Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
It’s 32 heading for 46 but the windchill will never make it into the 40s (it didn’t yesterday either). At least it’s sunny today. Yesterday we generated 5.38 KWHs and the m-t-d at 57 is not on track. Hoping we’ll gain a little ground back today but there’s no chance of catching up with a single day’s production this time of year. Warming trend but more clouds for the rest of the week.
Creaky and slow. Surprise. And aired up tires yesterday. About time. One only had 7 psi pressure. Today a trip to Tractor Supply. Anyway, I’d best get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! ‘Tis RAINING, blessed be Yemaya! Lawks, how we need it! It’s warm, though: at a few minutes past 10 it’s already 60 F., going up to 65 F. The rain will become heavier (it’s heavier right now, in fact), and then a cold front will move in.
I did two stupid things: as I make Cornish pasties only once a year, I forgot that a pound of hamburger plus vegetables is going to require eight pastry circles, not four. I only bought one box of pastry, though, having forgotten this. So we had Cornish and cabbage for dinner, but I had to get washed and brushed and run out to Trader Joe’s as soon as it opened so I could buy more pastry. I’ll roll out the circles at lunchtime today. The filling’s in the fridge.
I did something else incredibly stupid, even for ME. There was a horrid age spot on my face, so I put bee venom cream on it. Well, it didn’t do anything for the spot, but it did poison the skin around it. Yikes! I’ve been putting a healing gel on it and it does seem to be getting better. The bee venom, however, is definitely shrinking and flattening the horrible actinic keratosis thing that popped up on my aged visage for no reason at all several years ago. When I asked our useless dermatologist NP to remove it, she said she could, but it would just pop up again. The horrors of old age!
Feeling quite optimistic today. A psychic Tarot card reader on FB drew a card that seemed to describe the exact situation I’ve been going through. The worst is over and it’s nothin’ but blue skies from now on. Magnificent!
OK, enough of my nonsense. Off I go to start the Yule newsletter to the family. Wishing all at the Pond a good day. I will not wish a nice day to the Rethugs.
Good afternoon, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 68 degrees with high clouds in Tucson
. The temperature was 41 degrees when I got up at 4am and dropped to 39 before it started rising again. Freeze warnings in the city last night; I don’t know if that happened. My walk at about noon was sunny but I did need a jacket.
Being busy means I don’t have to think about next January 20th. I worked on a project and then researched and ordered a new color printer since mine seems to be incapable of printing without streaks. It is quite old and I have been nursing it along but at this point it is not worth buying new toner for it and hoping that fixes it.
See all y’all later!!
Thursday Meese. 34 here in Kingston – only going up to 37. Will be spending most of the day today and tomorrow writing for next week – Most Orange editorial staff will be off for holidays.
Didn’t see much Puerto Rico news
Good morning. Walked, my lungs were too shocked by the cold to run. I know — where most of y’all are, 35 isn’t shockingly cold, but Monday I only needed long sleeves — and the same will be true tomorrow. Anyway, news is terrible, I’ve been watching holiday baking shows on the cooking channel. I wonder what they do with all the extra food?
:::raises hand::: I consider 35 degrees shockingly cold now! :)
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 48 degrees in Tucson
with an expected daytime high of 73. Partly cloudy this morning but clearing this afternoon. I could not see the stars over my mountains this morning! I have not seen the moon for a while but if the sky is clear, I should be able to see the fullish December Moon rise on the 14th and 15th. She should be visible in the NE sky through the evening but I don’t think I will be awake to see her full at 2:01am overnight Saturday into Sunday.
I made the mistake of clicking on the news headlines only to see “Far Right Militias Seek Role in Trump’s Deportation Plans.” JHC! The people who voted to give a literal nazi a second presidential term – and the Republican Party who is “just fine” with what he is doing – own the death and mayhem that he will unleash. And they can stuff their “gas is too expensive” mewlings where the sun doesn’t shine. Yes, inflation sucks but turning America into Nazi Germany will suck more.
I got a big project done yesterday, I am building a good project list for the weekend and both of my basketball teams won this week and one of my volleyball teams, the Arizona Wildcats, advanced to the semifinals of the NIVC tournament. I wish it weren’t so dangerous to drive around Tucson at night or I would go see them play tonight. I will have to watch them on ESPN+. If the Championship game is hosted here, I may see about taking a Lyft to campus.
See all y’all later!
Guten Thursday morgen, Meese! We received an inch and half of rain yesterday. Iss not that the lucky thing now! This morning is bright and frosty, with a current reading of 36 F., going up to 41 F.
