Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning. Yesterday was interesting. I was walking in with my lunch (taco place near me gives you free queso for your birthday) and I fell — tripped over a box that was next to the recycling instead of inside. Nothing happened to my food, I wasn’t really hurt though my knees are swollen. But I had a hard time getting up. I’ve been avoiding doing things on the floor because this has happened before, but wow. I got over to the couch & crawled up it. Sigh. Went to kickboxing in the afternoon to get some blood circulating and just to tell myself that I can do stuff. So I’m hoping that today is better.
{{{anotherdemocrat}}} Yikes! & lots of Healing Energy. Moar {{{HUGS}}}
So sorry that happened! Hope you recover swiftly!
Wednesday Meese. Still cold here in Kingston. Staying inside
Will not be around on Friday – will be in CT all day
Wow, Sis! Uh, don’t freeze to death on the way there and back! ;)
It’s 30 heading for 49 and off-and-on sunny. We are definitely going “into the light” – yesterday we generated 9.25 KWHs. The m-t-d at 69.4 isn’t on track but it gained a bit more. We shall see what today brings.
Yesterday my son came by with the replacement igniter and fixed my oven. The part was right but the “plug” was wrong, so he spliced the old plug onto the new igniter. It works fine. I baked molasses spice walnut bread in the afternoon and it came out just fine. If it’s thawed yet, I’ll bake the pork roast this afternoon. If not I’ll do it tomorrow (or whenever it does finish thawing in the fridge). I’ll definitely go to the Co-op (for supplements) & the grocery store today. Meanwhile, off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
You’re going to be busy, bfitz! Well, all that activity will keep you out of the pool halls! Myself, I haven’t entered a pool hall since 1936.
I think I was in a pool hall once. But it was in the early days of my marriage – late 1970 or early 1971. I didn’t care for it and being that I was 1) a legal wife and not just a “girlfriend” and 2) pregnant I wasn’t really welcome among “the guys”. The pregnancy and then the baby made good excuses to not go back. LOL.
Good gorgeous Wednesday morning, Moosekind! Had yet another precious look at the luscious pearl of the Moon hanging in the gray sky when I woke up this morning. We have blue skies, sunlight, and fuh-REEZING temps in Ashburn this morning. I’d love to stay in all day but I can’t.
The carpet cleaners, both polite, soft-spoken young men, have been and gone. I had to wear a mask while they were here. Since I’ve become elderly, certain chemicals seem to bother me. When I was young, I didn’t have that problem.
Received “mah Social” (as my cousin calls it) this morning. Wonder if that will be the last SS money I’ll ever get? With Melon Husk and VerraSlimy controlling the gummint, who knows?
Must run out to Trader Joe’s after I’m washed and brushed. Want to get some daffodils for a dear man who’s recovering from a heart attack. He’s such a sweetie—I miss seeing him in the gym, dreamily listening to music through his earphones while he cycles. Must get everything done today because tomorrow it’s nothing but meetings.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 41 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 66. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Last night we were lucky enough to see the still rather full moon rising over the mountains in real time. Having the “horizon” so close and the moon so large you can literally watch it over a matter of minutes as it peeks over the mountain top and then rises over the peaks. I have never seen anything quite like it. I think if you are watching the moon rise over a large body of water, you can see the same thing but the horizon being so close makes it very dramatic.
I am looking forward to reading more about the Jack Smith report. Having it on paper is a big deal. Sadly, it will provide a nice list for the first set of blanket pardons of January 6th co-conspirators. Maybe some day a future Congress, supported by fed-up Americans, will pass and ratify a Constitutional Amendment limiting the pardon power. I am sure that the Founding Fathers never thought that a political party would allow an insurrectionist to try to overturn an election and then gleefully support his return to power. A simple restriction that any accomplice in a crime committed by the president cannot be pardoned, that no family member can be pardoned (sorry, Joe, that sucked) and that no one who donated either cash or in-kind to the president or his campaign can be pardoned. Right now, Melon Husk is being charged by the SEC with fraudulent activities related to Twitter. You know damn well that tRump will pardon him. The Supreme Court changed the rules and altered the presidency forever. We need to fix that since we can’t fix them.
