Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: November 24th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 52 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 73. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Good morning. Didn’t do much yesterday, today I’ve got to cook breakfast and the vegetables I’ll use for Thanksgiving. I went fancy and got portobello mushrooms for my risotto, got to cook them while they’re fresh. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the smell of my steeping tea.

  3. It’s 61 heading for 72 and mostly sunny at the moment although there are clouds to the west and north and it’s windy. Yesterday we generated 7.2 KWHs so at 147.4 for the m-t-d we’re on track and gaining.

    Groggy and slept in. Don’t know why. Just finished my vacuuming/Sunday cleaning chores and need to get to my boosting. Today is the last day I’ll be doing the needs thread on Xitter, tomorrow I start doing it on Bluesky. And I hope to heaven I’m doing the right thing as far as the folks needing the help are concerned. Anyway. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • I hope that the people who need you can find you. I remember that whenever DKos would change the web site software and make it more difficult for people who were on lesser computers or who had a tough time with technology to use it, there were a lot of people working to help them get back online but inevitably some would be left behind. Moving from Xitter to BlueSky is not seamless and it can seem daunting to have to start over building a timeline. I had an easier time because I joined when it was quiet and had time to find and follow people before the firehose of new users started. I have been following, testing, then unfollowing a lot more.

      I was reading an article that says that the right-wingers using Xitter are unhappy because they don’t have left-leaning people to pester any longer. The article suggested that right-wingers need people to actively hate and who engage with them. The article went on to say that the more liberals leave Xitter, the less value it offers to the right. To Melon Husk, $44 billion is a drop in the bucket especially since it gave him a pathway to be an unelected unconfirmed member of the incoming administration, but it would still be nice to see Xitter fade more and more into irrelevance.

      • That’s why I gave everyone at Xitter a full week of warning. Hopefully that will make it easier. And I don’t know what to hope for Xitter. sigh.

  4. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! One careless flick of the wrist and I lost everything I’d written. Moreover, the Moose Pond is having trouble logging me back in. So I’ll just say, it’s a fine day, our high will be 57 F., and I’m doing what all good wives should do, which is LOTS of laundry. I hate the washer machine.

    Got an article to work on this morning, plus a play to read this evening, and things like that. I managed to get quite a lot done yesterday, surprisingly. Anyway, November has been a pretty lousy month, all told.

    Hope everyone at the Pond will have a good day!

    • I had to log back in this morning as well. I think there must be some kind of reset that happens occasionally that requires users to reestablish the connections. I just click on My Moose and I am presented with a Login screen and it usually remembers my user name and password and I just click.

  5. Monday Meese. 34 here in Kingston. Looks like rain for Thanksgiving – glad I don’t have to go far to my goddaughter’s house.

    Puerto Rico

  6. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 52 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 73. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. I saw the waning moon this morning nearly horizontal in the sky. There were mists around her which are the high lacy clouds we had yesterday and expect to see again today. Still plenty of sunshine.

    I am having a difficult time with tRump 2.0 The End Times. Too many people think that it will be like last time, that he will bumble in and act foolish and embarrassing but that there will be plenty of adults to keep the trains running and the courts will surely protect us! This time around, he and his minions know how to game the system and how to break the system – and there are no courts who will protect us. A mass deportation will not be stopped by the courts like the Muslim ban was, defunding every good government program will not be stopped by a John McCain in the Senate, there are no guardrails and no one in power to say “that is not a good idea.” Yesterday, I read a heartbreaking story about a young woman here in Tucson who was getting ready to plan her college career and now is not sure what will happen because her parents are undocumented immigrants. If they are deported, she will have to put her plans on hold to get a job and support herself and her sister until the sister graduates from high school. And if she can’t, there are no safety nets, no help from the government and likely no more non-profit agencies to lend a hand. Goddess help us all.

    I have a project that needs to get out the door before the sun comes up and I best get back to it.

    See all y’all later!

    • I’m worrying about friends who have green cards, but are not white. These attacks are not going to affect just undocumented folks.

      • That is true. It is just as likely that the young woman and her sister, who are birthright citizens, will be swept up in the deportation raid and expelled from the country. My daughter is non-Caucasian and one of her friends is Native American – both are more than a little nervous about what will happen.

  7. Morning. Ugh, had a terrible night’s sleep last night. Got my walk done, and me and my Throat Coat tea & lozenges are going to work a full day today. It’s really annoying having laryngitis but no sore throat or other obvious cause. Anyway, here I am, hoping people think we’re closed.

  8. It’s 48 heading for 53 overcast and misting. Yesterday we generated 6.69 KWHs and the m-t-d at 153.9 is still track. We’ve got 6 days left in November including today and 26.1 to go to reach 180. We shall see what we shall see.

