Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: March 2nd

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good morning, 47 and partly sunny. Thanks to RonK I have primroses to plant today, yay! And Bri will be back next week to help me with the garden so that part of my life is good. My aching joints are not good but oh well. Best wishes to all.

  2. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 61 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 73. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    I am going news lite today so that I can keep my “Beautiful Mind” unsullied. I did note via a breaking news email that SCOTUS did not side with Felonious and Melon Husk – this time – and that USAID people will at least get paid for work done. I wonder how soon we will find out if Orange Hitler plans to obey court orders?

    I was busy this morning and got a lot of good things done. I got my walk in and it was lovely. Now I am going to sit in front of my TV and veg out.

    See all y’all later!

  3. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 55 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 66. It is overcast now and a front is expected to move through bringing much needed rain today and tomorrow.

    I am checking in early to make sure that the site is working as expected before I put my head down and get organized for a project that starts tomorrow morning and will require time-certain connections to client computers. I don’t want to get distracted by reading the news.

    Next week begins Daylight Saving Time and I will be in the same time zone as princesspat but three hours from the East coast and an additional hour away from my clients in Central Time and bfitz. I don’t mind not changing my clocks but it takes some adjusting because it means getting up at 4am to beat my early rising clients to their computers for projects. I half expected the dumpster to sign a presidential proclamation ending DST but maybe cooler heads prevailed and he was told he can’t decree it and lawsuit # 99 against his reign of terror would be filed. He doesn’t really care, he has a 10,000 person law firm paid for by taxpayers to fight all the lawsuits. Gawd, what a waste of time and money.

    See all y’all later!

  4. Thursday Meese. Lovely day here today (for a change)

    Puerto Rico

  5. Good morning. I walked & ran a little, 35 minutes all together. Working on my music diary for Saturday — have I mentioned I’m hosting the music diary at the orange place this week? Saturday 6pm central, my theme is hopeful music. Anyway, good morning to all in the Resistance, keep up the fight.

  6. It’s 36 heading for 61 and trying to decide if it will be sunny again today. It was yesterday. We generated 18 KWHs (highest for the month & year thus far) and the m-t-d at 64 isn’t on track for 400 but gained some.

    I need to take some money out of TIAA – mandatory after 72-1/2 – and probably should have done it earlier. The Market’s such a roller coaster right now. It was surprisingly stable earlier. I guess they didn’t really believe twitler would do the tariffs. They probably thought his former handlers would keep him in line as far as doing things to tank the Market are concerned and never dreamed he’d latch onto a possibly illegal but white so it’s OK immigrant from South Africa to run/ruin everything for him. When I pull it, I’ll pull the maximum I can without tax penalty. Even if I put it under my mattress (no, I won’t do that) it’ll be safer than where it is.

    Somebody on Bluesky yesterday posted that I was a scammer boosting scammers and to not support me or anybody I was boosting. I did a quote post of that post saying they were an example of an evil person trying to stop folks from getting the help they needed or anyone trying to help them get that help and to block them if not wanting to be associated with their evil. Then I blocked them. And I’ll keep boosting folks in need. As long as I can. Which I’d best be about doing. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • I was reading something yesterday that suggests that the on-again off-again tariffs roil the markets on purpose. Tariffs on, markets sink, billionaire pals of tRump buy stocks, tariffs off, markets rise, billionaire pals of tRump sell stocks. In a fair and decent world, the Felon would be charged with market manipulation and tossed in jail. In Trump 2.0 The End Times, it is just fine. The new state-run media – WaPo, LA Times, CBS, ABC, NBC – won’t even report on it.

      Banks and credit unions are probably a pretty good place for the money. They are paying 4% CD rates and are insured, for now, by the FDIC and NCUA.

      • Oh yeah. It’s on purpose. The Rs have been doing this since Nixon at least. But they’re loud-and-proud blatant about it now. sigh.