I am working on getting an important project finished this morning and I am pretty close. Yesterday’s unexpected eyes dilation set me back a bit, not only visually but it seems like it made me tired (maybe from straining?). In any event, I got back on track this morning and unless I get an unexpected interruption, I should finish.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 34 and foggy in Bellingham today. This miserable cold has moved to my chest so now I’m coughing and sneezing along with RonK and our son. Oh well, life goes on regardless and being sick helps me stay partially aware of our national mess. Best wishes to all.
Good morning. Ugh, it’s early. Did my walk/run, at my desk. I don’ wanna. That is all. Maybe I’ll be more talkative later.
Good gray Thursday morning, Meese! It’s 21 F. outside, not expected to get much higher. Snow flurries are expected soon. As usual, I’ll believe it when I see it.
This morning I have to make notes about the biography of TJ. I hadn’t realized that someone else wrote the Preamble to the Constitution: “We, the People of the United States…” Will be glad to be finished with That Man so I can get on with the monologue about Varina. Problem is, so far I haven’t found a way to make it funny. I’d like a few laughs when my friend delivers the monologue.
At 1:30 the Biography Book Club will begin. I might choose to write about a movie star next time.
Two good things happened yesterday: I saw two foxes capering about in the snowy woods in the fading afternoon, AND the ex-president of the quilting club made me two beautiful placemats and a runner as a gift. At the November bazaar I was disappointed at not being able to buy placemats, so she undertook to make them for me. I wasn’t home at the time she delivered them, so she hung the sack containing them on the doorknob.
Just ordered more coffee and more Lyons Gold Tea because in four days Stinky will be in-hog-urated and the price of these things may soar.
It’s hateful beyond belief that landlords in LA are jacking up rents. Where will all these desperate, burned-out people live? Celebrities have donated a lot, and that’s commendable, but I haven’t heard of Melon Husk, VerraSlimy, or Stinky donating anything.
Couldn’t see Her last night because the sky was already clouded over, but at least I had my fill of looking while I could. Bought some daffodils at Trader Joe’s yesterday, some for us and some for the musician upstairs, who is recovering from a heart attack. Princesspat, sending best wishes for yours and Ron’s rapid recovery! These chest colds are so tiresome, aren’t they?
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 40 heading for 55 and sunny for one more day before the clouds and possible rain move in. We’ll have another warm day before the cold front moves in Saturday. Yesterday we generated 8.9 KWHs and the m-t-d at 78.3 is still gaining. We’ll see how long it keeps gaining.
Yesterday I did go to the Co-op and the grocery store. The prices have already risen to the extent I’m always surprised at how much these “little” trips cost – $120 yesterday between the two places. Heaven only know what the prices will rise to over the next 4 years. But I’m still OK – as long as the Evil Ones don’t steal my Social Security. Meanwhile, there are folks who are already not OK so I’d best be off to my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 34 and foggy in Bellingham. We’re still wheezing and sneezing but slowing getting better. Our housekeeper has a cold too but she will be here this afternoon so with her help we’ll get Christmas put away and clean sheets on the beds. Small progress, but oh well. Best wishes to all.
Late logging in. Had some writing to do – and errands to run before the trip tomorrow
Puerto Rico
Good afternoon, meeses! Thursday …
It is 70 and sunny in Tucson 🌵. I took a walk without a jacket.
I am very close to finishing up the accounting project with the hard deadline. I will be glad when it is done as it controls my schedule right now.
Too bad Biden didn’t care enough about America’s descent into oligarchy to step aside and turn the job over to the next generation. His legacy will always be “I alone can fix it. Ooops, waited too long!”
See all y’all later!
