Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: November 17th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 41 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 57. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 35 here in Kingston, going up to 64. Wildfires here are now about 80% contained.

    Puerto Rico
    Mayor walks through flooded communities, but does not get out of official vehicle

    Adopt a pothole

    National pride and the desire to return will always be in the mind and heart of a Puerto Rican.

    En mi Viejo San Juan
    Together with La Borinqueña and Preciosa, “En mi Viejo San Juan” is considered a national anthem by many Puerto Ricans, especially those who live far away from their Caribbean homeland, Puerto Rico

    Kike is now on Bluesky

  3. Good morning. So much for the cooler weather, it’s 67 degrees already. My tea is steeping, I’ve set out tomorrow’s clothes, so now I’m just watching local news. There was an AI-generated call into the City Council’s public comment time last week, it was kind of creepy. But now they’re figuring out how to handle calls like that.

  4. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! It’s fairish and 47 F. in Ashburn right now, going up to 60 F. We have just finished breakfast.

    Had such a treat early this morning—ran out before 7 a.m. to see a glorious silvery moon high up in the lightening sky, plus a little twinkly object to Her left. For the first time I opened the “Skyview” app on my phone and saw Jupiter right next to the Moon! Also saw the shapes of Taurus and Orion. How fascinating!

    Yesterday at the Drama Club meeting I signed up for Kate’s Improv Workshop in December, the Animal Rights Play on Earth Day next year (April 22), and the Reader Theater. Can’t sign up for the musical as I’m no longer able to sing.

    Anyway, I have a bunch of writing projects to start on, the monologue, the article for the quarterly (due December 2), a one-act play that I desperately want to write, a winter solstice ritual, and something for my writers’ group.

    The best candidate won at the Firehouse Primary yesterday! We elected Kannan Srinivasan, who is a DOER, not a talker, and I’m sure he can win in January. There was a pretty big turnout at the school our precinct used to vote. I’m very happy, as some of the candidates were whiners and braggers. Kannan is by far the best of the lot.

    Trying to avoid the rest of the news. I know it’s irresponsible, but so is becoming too depressed to function. I have a hubby to take care of.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond! See you at the azure firmament!

    • I saw the moon last night after being doubtful I would see her at all, it was so cloudy. She was in the night sky with the evening star below her. This morning she was shining in my office window as she has for the past week or so. I will miss her as she moves out of view!

  5. It was 54 when I got up, 64 now, heading for 74 and more cloudy than not. (Saw the moon early evening yesterday as she cleared the houses and trees to the east but not since.) Yesterday we generated 7.5 KWHs and the m-t-d at 101 is still on track and gaining. Not likely to do the same today.

    I finally decided to shift the #HelpFolksLive thread to bluesky as of Nov 25th. That gives everyone a week to get over there if they aren’t already and to know to look for me starting then. I don’t know if it’s a good idea as far as the crowdfunding is concerned. I don’t have nearly as many followers over there and most of those are folks needing help. But I’m pretty sure at least half my followers on Xitter are the same so. . . Anyway I decided. Meanwhile, having finished housekeeping chores and breakfast, I’d best get going on my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  6. Good morning, 41 with clouds and rain showers so I’ll need to work both indoors and out today. The family will be here for Thanksgiving this year so I need to start the holiday prep. I can put lights on the porch trees, hang the garden wreath, and make two winter arrangements so the outdoor areas will look festive for both Tday and Christmas. It sees really dark this year so the extra lights will provide some needed daily cheer as well.

    I’m trying to let the election results be what they are but I feel miserable re what’s to come. Oh well, I have to believe I can cope but today I’m not feeling very strong. Best wishes to all.