The CDW people sent me a “new” yellow cartridge but it’s defective. I have a call in to the sales rep about how to return the cartridge and get a new one. Meanwhile, I won’t be able to print at ALL because the Lexmark won’t print without all its inks, even if I’m only printing in black and white. Grrr!
My writers are meeting today for our Yuletide discussion and fun. I’ve asked them to wear their craziest sweaters. Also, I’ve got to make it to the gym, it’s just awful what’s happening to my middle.
Probably won’t be able to see the full moon on Sunday as it’s supposed to rain, and Saturday is supposed to be cloudy. Par for the course! Oh, well, I may catch a glimpse of Her nearly full self on Friday.
Must run! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and nothing but hideous dreams to Melon Husk, who hasn’t even been elected to anything but is threatening to drive 94 percent of federal workers back to the office five days a week. We’ll see how my Trumpist daughter-in-law likes that. Her office is at Union Station, and a round trip there from where she lives takes 4 hours.
Blessed be, Meese!
I finally gave up on my color MFP – it is copying with streaks, which it has been doing more frequently. Last time it was better after I “cleaned” something related to the toner dispensing system but now it is back even worse than before. It is at the point where the toner costs more than the printer (purchased in 2014) is worth. I have been wanting a duplex color scanner/copier/printer for a while and so I bit the bullet and ordered a new one.
Your Yule present to yourself! ‘Tis good, ja.
It’s 48 heading for 59 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we generated 7.89 KWHs (best single day so far this month) and the m-t-d at 65 has caught up enough we could be back on track for 180 by end of day. If the clouds don’t move in too soon. They probably will of course. The “warming trend” through Monday also includes lots of clouds.
Saw the moon last night. Both early on, when I did my last trip outside with food for birds and cats, then late, when I checked out my bedroom window when up for a bathroom trip. I probably won’t seen Her again for at least 4 or 5 days but it’s always good when I do.
Did my Tractor Supply run yesterday. Shouldn’t have to go back for at least 3 months, possibly 4. Got the wreath while I was there. All Xmas stuff is marked down now. The wreath was 25% off. The trees were 50% off – almost tempted me to get one. LOL. But. . . cats. Anyway, I’ve done my part towards the family gathering. Got the wreath. Already have the decorations – also the plates, flatware, and glasses/mugs for the feast the family will be bringing. But that’s Sunday evening. Now I need to get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
24 degrees here in Kingston – going up to 31. The dogs don’t want to go out. Black Kos goes on holiday hiatus today – with a wrap up year in review.
Puerto Rico
Sea cucumbers in Puerto Rico: DNER contracted study, but it was never done
The Department of Natural and Environmental Resources learned that the animal was being fished by chance, and prohibited it, but did not conduct the research recommended by experts on this important marine species despite the fact that federal funds were available to do so.
Good morning, meeses! Friday the 13th …
It is 52 degrees in Tucson
with an expected daytime high of 66. Sunny skies are in the forecast although it is partly cloudy right now. I was able to see the getting-very-full moon in the NW sky but she would disappear and then reappear from behind the clouds. I saw one star over my mountains (due east), just above the cloud banks.
Good lord, if I see another headline that talks about tRump dialing back his “plan” to lower prices because “reducing food prices will be ‘very hard’”, I am going to scream! Of course a president can’t wave a magic wand and reduce food prices – did the American people think that Joe Biden was intentionally keeping them high??!!?? We are a stupid people and the stupidity of 1.5% of us is going to destroy our democracy and our planet. I am glad I don’t have young children who will no longer be immunized from diseases that can kill or cripple them. The Republicans in the Senate are going to have to think long and hard about buying into the full MAGAt agenda – tRump is promising to primary them if they don’t toe the line but if kids are dying from polio and smallpox, even cushy seats in red states might not be safe from Democrats.
I have a short list of must-do things that I need to get done in preparation for a busy weekend. I have a few work projects plus I finally got my apartment sized tree out of storage and it will need to be set up and decorated. I found out that the cute holiday cards I ordered will be delayed and will arrive too late to mail them for Solstice. Grrr! It seems like a lot of stuff on Amazon is having shipping issues – maybe Bezos should put money into improving his product instead of sucking up to his new pal, Adolf Trump.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Much warmer — mid-50s, felt much better running even though I’m getting a sore throat. Anyway, I ran 1.2 of the 1.5 miles total. Not bad. Hope I can make it to 1.6 running a month from now. Glad the news is merely the same level of awful, rather than worse. At least so far today.