    Rocky night. Groggy and slow moving today. Sigh. But it’s the “big move” for the needs list from Xitter to Bluesky so I’d best be about it. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  9. Good frosty morning, Moosekind! Blue skies, no wind to speak of, 45 F. right now in Ashburn, going up to 57 F. Last night I behaved like a bear: went to sleep in a chair after dinner, then woke up and ate everything in sight. The scales were so horrifying this morning that I threw on some clothes, hotfooted it to the gym (a three- or four-minute walk from here), and worked out. Did 50 steps on the step, pulled on the ropes, and walked a sweaty half hour on the treadmill. Now I just have to work on getting my steps up to 10,000—that rarely happens.

    Still need to work on the article, but must get hair done because we are attending a funeral tomorrow. Also, I must take my new ritual dress to the dry cleaner/tailor because it’s too long. My friend gave me some sage to purify the Winter Solstice circle, but sage is Native and they don’t like us to use it. I’ll have to see what other Witches use.

    Meanwhile, in Lenox, MA, M’Daughter has joined the4 Episcopal Church and started singing in the choir. She needs comfort after the horrible happening earlier this month. I used to love the liturgical year when I was Episcopalian, and now Advent, with all its lovely songs, is almost upon us.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

    • Diana, white sage is indigenous to this continent & used by the Indigenous here for sacred ceremonies. It’s becoming endangered and definitely Indigenous folks don’t like others to use it. But garden sage is a different matter and not a problem. (I’ve always used lavender or rosemary for cleansing/purifying rituals.) {{{HUGS}}}

  10. Tuesday Meese. 42 here in Kingston, going up to a rainy 54.

    Puerto Rico

    Note: One of the key things about Lassens’ loss – that few people have addressed is the racism she faced – even from leftist voters who voted for the top of the ticket, but not her.

  11. Good morning, it is really cold — 42, where yesterday I wore capris & short sleeves. I am logging off work early to exercise, I have to because we all had to enter our November time early and it’s a big deal to make an adjustment. Got to get ready for work, hope people are home and I can get lots of new library users set up.

  12. It was 25 at dawn, 32 now, and heading for 57 today. Sunny at the moment & hopefully will stay that way all day. Yesterday we generated 1.7 KWHs but the m-t-d at 155 is still on track with 5 KWHs to spare. Which is good considering most of the rest of the month is supposed to be cloudy.

    Glad it’s sunny and will at least get to mid 50s because I’ve got to go out today. Catfood because there’s no way I want to go anywhere near a Walmart between Thanksgiving and Christmas. And run-off election (early voting as this is the best day weatherwise) for mayor. Between the old mayor who’s a union guy and the bright and cheery “new blood” who’s connected to the tourist industry. You can guess who I’m voting for.

    At least half the “usuals” found me over at Bluesky and I picked up a few from Bluesky itself. That’s not bad for the first day over there. And about a dozen folks tagged me at Xitter & showed up in my mentions so I boosted them there. One of my “usuals” who also runs her own help list said she’s going to keep the hashtag going – I ran that thread with that hashtag daily for almost 4 years so it’s well known – and I said I’d boost those when I saw them. Anyway, I’d best get to it. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  13. Good Tuesday morning, Meese! We woke up to lightning and rain this morning, but it’s already up to 56 of 63 F. and clearing. We are getting ready to go to a funeral for one of our neighbors in this hallway. The poor dear was in Memory Care for several years. Growing old is so sad.

    Bfitz, thanks for the explanation about the sage. I’ll call you this week to discuss exactly what this sage bundle consists of. I feel a DISTINCT need for purification, considering what will happen in January!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

    • Always enjoy talking with you. Even if I don’t know the answers to what you wish to know. LOL. {{{Diana}}}

  14. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 70 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 77. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The waning moon was very bright in the clear skies this morning and my morning walk (just completed) was splendid and sun drenched!

    I was reading an article that suggests that Vice President Kamala Harris will be returning from her vacation soon, refreshed and relaxed and ready to share her plans. I saw rumors that she might run for governor of California in 2026, maybe breaking that glass ceiling for Black Woman before possibly tossing her hat in the ring for 2028. I would love for her to be governor of California, it would give me great comfort knowing that if things got hairy here, I could pack up my car and be in San Diego in a few hours and under her protection. She would be a much better foil for tRump’s attempt to take down our democracy than the sullied Gavin Newsom. In any event, just thinking about her returning to the national stage gives me a much needed lift.

    I was busy this morning and because it feels like a Friday for some reason, I am going to log off my computer and go watch sporting events.

    See all y’all later!

      • Apparently, based on some recent reports, she pretty much knew that her presidential campaign was doomed, that she started too far behind and would not trash Biden or jettison Democratic Party principles by denying the humanity of the people who were being used as foils by the tRump campaign, immigrants (documented and undocumented) and trans people. She got a lot of votes and had enough coattails to keep us close in the House and get some reproductive rights protections passed in the states. She deserves another chance at the presidency, if she wants it.

