Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
It’s 48 heading for 60 and overcast. In fact, according to the widget I’ll get 2 partly sunny days out of the next 10 and that’s it. Yesterday we generated 4.3 KWHs and the m-t-d at 35 is not on track.
Too cloudy to see the moon last night. Looks like I may not see her again until Saturday night. It’s my grandmother’s birthday, she’d be 120 if she were still with us which she’s quite happy she’s not, and many of the Indigenous folks (like Aji’s) call her “Grandmother Moon”. But it would be nice to see her more often than that.
Folks are anxious/upset – as the fascists want us to be – but we’re still truckin’ on. I tried to call my federal elected officials yesterday & this morning. Actually talked to the person in Congressman Womack’s office. Cotton’s & Boozman’s phone lines are mostly busy but I did get through to leave voice mail messages at both. And I did my taxes – online -last night. (Mine are really simple.) Still managed to make a mistake but I caught it and fixed it (had to do an override because I couldn’t find the place where I made the original mistake but at least it did allow me to do an override and I didn’t have to scrap it and start over). So. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
I am not going to do my taxes until I am sure who is running the Treasury Department. I owe the Feds money this year and the last thing I want is for a payment to the US Treasury to get sucked into Melon Husk’s illegal server with no record of my payment!
If I owed money instead of getting a refund, supposedly anyway, I’d do the same.
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 46 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 77. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The moon is not visible to me lately as she is moving around in the middle of the night and at trajectories that are not easy to see during the daytime. I know she is there, though!
The news was so bad yesterday that today cannot possibly be worse. A lawyer who lied to try to stop vote counting in 2020 is now the Attorney General, Bobby Kennedy Jr is going to be HHS Secretary and a literal foreign agent is going to be the Director of National Intelligence. I am so glad that I don’t have young children – schools are going to be deadly. Ha! What am I saying? There will not be any public schools in a few years and certainly no one to enforce rules related to schools.
I finished an accounting project this morning and I am going to set aside my to-do list and take the rest of the day off.
See all y’all later!
Thursday Meese 20 degrees here in Kingston and snowing lightly.
Puerto Rico
The Spanish-language film is one of only a few Puerto Rican-produced features to ever premiere at Sundance.
Set on the island of Vieques—a U.S. military testing ground for toxic munitions like napalm, depleted uranium, and Agent Orange—The Fishbowl tells the story of Noelia (Isel Rodríguez), a 40-year-old artist grappling with terminal cancer. Determined to use her remaining time resisting the ecological and social consequences of U.S. colonialism, Noelia’s journey unfolds as both a personal and collective act of resilience.
Good morning. I walked & ran this morning — including twice up that awful hill behind my office. It doesn’t look steep, but every runner I know hates that hill. Anyway, in the office, ready for a noisy work day.
It’s 65 – the high for the day – and overcast. But not as overcast as the last 2 days so here’s hoping. Yesterday we generated 4.2 KWHs and the m-t-d at 39 is not on track and losing ground.
I got my hair cut yesterday. No, she wasn’t masked but she had no problem wearing the mask I gave her. And had to tell her how to put it on. Sigh. Good thing I don’t get my hair cut very often. Basket is doing better. Everybody else seems to be doing the same. Not good but not getting worse either. I had trouble getting to sleep and then slept late so I’m running later than I’m happy about on a day I didn’t do cleaning before getting online. LOL. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 26 and snowing in Bellingham today. The snow is light and flakey so the plants in the garden should be ok. Breathing feels more normal today so I am slowly recovering. Being so sick for so long has made it clear to me that it’s time to have our oldest daughter be able to help with managing our money. She has used a computer management program foe years so we’ll set up the same for us so she can just enter in as needed. I’m slow to change but it’s a relief to have a plan so I’ll do my part. Best wishes to all.
That’s an excellent plan. If she has the codes she can take care of your finances when you can’t and also not have to figure out where all your money is hidden away when you can’t tell her. So many things are tied to cell phones codes and she can keep your cell phone active to get access to accounts – but only if she can find and pay the cell phone bill! My brother had a lot of loose ends to track down when his wife passed away unexpectedly and having the cell phone to be able to change payment information (different credit cards) on accounts she was managing was crucial. It would have been nice if there had been one place where everything was managed from.
