Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 45 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 72. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 19 degrees here in Kingston.
Puerto Rico
It will be a major problem in Arizona where ESL programs and bilingual government services will have to be paid for by the state when the federal programs are cancelled. Too bad so many of my fellow Arizonans had no clue how white supremacy works and that handing the government over to them would be a bad idea.
I can remember the battle in Arizona for Chicano Studies!
Wrote a diary back in 2011 about the battle in Arizona – and this film
Thank you for that link!
Good morning. Yesterday was super busy, exercise and plants and housekeeping…..whew. Today I need to cook vegetables and breakfast. But for now, I’m enjoying the smell of my steeping tea and watching the local news. Cool thing: local company sent a lander to the Moon, it got there safely last night. It will be there for 2 weeks doing experiments in preperation for the Artemis mission.
Dee, I gotta bookmark this diary! I’m about to go somewhere for most of the day, but I must read it!
Dee, just read your wonderful diary and left a comment. Oh, how we’ll miss her! Thank you for your heartfelt tribute to her genius.
It’s 47 heading for 62 and sunny at the moment. Clouds in the forecast though. sigh. Yesterday we started the month with 15.15 KWHs. We shall see what the rest of the month does.
I’ve got a plumbing issue and my plumber is still recovering from major surgery. He’s not supposed to work for at least another month. He’s not happy about that. Self-employed. I’ll call him tomorrow to see if the issue I have can wait for him. There’s a blockage, I’m not sure if total or just significant, leading to the vent stack. When I’ve got a faucet or the shower on, air bubbles push up through the main toilet. (The vent stack is probably in the wall directly behind it.) But the water itself isn’t backing up. We’ll see what he says. If I can reach him.
Yahoo mail is still irritating. Basket thinks he might have time to remote in and see what can be done today. Anyway, Sunday chores done. Time to get to boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good beastly cold Sunday morning, Moosekind! It’s a lovely day, or would be if it didn’t happen to be 26 F. outside. We’ll get up in the 40s today in Ashburn. It’s as dry as a bone, of course.
This morning I cooked breakfast and changed the sheets on the bed. We ancients are going on a shuttle bus to the Kennedy Center to see Shen Yun at noon. Seeing this has been on my bucket list forever, so I hope I won’t keel over and die afterwards.
Yesterday a writer called me to tell me she was leaving our group. She feels overwhelmed and wants to concentrate on writing her novel, and anyway, she’s in a poetry group too. I have two people on the waiting list to join, but will have to bring it up with the others. This month’s assignment is to compose a poem in free verse. I’m, ah, terrible at it. Oh, well, free verse isn’t my thing, anyway.
Can you believe that four of my writers have formed a subgroup and are working on their novels? And here I’d thought our three-session focus on “Writing the Novel” wouldn’t be popular! Just goes to show you never know what’s going to happen.
What else—still livid because of the awfulness of that scene in the Oval the other day. What animals! Perhaps they’ll all get V.D. and pop their clogs.
Well, on that cheery note, I must finish getting ready to go. Wishing all at the Pond a nice, peaceful Sunday with no bad news.
Good morning. Monday, sigh. In the office, but at least I get to leave early for appointments. Anyway, hi.
It’s 52 heading for 63 and off and on sunny. I hope March doesn’t decide to do what February did – be sunny the first and last few days of the month with lots of clouds in between. Yesterday we generated 12.7 KWHs and the m-t-d at 28 is on track for something good.
I had a nice visit with my son yesterday. And now have my protein (except for more milk but that’s not until next week) for March. We discussed, among other things, the always-vexing question to us poor folks of “has the car reached the replace rather than fix/live with the problems point yet & how do we afford to replace it if it has”. Mine hasn’t reached that point yet but at least one in his household has. Damit remoted in and tried to do something about the new and irritating Yahoo mail format. The only think he could do was get rid of the priority listing. He could and did reconfigure the way it presented so it’s more like the Outlook presents – something he likes since he has Outlook – but for me while it’s an improvement it’s not much of one. sigh.
I haven’t called the plumber yet. Poor man is recovering from major surgery and it’s not urgent. At least not yet. How likely/how soon it will become urgent is the main question I have for thim. His answer will determine what I/we do next.
Time to get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good freezing Monday morning, Moosekind! Beautiful day in Ashburned, but it’s cold. Right now it’s 31 F., going up to 40-something.
Watching the Shen Yun yesterday was amazing! HOW do they leap like that? And the women ended the final presentation with their left legs waving over their heads! The special effects, the music, the stories they told through dance—it was unforgettable. Glad I saw it. Next thing on my bucket list is to go up in a hot-air balloon.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, must get ready to go shopping. I need black dress pumps (with low, thick heels) for Scene 1. We’re going to do a dress parade and rehearse Scene 1 on Wednesday.
