
Life in a Home for the Aged
Barky Manor in its heyday (2007) A few years ago I wrote an essay titled “The Weirdness of Planning for Extreme Old Age,” in which I described our ill-fated attempt to move to a retirement […]

It Takes A Village – VNV Tuesday: Family, Immigration, and History 8/8/17
The comments of Stephen Miller and the restrictive immigration standards of the proposed RAISE Act have caused me to think a lot about immigration lately. I’m in the privileged position as a white woman to […]

It Takes A Village – VNV Tuesday: Family and the Ties That Bind 5/2/17
Be forewarned; rambling, stream-of-consciousness post ahead… The most recent pronouncement by 45* (about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War) once again illustrates his complete lack of historical knowledge, and coming as it did on the […]

The passing of Beau Biden
Last night, Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, died of the brain cancer he had been battling since 2013. This is Beau Biden at the DNC in 2008, introducing his Dad: (grab kleenexes) […]