Good morning. I prepared for today like I should have for yesterday, and it’s about 15 degrees warmer. Sigh. I think I‘m going to kickboxing this evening, so I just walked this morning. Also: hill repeats tomorrow because the course for my 5K in February starts with a loooooong uphill.
Lost my whole post. Well, it wasn’t exactly immortal prose, anyway. Have a 10 a.m. meeting down the hall and here I am still in my dressing-gown. Back later!
It’s 48 heading for 55 (or higher, we got to 60 yesterday) and sunny at the moment. Clouds are supposed to start moving in soon though with maybe rain this afternoon. Yesterday we generated 8.5 KWHs and the m-t-d at 86.7 gained a little more. Not betting it will today. In fact I’m just hoping we don’t lose more ground today. We shall see what we shall see.
Glimpsed the moon last night and got a good look at her this morning. Waning moon. Appropriate for a waning country. But the moon will cycle back. Who knows about the country. Anyway, I’ve boosting to do. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 46 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 61. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Yesterday, there were clouds over the mountains as the sun was setting but no rain. When I took my walk, it was 70 but today it will be cooler.
I have nothing to say about the incoming Republican administration. It is no longer just the Trump Show, it is the entire Republican Party – with no resistance from anyone, old, new, MAGAt, whatever – and their billionaire masters. They won and the American people lost. There will be no repercussions for what is about to happen just as there was no “time in the desert” after Watergate. Jimmy Carter had one term and the American people rejected decency, embraced racism and we have never recovered. It is still incredible to me that a country who saw what wonderful things could happen under a brilliant and decent President Barack Obama were so triggered by having a Black president that they chose tRump twice and don’t care if their grandparents and parents are left to die in poverty and that neighbors are rounded up and put in concentration camps or murdered.
I completed the accounting project with a hard deadline that I was working on and I am going to take the rest of the day off. I have an appointment for my 2nd Shingrex vaccine so that when tRump signs an executive order banning all vaccinations (on behalf of his incoming HHS Secretary Bobby Kennedy Jr) that I am not half-immunized.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese. Yesterday was a long day and I’m pooped. Left home at 5 AM to get to the speaking event in Connecticut. It was interesting speaking to and interacting with a large group of High School students. Didn’t get home till dark.
Puerto Rico
Kike’s toon is about this story
Good morning. Going to kickboxing later and I need to do hill repeats here in the neighborhood because the 5K in February starts with a very long uphill. And February isn’t that far off. Also need to re-cover the plants, because freezing weather is coming. They canceled the MLK Day march, just because it’ll be really cold. Anyway, today: exercise, exercise, plants.
So what the heck is going on it Texas?!? It sounded like the Terrible Republicans, with help from Democrats, turned away the Truly Awful Christian Nationalist Republicans who wanted to take over the legislature. Will it make any real difference?
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 37 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 59. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I saw the moonlight on the green space this morning and shining in through my bedroom window last night.
I have a few projects to catch up on that were set aside for my accounting project this past week. I made a few notes and that may be all I do today, I am tired from project deadlines and the exhaustion of having to face another 4 years with MAGAt overlords. I really need to figure out some way to deal with the inevitable daily sh*tshow – how much to pay attention to, how much to ignore and hope for the best. There is literally nothing I can do except to continue to elect people who care about others. There will be no regime change to save us for the next 4 years – the Senate is lost so the courts are lost and even if we get the House back, that will only stop laws from passing, it will not be a check on the Trump Maladministration. Even if the Orange Dumpster Fire’s actuarial tables catch up to him, we will have JD Vance, water carrier for the tech bro billionaires who want to crush democracy and all that is good. I cringed when I saw that Bill Freaking Gates went to Mar-a-Lago to genuflect to the new king. Billionaires versus the needs of ordinary Americans is not going to work out well for ordinary Americans. A pundit on BlueSky suggested that eventually things would work out – the last time a western democracy was handed over to an autocrat, there was world war, millions killed in gas chambers and tens of millions more left as refugees but then, after that was all sorted out, it ushered in 50 years of global peace and prosperity. :(
See all y’all later!