Good afternoon, meeses! Thursday …
It is 75 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 79. Sunny skies are in the forecast. My walk was lovely!
I mostly just got emails answered today and set up plans for work over the weekend. I plan to take tomorrow off to catch up on non-work projects.
See all y’all later!
Hello, all. I walked this morning — heel hurts so I took it easy. I woke up ridiculously early so I was looking forward to another epic morning like yesterday but my heel said “sit down” so I did.
I see the Pennsylvania senator is trending for a good reason. And tfg & his minions are doing exactly as expected. Glad I have a whole historical romance trilogy to read.
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! It’s 43 F., going up to around 50 F., but beastly windy. Today is the first beautiful day we’ve had for some time. Perhaps I’ll see the Moon after we come out of rehearsal tonight. I need to call the dentist’s office and ask them to reschedule my Tuesday appointment. Four-letter word AND three-letter word are expected to fall on Tuesday, and even Dearly refuses to drive in an ice storm.
Yesterday got away from me completely. I was meant to have coffee with one of my writers at 11, so was scurrying around to get ready for that. Well, she fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 11:40 a.m., by which time it was too late for coffee. I had to be home by noon to make Dearly’s lunch.
The Moose is acting up this morning. I have loggd in three times but it still wants to know my name, my email, and my website. Well,’tis a first-world problem.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, an important and distinguished man, Henry L. Marsh III, has died at the age of 91. He was the first Black mayor of Richmond, Virginia. He grew up, of course, in the era of Jim Crow, and was instrumental in fighting the reprehensible policy of “massive resistance” against the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. Honestly, Virginia, as much as I love it, has a loathsome history of prejudice against Black people. But, hey, we were the first state in the nation to elect a Black governor, so there’s that.
Today I have a pedicure at 3 (torture), dinner at the Pub, and rehearsal tonight. Last night I had EIGHT hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep! That hasn’t happened since 1929. Last night was also the first night since Tuesday I haven’t leapt out of bed, screaming in pain and stamping on the floor because of leg cramps. All that cha-cha-ing and Twisting on Tuesday really took a toll on the old bod.
Today is my youngest child’s 50th birthday. Lawks, makes me realize that my time on this Earth is limited, so I’d better enjoy Every Single Day! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and improved health to Bfitz, basket, and princesspat.
It’s 50, has been about 50 since just after midnight (which was an increase over the 40 it got down to right after sundown) and is going to be about 50 until tomorrow sometime short after midnight when it will start going up instead of down. Also gray/overcast. Again/still. Yesterday we generated 3.19 KWHs and the m-t-d at 42.96 is not on track and losing ground.
It cleared off for a few minutes just as I was going to bed and I caught a glimpse of the moon. Not a very good glimpse as she was almost directly overhead/just barely west of right over the house. If I hadn’t already been in my pajamas and house slippers I’d have gone outside for a good look.
As much as I am trying to remain calm, my anxiety is ramping up. In less than 2 weeks I’ll find out if my Social Security is coming/has come. If it does, I’ll have at least a bit of relief and some calm – until I start worrying about next month. If it doesn’t I have to immediately shut down every auto- everything and stop all my giving. And pray a lot.
Meanwhile, what I can do about all the evil is the same thing I’ve been doing. Boost folks. So I’d best get to it. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Friday Meese. More snow predicted for here in Kingston tonight. I want winter to be over!
Puerto Rico and racism
Good afternoon, meeses! Friday …
It is 72 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 75, sunny skies are in the forecast.
I had my annual physical today and I am in fairly good shape. I have a few tests and screenings to schedule then I should be good for another year. I am going to be very careful about what I schedule because TV Quack Dr. Oz will be in charge of CMS and will be deciding what Medicare will pay. The last thing I need is a $5,000 bill for a screening that I thought was covered but isn’t. They are going to make it hard on us olds, from worrying that our Social Security Direct Deposit will end up in some incel GenZer’s Cayman Islands bank account to wondering if the DOGE is going to block payments to my doctor. Bastids!
I was laughing at – and admiring! – the sassiness of my local Blue city newspaper putting Melon Husk’s photo on the front page with him standing at the Presidential podium under a headline about how he is basically taking over the government.