  7. Monday Meese. 40 degrees here in Kingston. Am in a cranky mood -watching Bernie Sanders trash Democrats – again.

    Puerto Rico

    • Bernie Sanders is still reliving the “Bernie would have won” from back in 2016. Of course, he wouldn’t have – it would have been a Walter Mondale type landslide that would have taken a generation to recover from. As it is, Kamala’s losses by a total of 137,000 votes in several of the swing states was the margin of the Republican Party’s victory. I still think that if she had been able to go through the primary season and become known in the battleground states by her campaigning there and by her own ads defining her and her character, she could have made up that difference. tRump does not have a popular vote mandate, more people voted against him than for him and his Congressional majorities are majority Republicans not majority MAGAts. Enough people vote R reflexively, which when combined with the haters and the transactional voters, elected a disgusting pile of garbage who will make their lives worse. We need to increase turnout of our voters and tell them to IGNORE THE FREAKING POLLS. The last week giddiness I saw on too many online forums over the polls was sickening and self defeating. We should have concentrated on GOTV in the Blue Wall and realized that 2020 Arizona and Georgia were one offs, unlikely to be repeated.

      I hope the lessons learned is not “let’s be more like Bernie Sanders” or “let’s be more like Republicans” but “let’s continue to be Democrats and remind people of our values and our policies” and run campaigns reaching those who share our values.

  8. Happy Monday. I just barely managed my mile running, it was warm & humid but not that bad. Anyway, here I am in the office. I added caffeine to my tea, hope it’s enough.

  9. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 41 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 61. Sunny skies are in the forecast. We will see temperatures in the 70s later in the week.

    I spent the weekend watching sporting events to keep my mind off the sh*tshow, poking my head up once in a while to scan the headlines and laugh at all the people in the Leopard Face Eating Party getting their faces eaten off. The latest is the Wisconsin MAGAt dairy farmers wondering how they will milk their 300 cow herds when their Mexican workers are scooped up and deported. Vote with your brains, sheeples. When you enable a sociopath to destroy whatever he wants, he is not going to stop and say “wow, the dairy farmers in Wisconsin will suffer from this cruel thing I am about to do” other than to chortle about it and post something mean on his social media account.

    BlueSky lost their server last night for a while. Apparently they are now over 20 million users and are adding them at the rate of about a million a day. I personally think that what broke it was everyone playing over and over again Marta’s brilliant goal in the Orlando Pride v Kansas City Current semifinal in the NWSL. The two defenders doing synchronized failed blocks is still amazing to me every time I see it.

    See all y’all later!

  10. It’s 67 heading for 69, maybe, and cloudy. We got almost .5″ rain over night & it’s supposed to start raining again in a couple of hours. Yesterday we generated 6 KWHs and the m-t-d at 107 is still on track and with enough to spare we only need to generate 1 KWH today to stay on track.

    I’m still feeling bad/guilty about moving the needs thread to bluesky. But then I’ve been feeling bad/guilty for months for not having one at bluesky. sigh. We’ll see what I do about Xitter after I’ve made the move next Monday. Meanwhile I’m achy and stiff with the damp and moving very slowly. Best be about my boosting day. (After I do a “Happy Anniversary” post to Aji & Wings.) Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  11. Good morning, 41 and cloudy in Bellingham today. It’s damp and chilly outside so I didn’t last long yesterday before my old joints started complaining. I did make two out door arrangements and got lights on the yew tree by the barbeque so that’s a start. I’ll do a bit more today but desk work has to come first. Best wishes to all.

  12. Tuesday Meese. 39 here in Kingston, going up to 58. I’m so disgusted with tv “journalism” I’m only watching the weather channel and women’s sports.

    Puerto Rico

    • That is me! I have the Weather Channel on muted and flip over to women’s sports when they come on.

  13. Good morning. Slept in, though it would have been nice walking because a cold front came in. Will go to kickboxing this afternoon. Wow, there’s a geyser of new people on Blue Sky. Well, off to work, hope everyone has a good Tuesday.

  14. Good blessed Tuesday morning, Meese! They say it is going to R-A-I-N late tonight, too late, probably, for us to enjoy the sight and sound of it. It may do it tomorrow too. Right now in Ashburn it’s 53 F., on its way up to 60 F.

    Yesterday I was up early enough to see Her Silvery Self high up, from the screened porch. This morning was the same, except a piece of Her lower right side was rather fuzzy. Why is it so much easier to see Her in the winter than in the summer? It was rather cloudy yesterday evening before dinner. I was looking for Her, but saw nothing but rooftops.