  7. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 52 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 55. Cloudy skies with a significant chance for rain. Yesterday the winds were howling and it was very disconcerting – from certain directions it sounds like it is trying to get in the front door! This morning it is not quite clouded over and I can see the stars to the north and east.

    I have many things to do today and I best get to them.

    See all y’all later!

  8. Friday Meese. 34 here in Kingston.
    Bullshit headline report:

  9. Begorra, me hearties, and isn’t this like a day in auld Ireland, with weather that can’t make up its mind! It’s 38 F. in Ashbored, with ragged veils of white moving across the blue, and a loathsome wind that occasionally gusts up 20 miles mph. Yesterday, t’was worse.

    Spent Thursday getting my driver’s license renewed. Even though I’d spent a long time filling out forms online, I still had submit a ton of paperwork and have my picture taken. The man attending me had a thick accent, so I felt unusually stupid (I’m stupid anyway in the mornings), when I couldn’t follow his instructions the first time he issued them.

    Happy Friday or something. I’m so distraught over the idea that Musky the Husky is going to take away our Social, I don’t know what to do. I refuse to drown myself in one of four ponds here—such nasty, insanitary places, full of frog spawn and duck poop.

    I’ll call my Senators and Rep. this morning to express Dearly’s and my displeasure, not only with Melon’s plans for Social but with everything else that’s going on. Stinky made Muriel Bowser, the mayor of DC, paint over the huge yellow “Black Lives Matter” slogan that she’d put there after that poor man’s murder. Stinky has also decreed that all the homeless be swept into a pile of garbage and buried. What vile, vile, people. Is he worse that Genghis Khan, Vlad the Impaler, Pol Potty, and Idi Amin? Yes, because one would expect a rich, privileged bastid like him to know better. But his IQ is roughly -30, so i suppose he doesn’t know any better.

    Well, enough of that griping. Today I feel a bit more lively because I had a good night’s sleep. Have to run out to Trader’s this morning to get what’s needed for the weekend, then go for a pedi this afternoon, and rehearsal tonight. Madame La Directrice wants us to go off-book on WEDNESDAY! OK. I’m confused about the crossings I have to do.

    Did I tell y’all how fabulous we all looked in our costumes Wednesday night? My shoes wanted to kill me, but I gamely put up with them. The royal blue dress fit beautifully, the royal blue opera gloves were fine, and the mink stole and light-catchng rhinestone jewelry were quite impressive! The showgirls were just astounding in their glittery black costumes and stage jewelry. I wish Madame would decide what to do about hair. The men can wear cowboy hats, I’ve got a curly brown wig that I’m assured makes me look half my age (is 40 young enough to bear four children?), but the other ladies are still gray-haired.

    Enough of this theatrical chitchat. My prayer list for the ill grows longer, although I did see two of those on it this week and they look lots better! May they all flourish!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond—what more can happen? We gotta wear Handmaid’s Tale clothes? Gaia preserve us!

    • If all the Felon did was nasty little vindictive things that don’t impact people’s actual existence, that would be one thing. But his firings and nastiness are doing real damage to real people and it will be terrible for them. In Maine and some other states, they are not going to give little babies Social Security numbers at birth any longer – parents will have to go get the Social Security numbers in person at one of the few SSA offices left open. Sucks because you need the SSN to file taxes and gawd only knows what kind of hoops they are going to make parents who are NOT WHITE go through in order to get the cards.

  10. It’s 57 heading for 73 and sunny at the moment. Yesterday we got 14.19 KWHs and the m-t-d at 78 didn’t really gain any but it didn’t lose any ground so that’s good.