Have lots of reading to do today: I want to read and listen to Dee’s Roberta Flack diary this afternoon, and read the guidance on writing free verse offered by two of the most experienced poets in my group.
So, a busy day for me! I sent rosy red vibes of love and spirals of white healing light to everyone here who needs it, and to the others on my list.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
I saw Shen Yun when it was in Tucson earlier this year. I thought the dancing was phenomenal – my favorite was when the material used in the costumes for their clothing appeared like water flowing out of their arms. It was about an hour too long for me and I could have done without the commentary about evolution. I was wondering if it lost something in the translation – evolution, and science, is certainly not evil!
Good morning, 47 and cloudy outside my windows today. RonK has been busy starting seeds and doing some early pruning but I haven’t been able to do much so I hope I can bring spring to the porches today. I also want to make a few changes to the patio set up this year so we’ll have more room for conversation with drinks and snacks and less room for big outdoor meals. I really enjoy outdoor entertaining so I need to find an easier way to use the space. The first step is to measure and see if my plan will fit, then to convince the muscle power it’s a good idea, then get it done. Best wishes to all.
Good afternoon, meeses! Monday …
It is 65 degrees in Tucson 🌵 and has not budged from that temperature all day. It is sunnyish here in the valley but cloudy over the mountains.
I have spent too much time on my computer and need to go sit on a comfortable chair.
See all y’all later!
Tuesday Meese. 26 here in Kingston
Puerto Rico
Thanks bfitz for continuing to post for Shelly – who has disappeared
In what fantasy world is the Felon a “wise man”? Gawd, the MAGAt cult is truly sick.
I was about to ask you if you’d heard anything from or about Shelly. Holding her in The Light.
Good morning. we have extreme fire danger today, with winds of 55 mph predicted and super dry. The news keeps talking about the California fires, telling people to prepare “go bags” and know 2 ways out of your neighborhood. Should be an interesting day.
Crud! I’d be certain to have a go-bag if I lived in a wildfire area. Hope the fires won’t get anywhere near Austin!
Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 49 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 63. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I thought I saw a bit of moon glow on the green space but it is unlikely since the moon will not rise until 9:35am MST. She is already at 25% illumination!
I will avoid the national news today. It is infuriating that the Republican Party has decided that they are just fine with a dictator, a person free to cancel appropriations made by Congress, for example, the Infrastructure Act and yesterday, money and munitions being sent to Ukraine. That two petty vindictive mentally unbalanced people are in charge of everything that flows from the federal government and that one of our only two national parties is fine with it is frightening. Are tax cuts and dumping on women and people of color so important that they are willing to wreck the economy and end our 248 year democracy? It appears that way.
I will be working this morning and then trying to find sporting events to keep me from looking at anything related to the State of the Felonious Melontocracy that will be happening tonight. Sadly, the basketball conference tournaments don’t start until Wednesday so I will be stuck with bad baseball, aka MLB Spring Training.
See all y’all later!
It’s 55 heading for 61, raining lightly, and so dark the PV system is still in night mode. Yesterday we generated 11.25 KWHS and the m-t-d at 39.14 is still on track for something decent but it won’t be for long at this rate. We need rain (we’re not as “red flag” as where anotherdemocrat is but we’re still “red flag”) and of course the half inch we’re predicted will help but mostly we’re getting the worst combination – dark clouds and diddly raid.
Groggy, stiff, and slow today. Most days until summer but today more than usual. Oh well. 15 days until my Social Security is due to hit and I’m already feeling the anxiety build. If I were evil and intelligent, I wouldn’t actually cut Social Security but I’d keep the threat of cutting it on the table. The current administration is certainly evil enough. I don’t know if they’re intelligent enough. Meanwhile, life goes on and I need to get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! It’s somewhat cloudy in Ashburn,with lots of white veils through which one can catch small glimpses of blue sky, and 42 F. The temp. will rise to 61 F., or so they allege. Tomorrow the Weather Wenches are predicting tremendous storms with buckets of fierce rain, which means we’ll get four drops at noon, and eight drops at 2 p.m. They’re never right.
Well, so I was felled by Something Awful yesterday, which necessitated a lot of time in the Throne Room. I’ll spare you the details. I suspect it was the half-sandwich I ate for lunch. It was delicious, but I will have to throw the other half away. I just can’t go through that again.