I guess Time Magazine put a photo of Melon behind the Resolute Desk on their cover. I wonder when tRump will realize that Melon is making him a laughingstock?
I am done for the day, time to veg out in front of televised sporting events. I will not be watching the Super Bowl, by the way. Fox Sports will do cutaways to the Orange Dumpster after every play by his Kansas City Chiefs sycophants and I won’t subject myself to that. I hope everyone stuck in the security phalanx and 7 hour traffic jam in New Orleans that will result from the NFL bowing to the narcissist in chief (who also demanded that END RACISM be removed from NFL end zones) seethe.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 50 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 77. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. The stars were exceptionally bright this morning in the eastern sky probably because the moon set earlier this morning. I may be able to see her tonight if I look NE but that view is the least favorable from my abode.
So far the courts – at least the district courts – are holding steady against tRump and Melon’s lawlessness. The end game of the christian white nationalists, Project 2025, requires a SCOTUS that buys into their plan. The Roberts Court has shown their inclination to prefer Republican presidents over Congresses (they prefer Congressional power when the president is a Democrat as witnessed by their completely pulled out of their asses “ruling” on Biden’s Student Loan Payoff plan). We also have to be prepared that tRump will defy the courts and, really, there is nothing they can do because the Republican Congress will never use their only power, impeachment and removal, to force him to. Which president was it who said, as he prepared to challenge a court order, that “the Supreme Court doesn’t have an army”? True, their only power comes from their credibility, the buy-in from the American people that they are impartial and non-partisan. Sorry, that ship has sailed. They are only slightly more popular than venereal disease.
I have a few things to do in the quiet of a Saturday morning before my day gets busy. We are going to brave the traffic and take in a musical event this afternoon.
See all y’all later!
Good morning. Up for my 2nd-to-last early Saturday workout. Writing on my calendar in August to NOT sign up for this again. I love the people, but it’s just too much. Anyway, kickboxing followed by a run in the park. High today in the 80s, but winter is coming back.
Saturday Meese. Bracing for what looks like a major snowstorm tonight.
Puerto Rico/Puerto Ricans
Jeez. These Rethugs are so bloody ignorant! Pignorant, I should say, except that it would insult pigs. They’re actually quite intelligent.
It’s 54 heading for 56 and overcast. sigh. Yesterday we generated 1.5 KWHs and the m-t-d at 44.4 is not on track. I’m not sure if it can catch up at this point but it’ll have to have a lot of sunshine to do it.
That high for today will happen in about an hour. Then we’re getting a long slow drop to 30 just after dawn. Clearing off for the nights & clouding up in the days. Total opposite of what we need to generate electricity. But at least I should be able to see the moon again. Aji’s people call this one the Bear Moon according to her Patreon post.
Trying not to think about Social Security and not succeeding very well. sigh. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Saturday morning, Meese! It’s 36 F. on a cloudy day. When I left for the gym about 10:20, it was snowing gently but it appears to have stopped. We’re supposed to have freezing rain, plain rain, the lot. Worse on Tuesday, they say.
Rehearsal last night was tedious as I was one of the last people to go on stage and speak lines. However, when I went out to look for Herself, she was directly over the clubhouse, half-full, with a bright light underneath her. My companion (a fellow actor) and I looked at Her through SkyView and up came Taurus! Wow! I had seen Herself earlier in the day in a pale blue sky when I was shopping for groceries, so that made me happy.
Went to the gym this morning, then I hope to go to the Great Oak Theatre after lunch to get a ticket to a musicaL event. The tickets sell out quickly, I’m told. Anyway, even if I don’t get a ticket I’ve plenty to do, printing out and reading my writers’ essays, and then, of course, studying the script.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Wish we could take the weekend off from worry. I think TIME magazine, reprehensible as it is, got it right. Melon Husk, a South African, is running our country. Ruining our country.
Good morning, 28 and cloudy in Bellingham. The snow is lingering in the shady spots but the roads are clear now so later today I’m going to buy a few spring bulbs and primroses and plant them in pots for the porches. I’ll be careful because stamina is still an issue but overall I’m finally feeling better. As always, my best wishes to all.