Good Friday morning, Moosekind. It’s a gray winter’s day, for sure! Current temp. is 32 F., going up to 39 F. or something. Clouds are expected to stay in place all day but perhaps will part for just a few minutes tonight. I would like to see the almost-full Moon.
I still haven’t finished my newsletter. This morning I have to return the defective yellow cartridge to CDW at UPS, get some batteries for the flashing-lights necklaces for Christmas, and buy a couple of groceries. Tonight there is a concert I’d like to attend. I really want to get more music into my life!
Yesterday’s writers’ group meeting was highly enjoyable. We discussed the novels that most of them probably won’t write, and I gave them homework. We pulled the Christmas crackers, put on the silly hats, read the ridiculous jokes to each other, and enjoyed the petits fours that spelled out “Merry Christmas.” We also had Christmas-flavored tea. Our new member was suffering from a cold, so she sat, masked, at the front of the room. I can barely understand a word she says, although her English is fluent. I need to see people’s faces and lips when they speak.
Haven’t heard from anyone much. I did read the Metro section of the newspooper this morning and saw that Gubernator Dumbkin is lying his head off. Even the pro-Trumpy WaPo noticed it. He thinks he’s going to be the Rethug candidate in 2028: we’ll see about that. In the meantime, we need to elect our chosen Dem. candidate on January 7. It’s a special election to fill Suhas Subrananyam’s Virginia senate seat. Right now Dems are the majority in the state senate: if we lose that edge, women’s reproductive rights will become a thing of the past. I have two units of Plan B, three of Opill, and none of mifepristone. I need to find out where to get that in case abortion becomes illegal in Virginia.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.
It’s 49 heading for 53 and overcast. We may but probably won’t get rain. Yesterday we generated 7.7 KWHs and the m-t-d at 72.5 is right on track for 180. But it won’t be by tonight. We’ve got 3 days running in the currently forecast where I’ll be surprised if we generate 2 a day, not the 6 needed to stay on track. Sigh.
Subluxed right wrist and left knee. Don’t know how that happened. Carrying in firewood probably. Doesn’t hurt unless I move “wrong” – but I have to be very careful how I move. Anyway, boosting still has to get done so I’d best be off to do it. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 44 and raining in Bellingham. My sister and her friend are here now so our quiet house is busy but that’s ok. I’ve worked hard to prepare for Christmas and now it’s time to be with family and friends. I’ll bake some desserts today, Ava’s Christmas Dance performance is tomorrow, and a family dinner will happen here on Sunday. Feeling weary but grateful. As always, my best wishes to all.
Saturday Meese. 18 degrees here in Kingston, going up to 32. Will be focusing on the recent global campaign re violence against women/GBV/femicide – in the context of the Caribbean in Caribbean Matters today
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 46 degrees in Tucson
with an expected daytime high of 70. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. The nearly full moon rose in the clear blue skies yesterday afternoon, bathed us in moonlight all night and my office was filled with moonlight this morning when I opened the blinds. She will be full early Sunday morning at 2:03am MST so we will have another day filled with moonglow when she rises later today at 4:37pm.
Interesting how the man who did more in the last decade to ratfk democracy in the United States, Mitch McChinless, is upset that his party’s leader has chosen an anti-vaxxer to run the Department of Health and Human Services. Sorry, Mitch, you sold your soul to keep your party in power regardless of the awfulness of the people running it. You own what happens next.
Both of the volleyball teams I follow have advanced to the next round, the Wisconsin Badgers in the NCAA Tournament and the Arizona Wildcats in the NVIC Tournament. The Badgers will have to play their nemesis, Nebraska, on Nebraska’s home court on Sunday – a game I will not watch but will tape in case a miracle happens. The Wildcats will find out later today who they will play in the NIVC championship game and where and when it will be played. They have won 11 matches in a row and have a good chance of beating either team that they may face. This weekend, I will concentrate on getting some accounting projects done so that the last full work week of the year can be productive.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Allergies, or whatever this is, are killing me. May not be able to run, terribly congested and I slept really badly. One thing I am doing today is hosting the music diary at the orange place at 6. Please come by — my theme is friendship. I put in the Beatles song & the Queen one; but wow there are so many good songs on that theme.
It’s 50 heading for 60, overcast, and actually raining. Yesterday we generated 1.8 KWHs and the m-t-d at 74.3 is not on track. And will lose more ground today. Although the system is actually on – which surprises the heck out of me considering how dark it is. Didn’t see the moon yesterday and I won’t see her today either.
Got a little extra cleaning to do today and tomorrow since the family Yule gathering is tomorrow evening. But first I need to get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}