Went shopping for shoes to complete my costume, went upstairs to see the Chief Costumer, and she was thrilled. She said I could wear them through the whole play, even the Nevada scenes. She gave me my costume to take home. I’ll have to borrow one of Dearly’s suit bags to take it to Rehearsal tomorrow night, because no one is supposed to see it.
Today I need to get my hair done, go to a Mardi Gras thing with one of my writers at 3 o’clock, followed by the UU dinner at 5 p.m., and then rehearsing at 7 p.m. with just the actress playing Bobby’s mother. We have to speak at the same time, which is harder than you’d think. She is wearing a full-length mink coat in Scene 1 and says it weighs 15 pounds! After a few minutes of wearing it, she said, she was sweating bullets and doesn’t know what on earth she’ll do under the stage lights! Ah, first-world problems.
Speaking of THAT, word has gone out that we SSA beneficiaries should start “saving” our money, because we might not be getting benefits after next month! GODS! WE PAID INTO IT, MELON AND FELON! People are going to go hungry and die if they don’t get their Social.
Feel as if we’re living in “1984” only it’s 2025.
Goddess help us all. Wishing a good, news-free day to all at the Pond.
Good morning, 47and cloudy in Bellingham today. When the felon was first elected I felt guilty retreating to my small world, thinking I should stay informed and “do something.” I’m retreating again but I no longer feel guilty because I’ve done all I can reasonably do and preserving a bit of well being in my personal life is necessary. So tonight we’re going to dinner at a waterfront restaurant. I measured for the patio reset yesterday and what I want to do should fit so we can talk about that and ignore the felon in chief. Best wishes to all, and may we all find comfort.
For what it’s worth, princesspat, you are doing exactly the right thing. You and I are both too near the end of the road to wallow in despair. Let’s have a good time while we can! I marched, petitioned, phone-banked, wrote in support of, and voted for abortion rights…and look what happened.
Good morning. We had crazy winds yesterday and dust; a couple of wildfires started but they are mostly contained. Local news had a wildflower forecast, said because of the drought we won’t have as many bluebonnets as we’d like.
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! ‘Tis overcast and 58 F. here in Ashburn. The rain is due at noon. No, wait, perhaps 3 p.m. No, wait, perhaps at 6 p.m. Oh, never mind!
To my huge delight I saw the quarter-moon last night as I left the clubhouse! I bowed to her, of course, and rejoiced, because tonight I won’t see her at all. Full moon on the 14th, everyone!
Was too exhausted last night by the time I lurched home to watch Dumaflodgy and his horrid minions, so I went to bed early. Had a good night: not once did I leap out of bed, screaming, from leg cramps, so alles ist gut.
Tonight we are having Scene 1 Dress Parade for Rehearsal. For me that means dress shoes, stockings, gorgeous royal blue dress, mink stole, rhinestone necklace and dangly matching earrings that sparkle brilliantly under stage lights, plus a little fascinator hat with veil and a perky royal blue bow. Oh, I forgot the royal blue opera gloves! At my age I don’t do bare arms. I can’t wait to see Zangler (based on Ziegfield) and the showgirls!
Bfitz, darling, you shouldn’t have to worry about your Social. Nor should I, nor should anyone. We paid into it, and yet the evil Melon and Felon want to take it away from us. Do you realize that if Melon were to give away his fortune to everyone in the USA, we could all live like queens and kings for a year?
Two baby eagles are loudly squawking for food, so I hope the proud parents in Somewhere, USA, are feeding them. That’s the only news I want today.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 35 heading for 49 – warmer than it was predicted yesterday – and can’t make up its mind whether to be sunny or cloudy. Hoping it decides on the latter. Yesterday we generated 6.3 KWHs and the m-t-d at 46 is no longer on track for 400.
I hope one, or preferably more, of the seniors groups out there is already lawyered up to sue if our Social Security is stopped. We worked for it. We paid into it. We earned it. I hope actually that multiple groups are already suing over theft of money owed/contracts broken. And that Congress – as in the Rs in Congress – come to the conclusion, soon, that letting a “furriner” get his hands on the Treasury and destroy the dollar itself is not only a very stupid thing to do but will cost them all of their wealth. It’s in U.S. dollars after all. But it’s possible the Rs are really that stupid. sigh.
Meanwhile there’s nothing I can do except try to keep calm, enjoy the last week of “god’s time” before we go on “gummint time” Sunday, and do my boosting. So I’d best get to that. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
I suspect that AARP has a lawsuit ready to file on our behalf. I fear that Diana is right – Felon and Melon creating the specter of us losing our Social Security is exceptionally cruel and may be enough, just what you would expect from sociopaths.
Yea. With them cruelty is the point.