the trees.

    Dearly has just come home from the doctor and will need lunch and a nap. His macular degeneration grows worse. As for me, I only screwed up once last night on my cue—gotta work on that part. Otherwise, we ran through the play from start to finish and it’s 40 minutes.

    Feel too depressed to make any political remarks. Don’t understand why Melon Husk isn’t in jail for bribing voters.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and a great day to Kamala and Beyonce in Houston!

  13. Just cancelled my subs to the LA Times and WaPo. Subscribed to the Philly Inquirer instead.

    • I subscribed to the Philadelphia Inquirer when they first offered their special rate. Unfortunately, I can’t afford their normal monthly price ($26) and will have to cancel when the trial is over. I subscribe to the Tucson paper and the Phoenix paper and I am blessed to have a friend who has added me to her “family” subscription to the New York Times. That will have to do.

  14. Good morning. On my way to my crack-of-dawn workout. Hope my stomach doesn’t interfere like last week. The Harris rally last night in Houston was awesome. Both Willie Nelson and Beyonce spoke, the crowd was enormous and ecstatic. Here’s Willie:

  15. Good Saturday morning, Meese! It’s 59 F. in bone-dry Ashburn at half-past nine. The high today will be 70 F. White veils of cloud are drifting across the blue and a restless little breeze is encouraging the leaves to drift away. Will it ever, ever rain bigly again? If it ever does, I’ll reproduce my one and only attempt at free verse here.

    I was so exhausted and depressed yesterday that I screwed up twice during rehearsal last night. Then, just to make things perfect, I woke up at 4 blinking o’clock this morning. Couldn’t get back to sleep, so decided to make a cuppa. However, Dearly was awake as well, so we had a cuppa together.

    I’m angry with the machines in the gym because they keep cutting out 10 minutes into my workout. If I ever see the person in charge hanging around next week, I’ll speak to them about it. Doing half an hour a day on the treadmill has done wonders for my weight and my figure, so I’m not thrilled at the prospect of no 30-minute workout on the treadmill.

    My problems are so first-world! As soon as this play is over, I’m going to roll up all the coins we’ve collected and exchange them for actual money. Then I’ll give the actual money to charity. I like to give to Toys for Tots, for one.

    Debating whether to boycott Amazon. Groan! It’s so handy! However, I canceled my digital sub to the Washington Poop. Dearly said he doesn’t mind canceling the print edition. I’ll feel terrible if I don’t know what the weather is in Kyiv, London, Lisbon, Montreal, and Stockholm, but I suppose I can find a place on the Net with the daily highs and lows. I also will have to find a place that lets me know the phases of the moon.

    That’s enough nonsense from me today. Back to bed I go, to catch up on my sleep! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and a GREAT day to Madame Auntie Vice President Harris!

  16. It’s 59 heading for 76 today. Overcast mostly – at the moment. Yesterday we generated 9 KWHs and the m-t-d at 283.59 is already 2nd highest production in the life of the system and is heading for first if it generates another 25 before the month’s out.

    It was cloudy this morning but there was a gap and I saw the crescent moon as I was heading to the Farmers Market for apples. That’s all I go for any longer. Too many people and none of them masked. Got enough to last 3 weeks. Mixture of Winesap and Granny Smith. So one more trip mid-November before they shut down for the winter.

    Still getting used to the new glasses. Relearning that I have to turn my head and not just move my eyes to focus on things. Oh well. Heard from Julie/Joker – Fineena’s ashes, and those of her beloved dogs, were scattered on some property just outside Charlotte owned by her friend Kevin. Kevin is the last remaining/surviving “client” of her non-profit to assist AIDS/HIV+ folks with their animals so they could have the comfort of them until the end. He’s been a very good friend to her all these years.

    Anyway, time to be about my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  17. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 77 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 95. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I saw the pretty waning crescent in the early morning sky. She still had enough illumination to bathe the deck in light!

    Sadly, I can’t cancel my WaPo subscription because I already cancelled it when Bezos hired the odious man from WSJ as their publisher. The billionaires really are taking over, aren’t they? Goddess help us.

    I am going “news lite” today and will watch sporting events on TV. MAGAts are punching election workers in the face in Texas and I need a break.

    See all y’all later!

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