    The moon managed to slip the clouds for a few minutes last night as I was going to bed and I saw her out my west bedroom window. Always a blessing. Like Diana – and a lot of other people – I’m worried about my Social Security. As with the tariff crap to roil the Markets and transfer more wealth to the wealthy (if a whole lot of people are selling for what they can get, somebody is buying for whatever they want to pay), I think the threat to our Social Security is just that. A threat to keep everyone upset and focused on Social Security. But I’m not sure. So I’m just as anxious as everyone else. Which actually is what changing the clocks does, too. That’s the basic “virtue” of Daylight Savings Time. It effs up everybody’s rhythms and keeps them focused on that instead of whatever evil is being committed at the time.

    Meanwhile, I’d best get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  11. Good afternoon, 39 and partly cloudy in Bellingham today. RonK is part of a land trust work party today so he will have fun. I’ve done my mandatory quiet morning and am ready to see what I can do in the garden. I’m still light duty but that’s ok…..just nice to be outdoors. My plan change how we use the patios has been approved by the muscles (our sons) so now we need to wait for good weather. So I’ll clean up the potting bench by the garage and my flower arranging bench in the garage today and then I’ll have two more spaces adapted for use while gardening at my age. Being an official grownup is still hard some days! Best wishes to all.

  12. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 41 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 57. It was overcast when I got up but clear now and sunny skies are on order. Yesterday it rained off and on during the day but the mountains appeared to be having an all day snow storm. That is good news as it is where are reservoirs are – rain that lands in the valley evaporates pretty quickly unless it is grabbed and stored. I have not seen the moon for a while as she is too far to the northeast to see from my balcony. She will be where we can see the eclipse if the weather cooperates on March 13th.

    Daylight Saving Time will kick in overnight and everyone’s clocks but ours will need some adjusting. I hope everyone can stay in bed an hour longer tomorrow to ease into the new time.

    See all y’all later!

  13. Good morning. Spring has definitely sprung, we’re having the kind of weather that makes people attending SXSW decide to move here. I’ve seen people talking about an eagle cam they’re watching with hatching eggs. The Wildflower Center has an owl cam, she recently returned & has laid her first egg, they expect a 2nd one soon

  14. It’s 39 heading for 51 and overcast. Yesterday we generated 17 KWHs and the m-t-d at 95 is within 3 of catching up. IF we had another sunny day to do it with. As it is, we’ll lose ground again.

    Saw Grandmother Moon several times from my bedroom window overnight. Yes, I was up several times to check. I can’t see her clearly any longer, with or without my glasses, but I can see her light and that’s soothing. Which I need right now.

    The TIAA withdrawal came in yesterday. Earlier than expected. My credit union is running a “special” on CDs right now – 8-month, 4.5% interest, and a minimum low enough I could actually do it. So I did. It’s not a lot because I don’t have a lot but I do have a little bit stashed back where the Market roller coaster can’t touch it.

    Daylight Savings Times is evil. Goddess knows when I’ll actually get online tomorrow. Meanwhile what I can do is boost so I’d best get to it. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  15. Good Saturday moaning, Meese! Today I’d like to moan about the wind. There’s too much of it. I have not stuck one dainty foot out of doors all day. Right now at 3:05 in Ashburn, it’s a measly 47 F., and unlikely to get much higher. I can’t bear the idea of losing sleep tonight.

    This morning I took my time about getting up. Barely set foot on the treadmill—naughty me, I should have tried harder—and this afternoon went to buy tickets for the show we’re putting on. Dearly wants to attend an evening performance, and Daughter plans to attend the matinees on April 30 and May 1. Beltane! Lovely. She sent me a handsome parcel yesterday. I had to laugh when I saw the space marked “Sender.” She’d written “Daughter.”

    Today I must begin gathering the assignments of my writers to read through and comment on. Two of the men—the loquacious one and the taciturn one—have submitted poems. I’m still waiting for the others.

    I’m a bit worried about Scene 1 of the musical, which involves several stage crossings for me and my “mother-in-law,” so I hope to get a chance to ask about Madame la Directrice about it.

    Listen to me, rattling on. It’s as if the world outside didn’t exist. Well, I just want to enjoy the few years I have left before All Hell breaks loose! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

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