Yes, it WAS a Wonderful Life!
Imbolc, 2006. L to R, Moira, Beryl, Jenny, and Yrs Truly Looking back, it strikes me as odd that my 33-year-friendship with Beryl began when I met her friend Jenny, rather than with Beryl […]
Imbolc, 2006. L to R, Moira, Beryl, Jenny, and Yrs Truly Looking back, it strikes me as odd that my 33-year-friendship with Beryl began when I met her friend Jenny, rather than with Beryl […]
Mary Martin, aged 22, St. Louis, Missouri (circa 1967) Mistress Mary, quite contrary How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells And pretty maids all in a row. Old English nursery rhyme […]
The festive Yuletide table with flowers, bayberry candles, and crackers It was Sister Dear who christened our house “Barky Manor,” because we nearly always had a dog or two running about. […]
In the parallel universe that is Covid-free, today is Ride day. As with all things, it’s different this year. Yes, I’m going to get out & do something but it won’t be 11 miles of […]
Me, in a sparkleskirt (they really are awesome) with then Ride Director Prentiss Douthat after the 2019 Ride Hey, so I have no way of knowing what natural disaster or horrific act of violence […]
So there is nothing normal about anything this year. No big gatherings — Austin’s Pride is normally this time of year, because the students have come back & we wanted to welcome them. But no […]
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving has become known as a day for charities to ask for donations. I’d like to ask for donations for the AIDS ride I do. What is the HCRA? Fierce
Matching donations begins at 10am central I don’t know who won the debate. I think they all made some good points, and there’s not a one of them that I wouldn’t vote for. But today, […]
Starting at 10am central time today, there is $10,000 in donations to be matched for AIDS Walk Austin. Meaning: AIDS agencies in the Austin area can (will?) get $20,000 donated in just one day! […]
orange version of this goes up at 7am tomorrow Hi there. I’m not used to panicking about AIDS Walk Austin this time of year, because it’s in October. Last year, it was even in November. […]
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