        • Sniff. Had such high hopes for her. The first woman president, AND a woman of color! It would have made me happy for the rest of my life.

          That Indian fortuneteller told me I’d live to age 87. There isn’t much chance for me to see a woman president.

  15. Wednesday Meese. Got up at around 2 AM to get some writing done in peace and quiet. Have a podiatrist appointment this morning. Feels weird to not be cooking for Thanksgiving for the first time in about 30 years – will enjoy going to my god-daughters’s tomorrow.

    Puerto Rico

    A few days before the Thanksgiving Day Parade in NY, I find this memory of the year we represented Puerto Rico dancing bomba. A beautiful experience

  16. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 57 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 72. Mostly cloudy skies are in the forecast. Yesterday’s sun disappeared in the high clouds after noon or so – we could see blue skies off in the distance but not here. This morning the moon 12% illumination waning moon was behind the clouds.

    I was glad to see that Jack Smith’s request for dismissal of the January 6th case against tRump was set up in such a way that the charges could be brought again after the end of his term of office. He also still has to issue a report. Hopefully the Smith Report will include evidence like the Mueller Report did so that the full extent of tRump and his Congressional co-conspirators treasonous behaviours will be known. The Office of Lawyer Regulation memo, which says you can’t prosecute a sitting president, will expire for tRump on January 20, 2029. Maybe the next Democratic Attorney General will be more interested than Merrick Garland was in protecting the rule of law from rogue presidents. Goddess save me from the people who thought that the institutions were strong enough to protect against a determined fascist who has the backing of billionaires. I hope that Mitch McConnell’s role in the current constitutional crisis is not glossed over in the history of these times. It began with the refusal to allow the sitting president to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court and hopefully it will end with people spitting on his grave.

    I only have to make it through one more day of client crises and then I will have a 4 day working weekend to get caught up on projects. Sunday is December for crying out loud and I need to get caught up on personal accounting so that I can make decisions related to taxes and begin to work on clients end of year accounting projects.

    See all y’all later!

  17. Good morning. Working till noon today. Yesterday was chilly, today is warmer than normal, and the roller coaster continues. Ignoring the news, it’s just too awful. While I’m working I have How The Universe Works on, love the science and remembering that we are very small in the grand scheme.

  18. It’s 46, up from the overnight low of 42, heading for 59 and overcast. Yesterday we generated 7.67 KWHs and the m-t-d at 163.45 is still on track. We’re just 17 KWHs from the 180 goal and have 4 days left to make it. I think we will but it’s certainly not a given.

    Temps will start dropping midafternoon & not stop until they hit 22 around dawn. Tomorrow will be cold. But the rain threat has gone so even if it’s cloudy, it won’t be wet/icy for when my family comes over with Thanksgiving dinner around 6 or so. (That’s when they usually show up anyway.) I’m glad I got catfood yesterday. Even now the Walmart parking lot was fairly crowded but at least I was able to find a parking space relatively close to the building. But I shouldn’ have to go back again until after Xmas. That’s the plan anyway. I also voted in the runoff mayor’s race since I was out and early voting started yesterday. I have never seen a line out the County Clerk’s door, much less all the way down the hall and about to wrap around and come back up the hall, for a runoff local election before. Mostly oldsters like me which is a good sign for Mayor Jordan. “Molly for Mayor” ran a very popular kind of campaign and Lioneld has been mayor for over a decade. But Lioneld was in the Maintenance Dept at the university before he was elected and was the union rep. When he says “affordable housing” he means housing. “Molly” is connected with the tourist development industry. When she says “affordable housing” she means AirBnBs. So. We shall see what we shall see.

    Stiff hands. Groggy. Sigh. So far I’m doing OK, if not as well, with the boosting over at Bluesky. As well as still doing some boosting at Xitter. Which I’d best get to. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  19. Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! We began with a beautiful autumn day but have progressed to overcast skies. It’s going to be 63 F. in Ashburn today, it’s 48 F. now.

    I have already been to the gym to get my exercise out of the way, driven to Navy Fed to deposit a check, ordered more British food to keep us going before the tariffs kick in, and shortly will prepare Dearly’s lunch.

    LOL, Dee! I have a noon appointment with the foot doctor: my feet have not seen her in years. I am sure she will have the same dreary advice, but I owe it to my feet to have them seen. Got a lot to do this afternoon before the holiday. Thank Goddess Trevor is cooking the turkey and the rest of us are supplying the sides and desserts.

    We decided not to get the puppy we were negotiating for. She didn’t really look like a beagle, being blue-eyed and mostly white. If we ever get another dog, we want her to be tricolor. Oh, well.

    Got to run. Wishing a happy Thanksgiving to all at the Pond!

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