    But enough of this meteorological chitchat. My eye happened to fall on the Washington Poop’s front page as I handed it to Dearly this morning. It seems Thing is already demanding cuts to Medicaid and SNAP, so Melon Husk and the rest of Thing’s billionaire friends can continue to enjoy tax cuts. May the crusty curse of Oliver Cromwell fall upon their poxy penises, and may the evil Djinn haunt their horrid dreams at night.

    Dearly and I must get ready to go the barbershop, the dry cleaner’s establishment, and Navy Federal Credit Union. Howzzat for an exciting morning? Stay tuned.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and a distinctly nasty day to the newly “elected” cabal.

    • The Orange Menace seems determined to crater his approval ratings before he is even “sworn” in. Sworn is in quotes of course because him swearing to uphold the Constitution is risible. In any event, I hope he keeps showing his hand because Republicans know that he will one day be gone and those who go along with his heinous plans will pay the price. Already, some Senators are starting to show a little spine. Sad to have to depend on Republicans choosing to do the right thing but here we are.

  15. It’s 54 heading for 70 and sunny. Yesterday we only generated a bare 2 KWHs but it was enough with what we’d already accrued. The m-t-d at 109 is still on track for 180. Hopefully we’ll have enough sunny days to cover for the cloudy ones the rest of the month.

    I didn’t see the moon last night even though the clouds cleared off shortly after sundown but I did see Her this morning in the western sky. So that was nice. My son’s coming over this afternoon to check the brake fluid in the Subaru. I’m having to pump the brakes to get them to grip and that’s usually a sign of low fluid. Hope it’s that. Anyway, off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  16. Good morning, 36 and cloudy but quiet after a night of wind and rain. I have lab and dentist appointments this afternoon and the dreaded desk this morning so today will be a tend to business day. The wind was so blustery last night I put the outdoor arrangements and candles under the tables so my out door decor isn’t looking very inviting. Oh well, better undercover than broken pots Best wishes to all.

  17. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 55 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 64. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Quick check in after my early morning online appointments and before my late morning phone conferences.

    See all y’all later!

  18. Good morning. It’s actually chilly — and tomorrow I’ll need a sweatshirt for my walk. Tfg keeps making the stupidest choices. I just wish Matt Gaetz’s drug dealer would decide to sell him out. Anyway, gotta get ready to work. Had a weird dream last night: My car broke down, and I got out and started walking. There was a weird highway – why was I walking on a highway? And I wandered into a house, but the people there weren’t alarmed, they had me sit down and fed me. It started getting dark so I needed to walk back to my car, and they packed leftovers for me to take. Like I said – very weird dream.

    • That is strange! If you check with an online dream dictionary you could search for “car breakdown” and “kindness of strangers” and see what it says.

  19. Good Wednesday moaning, Moosekind, what are we moaning about today? No rain, that’s what! She SAID we’d get rain in the afternoon. Nope. Then she said 4 a.m. today. Nupe. We got nuthin’. I am tho bitherly dithappointed I hardly know where to look. See, I think the itchy rash on my neck is caused by allergies and the rain might put paid to the environmental allergens. Now I’ll have to just keep on overdosing on that cortisone roll-on. We turned off the television in revenge.

    Oh, well, enough of that whining. It’s 54 F. right now under partly cloudy skies. Meh. Today I have a meeting with the Play Selection Committee. The play I was given to read, “Shall We Join the Ladies” by J.M. Barrie, is not at all suitable for our Drama Club. For one thing there are too many characters! So few members auditioned last summer that some people had to play two parts and several male roles had to be changed to female roles. Moreover, a lot of our members are so ancient they can’t even memorize lines. Goddess alone knows what’s going to happen with next spring’s musical, when they have to play showgirls hopping around the stage in fishnet stockings and high heels.

    If I do nothing else, I will go to the gym at 11 and step on and off boxes. Mrs. Doctor Dear told me this stimulates the cerebellum and will improve my faltering balance.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and that the fleas of a thousand pariah dogs will infest the innermost crevices of Thing, Melon Husk, and all that lot. Begorra!

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